IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Kate - this sounds very promising indeed!! Fingers crossed.

Tambourina, you can use Medisave for your SO-IUI. It's a deduction of 6K if I am not wrong.

Hi gals,

I completed my waiting game, AF just reported. Got to start all over again.

I wonder how are you now? Any good news to share?

Stay relax till 26 ok. Hope you can spread your BFP news to us.
Hi HearherWhite,

I'm sorry so hear that. It know how u feel.
Let's try again..keep on trying.
We will be a mother one day & thats for sure!

Thanks thanks. Yes, will try again. But must also depends on the timing, likely my coming ovulation will falls on 7th May. The election day! haha... So don't know if able to do another round of IUI this cycle or not. Will see how, haven make any appointment yet.
Still keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope you can spread BFP good news to us. Jia you.
Hi Everyone,

Am new to this forum, and just wanted to share my experience with all of you.

I'll be going for my 1st round natural IUI, and waiting for LH surge within the next 2 days and inject Ovidrel. Its day 13 for me and i usually have LH surge on day 15. Seems that most people here are going for SO-IUI so success rate for natural IUI seem pretty low huh?

I have PCO and slight endro, and my Doc gave me some Progynova tablets to thicken my lining. I wonder if anyone here has a similar experience? TTC is such a roller coaster journey, never experienced such an emotional ride before...
Hello gals

Sorry to MIA for a few days. I went jungle trekking last week.
Just back today. As expected last cycle was unsuccessful. so I took a break.

This cycle going natural.

I was given progynova last cycle. Becos clomid thin my womb so took that to thicken the womb. Very effective
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. Will be going for my 1st round of IUI this May with Dr SF Loh of KKIVF. I have been prescribed Letrozole to be taken when my menses for this month come. Can anyone share on what are the possible after effects of IUI so I can be prepared mentally?

Thanks a lot in advance!
Foodieshare, Heather,
So sorry to hear that this cycle didn't work for you. Big hugs. Take the time off and eat to your heart's delight - all the sashimi that you wanted but didn't dare to eat!

Good luck to you. I also have PCOS and endo, I understand how you feel. Have you had your endo removed?

Welcome! Not sure about Letrozole cos I have never taken it but immediately after the IUI, you may feel some cramping, which is perfectly normal. See if you can get MC from your doctor and then just relax for the rest of the day. Good luck!

Fingers crossed for the results!!
kate, hi-5
AF reports this morning.
aniwaes both me and BH main concern is to get my BH's troops ready for 'battle' ;)

dun forget to update me on IVF. such as the procedures, the costs etc ;)
Hi Kate

How did you make appt with dr sf loh? Any referral needed or just call?

I am considering to get a 2nd opinion on what should be my next step.
aha ... i googled and found this...

Steps in IVF

Drug treatment, to stimulate several eggs to mature.
Monitoring of treatment, to measure the growth of follicles, individualize drug doses and prevent serious side effects.
Egg collection, usually under local anaesthetic, lasts between 10 and 20 minutes.
Sperm sample, provided on the same day as egg collection.
Embryo transfer (usually two or three days after fertilization).
Pregnancy testing/monitoring.

the costs of IVF:
1st cycle 6K from Medisave
2nd cycle 5k from Medisave
3rd cycle 4k from Medisave
not forgetting still need to top ups few thousands more dollars for drugs prescription etc...

question: once my BH troops is ready, shud we try for natural IUI or straight away go for IVF?

Big hugz to you. You seeing Dr. SF. Loh with referral letter or as private? Is the cost different very big?
I have made another appt with Prof. PC Wong on my CD14 for follicle scan. Prof. Wong would like us to try natural IUI again. Sigh, don't know how many cycle should I try? But HB and I may not go for IUI on this cycle. Cos my next O will likely falls on the election day on Sat! Maybe we will skip this round and also good to take a break. Sometimes I will ask myself, if I am pushing myself too hard on this TTCing. I should take it easily and with more relax mode. But on the other hand, I don't wish to waste any precious cycle of mine. Sigh... What a dilemma.

My HB troop also no good, what your HB do to boost his troops?
If you nv try IUI before then maybe I good to go for IUI first? Partly I use IUI to prepare myself for IVF challenge too. But fingers crossed that I don't have to go into IVF lar.
hi heatherwhite,
my hb is on 'sexual tonic' pills. its a blue colour pills. according to gynae, these pills will help hb's troops to improve. so its on 3 mths medication.

u are on your natural IUI or SO-IUI now?

Welcome to this forum. How's your progress there? Do your IUI today? HB and I were both very nervous and stress up with our first IUI. So remember to relax ok? Good luck to your first IUI. Keep us updates ya.

Welcome too. I had a round of natural IUI. It is a fairly simple and quick process, just like doing pap smear. And after the IUI, I do experience slight windy stomach, tt's all. Hmn, actually the only thing you need to prepare yourself is to arrange your time for follicles scanning and stay relax.

I did natural IUI on my last cycle. Prof. Wong wants me to try another round of natural IUI again. Not sure if I should ask him if I can proceed with other treatments or not? But HB and I will give ourselves another try on natural IUI to try our luck again.
Hi Heather,

I call KK IVF directly & booked appt with Dr SF LOH. I would like to check on my tubes before proceeding to IVF. I want to ensure that my tubes is clear.

I would suggest you to go straight to IVF since IUI success rate is pretty low. You may want to discuss this with your gynae. I hope you will success in ur next cycle. *HUGS*
Hi Kate,
correct me if i'm wrong.
costs of KK IVF can claim govt subsidise by 4k is it? whereas the ivf at pte hospitals can only use our medisave (?)

but is it true after ivf need to rest for few mths for the foetus to grow 'stronger'?
Can I ask why prof Wong recommends natural IUI for you and hb? I'm curious to know as most doctors would recommend medicated IUI at least to increase chances.

Yes you are right. If you do IVF at private hospitals, you can only subsidize the costs from Medisave. 6k for first round. But if you do it at public hospitals, the govt will co-fund the treatment with another 3k. So it can be practically cash-less for your first IVF round at public hospital!

The reason Prof. Wong gave to me is that, he don't see a need to put me on medication since I am ovulating on my own. And HB SA to him is also not very bad? I think is his style or hospital protocol? I also not very sure. HB and I were both doubtful initially, but later on we choose to trust and follow what he suggested to us since we choose him as our doctor.
Hi Chomp,

Yes Star is right!

U might need to top up less than 1K (if needed)
I will be gg to see Dr SF LOH this coming Sat. I will get the exact total cost & IVF processes. Will update you once I'm back from KK.

Hi Heather,

I havent done any HSG test before. I'm gg to do it with DR SF LOH this coming Sat... btw i change my appt to this coming Sat 30th April 2011.
Ah, so he is pro-natural. I see. Well, I've heard only good things about him.
when I told my boss I was going for IVF, she said I should see Prof Wong. 3 of her friends struck on their first tries. So maybe next cycle you will have an election baby!

Kate, all the best for your meeting with Dr Loh. Fingers crossed that your hsg will be perfectly fine.

Ok, do update us on the cost. So does it mean when doing IVF, it doesn't matter if you are going with referral letter or not? As long you are in public hospital you will get the govt 3k co-fund plus 6k from medisave for the first round and so on?

Kate, actually it doesn't matter whether if your tubes are blocked if you are going for IVF right? So maybe you can ask Dr. Loh for opinion on whether is it necessary to carry out HSG test? Actually you are still young, if I am not wrong you are still in your twenties? Maybe you can consider few more round of IUIs if your tubes are not blocked? Sometime is the stress that making thing not happening.

I not sure if Prof. Wong is really good or not. But because of my working location, NUH is the most convenience place for me to have my treatments there. I heard he is quite well known for his IVF actually. In fact I am seeing him cos I think I might eventually need to go for IVF.
Star, when you start your IVF again?
Hi Foodieshare,

Just went for IUI today and did a scan too.. seems progynova is really quite good, had a nice thick lining.
Its my 1st IUI so dun no what to expect. Sorry to hear abt your failed attempt. We hold hands together k..


seems that pcos and endo pretty common thing these days huh? Doc suggested surgery but sinseh say no need so decided to just go ahead and try IUI first. How bout you? Did you have your endo removed?


yeah.. i had my first natural IUI today. Not very sure if it'll work. I triggered sat morn and only did IUI this noon. Not very sure if its too late since most pple do it within 36 hrs rite.. Doc did a scan and saw that my follicle just collapsed so seems i ovulated not too long ago then. We asked for her opinion and she said can still try since egg is travelling down tubes and spermies might still be able to meet there. hmm.. keep fingers crossed...


just to calm your nerves, i didn't feel a thing during IUI. Til now, didn't feel any after effects too. It's advised to go with a full bladder though.
Morning ladies!

MIA for almost a week plus, cos went China for business trip.. just got back on Sunday...

Tambourina, yes yes... quite pretty nurse...
but there almost all the nurse quite pretty de.. wahahaha.... I mainly will be at TB, but at times will switch to Paragon esp when I need to scan "urgently"...

No wor, didnt take brazil nut....

Dun give up... Our common gynae will know what to do de... I find he is v confident.. I was also like you.... and once he increase dosage, the eggs grow to nice size....

Starbaby, I wish I had a boss like you.... haiz... he already a bit not very "happy" (although he didnt say anything but can see from his face) when I took quite a bit of times off and leave for my last IUI scan...

Heatherwhite, Kate, Foodieshare, A big HUGS for all of you.... Dun give up, be positive and try again.... We all sure will strike 1 day de... :D

Hi Ganie & Katherine, welcome to this thread! :D
Ganie, good luck to your cycle! BFP BFP BFP!

Hi Kate, you can get appt w Dr SF Loh so fast?

Chomp_chomp, hugs hugs...

I am going natural this cycle... no BBT, no Ovulation kits, just based on "feel".. wahahaha.. surprising I feel so relax this cycle... hahaha... but CD14, I am in China... so I may not strike.. but I BD before going china and after come back from China... wahahahaha.... let nature takes it own course ba.. I also think I may not O exactly on CD14 or CD 15 based on my past cycles "history"... hahaha! So leave everything to GOD ba... :D
Hi Diamond,

I just call KK IVF line & make appt with the operator, I guess anyone can just call in & book for appt.

This will be our 1st time meeting DR SF LOH this coming saturday. Dont know what to expect. We just come with open mind.

I know that I'm a strong woman but deep down inside I'm also quite scared with IVF procedure coz never experience before. Hope some of you can share with me your experience. Thanks!
Hi FoodieShare,

I think its best to take referral letter from Polyclinics den proceed to KKIVF. I heard it will be much cheaper.

Anyway this Saturday I will be gg to Polyclinic 1st thing in the morning at 7am for registration & my appt with DR SF LOH at KK is at 9.20am.
I keep y0u ladies updated on the charges & procedures
Hi HeatherWhite,

I tried natural IUI X 1 time & SO IUI X 1 time with DR Kelly Loi at Paragon so now I want to get second opinion from Dr SF LOh.
I really wanna child & I heard it will be better if you try IVF before 30s & the chances is much higher... so me & hubby decided to go ahead with IVF.
Hi Kate,
try IVF before 30s? btw hw old r u, if u dun mind me asking ;)

i'm reaching my third gear soon - gosh! and i'm still not sure whether to try natural iui or SO-iui or even go straight to IVF (?)

and did you ladies hear the recent news of newborn baby found at east area? so crueeeeel! sickening of all these people with unplanned pregnancy and dare to bury their newborn alive. and yet we at the motherhood forum trying to get BFP! *calming myself down*
Hi Diamond!
I was just wondering where you were, haven't heard from you in a while.

My pcos was diagnosed via blood test. Apparently my AMH levels are too high, which is an indicator of cysts. Other than that, I don't really have any other symptoms. I did a lap in Jan to make sure that everything is okay, that was when my endo was discovered. Luckily, my doctor said that it is mild and zapped it away. Good luck for your iui!

Don't worry, I'm sure you are in good hands. My boss has nothing but praise for Prof Wong. My IVF is starting once AF reports, should be by the end of the week. Can't believe it's so soon!

Do update us and let us know what Dr Loh says. I feel the same for you, that since I am still young (well, not as young as you!), might as well try IVF.

Happy for you on your IUI, will keep my fingers crossed for you. So relax yourself during your 2ww ya.

Welcome back. Baby comes when you are least expected. Hee... So let's leave the fate with god. Happy 2ww to you too.

You are really a strong gal. I like your courage and determination. I will give myself at least 3 tries on IUIs before proceeding to IVF. I know sometime this is just wasting of time, but I just don't have the courage to try on IVF yet. Sign, I hope I can be like you go straight to the point. Will give you my support to you. Jia you for your IVF. Keep us updates on your progress ok. I would also like to know more on IVF procedure to give myself some mental preparation too.

I have small cyst in both left and right ovary. Wondering if this is the cause of my failure or not. But Prof. Wong comment no operation is needed to remove it. I wonder if I need to do op to remove them before I can proceed to IVF. You have any idea?
Ya, time passes very fast. Hope your IVF passes fast and smoothly also. Jia you Jia you! Do keep us update also ok?
I am still considering if I should proceed with IUI this cycle or take a break. Coming month is my birthday month, hehe... will birthday ger have birthday luck or not? Sigh... last year birthday wish still not come true yet. Will make my wish harder this year!
Hi Chomp Chomp,

I'm 28 this coming September. I dun wanna waste anymore time & $. I want to check is there anything wrong with me or maybe my tube is block. I want to rectify the problem ASAP.

I wish to have a twin too!

If God only grant me with one I'm more den happy & bleesed!!
Hi FoodieShare,

Appt with DR SF LOH not too long. I think if only you want to proceed with IVF that is where we need to book in advance.

This Saturday I will check with DR SF LOH on the earliest available slot for IVF

Btw you may contact KKIVF for appt with DR SF LOH
+65 6294 4050 (Appointment). Good Luck!
Hi girls, AF reported this morning unexpectedly. Going to see the doctor and get started on my jabbing.

Hmm not sure about the cysts but if Prof Wong doesn't think that they are of any hindrance, then I think it should be fine. If you feel like you are too stressed up over ttc or tired, then take a break.
It really helps! I just had a month of natural (ie not doing anything) - went for a holiday, shopped too much and now feeling more relaxed about ivf.

Ahh Kate, you are so young! Higher chances of success.
Keep us posted on what Dr Loh says.
Today is the day! Congratulation, you are officially starting your one month leave. Hehe... you have more time to come in and chat with us already!

Envy you, you are so young. hehe... Yes, hope Dr. Loh will give you some advise on how to proceed.

You also planning to see Dr. Loh?

Hehe... you gals are tempting me to go for IVF too! Anyone here is under NUH?
Seems that a lot gals here are going for IVF.. is it painful? the 2ww seems to be passing by at a snail pace... its only like 2 days after IUI. Why can't we know immediately rite.. i hate the waiting...

I must say that everyone here is so strong and brave to fight on and stay positive.. have been Tcc for 2 years already and is so depressing everything my AF comes. Seems that i cry more with each AF..

Nonetheless, this is a great forum! With all of us supporting each other and with everyone's encouragement, we will all be able to succeed one day! BFP BFP BFP to all!
Yes, 2ww is always passing like a snail! But please don't count your days in 2ww ok? Stay relax and focus on other things else. Hehe... but it is always easy to say than do. Try your best ok?

Check for us on the price ya. I might have budget constrain on IVF. Not cheap leh, I think I will also check up the price on my next visit to NUH. Might need to go under public patient. I don't want to be broke before my baby is out. hehe... But I got to wait for one year interval before I can go to public hospital with referral letter, cos I am under private patient now. Sob...
Hi Kate,
Sorry ya too many qs...
but how to go about it? nearest is Jurong Polyclinic. I should approach the front desk and tells them i wanna ask for IVF referral letter (?)

and meaning i hv to book gynae (doing IVF) first before getting the referral letter?
Hi Chomp Chomp,

I called up Polyclinic coz on Saturday it will be stricly base on appt..so I called & told the officer that I'm coming for gynae letter of reference at KK.

Maybe you can wanna ring Polyclinic before u go down


We need to go to polyclinic, (I think there is a list of polyclinics which see for fertility or women issues). Then you must see a doctor and ask the doctor to write a referral letter for you. But you will be public patient. Meaning you can't choose which doctor to see. Depends on whether cost is an issue to you or not. If not, of cos be private patient is much more comfortable and better.
