IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Budderball
Ya think something to do with that.. I just ate tot no harm trying any ways / methods to hit the jackpot..

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for your advices.
Did you feel cramp after the IUI procedure? I remember during my first iui, I felt crampy and Dr Fong felt that it might be due to some infections.

Anyway, I am into my 2nd attempt now. And hope that everything will be smooth. I will also eat a lot of egg whites
am quite used to it already.
Hi GiGi
U r most welcome. We are all here to share. No worries.

I got very slight cramp after the procedures, so Dr Fong told me I must faithfully take my Progesterone.

All the best for yr 2nd attempt! God bless
hi Nancy,

I didn't tell my in-laws, I told my mum and sis. I think no point telling my in-laws coz don't think they'll understand. I told my mum coz I need her to take care of me during 2ww. I also told my boss, coz need to take leave and bcoz of work commitment. I may tell some close friends and colleagues, but may be after it is successful.

I'll be doing my ivf with Raffles Hospital, Dr Joan Thong. I hope this "investment" will turn out to be a good one.
I didn't tell anyone. I feel that the more people know, the more stress i will have.

Will be given hospitalisation leave, don't need to take leave.
Hi budder,

I know will be having hospitalisation leave, but my company very KPO 1, my boss & HR sure ask me what happen. Also, I don't want my boss to stress me with work, so better tell her 1st.
good luck! hope to hear good news from you soon. when you due to test? My doc ask me to take a break. :p are you refering to duphaston? i took mine after food.
I agree with Liz, this is rather personal. For me, i will only tell them that I will be away for operation.

Aren't you afraid that in the end whole company will know?
my whole department know liao because my big boss has NO EQ and is a big gossiper. i had to tell her as I needed to be excused for some biz trip. she's an a**!!!

Thanks for the well wishes. I will be for test 14 days later.

I took it after meals too .. but today, the nurse told me to take it half an hour before food .. that's why I got a bit confused.
hi liz/budder,

I know it's very personal. But if I don't let my boss knows, she'll keep piling up jobs for me, then I'll get more stressed. Actually I also scared she'll go around telling her kakis, but I've already told her to keep it to herself, and she promised liao... I can only take her words for it lor...

My co HR very KPO, coz except for pregnancy related surgery, we can claim co insurance. So they sure ask why I go for op and didn't inform them. I intend to tell them after I come back from the leave. Sigh... most human beings are KPO in nature lah
Hi Budderball & liz
I did not eat daily during my 2WW, just eat as & when I remembered.

Hi liz
During my procedures I tried to avoid eating spicy or fried food. And earlier I forget to mention that I took Vit-C daily and drink plenty of water as the injection made our bodies very heaty.
the dr says that my eggs are not growing but he cannot increase the dosage as he is concern that all the eggs might grow together. so got to continue with the jabs and monitor. has this happen to anybody before? Is there still a possibility to do IUI ot got to abandon cycle soon. hope someone can advise me. I'm very worried that might have to abandon the cycle. Thanks in advance
i checked with the nurse. you can eat it anyway that you want. but cannot eat with dark sauce, soy sauce and don't eat the yolks.
because the eggs are forming so they will absorb protein from our body and we will need to replenish this protein. Thus, eating egg white helps as egg white contains proteins which are easy to absorb by our body as compared to other sources.
hi jenn, have u taken FSH blood test before?

I have mine on first visit... if let's say i decided to start IUI, do i have to retake again?
i dunno leh.. guess better not lah. get as natural source as possible.

i only took once during the first cycle.
sorry. to clarify. i did a blood test on my first cycle of clomid. other than that, there were no more blood test except for 1 test after O.
hi there,

I have been reading the post here but long time didn't post. recently has been feeling rather down especially when i read so many news of celebraties baby bump.

I has been trying for more than 3 years... now is kinda angry and sad whenever i hear about baby topic

anyway... i am going to try out SO-IUI as recomended by my gynae... and i have been refuse to try it since it was bring up 2 years ago.....

to be frank ... i m scare....
As for progesterone, I am using as a cream to apply to my body for about 2 weeks and stop when menses come. So can anyone tell me what is this oral progesterone called and how it is taken.
According to Dr John R Lee's book, our body need a small amount thru application. if Through oral, it has to goes to the liver first.
hi gillian,

my gynae wants me to test it before she starts the ivf process. my FSH is too high for this month, so will be testing it next month again. I think she just wants to increase my chances lor.
Hi there! I'm a mum to a 3 year old Girl. I have tried to conceive again (for more than a year) but have no luck.

I failed my 1st SO-IUI cycle at KKH which was done on 10th March 08. I called up to the clinc when my period came on monday. Sigh - very sad : ( The nurse actually suggested me to consider for IVF instead. Should i try IUI again or go straight to IVF? i'm at loss...

Anyone going through IVF @ KKH? I was wondering if anyone of you could give me some advice, suggestions on what the whole process involves and how much I should be willing to fork out (everything included). Are you happy with your treatment at KKH?

Just any advice at all will be very very much and gratefully appreciated.
hi everyone!
my boy is coming to 4 yrs old lioa.
been ttc for almost 2 yrs'
going to see dr foong at gleneagles tmr.
what is the diff b/w so-iui and iui?
and how would dr determind on what procedures to take?

i had gone through 3 cycles of so-iui and 1 cycle of IVF in KKH (from 2006 to 2007) and was successful with my IVF. Very happy with my experience in KKH, just PM me if u need any more details. I had just given birth to a pair of twins this Jan 2008.

by right, my gynae told me that if SO-IUI works for me, 2 tries will be enuff....by 2 tries not successful, should move to IVF.(cos their hospital survey shows that most women concieve by the 2nd try of IUI, seldom they conceive at the 3rd or even 4th try) But hor, i bu shi xin....want to try the 3rd time SO-iui cos it is so much cheaper than IVF mah, ....sigh really not successful. when i did my ivf then we realised where the problem was. the sperm couldn't pentrate the wall of the eggs, therefore ICSI helped.
so i should have gone into ivf straight away.
hi... can i just check, can IUI be done at any gynae's or can be done at only certain clinics?

and from my brief understanding of IVF and IUI...

IVF they fertilize the eggs first then put in, IUI, is just putting the sperm in, and hoping that fertilization will take place.. right?

is IVF more ex or both same price?
Hi, i am new to this website. i had been TTC for quite some time and recently been referred to Dr SF Loh @ KK. He suggested i try IUI once. I need to find out if stress will affect the chance of preggy? Cos my exams will be in Dec thus i dunno if now is the right time to do IUI. Any advice?

i am new here.now trying for #2.my #1 is coming to 25mth liao.my gynae did suggest IUI to me but we are not very keen as success rate is not high.cos problem lie with hubby's low sperm count..

this cycle iwent to scan egg on cd14.ovualated on cd16 so see how this cycle goes....if not i will do HSG again next mth ,hopefully sort of 'flush'the tubes.though i have did it in 05 and my tubes were clear

can someone advise me is IUI done in gynae's clinic? how the procedure? SO-IUI is a bit different cos nid to jab? I realy hope i dun have to do IUI ...if after HSG still havent strike maybe i shd content with my boy liao

Can i find out fr those who had gone for IUI,is the success rate high? and y did u have to go thru' IUI.

I had a stillbirth last july.very very sad.intercourse is so difficult now.it's not the physical part,but more of the emotional part.i conceived very easily the 1st time round.

gynae in the process of checking on me now.i'm trying to mentally prepare myself for IUI or even IVF.anything to have a child
Hi, just wondering in general, at which age do you think one should try IUI, then IVF? I'm in my thirties, not late but not too early.
I'm going for my IUI in Raffles tis mth (wish me luck arrr).

The gynae told me the success rate is 36%. Not sure if this is the general rate or the hospital success rate.

I'm taking the injections from day 2 of my mensus, 50ml daily. Did try clomid for 3mths, but my egg is not responding well to it. sighz.

Went back for scanning on day 6 of mensus, doc say my eggs size is not big euff. So injection dosage to 75ml.

Going back again tomolo to scan n then doc can advise me when's my ovulation/IUI date.

I was told tat i can claim medisave for IUI. But, there's a limit. We can only claim 3times, 1st time-capping of 6k, 2nd time-capping of 5k, 3rd time-capping of 4k.

If u submit the claim for IUI 1st time, then 2nd time, u wanna try IVF, its counted as the 2nd attempt. So need to tink carefully if u wish to claim IUI. The costs of IVF ranges from 6k-10k according to the Doc.

Procedure of IUI requires both hubby n urself blood test (to check if we've AIDS, HIV etc) b4 we can proceed wif IUI under MOH ruling. Have to clear MOH 1st. Oso have to submit ur marriage cert n sign a consent form.

I'm quite stress ar, try not to tink too much. I'm oso scare tat my 1st IUI attempt fail. Doc was telling me, if IUI for 3times (max), still not pregnant, then no point carrying on wif IUI. The next step is IVF liao.

Haiz, how can i not tink abt it ?
Hi piglet,

I'm so sorry u have to go thru' this.Btw,is ur gynae Dr.Thong? Juz guessing coz she's quite a popular gynae at raffles.

OMG! I always tot IUI is juz a subsitute for intercourse,where the sperm is transferred to the cervix via a catheter.I am so wrong.Thank you for sharing.

May I ask wat the problem was with u is? I tried clomid for 2 mths too.Didn't seem to help.but i'm not sure wat my problem is.this silly gynae thinks i'm too anxious,so put me on clomid,on the presumtion i can conceive easily coz it was so the 1st attempt.I was abt to tell him,"if ur baby died,& u r in my position,do u think u'll not be behaving the way i am?" some more he said it in front of my hubby,who blames me for being too eager to try,that's y cannot conceive.so disappointed with my hubby's reaction.

Aiyoh,i'm aiming for a yr end baby,if i miss this mth,that means it's going to be a beginning of yr baby in 2010.i'm so disappointed the way things are turning out.i could have a baby in 2008,but it wasn't meant to be.

& i'm going overseas during my next cycle.sigh.that means if i go for IUI,the 1st attempt will be in April.the wait is so agonising! sigh....

I wish u all the best,piglet.waiting to hear ur good news.
found tis on kk's website

On the day of the insemination, the couple has to bring the husband's semen sample to the hospital. The semen is prepared and the motile fraction is then placed into the uterus using a fine catheter through the cervix.

huh monster ? ur definition of IUI is correct leh.....

yap yap...its Dr thong....

me har, the quality of my egg is very lousy. she started the 1st treatment where i took clomid. she left me alone for 4mths. she ask me to go back n see her if i'm pregnant or my mensus is still irregular (not pregnant) which means there could b other problems.

i had clomid for 3 cycles, but my mensus is still "mad mad de". my cycle was 35days,38days n 51days when i took clomid. On the 3rd cycle where my mensus was 51days, i went back to see Dr Thong on day 44, telling her abt my problems.

Clomid is suppose to make me fertile n ovulate on regular cycle. But, the med is not working on me. I did ovulate very much later than the "proposed date" (she ask me to haf activity wif hubby on day 11 n 13) but, my eggs r not fertilisable n not growing well.

so she conclude tat clomid is not working on me. so no point increasing the dosage. she started the 2nd treatment for me, which is the injections (follitropin).

tis is my 1st mth of taking injections, 50ml daily. went back to see her on day 6, she say the size of my eggs r abit small n increase the dosage to 75ml.

my hubby n i had discuss. since we'r on this expensive treatment, might as well increase our chance. tats y we decide to go for IUI as suggested by dr thong. Of cos we can try the normal way, but like wad i mention, the treatment is so expensive liao, then we wish to haf a higher chance of striking loh.

i oso tot i can get a baby in 2008 (yr of rat) leh....but sadly, din see there's so much problem.sighz.....

if after 2 tries of IUI still no successful, doubt my hubby wanna try liao. i know he's abit sianz of going thr all these trouble to get pregnant. nvm ba, leave it to fate.....there's noting much i can do if he doesn't wanna try anymore......
Hi piglet,

i agree with u.after a while,it gets pretty tiring,isn't it? esp if ur hubby is not on the same frequency as u r.we not only have to deal with wanting to get pregnant,we have to deal with how to 'trick' our hubbies into intercourse.well,we least i have to.so my timing must be down right accurate.

I tried clomid for 2 cycles.didn't seem to help.i have regular periods.in fact,quite regular.so i'm surprised doc suggested i go on clomid,with no further scans or investigation.his rationale is if there are more eggs,there's a higher chance of a sperm meeting an egg.i never quite went back to him! haha.i'm under the care of gynaes at NUH now.

u must have been devastated,esp since ur periods are so far apart.i would have died waiting for that.

i did timing of ovulation this cycle.no clomid.i'm also testin myself with the ovulation kit.i'm still on 2 minds abt having IUI or IVF next cycle.i'm so sick & tired of all these already.but i really want a child,esp since i came so close to having one the last time.that sort of pain is incomprehensible.until today,i still tear out of the blue when i think of my baby i lost.

hubby mentioned at the beginning of the yr that my horoscope (btw,i'm a monkey) says this yr is a good yr to have babies.i also saw it on tv.this guy (during the CNY eve countdown) said monkeys will have a son this yr.aiyoh! a son leh.i've always wanted a girl & my 1st girl would have been so perfect,but it wasn't meant to be.

i'm hanging on to that hope.but i think i'm kidding myself.but at least there is something that keeps me going.

Hi gals, just wondering what is the cost of IUI? Also, read somewhere that this can claim by Medisave? Me also thinking of trying this procedure, but need to budget for all these costs. Thanks.
