IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?


I'm 36, been trying for more than 1.5 years. Becoz of my age, my HB was worried that we'll take a longer time and be of a high-risk mother.

We have tried clomid+natural, no clomid+IUI but to no avail. HB's SA also moderate and low in volume. Month after month of waiting is really wearing our patience thin but must hang in there tho. We're prepared for the worst.

BTW, I'm happy with my TCM and accupuncture therapy that may more or less contributed to the success

For those of you who are under Dr Xia Rong, you're in good hand, tell her in detail about your menses flow, pain or anything that may concern you. She will in return adjust her TCM concoction accordingly. Trust her professionalism.

I am still seeing her after I got preggy for her An-Tai-Yao. The recent time I visited her, she told me that she is happy with my "mai" (pulse) and this is the first time she gave complement. Thereafter, she told me by the time I finish my TCM med, I need not go back to her as my 1st trimester would be over. Other than Dr Stephen Chew, I'm very grateful to her too

Don't be afraid to ask ques, we're here to support each other.

Those stretching work out that I did in Amore Fitness are like school PE lesson, very basic but relaxing & zen.
any suggestion? I may consider ivf but not sure which doc to go. Considering dr thong from raffles, dr Liauw fm Thomson or dr ann tan from paragon.

1) dr thong - I like raffles hospital as it is quite new but find the doc more commercialized and waiting time at least 1.5 hrs.
2) dr Liauw is v nice short waiting time (30mins) But Thomson is quite inconvenient for me during office hour. And Thomson reputation on ivf not so good now.
3) have not seen dr Ann tan before but heard about the advance technology. Anyone know bat the waiting time?

Basically I need a patient doctor, convenient location (near town) so I can visit frequently over lunch and short waiting time.

If there's other doc u think I may consider pls let me know too. Thank you very much
Ladies, my AF reported to me just now. I tested on Thursday result show negative. But I called to the clinic they told me that maybe the result is not accurate. I suppose to see doctor tomorrow but now really see red. Quite sad.
Hi Tongle,

Don't be sad. We are all with u. Seems like the few of us AF's dates are pretty close. Let's work hard (again) and plan for a better mth! I was just telling hubby that how I wish I have a baby now so that I can bring him/her to carry lantern esp after seeing the residents' kids all playing happily at our annual mid-autum gathering. So heartwarming...

Cheer up and hope the rest of the ladies here have a gd evening! Enjoy ur mooncakes feasting and forget abt our baby plans for a moment!
Hi BabySeetoh,

Thanks for sharing your info with me. I just went to see Dr Yu at SGH... nice & easy going lady... guess i should have gone to her for my first time instead of wasting my time at the specalist - which i think she is more into IVF... Dr Yu gave me positive advice and clearer direction of how i am going to get on the treatment... she suggest to go for all test than proceed to the next step, either IUI, SO-IUI or IVF.. Really hope everything will goes well.. Wish me luck ya...

For the rest of the ladies, we must not gave up.. our baby dreams will come true... Gambatte!!! Jia You...!!! Btw Happy Mid-Autumn Festival... Enjoy the time with your love ones... Cheers... ^.^
Hi Tong Le,

Know how u are feeling right now, coz I've been thru these many times, esp. in the mths when i had my IUIs.

How i deal with this is usually I'll let myself wallow in sadness, self-pity, & let whatever negative emotions out, coz the disappointment and heart pain is really overwhelming.. This usually takes 1 day to a few days, but i'm getting better at this.

Then after that, i'll decide that enuf is enuf & that I've to pull myself together. I'll think positive thoughts, count my blessings that I still have my health, a loving HB and all the other good things that has happen to me. Our time is just not NOW. It could be anytime from NOW.

Hope u will feel better soon. Let us all jia you together!
Ladies, happy mooncake festival!!

Tong Le, it's tough not to be sad.. We just have to stay positive and keep going on ya! Jia you!!

Chris, how is dr yu's waiting time? I feel so lost which doc to go to for ivf.... 
Hi Kym,

Last Sat was my first appt.. my appt time is arranged at 0930hr but i waited till 0945hr so is pretty reasonable..... Consultation is around 30mins, guess maybe is my first time... Are you currently seeing any gynace? For IVF my TCM recommend Dr Loh fr KK & Dr Yu from SGH - govt hospital will have subsides and Medisave deduction so the cash payment is low. For private i think Mount E (not sure which doc) which i have came across in other posting. You can google around and see... Hope my little info can help....


Be Strong & most impt POSITIVE!!!... you will succeed... you have our support... Never say Die...!!!
Hi Chris, thanks for your help. Dr yu's wait seems reasonable. R u seeing dr zou too for TCM? I read on the forums and most see dr Loh from kk. But waiting time is long. As I can only afford over lunch time appt like 11.45am. Then back by 2pm cos there will be alot of visits for ivf. SGH seems like a good location to my office at raffles plc. I'll google for more. Thanks again!
Hi Kym,

Nope i am not seeing Dr Zou for TCM... Mine is at Jurong East area... Yes.. Dr Loh waiting time is long.. thats why i did not went to him... coz once treatment starts i will have to go all the way to KK which is very far for me coz i work & stay at the west area.. Travelling will be an issue.. Take note that when you start IVF you will need to goes to the doc quite often.. twice a day or everyday depending on your body condition... It can be quite headache... I suggest to do some research before heading to any doctor... Good Luck..!!!
Hi Ladies,

Not sure if some PCO ladies have been facing gaining of weight over the years.. well i do.. i dont deny i ate quite alot over the past 1 year.. ;p but is also partial PCO problem...I was thinking beside excerise to loss weight... is there anything else like taking supplement to control diet.. i am not saying slimming pills coz i know is bad for woman who is trying to conceive.. i thought of drinking FANCL supplement drink - Calorie Limit Tea... Not sure if is Ok for people like us to drink... Do share some thoughts or advice.. Thanks...

Yes i can't resist food too.. I am a sweet tooth person so cakes, ice-cream, chocolate can't resist...!!! I will usually crave for it when my aunty coming... God...So tough..!! And our metabolism goes low when time goes by... +_+.. Anyway i am trying very hard not to eat so much... i hope there is some supplement to curb my craving.. i think i really need to lost some weight... quite afew colleagues & frens thought that i am pregnant... gosh...!!! Really need to do some about it.. so depressing... Hai...

As for the blog posting... i am quite surprise too.. My TCM told me Dr Loh's temper is not that good... but i dont really see people post about his character/temper... well there is no 100% success rate for him but i do believe at least 80% sucess rate should have bah...
Chris, I heard tcm dr.zou said tea is bad and it is cold type. She ever mentioned to one of the girl while I'm doing acupuncture, say half a cup of coffee is still better than tea( to wake us up in the morning). U may want to check with dr before buying. Don't waste ma!

Btw I'm seeing dr.zou. Finished 3 acupuncture and now 2ww.
Dr.zou said my hormone level too low as BBT did not stay at 36.7 constantly. Wonder is that the reason I failed iui.
Hi Dragonhope,

Thanks for the info... i will take note on that..

Can i know is everyone suit for acupuncture? I mean for PCO ladies... How much and how long is the waiting time for Dr. Zou? Painful?...
Chris, i guess everyone suitable for acupuncture. Waiting time less than 30mins, acupuncture 40mins. To me it is painless but some find it painful. hehe..i think pretty rely on the pain tolerance level for individual. DH need to do acupuncture as well on CD11 and CD13.
Hi Dragonhopes,

How much is the cost? only acupuncture? No medicine to take? can you let me know the place? Need to pre-book?

Well.. when comes to needles i guess nobody will like it.. i din try this kind of treatment before so can't comment much... are you currently in the IUI stage?

Btw do you know any IVF or Parenthood(prepare to be) seminar which is coming along? Thought of attending one would be beneficial...
Hi Chris, is at Ang Mo Kio Ave 8, Blk 505. Tel: 64560833. Acupuncture is $25 (exclude medicine). I did not take any medicine from Dr Zou. Just acupunture only.
hi Chris,

medicine 2 packets for 2 times per day prior ovulation (S$56). then after ovulation one packet for 2 times per day. (S$52)

I did one IUI in June 2011 but failed then Jul & Aug 2011 just take gonal-f injection, no IUI procedure.

me is female problem, DH troops are goods (commented by a few doctors) and my ovulation no problem. no PCO also. so most probably is hormone problem.

I am not sure if there is any upcoming IVF seminar, will let u know if i come across :)

Cherrie, why u did not take medicine from Dr.Zou? she allowed?
Hi Cherrie,

Thanks for the info... can i know the clinic name?

Hi Dragonhope,

So the $56 medicine is for one week or?
which gynce are you seeing now?
Ok.. do post here if there is any related seminar which is coming along. Thanks..
dragonhopes, i find it strange. At my first visit, i told her me and hb went thru all the check up and no problem for both of us. I also mentioned that we failed 2 SO-IUI, then she ask me what i intend to do now. So i just say i would like to try accupuncture since i heard is good also. Then she really just do that for me and never offer any medicine...I am still thinking if i should ask her for medicine or not. You all have any suggestion?
Chris, i never really notice the clinic name. Haha..but there is a big banner stating Dr Zou Yu Min. You should be able to see it when you reack blk 505
Cherrie, i am not sure le! she didn't ask me what i intend to do, so i just follow her instruction. Maybe she thought u have your own Chinese medicine to take.

Did you take BBT? She is much more concern abt BBT. not sure is bcos of her medicine, this month i O on CD11 which is very very early. Last cycle till Cd16 still not O.

how many cycle you have been with her?
actually i just started with her in mid august
AF just reported yesterday. going natural again this month. i told Dr Zou that i going iVF in Oct, but she still never say what i need to do. She also never ask me to take BBT. We sometimes dun even talk much..haha...so funny...i am really like just go for accupunture. Do you suggest i should ask her?
then you ask her what you need to do lo. what can eat, what cannot eat.

She ask me to drink red date, wolfberries and logan tea. wear slipper at home, use towel to cover tummy at night.

just ask whatever you concern you. she will be more than happy to tell you

Well i feel like trying the Acupuncture first.. coz i am seeing my own TCM... so far the medicine still works OK for me... Ok i will look our for the bigger banner when i go there..

Hmmm.. sorry ladies i am not really sure of the short form like CD, BBT, AF (i presume is menses).. what are the other terms which is use? need to know some if not i feel so alien... hehe..

You are going for IVF next month? so now you are on medication & jab? can i know which doc are you seeing?
I am going to have my review with my doc next month... Actually me & hb is thinking to go for IVF straight since it stands a higher chance... I just want to know from real life experience so i can mentally prepare myself, if this day going to come. But of coz we will hear doc's advice before further action..
Chris, find out more details from those IVF/ICSI support thread. They are live example there

me and DH is also considering IVF if till end of this year still not yet conceive. i would like to stick with my current doctor in Mt.E but it is too expensive. I wonder why government dont extend their grant to pte hospital since structured hospital is short-handed.

here are some common short form
CD-Cycle day
BBT-basal body temperature
BD-baby dancing
dpo-day post ovulation
IVF short form:
ER-egg retrieval
ET-egg transfer
FET-frozen egg transfer

Thanks for sharing this short forms with me. will go into the IVF/ICSI thread to take a look.

Hmmm.. i guess if govt extend the grant, guess everyone will proceed to private... lesser waiting time & face to face session with the doc for every visit... if this approach extend Govt will have lesser profit.. do you think the govt want?... Govt still think of $$$$$ la... if we need govt help we will need to go by their rules...
Was 'thread-surfing' and happened to find this thread. Can I join you ladies here? Oh! and I see someone familiar here! *waves to dragonhopes* Our other thread all MIA liao! haha...Btw, just read about your accupunture sessions. Did the TCM use any heat therapy on you at the same time? Like, a heating element to place on top the uterus area where the needles are?
May May..yeah that thread not active

how are you my dear? keep my finger and toe crossed for you.

Yes, there is a heating (like a lamp) place on top of the needles area. my session is 20min at uterus area abt 9 needles (5 on tummy, 4 on legs) then turn to the back and poke another 6-7 needles.

Chris, i am quite upset with government. They always said they are here to help but then, they are adding stress and burden to our TTC journey.
Hi May,

Of coz you may join us... anyone is welcome to join.. I am a new comer too..
So are you undergoing any treatment? or you have aleady "graduated"... hee..


Hai what to do... they always say they are helping us but they are helping themselve lo... Not to mention i went to SGH is consider as private (the cost is not that cheap too) coz no referral letter... coz with the letter i will not able to see the doc asap... =_=
Chris, I not started the ivf journey. I going to start when menses come in oct
should be able to share more by then

Dragonhopes, thanks, I will talk to dr zou next visit.

May, welcome to share with n we all here will pray n help each other
Hi Cherrie,

Icic... I was told that you will need 2 months to prepare for IVF... one month of medicine and one month of jab.. in between have to keep going back for scan and checkup... Anyway lets hope your IVF jorney will go smoothly & well.. think of end result and you will think everything is worth it...
dragonhopes buddy...har nor...nobody there liao. I wonder where's kate buddy too! Aiyo...me ah, not too good leh. AF signs and symptoms all here. Today is CD27 & 13dpiui...so these few days very critical liao. The result can really go either way. I don't even want to do any testing much as I'm very tempted. So leave it lor.

Aiyo! got heating element also ah. I thought can siam that one. Coz my skin very sensitive. That time after I do accpunture with the heating element thingy, my skin all red and feels burnt. Takes a while before it goes back to normal, like few days to a week. Do you experienced that?

Hi lady_chris! Haha...I wish I am a graduand...unfortunately, I'm still undergrad leh. Hehehe....I've failed 3 IUI already, this cycle is my 4th. Not placing my hopes too high in case I'll fall into my emo mode again before picking myself up again and embark on a new cycle. Coz I told my gyne that I'm not ready for IVF yet so I would like to bang on IUI first.

Hello Cherrie! Yeah, will pray for your IVF to be a soon-soon-li-li one ya!
Hi Chris, my killer is supper and carbo

My menses always dun come, after last jab cycle failed my menses not here yet. With so irregular menses it's so hard even to try natural

Think will try another round of jab cycle before considering ivf. Meanwhile still hoping to get a better doc. I m seeing dr Phyllis liauw fm Thomson. She's good, nurses are good but location and Thomson reputation not so good. Sigh..dunno what to do...feel so lost...
Hi May,

Well in most cases failur is greater than success.. if not we wont be seeking so much treatment.. We must not pin so much high hope (greater disappointment) but of coz inside your heart you want it soo badly to succeed. Let pray that 4th IUI will be a success and graduate from here...

Hi Kym,

Are you seeing TCM as well? if not you might want to try... some how or rather it helps.. Chinese medicine is still consider as tonic than western medicine... I am taking Chinese + Supplement... it did improve abit... my TCM ask to avoid taking oily, spicy & carbo food... so i trying my best to avoid... hehehe...

I guess Thomson now is trying to build back the reputation.. they should be extra careful with the work carrying out now so i think should not be a problem.. if your doc is good than suggest dont change first.. coz going to a new doctor you will start a new history... Eveything going to restart.. Unless you strongly feels that you need a change... coz personally i dont like to change... waste of time & $$$ too...
Hi lady_chris, ya lor...sometimes it's like a mind game. Even my gyne tells me the same thing. But then, when you thought everything is on your side, AF reported timely and you'll start asking yourself what went wrong again? why still fail etc. Haiz...just now went toilet, saw very faint brownish discharge. Chances are AF will be reporting anytime soon, coz my stupid AF is damn zun! Expected it to be in full force on the 18th. So ya...it's AF signs & symptoms. Oh well, new cycle new hope. Going natural next month and probably going away on a short trip to change my luck too! HAHA

Btw, is it true to avoid spicy food? I also read somewhere spicy food is not good for ttc. But I'm a sucker for chili padi & all spicy stuffs! I've already stopped all cold/cooling drinks. If it's true, think I might have to stop spicy stuffs too.
Hi May,

Is mind + physical game... you have to depend on your body to work.. which than affects your mind.. well we are humans... so can't blame... is natural to have such reactions.

Aiyo dont be so dishearted... coz pregnant & menses have the same sign too... brown discharge, Swollen breast, crumps, mood swing.. etc... so is hard to jugde... let pray is not menses... Plan a short getaway is good... earlier this year i was planning to go short trip - beaches but end up i went on a shopping trips... hahaha.. we were so tired in the end no mood Zzzzz.... hahaha...

My TCM told me to avoid la.. but i still take... i always believe moderately should be fine... unless you are the extreme case which you can't take than will be a different story.... but cold drinks is yes.. i am trying to cut down as much.. hehehe...
lady_chris, thanks for the encouragement.
Ya lor...unfortunately preggy & AF signs are almost identical. So I try not to read too much into it so as not to get my hopes too high.

Haha...shopping trips are definately No No if your intention is to go BD!! hahaha...like what you mention, you will be too tired to do anything, or you'll be too excited over your shopping loots!

Erm...I duno if my body constitution allows me to take large intake of spicy food not. But cold/cooling drinks and food I've definately stopped. Even plain water I drink it warm even when the weather is hot! Haha...

Btw, I plan to see TCM and see what can be done, especially since I will be trying naturally next month. Anyone been to Ban Choon Chan @ Marine Parade?
Kym, i am seeing Dr.Lim at Mt.E. you may want to make some research if you are looking for another fertility doctor.

May, no more next cycle for you. "the law of attraction" thought to think positively. So we must think" we want baby". dont think of failure.
hahaha...thanks dragonhopes buddy!! *hugz* Actually I did try to think very positively & adopt the law of attraction theory this cycle. Infact, dh & I have been like "talking" to our Baby-to-Be, asking it to grow inside me and we'll sayang and bring him/her up good & well. Hahaha....sounds crazy eh. But I think it's a pretty good motivation. You gals should try it too! Then again, because the odds are like against me now, so can't help but feel demoralised. But I remember our motto, Never See Red, Never Give Up!

Just wondering if anyone here who doesn't take breakfast like me?? Haha...but lately, I seemed to be able to establish a link between not eating brekkie and not conceiving. And my friend who sent me this article below, told me that she eats cereal and milk for breakfast. And my sis also! And both do not have problems ttc! 1 already pop, while my sis is due in Dec! Hmm...makes me wonder is that coincidence or? And so, I have started on my brekkie habit since this cycle! haha...hope it's not too late.

