IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Chomp,

Hope everything will go well for you HSG test tomm. Keep us updated!

Hi Chomp Chomp,

I done mine in KKH last time... I couldnt remember it cost how much, but it is not very expensive in KKH de, somemore I am paying private rate.

Hi Kate,

Yes it is my 1st round of SO-IUI
I am desperate for some info....

I done my HSG on 22 Mar 8pm... and done my SO-IUI on 24 Mar around 12noon.

this morning, i found some spoting (brown not red)....
I am now waiting 9am for clinic to open to check w the nurse.... I am only due for HPT testing on 7 April leh... If I failed this cycle, can my Af come so early?

Actually when I realised I am spotting, I wanted to do a HPT.. but then I really want to kick myself, cos I realised I do not have a HPT at home! really fedup!

What shd I do? I was thinking, if after O, if not pregnant, 14 days AF will come, if I check my HCG Jab timing, it could means I actually had O before my HCG jab? Alamak, I am really confused....

Can someone advise? Thanks...
Hi Diamond,

My friend got spotting but she got pregnant!!!
Just relax go with the flow...I'll pray for you.
Keep us updated!!
Hi Kate,

I checked w clinic le... and they told me as long as I hv spotting, must contine w my Utrogestan, and then test on 7 Apr morning.... if is bright red flow later on then confirm the cycle failed...

I am curious to know what is the success rate of SO-IUI....
Foodieshare, no worries...

I also dun know... in confuse stage.. haha! but then I tell myself I also cannot do anything now if it fails.. in life, everything happens for a reason...
Hi Diamond,

I can see you are so positive towards the situtation which is good!!!
I just came back from clinic. I continue with Puregon 75IU at the clinic.
Need to check again on follicle tomm. May i know how many days did you continue with the jap?
As for myself, I started the injections since day 2 of menses (28 March 2011 till tba). I'm getting frustrated!!
Hi Kate,

Lolz! No choice, got to be +ve, else very difficult to move on... haha... of cos I was upset and sad at the sight of it.. but then I just tell myself things happened for a reason ba... so maybe who knows the coming cycle I may b able to conceive naturally?

ya, my 1st jab started on Day 2 of AF... and jab for 12 days... actually I also dun really understand why failed... haha.. my 2 follicle were just at right size... at 18mm before my last jab of puregon and HCG...
Hi Diamond,

Its ok...let's try again on ur next cycle.
What you say is true things happened for a reason.

We shld juz take it slow & just go with the flow.
But thinking of gg to the clinic almost everyday jap here & there.. everyday must spend around $150...haizzzz...so frustrated!!
Hi Kate,

where did you do your IUI? mind to share till date how much you spend le?

ya, understand that part... I also had been taking time off and occassionally MC till I bit "pek chek" and "paisei" to my boss le... but glad he understands at this moment lor... haha!
Hi Diamond,

I did my IUI & SO IUI with DR Kelly Loi @ Paragon Medical Suite.
I took her as gynae because my work place is at Paragon too.
One good thing about her clinic is you dont have to wait...but I'm not sure abt success rate.
Let me go thru all the receipt & I will get back to you soon on the medical bills.
Hi ladies,

I am new to this post, I have been TTCing for about 3 years. I am trying on natural IUI this cycle. Currently seeing Prof. PC Wong in NUH. Going for 3rd v-scan tmr morning to check on my follicle size, it was 14mm yesterday morning. Finger cross that it can grow till the ideal size of 18mm before I can proceed. This is my first round trying IUI, actually getting quite nervous on this. And today is my CD17 already. I am wondering if this is a bit late, as my cycle is always for 29-31 days.
I also wonder how you all manage your feelings towards IUI treatments? HB and I really hope IUI can really help us up. But on the other hand, we know the successful rate is not high. What a mixed feelings. Sign...
i am sooo back

yesterday i went to Mt. Alvernia for my HSG test. Good news! both my fallopian tubes not block! Thank God!

Bad news is that, when i went back home, my Gynae called around 4pm and wants to make appt with us cos my hubby's sperm test results is with my Gynae. Gynae told me that my hubby little soldiers (sperms) is below average. And would want to prescribe some medicine to him.

Aniwaes i didnt tell my hub abt his little soldiers results, in case he felt demoralised (?)

So now waiting for my HSG report to be submitted to my gynae. Maybe around this or next week will visit the gynae ;)
Hi foodieshare, ya, somehow I find these kind of things quite unexplained de...
My DH SA results turn out not bad... Dr Fong said his troops can makes me pregnant.. hahaha... even on the day when his troops were being washed,the lab lady also commented the results quite good.... so somehow I think there are still many resaons why failed ba... I hvnt book appt to visit Dr Fong yet... maybe next week, to hear what he says ba...

btw, as my AF arrives earlier than expected, shd I continue w the utrogestan pills?

Your previous 2 tries is also SO-IUI? Do you intend to try the 3rd time?

Hi Chomp Chomp, good to hear you have no block tubes...
dun feel "demoralised" over your DH results... I find nowsaday it is quite common for guys to have such issues, could be due to the stress or current lifestyle... my dh 2 years ago test results also not very good... and I had been making him takes good vitamins & soya protein drink daily and it helps to improve a lot.
The recent SA test results is above average le...
So see what your gynae recommend....
I also have friend's DH who went for TCM and the results improved a lot...

I find whatever it is, as long as you are positive, there is always ways to treat it de...

So all of us Jia You!
Hi diamond

I failed once only. This round I am Still waiting. Just did the IUI.
I told Gynae I will take a rest for a month first before the 3rd round *hopefully no need*

Strike this round then solve the problem hehe
Hi diamond

I failed once only. This round I am Still waiting. Just did the IUI.
I told Gynae I will take a rest for a month first before the 3rd round *hopefully no need*

Strike this round then solve the problem hehe
Hi diamond

I failed once only. This round I am Still waiting. Just did the IUI.
I told Gynae I will take a rest for a month first before the 3rd round *hopefully no need*

Strike this round then solve the problem hehe
Hi foodieshare... oops.. I get the wrong message... paisei... good good... wish you all the best... remember dun walk too much and carry too heavy things...
You will strike this round de... be positive...

DH - dearest husband
SA - Semens Analysis
AF - Aunty Flow (Menses)

Hi Ladies,

I'm gg to see gynae at 1pm later. Gg for my 10th jap - PUREGON also need to check on the follicle growing... If this time fail i dont know what to do...so frustrated!!!
Hi Ladies,

Check on my eggs at 1pm today.. I have 2 big follicles & both on the left side
- 16MM today & lining 7.9MM. Took 100IU - PUREGON at the clinic.
Gynae said that we might need to schedule for SO IUI on Saturday.
Thanks Chomp Chomp & Diamond!!! Best of luck to both of you too!!
Hi diamond

U mentioned about ur hubby take gd vitamins and soy protein.

May I know what vitamins are they?
Where to buy soy protein? What is it for?
Hello everyone, hope you have all been well!
I didn't realize that I last posted in Jan/Feb.

My IUI failed and I am moving on to IVF next. Am a bit scared but quite relieved too. Been thinking that the problem might be my egg quality and only IVF can answer the question.

Foodieshare - not sure if this will help but my doc prescribed Exsativa and L-Carnitine for hubs previously to improve his soldiers. Can get them from hospital pharmacies! In fact, I just bought 2 packs of Exsativa for him to prepare for the IVF.

Have you tried tcm as well? We went to see Dr Xia Rong at EYS and she was fairly confident that her medicines can help us to conceive. But we decided not to wait for tcm cos it takes a few months to see the effects. Can try!

Good luck to all of you - foodieshare, diamond and Kate! Hope you will BFP soon!
Hi Kate,
meaning we need to take few days off from work to take the IUI? .....

This saturday me and hubby going down to Dr. Tho. not sure what medicines he wanna prescribe to hubby...

Best of luck this saturday Kate ~ Jia Yo!!!!
Yes, I think I am too stress and therefore delaying my ovulation. This is the first time I am ovulating so late. I went back to scan yesterday morning, and happy to know my follicle finally reached 18.5mm. Can proceed with my first try of IUI tmr! Hope is last tho, but I know I might not be so lucky to hit the jackpot with one try. Sign... Prof. Wong will not be around tmr, I will be under another doctor for the IUI. Hope HB armies volume and quality is good. Fingers crossed! I wonder if anyone freeze HB's armies before?

Star Baby,
I am under TCM currently, Dr. Tan in Clementi. He is doing acupuncture together with some chinese medications. And I think TCM really need some time to see its effect. I heard there are few couples conceived each month under him. Hope I can contribute to his statistic soon.

Chomp chomp,
I think low SA are becoming more and more common these days. I used to get quite depress when I knew HB SA result, but manage to think otherwise. Anyway, what we need is one sperm and one egg to make miracle happen!

I am doing my IUI tomorrow! Wishing us a successful one!
Hi HeatherWhite,

I wish you best of luck!! Hope miracle happen this time round!!

Hi Chomp Chomp,

No need to take leave. The process is only 10-15mins. You just need to lie down at the clinic for 20-30mins after SO IUI.

I'm going to the clinic again later at 1pm. Checking on my follicles & womb lining.
Will keep you all updated.
so meaning must take time off?
cos if i were to do IUI, then i need to go to Gynae place which is at Jrg East (my workplace at Tuas)...
and my BH (beloved husband) also need to take leave?

hw's the IUI process?
Hi all! Have been on this site for a while but never ventured out to other threads until now. Have gone through 5 IUIs and is currently on the 2ww for the latest. I'm starting to think that IUI doesn't actually work for many people

Hi chomp_chomp - Actually, for IUI, you'd just be given one day MC at most. It is a simple procedure where processed sperm is inserted into your womb. It's over in 5minutes but clinics usually allow the patient to lie down for a while before going home.
Hi Leith,
5 IUIs? and what is SO IUI? not the same?
but my BH's soldiers below average

not sure if can do IUI (?)
this saturday goign down meet gynae... not sure what he gonna advise us .

But we shall stay positive ;))
Hi chomp_chomp - I did 4 rounds of natural IUI. This means no injections/oral meds. Just track follicle size and then when it was the right size (over 16mm), get a trigger shot to bring on ovulation, then proceed with IUI. I also did 2 rounds of SO-IUI. SO = Superovulation. This involves either oral meds, Puregon injections or both. This will bring about more matured follicles (instead of just one every month). SO-IUI increases the chance because there's more eggs for the sperm to choose from.

Before IUI/SO-IUI process, sperm from your husband will be processed. You can do a quick search about the sperm 'washing' process. This will usually improve the quality and motility of the sperm.

Where you do your IUI? I will be doing natural IUI tomorrow.
But I think I shall not put too much hope on this then. I scare the more I hope the more I will be disappointed! To me this IUI is not cheap, and I am already struggling with the time off or leaves for all the scanning. Why is it so hard for the sperm to meet the egg?
Hi Heather - Sadly, the success rate for natural IUI is not very high. In fact, my doc at KKH advised to NOT do natural IUI and just go straight to SO-IUI so as to increase chances. All the best!
I will only get to know the exact cost tomorrow. But according to the nurse, it is over $700. Update you tomorrow again.
Oh, and also the scanning fee each time cost around $90.95, the HCG jab is $85.60. I should have go with a referral letter. Heard it is much more cheaper.

I also feel doubtful on this natural IUI. But I don't want to think too much on this at this moment. All I can do now is to stay positive, just let nature take its course lar. At least I am proceeding with the treatments.
Hope we all can have BFP after the long 2ww! Woo... getting a bit nervous for tmr IUI. Wonder how the feeling like. haha... What is the dos and donts har?
wah... today busy nvr come in, so many exchange going around.. good to see this thread being active again... keke..

Hi Foodieshare, I just let my DH take a multi vits that contains vitamins, minerials & plant concentrates that contains Phytonutrient...As for the soy protein, it is more for repair and replace blood cells, muscles cells and tissues... It is not specific target to improve troops but to give body enough nutrition. :D cos we do not normally got enough nutrition daily...

Thanks Star_Baby... I just failed my cycle... think rest 1 mth then start again...

Hi HeatherWhite, best of luck for tomorrow! :D
Actually the IUi procedure cost I find is not very expensive.. it is actually the puregeon med that is expensive if in SO-IUI... I had a friend who succeed thru Natural IUI at the total cost less than 400 (wash troops 180 + IUI procedure 200+ plus med) and strike the first time! So Heatherwhite, dun think too much.. since you already half way thru the cycle, just be positive! Jia you!

Chomp_chomp, usually gynae will give you MC for that day de... it is just an est 10 to 15 min procedure, after that you continue to lie down to rest for 20 to 30 min... the nurse also ask me dun walk too much, carry heavy things.. but frankly after the procedure, i feel very sleepy de... or maybe the initial 3 days.. maybe body is getting use to the utrogestan pills ba... cos it really makes me sleep the 2 full day after the procedure... keke..

On the day of IUI, your DH must be around to produce his troops, so he need to be there...

Hi leith! Nice to "meet" you...

Hi Kate, how is everything? Jia you okay! be positive...
Foodieshare - it was my 7th try. Sucks huh. Month and month of waiting and hoping. I've only been on Clomid cos I respond very well, 3-4 eggs each time. IVF was suggested by doctor. Was initially very sad but I'm now quite okay.

Heather - yes agree that tcm really needs time! I felt a bit sad after seeing Dr Xia cos she made it sound like we didn't see her earlier, and we didn't have to go through so many rounds of iui. But good luck for your IUI!! It only takes 1 egg and 1 spermie. ;)

Dear Diamond, have a good break! Eat all the forbidden food and enjoy yourself. And then continue this fight! You will have your BFP soon.
Hi Chomp Chomp,

If you want to go ahead with SO IUI, you need to visit the clinic frequently ..for me I need to see gynae everyday for follicle tracking & injections.
I took Dr Kelly Loi coz her clinic is at the same building as my work place.

Hi Diamond,

I when for follicle tracking today at 1pm. I left with only 1 egg coz the other one collapsed. My 1 nice egg was 19.4MM & womb lining is 8.6MM.
Everything looks good but only 1 follicle after all the injections for 12 days?? Im very dissapointed. Gg for HCG jap tomm to prepare for SO IUI on Saturday afternoon...sooo scared!! its very painful!!

Don't feel sad. I have been with TCM for more than a year. Doc said everything ok le still no strike. When it is time, it is time. Don't feel bad.

Dun b disappointed. I also had 3 follicles on D12 then D15 IUI day left with 1. What to do? Just go with the flow la...
Star_baby, yeah.. The first thing I want to take is to drink Coke... lolz! :D

Kate, dun think too much about it, dun let it affect your mood, just be positive and JUST DO IT! :D As everyone always says, all it takes only 1 egg and 1 spermie.... Jia you! :D
let see what my gynae will advise us tmrw...
did you say SO-IUI very painful??? omg, me scared leow

I've searched webbie and if to choose between IUI and SO-IUI, opt for SO-IUI. cos its more better. any opinions?

And to all of us, JIA-YOOOOOOO!
Thanks foodieshare.
hopefully IVF will work but success rates only 30+%

Diamond, yes me too! Then I binged on sashimi and tea and had wine. Aiyah just enjoy life and not have to pretend to be pregnant! Hee hee. Next month when IVF starts cannot do all that.

Kate your follie and lining look good, don't be disheartened! If the hcg jab is Pregnyl then it may hurt a little bit but you'll be fine. Good luck!

Chomp - I've never done so-IUI before, all my iuis have been medicated. I have read that injectibles can be better for your lining cos Clomid will supposedly thin it. I respond ver well to Clomid and had pretty decent lining so I never had to go beyond Clomid.

Talk to your doc, he will prob advise you better then. He may start you on Clomid first to see how you respond.
