IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?


Yes. Without clomid is 1 follicle, with clomid is 2 follicles. I go for SO IUI cos I think more follicles more chances ... Dunno true or not...just my own opinion
Hi foodieshare,
Ya lor, that's what I think also, instead of waiting and hoping every cycle, I just ask gynae is there a faster method...
I am with Dr Fong Yang. his clinic in Paragon, and he usu does delivery at Mt A. My friend recommend him to me.

Hi Sonel, let's jia you together okay?

Hi Stress, stay positive.. there is always a chance this cycle, miracle do happens.
Jia you!

Hi Kate27, nice to have you here in the forum.
foodieshare - thanks! hmmm.. maybe i should do the scan for a few months and see how. what i did for the last 6 mths was to take clomid and use test strips. sometimes the results are little unclear. i guess, with the scan, it will be 'clearer'.

Diamond - thanks! yea... let's all jia you.
Hi Everyone, m new to this site.

Hi Stressed-- i was also told i had 2 fibroids. So now am lost on whether I wanna go for IUI/IVF first or to remove the growth first? Anyone in the same situation?

Hi Diamond and foodieshare -- same as u all, also tired of waiting to see when the jackpot will hit.. Have been through the past few mths in an uncertain/waiting state and still feeling down on the thought of such a long, and winding journey to motherhood.. Anyway, have scheduled an ovulation scan in mid March 2011. Not v tve of the results though.. Went to 2 doc, each telling me different things. 1 said i need to remove the growth and the other said it was not necessary.. :S
Hi Enoki1,

My friend had her fibroids taken out and 8 weeks later, she got preggy.

I am now thinking if I should go for Laproscopy too since I'm already sedated in the operating table.
Hi Enoki1,
I also had a friend choosed to remove her fibroids first, and she got pregnant 3 mths later!

Hi Stressed, dun think too much about it first..
you in 2WW now.. dun think of -ve things at the moment
someone told me we must keep on think of +ve things then good things will come...
Hi Diamond, Stressed & foodieshare,

Wow, seems that success rate is high after removal of the fibroids.. hmm.. shd seriously consider it..

Good luck to Stressed! and ya, i agree with diamond, hv to think positive!
Hi everyone - sorry haven't been logging in for a while. Work has been hectic!

Bluenosebear, my IUI has failed so will be embarking on final IUI. After that, it's onward to IVF.
Was a little depressed initially but well, IVF may not be a bad thing. It's just scary cos IF IVF fails (choi!), then you sorta don't have a next step to look forward to.

Whitetiger, Spin Wan - I'm seeing Dr CT Yeong at Tow Yung clinic.

Whitetiger, so sorry about your BFN....

Stressed - a lap may help! my doc did mention that after a lap, the tubes are flushed clean and chances can be slightly higher.

Good luck to everyone, let's hope we can all have a bunny baby.
Hi foodieshare, I am starting my SO-IUI journey tomorrow! My AF reported today, and I will start jabbing tomorrow... I was quite scared abt the self jab actually....
but think it is something I had to go thru if I decided to do SO-IUI. Just pray to GOD for strength... keke...
Thanks Diamond! Best of luck for your SO-IUI too. Jabbing sounds scary, all of you are so brave to be able to do it. When my husband jabbed me for the HCG trigger, I yelped.

Mine is medicated IUI, I have been responding well to Clomid. Well, that's partially because I have PCOS. :/
Star- calling for me?
Use +ve thinking for this final iui, if everyting goes well, it would be gd. Touch wood if not then discuss with yr dr wat is the next step.
Hi tweetie- 3rd trimester le, excited to meet with yr little princess soon?
I'm now on hospitalisation leave, currently in 2ww. 18/3 would be the beta hcg, I say it sounds like death sentence date, hehe.
Thanks star...
we all jia you together.
I am into my day 2 of morning self jab! actually it is not as scary as it sounds! haha! DH jab for me...

Bluenosebear, best of luck! :D waiting for your good news!
Ask you as this is my 1st cycle, after the IUI procedure, need to rest in bed de ah?
Hi Bluenosebear! Are you now in the 2ww for your IVF cycle? Good luck, hoping to get some baby dust from you!

I'm quite chill about this last IUI, guess my focus is now on IVF. I have PCOS (tho I don't have the typical symptoms and I ovulate on my own) so I'm worried about egg quality. Only IVF can tell me if my eggs are good or not.

Diamond - it's not painful huh?? I feel so wussy haha. When my doc injected Pregnyl into my butt, I was making so much noise, he looked traumatised. Best of luck!! Fingers crossed that this is IT for you.
Star_baby, thanks... I have mild PCOS too.... I also dun know what would happened.... excited yet scared of the results... keke

when is the pregnyl injected onto the butt? after the puregeon jab or?
bluenose, how are u? Wish you loads of luck.....
Yes, I just entered my 3rd tri phase, everything just seems like yesterday, all the lamenting and complaining and now I am in it. Sometimes really can't believe it.

diamond, after IUI, try to avoid strenous activity for the first few days. That's all. If possible, reduce stress and anger level. hope that helps
tweet: hang in there! 3 mths to seeing ur precious

blue/diamond: good luck and hugs

star: actually the jab depends on the nurse jabbing u... some jabs i had was painful, some done by those seasoned ones, i didnt feel anything. in fact when i did my puregon jabs myself, i was enjoying it leh... quite fun poking my tummy fats haha -- i'm very scared of needles can u imagine..
BDP - heh heh you are so funny! My doc did say that the puregon pen is very thin so it shouldn't hurt but I am super lousy with needles. :p

Diamond - ooh that means you will probably get lots of nice eggies. Good luck!! Keep us posted, will be rooting for you. The pregnyl is injected after your puregon jabs, it's to trigger ovulation. Both my pregnyl jabs hurt!! The last one was done by my doc and he saw how traumatised i was. So for the next IUI, he got me to inject ovidrel into my tummy myself instead. That wasn't too bad though it was SO much more expensive!

tweetie - wow, 3rd tri already!! take care, you'll be seeing your bundle of joy soon!

going for my iui tomorrow! Ah, the last one before IVF. :/

Just saw Dr Xia Rong this evening at EYS Paragon, she said I shouldn't bother to take TCM now cos it's too late. Told me to come back if the iui doesn't work and to try naturally for a few months before IVF. Makes me feel like I should have gone for TCM earlier! Sigh.
Hi Tweetie, o i see... I hope I wont get "nonsense" from boss after my IUI procedure... Lolz! And take care, soon you will be seeing precious! :D

BeFabulously+, thanks thanks.... :D

Star_baby, thanks for the encouragement... this morning is my so call "last jab" and will be back to Dr Fong for scan tomorrow morning and he will decides whether I need further jab or proceed w IUI procedure. The nurse told me hopefully I dun need additional jabs as subsequent jabs may be more painful as it is not using the puregeon pen.

You know until now, I still cannot believe that I embarked onto this journey as I am so scared of needles... even normal flu jab, my family doc got to ask my DH to hold me before he jab me.... haha! when my family doc know that I am doing SO-IUI, he said, "girl, you grown up!" faint! haha!
Yeah, seeing the bundle in another 12 weeks time.

Good luck to all your IUI or SO IUI...

diamond, my IUI was on a sat, took 1 day leave to prevent strenous activity and stress on Mon, that's about it.So dun worry too much.

Needle part, be prepared for more even when u strike. So take it as an introductory to TTCing bah. Then it will be easier.
Would like to report we're finally successful. I'm pregnant with #2.

Just to recap, I have severe adenomyosis, a large fibroid at the back of my womb and crazy hormones. The doc had a really hard time even inserting the catherer in. So I lost hope initially. I continued with my jogging and sports. But I totally cut off coffee and tea except for 2 cups 1 week ago (only bcoz the trainer was boring).

BTW, mine is natural IUI.

Keep up the hope! Babydust to everyone.
Hey foodieshare,

This is my 2nd IUI too. I was devestated when I failed my 1st IUI. Hence I really didn't give much hope for this second round to be successful.

Don't dispair. Lotsa baby dust to you.
Stressed, happy to hear your good news!
Ya, need lots of baby dust from you!

I am doing my IUI this thursday le... just confirmed w my gynae... excited yet nervous.... keke..
Congrats stressed!

To everyone else, persevere and don't give up
I failed my first iui and was crying buckets in the bathroom for hours n hours... but i'm now 20 wks with #1 -- didnt do second iui cos o fell on sunday... but had some help with puregon jabs n tried natural... then bingo :> i didnt have any hope tho cos was too tired with work too even think abt it...

if u ladies realise... the "loss of hope" and "don't think so much" attitude does help i think.... esp in stressed's case she lost hope for a while too.... i guess that helps to bring down the body's stress level n aid implantation .... al good luck to all yah =)
Just to share my cocktail of vitamins I eat to keep my womb ready

2 X Evening primrose (Efamol brand)
1 X acidophilus
1 X folic acid
1 X Vit B
1 X spirulina
1 X cranberry capsule

the moment I wake up after brushing the teeth, on an empty stomach, swallow these vits. Then half hour later, I take my breakfast. So sad that I have to take so many.

After IUI, I frequently place a heat pack over my tummy to keep it warm. Not sure if it helps through.

Other than that, I didn't bother already. As mentioned before, I didn't stop my running activities. In fact, I still want to carrying on; but slower pace. I am afraid my metabolic rate will drop and I'll have a hard time keeping it up after pregnancy.

I realised conception is very much like algebra.

A (sperm) + B (egg) doesn't = to C (baby) always
You need D to condition it in order to get to C.

D could be timing, the condition of the womb, the implantation success....

Now my only hope is to carry it full term coz I had a premature birth (at 33 weeks) for no rhyme or reason for #1. It was an expensive nightmare.

Hope that helps everyone.
Hi all sistas here, esp tweetie, BFP & stardust,
I BFN, so have to rest for 2 round of menses then start my 2nd round of fresh cycle IVF.
Likely to start on May menses cycle if everything goes ok.
Hi All,

I started my 1st IUI w/o drugs on 12 Feb 2011 but failed.
I just started with my SO IUI on 28 Mar 2011 Monday till Friday with Puregon 75 IU/per day. Will be gg to see gynae this coming Saturday & see if I need to increase or decrease the dosage. I hope to strike this time round!!
how is IUI done?

I will be doing my HSG next week... hopefully my fallopian tubes is not blocked *pray hard*
and at the same time hubby will be giving his semen specimen.
Hi Chomp,

IUI is done when u are ovulating.

They will need ur husband semen on that day to insert into vagina. U will rest for 20mins & u are ready to go.

What is HSG?
Hi Kate27,
i found this at website.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an internal X-ray of the uterus and tubes. A radio-opaque dye is injected into the uterus through the vagina and cervix, and the X-ray is taken.

wonder if after HSG taken, can do IUI?
Hi Chomp,

Oohhh really? I'm not sure abt HSG. I will check with my gynae if I need to do HSG?? Will keep you all updated with my SO IUI progression.
Tomorrow will be my last last of self injection under Puregon 75 IU. Will check on my eggs this coming Saturday morning. I'm soooo scared!!!
Hi Kate27,
my gynae prescribed Clomid (double dosage) for 1 cycle. but not successful. so now he recommends HSG.
next tuesday i'm gng ~ me feel scared too...
aniwaes who's yr gynae?
Hi Chomp,

I was on Clomid last year for 5 months but failed.
So I went for IUI 12 Feb 2011 but failed.
I shld be doing SO IUI in early April if everything is good.
My gynae is DR Kelly Loi @ Paragon Medical Suites Level 18 (Health & Fertility Clinic for Women). Who is your gynae?
Hi Kate,
Yr gynae didnt ask you to do your HSG test before doing IUI? HSG test is to see whether your fallopian tubes is blocked or not...

Prev, i was on Clomid for 3 cycles (1 pill for 5 days). then last mth, gynae decided to put me on Clomid double dose for 1 cycle. my eggs responsed well to the Clomid. many matured eggs. however never 'tio'. thus my gynae recommends me to go for HSG test. and also my hub have to give his sperm specimen.

My gynae is Dr. Tho - London Clinic at Jrg East.
Hi Chomp,

My eggs also responsed well to clomid but didnt get pregnant.

I've appt tomm with my gynae @ 0930. I will check with her on the HSG.

Will keep you all updated! Wish me luck!
Hi All,

My eggs responded well to Puregon. It's only that one of the egg is growing bigger than the rest..so dr might need to push SO IUI earlier. Dr decrease the Puregon shot to 50IU for Saturday & Sunday.Dr mentioned she will check on my tubes (HSG) if this cycle fail. I need to go for follicle tracking again
tomorrow at 12noon. Dr also will advise on SO IUI date either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Hi Kate

I thought the use of puregon is already considered SO IUI?
What do you mean by start SO IUI? More injections?
Btw how are u feeling after the puregon jab?
Hi Foodieshare,

You will be on Puregon after ur day 2 menses till day 8 to get perfect follicle for insemination that is SO IUI.
SO IUI process - DR must make sure you ovulate on the day before insemination. You will need to go thru another injection called HCG(abit painful). Need you hubby sperm on the day of insemination & insert to vagina via small tube.

I'm gg for my appt later at 11.45am to check on the follicles. If everything is good we can proceed with SO IUI on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also the womb lining must be good atleast 8MM. Thanks!
Hi Foodieshare,

Sorry i miss out your question on Puregon Jap side effects.

For my case I was on Puregon 75IU on the 1st 5days then Dr decrease the dosage to 50IU for the next 2 days. I got no side effects maybe the dosage not to much. I was scared at 1st to inject myself but after the 1st try you will get use to it not painful at all. I only scared the HCG jap before insemination its painful.
Hi hi... had not been in this thread for a week plus I think...

I am now almost reaching the final stage of 2ww.. as days goes by, I am getting more & more anxious w the results... but dare not to test at all...

Good luck Kate! You were right of the HCG jab, I almost cry when I was injected.... I think different gynae got different "school of taught" ba... you will HUAT HUAT HUAT this cycle so you no need to do HSG okay?

Chomp Chomp, I been thru HSG before, actually not that scarely de.. just like AF cramp, and quite fast de...
If I am not wrong, HSG and SO-IUI shd not be within the same cycle... but IUI i am not sure...
can check w your gynae...
Hi Foodieshare/Diamond,

First of all gOod luck to you Diamond!! Hope you will strike this time round, stay positive ok!!Btw is this your 1st time of SO IUI?

Update from my appt just now. I need to take another Puregon jap @ 50IU just now at the clinic. My follicle not that big on the right side. Only one is at 14.6MM on the left the rest still very small. Tomm will be gg for another appt....must spent more money!!! haizzz....
Schedule for SO IUI on Wednesday or Thurday.

hello ladies ;))
I'm going tmrw for my HST test.
Diamond, thks fr assuring its not pain

last saturday my hubby sent his sperm specimen ;)
hw long does it takes to get the results of both the sperm & hsg?

and Diamond, may i check hw much it cost to do the HSG? mine will be at Mt. Alvernia.
