IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Chomp_Chomp, dun worry the SO-IUI process is not really as scarely as it sounds... if I can go thru it, I am sure you can too... i am super afraid of needles de.. yet i managed.. :D

Star_Baby, hahaha... Ya this weekend I am going to feast on sashimi... wahahahaha.....

Hi all, I am seeing my gynae this afternoon to see what he says abt my this failed cycle...

i was given clomid for 3 cycles.
then the 4th cycle, took double dose (2 pills) ..
also responded well to Clomid.
lets just see what Dr. Tho gonna advise me and hubby.

good luck and all the best too on your coming IVF cycle. and yeap do update us ;)))

HI Ladies,

Was at the clinic just now for HCG/PREGNYL Jap. I was shocked that it was not painful as the previous one. Thank God!!!

We will be doing SO IUI tomm. My hubby need to send his sperms to the clinic at 10am tomm. Insemination will be done at 12noon. Babydust to me!
good luck & all the best Kate!

Hmm... I wonder whether is this the reason why my IUI fail.. I had my HCG at 8pm on Tuesday evening, and I only schedule to do IUI on Thursday 12noon wor....
Hi Diamond,

My gynae said that insemination have to be done 24hrs after HCG jap. I'm not sure if this is the correct timing.
I am back from my IUI. This is really much easier and faster than I tot. And was not painful at all. But I think both HB and I were too nervous this morning. His volume no good, just enough for the insemination. I was told I can go immediately after the IUI. No need to rest and lie down in the clinic.
Anyway, I took the one day MC, now at home. Hehe... Feeling much release now, but I don't have good feeling on this IUI, don't know why. Anyway, keep my fingers cross and hope this 2ww can pass very quickly!

All the best to your IUI tmr. We can be 2ww buddies for this cycle. Jia you, jia you and relax ya!

I think your HCG and IUI timing quite close to mine. I had my HCG jab on Wednesday evening around 6.30pm. And did the IUI this morning at around 11am. The doctor did a scan before the insemination, he said I have ovulated. I felt slight ache at my left ovary last night too, and I think this should be the ovulation pain, hope not too early tho. And hope the spermies can meet my egg just in time.

Update us on your review with your gynea tomorrow ok. The cost for my IUI today is $679.45 (included a v-scan). I was not given any medication for 2ww. I think as what diamond comment SO-IUI will be more expensive cos of the puregeon med.

Are you still seeing Dr. Xia? I was considering seeing her last time. But her appt is very hard to make. And I turn to see my current TCM doctor instead, partly he does acupuncture too. In fact, my TCM doctor always sound very confident that HB and I sure can have baby soon. But no luck at all, and finally decide to proceed with IUI. Haha... Anyway, Jia you ah!

You are on which day of your dpiui already? Any symptoms? Are you still continue seeing TCM?
Hi HeatherWhite,

My IUI cost $450 at Health & Fertility for Women with Dr Kelly Loi @ Paragon Medical Suites.
The cost $679.45 inclusive sperm wash?
Hi Kate,
Yes, $679.45 is inclusive of the sperm wash and my v-can before the IUI. How abt yours? $450 inclusive of everything?

I think I will take my TCM medication too.
Hi HeatherWhite,

IUI costing : $400 (IUI insemination) HUBBY sperm wash : $175
SO IUI costing : depends on what medication u take... For
Myself I took Puregon for 800IU thru out the cycle
50IU costing : $75. I spend total of $2100 (inclusive
Follicles tracking, Puregon japs & consultation - 12 days)

@ Health & Fertility Centre for Women - Dr Kelly Loi
290 Orchard Road
Paragon Medical Suites
Tel: 6235 5066
HI girls! *waves*
Staying in this Saturday. Was supposed to meet up with friends but I was a crybaby during the afternoon so decided to stay home instead. Now thinking of ordering shoes online heh heh husband said he will pay.

Don't worry, will definitely keep coming back to the thread. You don't mind me crashing, do you? Hee. You all are so nice.

Ooh Kate, Heather, foodieshare it's the 2WW for you all. Best of luck!

Diamond, Chomp - what did your respective gynaes say?

Heather - we are considering not going back to Dr Xia. As you said rightly, it's so hard to make an appointment with her since she only comes to Singapore once a week! I just went to see Jin Jin Hua at Raffles hosp for acupuncture. I like Ms Jin better. She was reading my pulse and accurately said that I am a worrier and rather stressed, I am a light sleeper and that I am prone to heatiness. I was so amazed! Dr Xia doesn't tell you all these things, she just keeps saying that her medicines will help us conceive.

I was a little scared of the acupuncture but it went well. Certain areas a bit more painful like ankle and wrist but it was overall quite calming. Can try! They have a fertility/IVF package available but very expensive. I paid about $400 for the package of 5 sessions.

Oh oh Diamond! My doctor usually timed my iui 36 hours after the trigger jab. So I would jab at 11pm and then have it done at 11am two days later.
Hi star

U are always welcome here.
When are u going to start IVF? With KK women?
I read somewhere that it IA 60-70% leh.
update on my gynae visit last saturday.
gynae gv hubby 3mths supply of Sexual Tonic pills. can we say this as viagra??! hahaha. gynae told me i dun need to take any medication for this 3 mths... he asked me to rest
now main focus is on hubby. lets hope this pills can make my hubby's troops excellent to make 1 or 2 spermie to pierce thru my egg

wah Star, shopping online for shoes huh? ;)) dun buy high heels shoes ok ;)
Thanks for the details.
How's your SO-IUI going on last Sat? Anything we should or should not do during this 2ww? I got aerobic class on every Wed. I think I will skip this week lesson.

Happy to know you found a comfortable TCM doctor. I was very anxious when I went to my first acupuncture session, but I get use to it after few sessions later. I believe in 'zhong xi he ping'. Hope by combining the two will get good result. hehe... Jia you ah!

Chomp chomp,
Stay positive and relax for these 3 months. And luck will be on your side.
I think we tend to stress up during all these treatments every months. Guess this will affect our chance of conceiving to certain extend. How I hope I can totally don't think of get myself pregnant, and stay relax.
Heatherwhite & Kate, all the best! and dun carry too heavy things or walk/stand too long this 2 weeks...

I have yet to cal the total cost I spend...ha!

updates of my last fri visit... I am just so sad... haiz, gynae was quite "surprise" that I fail.. he said, I got 3 good size eggs, lining at 11mm which is good, and the results of my DH wash sperms were also very good... so really there are lots of unknown factors...

Will be resting this cycle, and try again next month....
Dear Diamond,
Dun be disheartened kz...
we keep on trying till the moment of joys are ours kz ;))

aniwaes i heard that diets on what we are eating plays vital role too.
as for me, i cant see my food without chili... but hubby always tries to make me eat soupie without cili ... aniwaes i'm a coke fan too. but hv to stop drinking all these gassy drinks...
Thanks for yr advise.
Sigh, like what you said, there are too many unknown factors, what we can do is to keep trying and don't give up. At least we are doing our best here. The rest let god to decide. Stay positive and happy ok? Jia you, jia you!
Meanwhile, plan your activities and enjoy your one month break to the fullest! Go 'pa tuo' with DH. Hehe... This is the luxury we have for being couples without kids.

Me too! I can't go without chilli! And I have heaty body. My TCM doctor keep asking me to stay away from chilli and fried food. Oh, other thing we shouldn't take is soya products, try to stay away from chocolate too. Don't drink cold drink. But all these are my favorite! I used to drink soya milk every morning, thinking this is good for health. But sign... I am trying my best to stay away from all these food now. But it is very hard to control my diet sometime. And I can't go without coffee every morning too! sigh...
Thanks for the comfort, sweeties... I will jia you de... but gynae told me if 2nd round still fails, ask me to consider IVF le.. which I am not comfortable w....

Ya think diet and a better quality lifestyle plays a part... Gynae ask me to lose 3kg and exercise.. but so tired after work le, where got mood to go brisk walk? haha!

I dun really like chilli, so I dun take it most of the time... but at times take fried food lah.. like chicken wings.. keke.... why Soya food is a "no no" huh? can share?

I also stop taking cold drinks and coke le... yes, pp tell me coke is a big NO... but I need a cup of tea every morning....
zion - am probably doing it with my doc in private practice. my hubs doesn't want to switch doctors at this point in time.

chomp - what is this sexual tonic med?! haha good luck! May your dh's soldiers be strong and brave after this. aiyah i keep looking at beautiful high heels. How ah....

heather - yes jiayou! The things we do to make a baby. Please stay away from aerobic exercises during the 2ww okay? Don't do anything that causes your heartrate to go up. I wanted to go for cycling class at the gym during my 2ww and got scolded by doc.

Diamond - chin up! have a good break this month and then try again next month. How many IUIs have you had so far? why so fast move on to IVF?
The doctor never ask me to avoid anything, he said I can actually go back to work straight after the IUI if I want. Haha... Actually I forget to ask him what should I take note too. I only remember he told me to wait for 2 to 2 and half week, if AF no come then can test. If not come back and do the whole process again.

I not sure if the soya products apply to everyone. My TCM doctor say soya products will affect hormone in our body, which he wants me to minimize the intake. But I know my diet habit is not very healthy. I was very 'guai' and stop those food he mentioned in the list. But I am back to my usual eating habit slowly. Hehe... very bad...
Hi Heather,

Update from my SO IUI last saturday - 09 Apr 2011
Husband sperms was good!! 60million & mortality 52%.
Schedule appt with Dr 17 days later.
Dr prescribe anti-biotic & pregnancy support pills.
My egg was not there anymore which means it has fertilized.

Hi diamond,

Thanks for the advise!

Just for my info. What information do you usually get from HB washed sperm report? I remember mine very simple, I think only on volume, not sure got count and the mortality which uses word to describe like rapid, moderate and so on. They don't even give us a copy of the report. I ask the doctor who do the IUI for me on my HB SA report, he said they don't detail analysis, he only commented HB volume not very good, just enough to proceed with the IUI. Sob...

BTW why doctor need to prescribe anti-biotic? Seems like mine is super simple, insert and straight away can leave, no medication at all.
Hi Heather & Foodieshare,

I got the results when me & hubby went to colllect the sperms from Mount E & I need to bring it over to the clinic for SO IUI...from the results we can also see if there is any improvement on the sperm counts.

The results will show hubby sperms count before & after "wash". They will inform you how many sperm counts in no. also the motality for normal average is 50 - 60 plus % coz I asked the nurse dat day.

for the medication part I guess the gynae scared I might easily get infection frm the process. I also find that Dr must prescribe atleast the pregnancy support pills to make your womb strong & ready for pregnancy. Maybe you may want to check with ur gynae on your next visit.

I find it very hard to ask Prof. Wong questions, cos he is always very busy. And find him rather impatient. Hope luck is on my side for this cycle and no need to go back to him again. I choose him because of the location. It is near my work place, so easier to take time off in the morning to do the scanning.

Anyway, let's stay positive during this 2ww!
hi heather - yeah my doctor didn't tell me any dos or don'ts actually. I would text him and ask "can I do this?" and that's when he said I need to relax and not do anything strenuous. Hmm I usually get a copy of my husb's SA report. But his spermies get washed at either Mt E or Paragon CARE. Also, did you get any progesterone to support the pregnancy post-IUI?

Diamond - don't despair. Who knows, your next cycle might be THE cycle.
Have you done all the other tests like ovarian reserve?
Kate, we also did the "sperm wash" process in Mt E... and there is a report slip de just that I forgotten to ask nurse to xerox us a copy... maybe cos both of our gynaes in Paragon ba... i was also given anit-biotic and the ultrogestan pills after iui.

Heather, perhaps different doctors have different school of taught...
since you have choosen him as your gynae, have trust in him.. and just be positive this 2 ww okay?
will hear your good news in 2 weeks time..
Dun stress yourself.. :D

Star, u have the HP# of your gynae? so good... :D I just speak to the nurse.. but the nurses are quite helpful...
they are the ones who advise me the Dos & Don'ts... :D
Thanks thanks.. I pray this cycle I can get BFP naturally... wahahahahaha.. i been thru most of the tests...but nvr heard of ovarian reserve? what is that? 3 gynaes that I been to before all told me we are all healthy and can get pregnant de... it is just the method of timing... and they recommend IUi/IVF to "speed" up the process... we just falls under the "unknown" groups wor as what gynae "term it"....
heather: yup soy affects ovulation.. especially for ladies with pcos. i used to drink soy everyday and eat lots of tofu n beancurd. I stopped for a while before i bfp. i don't know if that helped. i have pcos as well.
i heard soy-linked products also may affect the spermie's mortality and quality ~

and then i used to hear the old folks says if want to have fair looking baby, then mummy should drink soya bean. ouhz gosh ~ what a myth...

gdbye mr. soyabean ;(((
Kate - i PM you.

Diamond - yes he says he gives his mobile number to his fertility patients cos he knows we are kan cheong. heh heh. before I started the IUI with him, I did a blood test for AMH levels, which apparently can indicate whether you have a good or poor ovarian reserve (ie. lots of potential eggs or not)


Other doctors may ask you to do a FSH test alternatively to test for ovarian reserve.
Haha, your gynea is so cute! You all must have burst his HP with tons of questions... hehe... But I like it! keke...
Oh, I did the ovarian reserve test. I wonder what does it indicate, more many reserve so? If otherwise then how?

Yes, I think is different protocol used in different clinics or hospital ba. I asked the nurse after my IUI, to check if I will need clomid or what on my next round. But she said, normally Prof. Wong will not prescribe ovulation drug if one can ovulate on own. But I tot more follicles mean more chance? Guess is the different practice?
Star, think that time the gynae did mention I got many eggs but diff to grow to good size cos of the mild PCOS wor... hmmmm.... that's why I dun hv regular AF
Heather, IUI the most only 3 eggs as far as I know... My gynae told me if happen I got many eggs, I will hv to convert to IVF straight away or abort the procedure.. cos it is dangerous to have many eggs ovulating at the same time...
Kate - sent liao!

heather - yes poor man, I think he probably regretted giving me his hp haha! So my test was the AMH levels and if I am not wrong, it is able to tell you whether you have enough follicles in your ovaries. Mine was crazy high, and I was diagnosed with pcos.

Hmm so Prof Wong prefers natural IUI? I always assumed that for IUIs, the best is to get at least 2-3 follicles (as diamond says) so that the spermies will have more targets to go for.

diamond - oh I have pcos too! Another problem of pcos is that the egg quality might be compromised. Actually very sad, my husband's spermies not great but doc says it's actually enough to get pregnant but dunno why still cannot! Boo.
star, that's what I think too...

ask you all, any things you all can recommend to take to make the Af came a bit more regular and produce more quality eggs? I start taking COq10...and thinking of EPO, but many advise me cannot take EPO if trying for bb...

but i know another way to cure PCOS is to reduce weight... and I need to drop 3kg...
Hi Diamond,

After reading abt Dr Fong Yang. I tot of gg to see himif my this IUI cycle fails.
I heard good things abt him too from some forums.

May I know the waiting time? coz my gynae is at 18 floor & there is no waiting time.
May I also know the charges like? consultation, SO IUI, IUI & IVF? Thanks!
Hi diamond

I read fr other threads, EPO can be taken before ovulation. It gives you good cervical mucus.

What is the purpose of coq10?

I am also taking royal jelly before ovulation. Heard that it improves egg quality.
diamond, i am taking the Blackmores Conceive Well Gold now. It's got stuff like CoQ10, folic acid, fish oil etc. It tastes HORRIBLE but it's apparently quite good. I just started taking.
kate, u now in 2ww... dun think of -ve things okay?
he can b quite crowded at times... if is book appt usu is faster... but if consider walk in then I think be prepare to wait le... and if happen he need to deliver babies, wait could be even longer... but at least can go shopping.. usu the nurse will call you when your turn is near...

I can't remember his 1st time consultation charge, but his subsequent normal consultation is like S$ 55.... I hvnt cal my IUI cost yet, maybe if I cal le, I PM you... think my cost is around 2100 ba.. but my puregeon jab is a lot cos I start w 100 iu for 8 days, and 125 iu for 4 days... but IUi cost cannot claim CPF...
Hi Star_Baby,

I'm taking it too for the past 2 months. The pink color tablet smells bad!!! yucKs!! hehehe...but after all its all good for us!

Foodieshare, Coq10 is actually for heart, but pp also said is good for pp who is trying to conceive as it helps w quality eggs wor...

Gynae told me I cannot take Royal Jelly as I had PCOS...

Star, I heard abt Conceive well... I ask gynae abt it too... he said no harm taking although there is no proof that says it 100% works... why taste horrible? is it in tablets form or powder form?
