IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

klkz: my doc saw my hb's results leh, he say shd be ok.... but i read otherwise online, so maybe i'm scaring myself lor... cos the diagnosis from the last sperm test was teratozoosperimia - which is low morphology. but since doc say ok i hope its ok lah.

tweet: yup i have pcos too...at least u have one already... i'm tryin so hard for my first
good luck to all of us!

serene: the sperm report from the "washing" said 8.09mil sperms with 77% motility. Hope that's good enuf.... before wash was 42mil but only 42% motility.
Hi klkz,

Normally before embaking on any assisted method, the fertility doc will do a series of test on both u and ur hub. For ladies: HSG test to check blockage of fallopian tubes. Bloodtests to check for hormones levels and whether u can ovulate. And also bloodtest for HIV. For men: Sperm Analysis test for quantity and quality of the sperms. Bloodtests to check for hormones levels and HIV.

Based on the results, the fertility doc will recommend the assisted methods to you.
Hi Tweetie,
I am ttcing#2 also. Hit the jackpot at 1st try. ttc for #2 when my boi reached 2 years old. Been trying actively for 1 years plus. No good news

Through the bloodtest know tat i did not ovulate regularly. So took 4 cycle of clomids. Ovulate but no preggy. Tats y embark in IUI wif clomids. Like you will try for 2 cycle of IUI, then proceed to IVF.
Tat was quite good. My hub washed sperms was 15mil. My doc said some dun even reached 1 mil after washed. We just need 1 good sperm to reach 1 egg. For you are 2 good sperms to reach 2 eggs : )
Hi Serene (coolman),
Sad to say tt i dun hv good news.... mens suppose to come on the 14.... at first i wass so happy... tested but negative.... den 2 days later mens came... so sad.... starting my clomid tmr and have to go for HSG.... den a day 12 scan then go for jab den IUI....
Hi serene,

Oh my 1st one was a roller coaster ride coz we know we had problems already. HB's SA result was way below avg, if talk abt count it was like only 5.6 at most, extremely low to even try naturally. I saw 2 gynaes and they told me conceiving naturally is almost impossible. But somehow we had her naturally prior to doing IUI.
So she was a miracle little girl to us.

With no. 2, tough luck. I even had to do ovarian drilling but still not out come. Today is 13DPO, another 4 days to do. I really hope hope to catch baby dust.

Hi liyan, hugs.... dun be sad, just have to continue the best for the next cycle. Btw, did u have any PMS symptoms prior to the 14?
Liyan: we'll keep each other strong here... cheer up

Serene: I had weird dreams the past 2 nights.... i read that some ladies had too when they conceived... but yesterday's dream had bad contents... i so scared..... hahaa

I have a lot of yellow discharge tho, not sure if that's a good sign.

Babydust to all of us!
Tweetie: When you did ur IUI, did Prof Wong measure your lining? Prior to the hcg shot, do you have any form of hormone pills or hcg booster to improve the lining?

Liyan: Dun be sad. Keep on trying. Tell urself you will success one day. We are here to support one another : )
Serene: I dun think he did coz he didnt ever mention that to me. And I wasn't on any hormone pills, everything was natural until CD22, then he say he finally saw one follicle growing to 20mm, then ovidrel shot and next day IUI. That's it.
Hi gals,

Can I check with you. I have hcg jab on monday nite, test opk-. Then tue nite opk+. Wed pm went for my IUI, opk+. Thurs nite opk still +. I am wondering whether the hcg jab will cause the opk to stay + for few days as the hcg level is high inside our body? Similar to a preggy woman who will get opk+ due to hcg level in their body.

mi dpo2 today and i m feeling crampy on my tummy area. I have ovulation cramp on tuesday and wednesday. Today the crampy feeling is back again. Wondering is it the side effect of the clomid?
Thanks Serene & Pin-nacle,
We shall support each other.... babydust to all.... ;)
I started my clomid again this cycle.... will do HSG after that.... if cleared will porceed to do IUI.... hopefully it will succeed...
@Serene, I think should be ok..... check with your doc.....
yup Liyan... i'm getting so depressed already... the symptoms that I had the past few days seem to have disappeared.... less nausea (tho i dono if it was due to the hormone pills), less bloating... less discharge... sigh
hi ladies, my gynae is suggesting i go for so-iui after failing iui with clomid 3x. I am a little afraid as I am not ready for the emotional pain and disappointment which I am going thru.
Hi all.. Glad that this thread is alive again..
I also did my soiui on the 8 sept, sad to say my af reported yesterday which is only dpo11.. I never had my menses so early... So wanna check if those going thru 2nd attempt of soiui experience this on your 1st failed cycle? Menses came earlier than expected?
I will take a break from 1 cycle and go for my 2nd attempt again.. Most likely in late oct..
Really hope to bfp esp now there are 4 preg ladies in my company! Let's jiayou....
Hi gals,

I got low grade fever yesterday and today. Have taken panadol even though it will not affect pregnancy. But I afraid my fever will not cause pregnancy to happen. sobb..
Serene: I heard from my preggy friends that it is common for ladies to fall sick (flu/fever) in early preg. Hope that's a good thing for u
Just be careful when u take medication.
Hi PiPi,

Just sharing my opinion wif u. I will proceed straight away to IVF if I were u. If you are wif public hospital, you can use govt subsidy and medisave. So money issue is solved. SO-IUI normally will simulate many follicles end up hav to terminate the procedure else will need to convert to IVF where the no of egg put into our uterus can be controlled. The probability of pregnancy is higher for IVF than SO-IUI.
haha.. Pin-nacle me oni dpiui3 when i was having low grade fever. Not yet implantation. So not even consider early preg.

Tweetie: Hav u tested yet? Any symptoms you have?

I test last sat and its a v faint + line on HPT but 2 strong bold lines on OPK. So I also dunno what's wat coz I dun feel like its for real and the line is so faint that I hv reservations.

Giving myself another 5 days to retest again using clear blue kit instead.

I have long cycles up to 49 days, so I suspect luteal phase is long. Another 5 days would be CD45, that would be more accurate.

Wish me tonnes of baby dust!!!

Panadol is baby safe, so dun worry. When its meant to stick, fever, it will also stick. Okie.

Tdy is DPO17.
Congrats Tweetie.

Even a faint + on HPT mean u are preggy. OPK can also test for pregnancy. As they can detect HCG level in the urine. Especially u said the test line is same as the control line. Once again congrats. So happy for u. Wat are the symptoms you hav this mth?

If u still in doubt, try to test HPT tomolo morning, morning urine contains higher HCG.
Babydust to us : )
Hi hi,

I dun really hv a lot of symptoms, that's y worried.

I read opk can but not fool proof.

I really pray this bb sticks to me.
Hi Tweetie, Pin-nacle,
I tot normally hcg shot will remain in our body for only 7 days right.

Pin-nacle: When is the last day u have the the hcg booster?
my last one was last fri..... so still in body i think. i read online that min the body takes 1 day to clear 1000 iu of hcg, i had 5000 so prob 5-7 days is safe.
but my temp drop today at 11dpo
i'm feeling really down
serene, I didn't take any hcg shot except for the ovidrel that was prior to IUI.

pinnacle, still have a few days to go. I know how u feel. I hv the same feeling....and today is DPO19. I don't know what's my chance too. Tdy, I tested with a clearblue expired kit, it showed clearly + but again, expired for a year. My coll gave it to me, so tdy I just tot of testing.
tweet i think u can safely take it as + leh. because think of it, if it's neg, there wun even be a line.

i used a opk today (cos wanted to save hpt), line was not as dark as the control line like last week, but slightly lighter, so i also dont know what to make of it.
Just wait lor, if have good, if not, i think i prob cant take it leh, i'm very very affected too by those who get preg after a few mths of marriage. someone i know is even telling me how i must take her mlm prod then i can be as fertile as her etc, sometimes i feel like slapping her, cos i know how she is so into selling her products even before she was preg.
pinnacle, how long have you been trying? I know how it feels when everyone ard you just pop like nobody's biz.

Hv u tot of going for TCM? I saw 2 tcm for no. 1 and this dunno when materialised no. 2.

I hv this mixed feeling of suddenly very excited, and then suddenly very sad. Like super worried what's the outcome and whether I can take it or not. Do you?
tweet: actually actively trying almost a year, but since my wedding 2 yrs ago we've been bd-ing unprotected, so if you take that into consideration, its like 2 yrs, tho it wasn't targeted bd-ing during ovulation periods lah..
Seriously, why dun u try TCM? I find it helps quite a fair but but u must be very diligent.

I tried for abt 2 yrs before having no. 1 and now 3.5yrs for trying no. 2.
i was actually startin on tcm but i didn expect my last month's AF came so fast.. .cos mine usually 2 or 3 months to come. so since AF came i tot i may as well get iui done, if *touch wood* things don go well, i'll go back to tcm lo
hello ladies.
i was in another thread and tweetie told me that she is in this thread often - so i thought i will pop by and say hi

and currently waiting for iui and if no success, will proceed to ivf. i have done iui twice earlier this year but no success...
hello pin!

take care of yourself. i realised that just falling sick may mean that our body may end up not ovaluating! then we gotta wait another cycle!
hello kopibaby,
Welcome!! Welcome!! We need more IUI ladies to join us. Currently Pin-nacle is dpiui12 and I m dpiui8. Which hopital did u did ur IUI?
hi serene!

wow, you can remember each other dp!!

i did my first two rounds of iui early this year with a normal gynae at gleneagles. no success so hubby and i said, take a break and try natural for a while.

nothing happened. so we decided to consult fertility doc at nuh. doc suggested hsg which i did. then results inconclusive! so now dont even know whether my tubes blocked or not! grrrrr....

hubby said try iui once with this fertility doc and see how. if dont succeed, then go to ivf lor.

supp to do last mth af but i fell very sick for one whole week. in the end didnt ovaluate, so gotta wait again...
Pin-nacle: hopefully u hav recovered from running nose. Nowsaday weather veri bad.. One moment hot, one moment rain. Yesterday nite, i felt my entire body was cold. Tot i was coming down wif something. I covered blanket from head to toe. I felt much better this morning.

2day dpiui8 no any symptoms except i feel nausea. keep wanting to vomit. But could be the side effect of clomid. I always feel nausea on my clomid cycle.
i have never taken clomid before.
but coz i didnt ovulate last cycle, doc asked if i wanna try.
then i was on the phone with my gf last nite, i didnt know clomid can have so many side effects ah!!!

and altho only take for 5 days, but the side effects can last whole month!!!

sounds scary!
i have a question.
under what circumstances should we consider super iui? is it if the problem is with the woman not ovulating regularly?

serene: not yet.. still a bit runny nose, n slight itchy throat... i hope r good signs?? hahaa but do u all feel that yesterday n today damn hot? but when i on the aircon, i get too cold..

kopi: varies from person to person. i took for 4 cycles already... but first cycle down with bad bad rashes dono if it's clomid... then 2nd cycle i still try (dun care cos want baby mah hehe) but so far ok leh... the thing that is making me sick now are the hormone pills.... i try not to eat too full for meals now, else all will just come out.
i did my hsg too, was told right tube blocked... but after lap surgery, doc said both were fine, so doc was saying that the dye injection can sometimes cause tubes to clamp up as it's afterall foreign material. i cried for a few mths leh.... felt so sad for nothing hee

i think iui is if u have tried for quite a while and no news. it's best if male side motility not so good cos the spermies will not need to swim too far up.. cos it's already directly deposited into the uterus.

in so-iui, SO is the part where they induce ovulation thru either clomid or injections... usually multiple follicles for higher chance, but also risk of multiples. very good for woman for dun ovulate, cos i sometimes dun ovulate too... i have pcos
IUI is the part where doc insert the hb's washed sperms into the wife's uterus. sperm wash will keep the best ones for the iui :D
hi kopibaby,

Welcome to this thread!

Sounds more appropriate for us doing IUI or SO IUI right?

Today, I am DPO20 reporting. Did my last HPT test and lines were slightly bolder than last Sat's strip and came out faster. But still not as bold as the control line.

Having mixed feeling, dunno is it for real or is it pulling my leg? A/w called NUH to make appt to c Prof but he is away, so I have to wait until next week.

Now only fingers cross cross cross that I dun see red at all.

U know my temp is not very high at all. Always abt 36.76 or 36.6++, not those preg temp at all.

kopi baby, yes most of the time when clomid dun work, then they will recommend SO IUI but I heard cost not cheap either coz injectibles are expensive
Hi Tweetie,
U are definitely pregnant : ) Did u tell the staff that u test hpt + and can do a blood test to make sure the hcg is high. At least u can put down ur heart. Dun need to wait for Prof Wong is back. Some preg temp is not high also. Dun think too much. Faster call Nuh to book for blood test.
yupyup injections are exp, each session abt 400 bucks... tts y i stick to clomid first since so far its ok...

tweet good for u... but what is preg temp supposed to be? my temp also been lingering ard 36.6 only leh..... if u read my post the other thread, yesterday drop to 36.1, then today back to 36.6 .... dono what to expect... oh btw, i went washroom just now, i got creamy white n yellow discharge only when i wipe... i was quite excited but i tell myself cannot get hopes high. btw we supposed to test together this morn right?
i cdnt wait so i did last night, 5 days after my 5000iu hcg shot, i still got a positive (not as strong as before tho). i'm not sure if it's still injection residue or it's really bfp. (cos i researched n 5000iu shd clear in 5 days)...so to be safe i will test again on sat morn, before i see my gynae. he's seeing me on sat 2 weeks after the iui... i'm really really keepin fingers crossed.... i know stress is no good lah but i cant stop myself from thinking about it. I remember ur symptoms (or little symptoms) u mentioned quite similar to mine...
discharge is your discharge from down there lor.. when ur near fertile period it's usually tranparent and stretchy like egg white.. tho mine usually not much..
kopibaby: Not everyone will have side effect from clomid. I took 50mg of clomid no side effect. But went took 100mg of clomid, i will encounter nausea, giddiness, sudden break into sweats, usually around af period based on past experience.

Also read from the web tat it is no good to take clomid for more than 6 cycles. But when I checked wif my fertility doc. He claimed tat we are not taking heavy dosage so is alright.

Pin-nacle: normally after Oed, temp remain 36.5 and above and if it continue to stay elevated for at least 16days. Meaning tat one could be pregnant as the progesterone level is high.
