IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Kate, really?
how much of med u used this round? think the med cost a lot...
kate, it's so horrible huh!!! Every morning I have to force myself to swallow that pink tablet. Bleargh.

Diamond, it comes in two: a pink big fat tab and a capsule. the smell of the pink tablet is super bad. it has all the essential nutrients that we need for conception though so no choice but to down it.
Hi Heather - I did 4 IUIs at a private gynae and a SO-IUI at KKH. All failed. Am moving on to IVF already. Not sure why it failed but I feel that chances of IUI is really quite low.
Hi Foodieshare,
I heard the acupuncture is good to enhance conceiving ~ not sure how true it is?

I personally hvnt try yet... Am scared of needles

I like your determination. I hope I can be like you to proceed without giving up. Yes, I know the IUI success rate is very low, but never try we never know right? I already telling myself to get prepare for any fail attempt. I think just do our best, and we can only hope we falls on the lucky successful side. When you plan to do IVF? Jia you ah!

My TCM doctor only do acupuncture before our ovulation, he didn't do after we O-ed. But I do heard TCMs doctors did do acu after O. I think it is suppose to improve our 'qi' (blood circulation)? Hehe...
hey foodie, I know for IVF my acupuncture doctor will do one session before and after egg retrieval, and then once after embryo transfer. So I guess it's okay to do acupuncture after ovulation?

Heather, love your positivity.
and you're right, try and try again until we are successful!
Hi Heather - I've already called KKH to inform them that my AF came. I'm supposed to head down to collect the various jabs to start the IVF process already

And yes, I'm taking Conceive Well from Blackmore too. The pink tablet is GROSS TO THE MAX but I've discovered a good way of taking it without gagging - try pinching your nose as you pop it into your mouth and swallow it fast. In this way, you don't need to smell the foul smell. It works for me! Also, I'm not sure if I'm getting used to the taste but I don't find the smell too bad these days.

When u said iUI success rate is not high, do u know how many %?

Leith: do you have a briefing or something to tell u what iVF is before ur planned IVF schedule?
Hi foodieshare - Yes, there's an IVF briefing to sign all the forms, etc and there'd also be a doc who will give a short presentation on what is IVF. Personally, I read up a lot on the internet and books on what it is so I wasn't completely clueless about the procedure.
Wow 15%, actually not bad already.
That means do 5-6 times not successful better proceed to IVF.

Any idea how many % success rate for IVF?
I calculating the cost effectiveness.

1 time IUI abt 2K. How much is IVF?
If IVF with KKH, I think the cost should be about $10K or so? Leith is getting it done at KKH so she can give you a clearer picture.

At Mt E, I know the cost is about $13-15K or so? The hospital and medicine charges are definitely higher than KKH's.

For the first round of IVF, you can deduct $6K from your Medisave. And if you are getting it done at a public hospital, the government will subsidise your cost by $3K. So you are looking at upfront cash payment of $1K or even less. But if you are at private hospital, the government will not subsidize you.
a colleague of mine went for 1st time IVF after fail to conceive naturally.
And she got twins (bb girls).

She did it via Private hospital. Not sure hw much is the total charges.

but i did hear some went for IVF, but not successful.
Hehe gals,

Don't you think we are too scientific? Let's throw away those statistic. It is kind of meaningless. There is only two outcomes, either BFP or BFN, so to me, we all have 50:50%. Pointless to take reference on other people failures or success and stress ourselves. Stay happy, and believe all of us will became mother in one day. And luck will come to us. Do our best to stay positive ok. Jia you gals.
BFP is Big Fat Positive, use to describe +ve result on HPT, means bingo! Hehe...
Aiya, for the other one, don't want to tell you, you no need to know lar... not important to us. hehe... ;p
Hi Heather - Yes, I agree with you. Statistics are only numbers. We can read into it and still nothing happen so just go with the flow and at the end of the day, we know that we've tried our best.
Hi tambourina

Welcome. I don't feel anything when I am on puregon. What is your dosage? Mine is only 75iu. Read somewhere bloating can be a side effect but nothing worrying unless it becomes pain.
Hi starbbay, chompchomp and foodieshare,

thanks for your warm welcome

I'm on 100IU puregon. Maybe it's not bloating, it's my fats. haha!

Need your enlightenment. My gynae said if there are more than 3 eggs, the cycle will be abandoned or we can proceed with IVF. How does the latter work? Take out the eggs to meet the sperms and transfer 2-3 embryos back while freezing the rest of the embryos?
Tambourina welcome!

Hello ladies how is every one doing?

Tambourina, I also started with 100 IU... yes I do feel a bit bloated... but then I feel is quite mild only... but if you do feel v bloated u need to call your gynae to tell them abt it..., i remembered the nurse keep on reminding me then
Thanks diamond.

From previous posts, i gather that we're seeing the same gynae. How come the nurse didn't tell me that? The first day I injected, I threw up my breakfast. The nurse told me to jab after a meal. I had jabbed myself on an empty stomach. Heh Heh.
Hi tambourina - For Puregon, I usually jab at about 11pm, just before bedtime. I don't think it matters when you jab but it is important to jab at about the same time daily.
tambourina, really? I jab at 530am when I wake up... so is on an empty stomach....
Haha... we are seeing the same gynae :D

I realised during my last follow up, the nurse who reminded me had already left the clinic le...
that was my first jab, so probably body wasnt used to it. Getting better. Maybe it's also the Blackmores Conceive Well capsule and tablet that I took early in the morning. They aren't palatable, but nowhere as yucky as TCM med.

Which nurse is that? Is it the slim and pretty one with heavy eyelashes?
You go to Paragon or TB?

Good morning!
Hi tambourina - Oh, for the Conceive Well tabs, it is important to eat it WITH a meal. I realised that if we take it on empty/half-full stomach, you'd feel nauseous and want to throw up all the time! This is because of the iron content in the pill. I always take it the moment I finish my lunch and it really helps. Try it!
Good morning... TGIF! hehe... so don't feel like working already. Oh, you are on 11 or 12dpIUI? Getting nervous for you. Keep us update ok, fingers crossed for you.

Great to hear you are getting more comfortable with the jab. Hope you are having a smooth progress there. Jia you ah...

Diamond, chomp, star and Kate,
How's everyone there? I am on 7dpiui. Woohoo... one week passed! Marching into the 2nd week of 2ww. And looking forward for next week to come, cos is a short week, and I should be able to reveal my result by next Friday or Sat! hehe... Getting nervous for the day to come - BFP or BFN...
Hey Girls!!

Gd morning!! Sooo lazy to work today...haizzz
BTW how is everybody doing? Well ..it seems that I dont feel any different at all after SO IUI...hehehe
Hope everything will turn out well for us!! BFP BFP BFP!!!! HAHAHAHA
Heatherwhite, diamond, star and kate,

Do you take brazil nut during the 2ww? Read from the IVF thread that it's good for implantation as it's high in selenium, although the Blackmores CWG has that element covered.

Yes yes, I think many forum talking abt this brazil nut good for implantation. Maybe I should try that, I am taking my TCM doctor Post-ovulation aka his 'an tai yao'. According to my TCM doctor, it is also helping to make the womb strong and help in implantation. Hope it really help. Fingers crossed!

Me too... so lazy to work... can see how active I am in forum... haha... better don't let boss catch me! hehe...
For me, I feel a bit bloated stomach after the IUI. Like a lots of wind inside my stomach. Other than that all are usual. hehe..
happy friday foodieshare!

Hey tambourina, yeah if you get too stimulated and produce too many eggs, they may convert the cycle to IVF to reduce risk of multiples. Like you say, they will retrieve the eggs from you and then fertilise the eggs with your husband's sperm. Once successful, 1 or 2 embryos will be put back into your body.

No, I didn't take brazil nut. I think I was err lazy. :p

hi heather! time passes so fast. best of luck and keep us updated okay.

I'm very happy, I spoke to my boss about taking the month off to do IVF (cos work has been really really stressful) and she agreed!

I am happy for you too! Stress free from work during your treatments. Meanwhile you can plan to do something on your one month leave too. Make sure you enjoy your holidays. When you start your IVF?
Hi heatherwhite

Ya next Monday is end of cycle.
I think most likely will not strike.
I am feeling the same thing as last cycle.

Plan to rest next month to clear up the chemicals in my body.
System reboot....
have you tested HPT yet?

i think the TCM med is good enough. How do you tahan downing them? Kudos to you!

you have an understanding boss. Take things very easy for that one month, just focus on relaxing your body and mind.

No I didn't test. Not interested anymore haha. Been testing for the past year, no more excitement already.

Just leave it for time to tell.
Morning gals,

Yeah, we will have a short week ahead! But still having Monday blues, so nice to sleep this morning cos of the weather... Yawn...

Today is my 10dpIUI, 4 more days to go for me. Unfortunately, BBT start to drop le, I think I better plan how to proceed with my coming cycle.

What's your progress over there. Congrates... we are ending our 2ww soon.
Hi heather, Tambourina - yes, I am indeed very lucky. She is a mother of three with friends who have done IVF before so she understands how it is.

Should be doing IVF when AF reports. Maybe end April/early May.

BTW girls, where can you get this brazil nuts?

Good luck to those still in 2WW.

Foodieshare, keep us updated?
I got brazil nuts from NTUC Finest.

i just came back from gynae. Follies still small after 6 days of jabs - 5mm and 8mm. So increasing dosage and see him again on Sat.

Feel like giving up, it's such a difficult and discouraging process.
Dun ever give up kz....
Maybe God wants you and DH to enjoy yr loving life before bb comes ....
think it positively kz dearie....
Thanks chompchomp for the encouraging nudge.

We have a girl who is 4+ years old. If this cycle fails, most likely we will stop at one.

Ask you girls:
After first week of jabs, how many dominant follicles and size were observed during V-scan?
tambourina, please don't be discouraged.
Maybe your follies are just taking their own sweet time and will blossom soon.

Anyway a better gauge would be the scan at D11 or D12. Good luck!
Hi HeatherWhite,

My breast is super sore for the past 1 week & also I felt tight at my lower abdominal...not sure what it is....

My next appt will be 26 April at 8am. Let's stay positive!! BFP BFP!!!!

Btw... I already make appt with DR SF Loh on 04 May 2011. If this cycle fail..I will proceed with IVF.

Tt's good sign, my friend also had super sore breast before she tested BFP! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
As for me, I think I will have no hope liao. BBT drop to pre-O temp already, n having slight pre-menses cramp like my previous month, guess AF will report anytime ba.

Don't give up. My follicle also grow very slow last cycle. My one and only one follicle was only 8mm on my first scan at CD12. But it managed to grow to right size later on. Don't give up ok? stay positive and don't think too much. We are all doing our best here. We should be proud of ourselves. We will jia you with you.

Starbaby and heatherwhite, thanks for your mental support. appreciate it very much.

Kate: I feel excited for you! 26 apr seems like a long time away.

Can SO IUI cost be subsidized or deducted from Medisave if it's done in public hospitals? Or that's only applicable to IVF?
Advisable to go thru polyclinic or directly make an appt with KKH?
