IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Ok tweetie. Saw from the other IVF thread that kopibaby also having good news le............
Kopibaby, are U there, must come in to spread babydust hor, donlt forget us, le...........

bear: i'm afraid of needles too.... tts y my hb not very keen to try ivf for now cos he feels will be tough on me. but i told him if i wan something i wan it... n he knows it.. haha

tweet: waiting for ur good news!

serene: hows r things ur side?

Anyway my period like come don wan to come, it's all dark brown spotting and sticky kind ley... Doesn't look like period at all. More like old brown discharge..... U think cos I'm still on duphaston (progesterone) so tts y the period can't come? But no hopes hor, cos hpt is flat negative. But today like spotting a bit lesser it's third day Liao..... Damn irritating.
havent forgotten all of you sisters here!!

yes! its a miracle!! i have bfped. i also dont know how! was in a huge state of shock but blood test confirmed.

was very upset about the trip and not knowing if i should still go. we decided to in the end. if its meant to be, it will be

all sisters here - jia you and dont give up hope! a big truck of baby dusts to all of you!

tweetie, hope to hear good news from you!
kopibaby-Enjoy yr trip & be careful, hor..........
Pin-Think U would overcome it, since the wanting a baby is more impt, le.
Tweetie-How is yr appt with PC Wong??
hi there,

Sorry for the long wait.

kopibaby, congrats!!!! I know u will be able to make it. Tat's what happened to me before I went for trip but i was ignorant and chose not to test and go ahead with my trip. ;)

Oh, I saw PC Wong yest. Its a BFP.
I am so happy too.... saw the preg sac. But having spotting, so gotta jab proluton and take oral progesterone tabs plus 1 wk bed rest. Still sm bleeding today, hope it will stop soon.

Meanwhile, bluenose, serene, pinnacle, dun despair, will spread some babydust to all of u!!! U must hang in there.
tweetie-Congrats. U take care, try to rest in well as much as possible.
I saw PC Wong yesterday, went through all the necessary BTs. He said to start IUI next cycle. Would be starting Clomid 100mg, as was ovulating with this dose before my OV op. Then he would scan me on 12th day of the cycle. Hope everything go smoothly.
Catching & keeping with tight seal of yr babydust...........
Tweetie-forgot to ask U, so U would be converting back to Biswas for this preg? Becos PC would probably see U till 1st Tri...........
bluenose, dun worry... i will be here spreading baby dust to you!!!! ;)

Yes, I will be converting back to Biswas which I believe in a months time. PC doesn't seem to be keen to keep me till 1st tri.
kopibaby: Congrats. U must take good care of urself during ur trip : ) Baby dust to us...

Pinacle: My af came last Wednesday. Exactly at dpo14. 2day just finished my 5 days of clomid. Next week going to scan for egg at cd13. U leh? Doing IUI for this cycle?? Or resting first?
serene: i'm on 4th day clomid, will get my scan tmr. I wanted to actually rest, cos i need to nurse my emotions haha... but doc din ask me what i wan to do he directed to me continue another round so jus follow lor. onnly thing is $$ very xiong...... but i guess i will have to cut down on shopping for my taiwan trip in dec. :D
Bluenose, serene,

Dun stress, how about going for massages and relaxation before going for IUI? I did a few rounds of craniosacral and bodytalk massages which I find did help me in preparation for this.
Anyone did malay massage before, heard that it might help to BFP, don know how true is it.....
Thanks Tweetie, now awaiting af to come, also trying to be zen la...........Forget to ask U, how is the spotting? U rest well hor.........
Pin-which Dr U seeing, lazy to scroll & c......
bluenose, spotting has gone but injection still continues. This sat, hopefully, will be the last one.

So far, I nvr hear Malay massage will allow u to BFP. I only hear TCM or accupuncture. Why dun u try TCM?
bluenosebear: Thanks. Hopefully my egg will be matured next week and can do IUI. This is my 2 cycle.

re: TCM
I went TCM and accupuncture for 1 cycle. 1 week accupucture 2 times. But due to time contraint, I did not go anymore. Accupuncture is veri relaxing but i really cant make time to go. Weekday after work need to drive my son home from childcare. Weekend need to go marketing, hse-work and bring him for enrichment course. Sigh.. Really have no time to do my own thing. Therefore I kind of give up on tcm.
blue: i'm see dr benjamin tham at tmc... how bt u?

serene: my this round clomid response no good... doc say wait n see how, whether can do iui or not. i'm soo sick n tired, y is it like dat? sighh......
the last round i did accupuncture too, i don't know if that helped with the eggs... where did u do ur accupuncture? mine was dr tan at clementi...
pinnacle, i tot scanning of eggs are normally done on cd12 onwards? y did ur doc scan so early? TCM doc claimed that accupuncture can help the eggs to grow, help in ovulation and help implanation. But I dunno whether is it true ornot since only try for 1 cycle. I went to Dr Zou Yumin at AMK.
A friend of mine try accupuncture for almost 1 year still no news leh. I encouraged her to try IUI/IVF. But she is afraid of failure.
Busy today, now then get to come in the thread.
Pin-I'm seeing PC Wong, was seeing Biswas initially.
Serene-must update us next week how is yr progress wor, hoping to get yr babydust le.
Tweetie-the injection pain is worth la, U better rest well hor.
tweetie-forgot to say that I already on TCM since last year, he started me on accupuncture since last month. But my temp is remain low, if not on clomid. Sian ah, imagine I have to go & gonna poke every week.
Tweetie: U must take good care of urself. Rest well. Dun carry ur gal for too long.

Bluenosebear: Thanks. I hope I can sprinkle baby dust to u soon : ) Have u seen PC Wong? What is his advise?
Serene-He wants me to start Clomid 100mg for next cycle, then scan on the 12 day. He says 3 round of IUI. Already done $400+ blood tests for both me & hubby when l saw him 30/9/10. But the nurse never tell me IUI charges, eat are the charges like? K we use medisave?
U bfp, don forget us, hor, must come in to support the sistas here hor.
Pin- have u consider to go for 2nd opinion?
i dono leh, i thinking of switching to LC cheng at tmc, i heard he's good with fertility issues. we're abandoning this round's iui cos no good eggs... all super small. and he is putting me on 150mg clomid next month leh..... up from my current 100mg... i'm getting quite paranoid cos dosage like so high.
bluenosebear, the IUI charge is $550 before GST. This include washing of sperm and insemination.
I would advise only use medisave if one is doing IVF as we can only use 3 times. I have spent 1k just alone on the fertility tests, scanning and consultation. Sure I also hope i can sprinkle baby dust to u soon.
Today cd13 went for egg scan. 1 follicle 11mm. Hopefully it will grow to the ideal size by Friday.
last cycle on 100mg clomid i had 2 follicles close to 20mm on day 10 or 11. so when i had my scan on sat for this cycle, my follicles were only 13mm on day 10 and doc is abandoning this cycle leh.... but urs 11mm doc will still go on right?
Pin-why don't U see LC Cheng, since U already in TMC. Heard that CARE success rate is also high. Maybe change of hands will be successful, U never know..............
Serene-thanks for the advise, must update us after Fri scan hor, waiting for yr baby dust........
I have backache today & my breast very pain & sore, think af coming le...........
Pin-nacle: faster go for 2nd opinion. Your doc shld not abandon this cycle. Ur follicles will continue to grow since only cd10. I remembered in August, I was only asked to abort the IUI when my follicles did not grow to the ideal size at cd20. Last month, i did the IUI at cd17 with a 19.5mm follicle.
Hi , girls
yup Pinnacle i think u should go for 2nd opinion....
As for me... haiz.... 100mg of clomid but no follicles grow so now increase to 150mg.... hopefully will hv....
tons of baby dust to everyone....
Halo Liyan, U already started the 150mg Clomid or is next cycle? I starting 100mg when my af is here, then we k be cycle buddies le......
Must come in more often wor, here very quiet le
serene: today i'm already on day 13, u think still in time for iui?? I'm hesitating too cos think my bank reserve also running low.... i don't know if i should just go for it since i already took clomid or waste this cycle n do natural?
Pinnacle: CARE is at paragon. It is a clinic which do Assisted Reproduction Techniques for couples.

As long as u have not ovulated and ur follicles grow into the ideal size b4 cd20, you can do IUI. For ur normal cycle, u will ovulate at which day? For me, i usually ovulated at cd20 or cd21. If by this Fri cd17, my follicle is less than 15mm, think Prof Wong will ask me to abort the cycle.
Since you are wif TMC, y dun you get 2nd opinion from LC Cheng.
oic... ok will do that but need to sort out finances with hb tonight first.... tight tight tight

btw, I'm in this chingay competition and if yall like my video, need ur help to support by "liking" my video at http://www.facebook.com/passionchingayclub to get me to da next round! Search for contestant name "Ang Chang Pin" Thanks muchhh!!

Direct link to video (but u must be logged in to facebook for link to work) http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=438749479091

Thx ladies! :D
I so busy today.
Pin- tink Serene had answer yr question.
Serene- why don u try eat more protein, was reading that from ivf thread, tink it might help to grow the follicles, jiayou orh
i starting this cycle.... waiting for day2 to start.... but peroid suppose to be due today but ni sign of it.... maybe late cos last cycle also late for one day....
but i so worry tt even at 150mg still nv grow den very sad.... my hubby kept asking me why is it like tt and i too can't give him an ans.... all the gg to the clinic also had taken a toll on my job.... my principal just told me today tt my MC hv exceeded 14 days... so hv to take unpaid leave .... she say i can consider working only in the morning and go to the doc in the afternoon but i call the clinic they say TOO only done in morning.... haiz .... really at a lost .....
but close friends around me ask me to relax as it helps...
anyway baby dust to everyone
Liyan- maybe is also due to stress that is why delay. U are w which Dr? My menses also coming tomorrow, then we really cycle buddy wor.
Relax, be zen just tink next round will be better, if too stress come in & chat, maybe u will feel better.
By the way, I seeing PC Wong in NUH
thanks bluenosebear
hey i am also with PC Wong lei.... haha
my job giving me alot of stress and also my husband..... both on the issue of my job....
sadly to say i can't......(long story)
i think i will stick to unpaid leave lor...
i am always there around 8 plus to 9 am...
which day this month not comfirm yet.... will let u know ... maybe we will reallly meet each other...
baby dust to you....
Same to u too.
I also awaiting for af to come but hopefully it would not come for the next 9 mths, maybe both of us will have miracle baby, like kopi......
Will also update u which date be going down
Today late for 1 day, but today if still not here is late for 2 days. Temp 36.58, praying hard that still got abit hope for miracle baby. Surprise that tis round I not tempted to check HCG le. Normally if not for 1 day I would very fast check. Maybe don wan to be disappointed, so this round see how long I can tahan...........
Ya for me also.... Today 3rd day late but also not keen to check cos most likely due to too many dissapoinment
hopefully it Will be good news.... Same for you bluenosebear....

know what u all feeling..... no more urge to check cos too much hope brings much disappointment... i'm trying natural this round, din even bother to test opk, jus know that o is sometime this week, jus alternate day bd, if have good lah, if not what to do.....
