IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

pin and serene,
thanks for your explanations....

this discharge during fertile period symptom is individual right?
coz i dont think i have leh...or mabbe i am just clueless...cant really tell the difference between the different kind of discharge..
pinnacle, yes, we r suppose to test together lei. Hope we BFP together!
Yours looks quite promising too lei. Which gynae u see?

I also got discharge but its yellow creamy and sticky kind, is yours like that too? And I always have certain tightness ard my breast, sometime feel a surge of fullness, sometime, dun hv.

Serene, I seriously hope so but NUH say gotta wait for prof to come back. So no choice, I just have to wait I think.

kopibaby, diff period got diff type of discharge but when u dun ovulate, very hard to detect. Jia you ok... Wait for your period to come, then u can start the IUI.

Btw, prof wong not very pro SO-IUI hor. I did try to ask him. He told me if a person can ovulate with clomid, he will not advise injections as its expensive, time consuming and a lot of fear and stress. So just stick to the pill if u can react to the pill.

He is seriously a no nonsense prof. Man of few words or encouragement, not much expression also. But very experience, so that's his market value.
kopibaby: normally few days b4 or during ovulation, will you find some discharge which is transparent and veri stretchy. When u wipe after pee, the discharge can stretch from ur vaginal to the toliet paper (abt 5-8cm long). Those discharge are call ewcm(egg white cervical mucus)
serene - thanks! i will...er...keep a lookout for it :p

tweetie - yeah, I agree that prof is not very chatty and not encouraging. i guess it is because he is a professor after all, more scientific and academic and people like them are more factual and "straight". if you get what i mean.

but yeah, i would rather have him for his experience and no-nonsense and bfp than one who is nice and warm and caring but no bfp.

thanks for your encouragement! i hope you will share good news with us soon!!
tweet> really really hope so... i very scared to test on sat morn.... haha cos yesterday line quite faint too.. hope sat its still there!!
am seeing Ben Tham at TMC. my breasts nothing yet leh... still the same, a bit tender/sore when touched. discharge wise-yesterday was dry and no discharge, but today when i wipe got quite a bit of creamy yellowish-whitish lor...do u get any cramps?

morn until now my heart keep thumping...
i feelin so nervous....this is killin moi
Pin-nacle: me today dpiui8. i got small amt of whitish discharge since dpiui5. My past cycles, i always hav cramps around dpo7 n 8. So far this cycle i did not have cramps yet. Both my breasts are sore when touched also. They are more sore especially in the morning.

kopibaby: ur doc is Prof Wong also? Me too. But tis cycle my IUI was done by Dr Stephen Chew as Prof Wong is out of town.
serene, yeah... he only back next week. yours seems promising too.

serene, pinnacle, let's hope we bfp together.

pinnacle, same la, my heart thumping non stop the moment i hv personal time to myself and esp in the morning.

kopibaby, yeah... u must jia you ok! When u gg on trip?
serene - yeah, sore breasts can be a good sign

tweetie - thanks!
leaving next thurs night for 6 nights. so if day 12 is during these 6 nights, gotta miss this cycle again
Hi ladies,

can i just ask what food to avoid if you all are injecting the Puregon into the body huh?

sorrie for my ignorance. does it mean after doing SO-IUI, we cannot have normal sex anymore to increase the chances rite?
tweetie: i hope i can get bfp this mth. My symptoms seems to be the same as my past cycles therefore i m not pinning too much hope. "xi wang yue da, shi wang yu da"

kopibaby: i also went for holiday and only go for egg scanning at cd15. The timing is just perfect. The follicle is in right size. Took hcg shot and IUI at cd17.
You can book appointment and still go for scanning after u back from holiday.
kopibaby, is it a biz trip? If its a personal trip, then enojoy yourself. Come back then think about how u shd proceed with IUI.

sunbelle, after SO IUI, u are encourange for hv sex for alternate days for the next 4 days, then u can abstain if u want to.
serene, how many days more for u to go? I am in my DPO21.

By the time I see prof, it will DPO26.
Such a long wait to confirm everything.
Hi gals,
May I join yr here? I actually was seeing NUH gynea since last year, now had decided to change to PC Wong, probably will have to start IUI.
Had PCOS, was on clomid x6 already.
tweetie: 2day is dpiui9. I think i will test for pregnancy at dpiui17. My luteal phase is normally 16days. Therefore I got 8 days to go.

bluenosebear: welcome here : )How long u been ttc? Some of the ladies here are under Prof Wong too.
serene - thanks for sharing. hmm...
then i think there may be chance that i can do it this cycle!
coz as of now, af still not here. so potentially can do a scan on cd13 if it comes tomolo...
will monitor and call nuh immediately!
sunbelle: Can't advise u much on SO-IUI as I only did IUI b4. But if ur have too many mature eggs during SO-IUI, doc will advise you not to bd for next few days as afraid will have multiples.
tweetie - you planning to do hpt?

its a holiday
not the best time to be away from work coz of month end and stuff but....will definitely try to enjoy myself!!
Pin-nacle: did test again today? I dunno whether I can wait till dpiui17 then test. Do you have any symptoms today? I have totally no sypmtoms 2day except for sore boobs. This 2ww is killing me. I can't concentrate on my work.
Check with yr, if I had already done lap (checked the tubes, ovarian drilling & checked the uterus) in July 2010. But my husband SA was done last year, can't remember Spet or Oct.
Anymore test that need to be done when seeing Prof? Would be seeing him on 30/9
bluenose - is it the first time you seeing prof?
he will ask you to do a blood tests. to test for normal immunity as well as hormonal stuff...
kopibaby-Yap, seeing him 1st time. When seen Biswas (gynea), he had already run some blood test last year, hope is still valid. For the immunity, U mean HIV, Hep B?
i know for immunity tests - they are valid for 6 months.

he may ask you to do the hormonal ones if he feels that those ran last year may be too old. afterall our bodies do change within a short time.

all these tests are required anyways should u decide to do ivf one day..
ok, thanks. I don't think he would allow me to do IVF straight, becos I have not try IUI or SO-IUI yet.
I actually managed to ovulate on own without clomid tabs after the surgery, but 1 month after the op, Biswas ordered 50mg of clomid, but progesterone level was not high, so he ordered 100mg, which was my 7th dose.
That is when I decided to make appt & see Prof before embarking on the 7th dose of clomid.
Biswas wanted me to try with clomid naturally before IUI, but he did not scan & see the progress of the follicles, lor.
serene: today my 13dpo, temp dip again 36.2 and today got bfn..(got shadow of a 2nd line but so faint can hardly see, probably residue of hcg shot) I think no hope Liao. Got no mood to do work.... Y is it so hard to get preggy...
I sat in my bathroom this morn stunned for at least 20min n cried..
do i still have chance tmr??????
oh dear. pin, *hugs*

hope you feel better soon. its friday. go for a nice dinner with your hubby. dont think about it anymore...

take care.
bluenose, so incidentally I am seeing Biswas as well. He delivered my no. 1. I had ovarian drilling done by him but ended major op coz severe bleeding along pelvic wall. Lucky I think there was no damage to my tubes as I did my HSG. Adhesions, I really dunno. I was at a point upset and angry but later on, I just felt maybe its fated. My 2nd opinion LC Foong, told me he is Biswas good friend and he dun really think he can make such a error also.

I think u can safely switcht to PC WOng coz he agreed to move me when no results still after 9tmhs of surgery.

pinnacle, my temp also hovering up and down, on DPO15, it was 36.41 but DPO 16 36.76. So I just reckon that temp taking buay zhun, so I dun want to read into tat at all. Relax.... when nvr see red, still got chance, okie?

Serene, y dun u test to keep yourself sane? tat's what i did, that's y i test last sat which was DPO15

kopibaby, ya, just take clomid lor and try...
Pin-nacle: hugs hugs....
Hey i am under prof wong too...
serene: relax and dun be stress....
agreed tt prof is a man of few words....
btw for ladies , u will hv to draw 4 tubes of blood.... for hep b la,etc....
i did HSG today.... very uncomfortable for me.... cos the cervic is high and difficult to locate....
gg to see prof on 27 hopefully ovulate well...
tons of baby dust to all....
Hi Pin, don't be despaired. I used to be like you...and I think I went into slight depression. I was not very confident of getting pregnant after failing IUI one after another. Its very sad, and like you, I cried. But the worst part for me is I cried everytime I think about it and I have totally no mood to work. I even told my boss I am very stress (both @ work and home). Now I don't even have the guts to do SO-IUI or even IVF. I am afraid I will go thru a mental breakdown.

Serene, my advice to you is dont remember that is the 2 week waiting b/c "si wang yue da, shi wang yue da." My experience is I ended up with slight depression, crying and feeling sad, also feeling low confidence esp when I see other friends preggy. Makes me feel very low morale and useless as a woman. Be natural, if it comes, it will come.

sunbelle, are you going for so-iui? My gynae also suggested I go for that but I decided to go for 2nd opinion to check and find out.

Tweetie, patience.....dont think about it, go and enjoy yourself. Imagine it comes as a surprise for you?

Did you guys read the recent article about Asian countries not producing enough babies? I always wondered why the govt does not come into such forums and check out how many women are trying to get pregnant? If we dont want to get pregnant, why do we even get married? Maybe I am too liberal or conservative. If I don't plan to have children, I guess I may just cohabit. Maybe ppl who don't have children, get married for security reasons.

I just wish there is a policy passed by the government, maybe something like tax rebates for clinics/hospitals who can help infertile couples have successful pregnancy (delivery of baby). In that way, docs will do their best to help you, rather than ask us to go for unnecssary op, medication, procedure which may screw up our body. So doc actually advises us to go for IVF cos its quick bucks for them. (so gals, pls beware)
Hi gals,
I am fine. Been through so many cycles of 2ww tat i hv learnt to take it easy even if i see red. Mayb tis is my 1st IUI 2ww tats y i am abit irrational. Luckily tis weekend again. i have activities to keep me preoccupied. My brother-in-law getting customary next week. I haven found an ideal evening dress for the wedding diner. 2day must go shopping again. Need to pack one of the bedroom as my hub's oversea relatives attending the wedding will be staying in our place.

My brother-in-law wedding day is also the day I do hpt. Praying hard for double happiness on tat day : )
Tweetie-Bear hugs for yr bad experience.
Hopefully, PC Wong would answer all me questions.
Biswas will only give U answers to yr questions, if U don't ask, he normally would give the sufficient answers, becos he don't wan U to worry too much. I was also tinking of seeing LC Foong before my lap op for 2nd opinion, but decided to go ahead the op. Becos before the op, was traumatised by the radologist whom is doing the HSG. The tube unable to go further into the cervix & they have to abort HSG. U know the waiting game la, need to be seen again by Biswas then decide wat to do then.........Anyway it was over la........would be moving ahead
When would be yr appt with PC Wong for the BT?
Pin-Bear hugs....Relax & enjoy this weekend.
Liyan-U would feel sore for a few days, take care.
Pin-nacle: Hug.. Hug.. Dun be sad. Believe in urself tat u can do it. One day u will definitely become a mummy : )

PiPi: I totally agree with what u comment abt the policy for tax rebates for hospitals tat help couples to hav successful pregnancy : )
Serene-Big big bag of babydust to U........Gd to be pre-occupied, then won't think so much. Enjoy yr shopping. I still nedd to work today, sian ah........, but later also going shopping & dinner with mum
bluenose - your hsg experience sounds like mine!!
did you do yours in nuh??
mine was a horrible experience as well.
the lady seems inexperienced and had to try a few times before finding the opening to my uterus.
then it was so f**king painful when she injected the dye...and then come back, the result inconclusive. dudh. all the pain for nothing!!
Hi ladies,
thank you for all your answers.

how many rounds of SO-IUI can a person take huh? after taking the injections , will one feel moody and got mood swings huh?
Dear all, thanks for the encouragement and support. It's really with such places like forums that helps me stay sane... i cried the whole weekend... really really down, and the worst part is i seem to see so many preg ladies all around all of a sudden. Even a young couple in my neighbourhood is preg and we moved in almost at the same time.. i recognise her cos she was from my sec sch - she's at least 6-7 mths..

I think my tear ducts are dry... i was so sad on Fri, then Sat i had my hopes up because there was a slight positive and doc n i decided to wait till next week to test again so we can be sure the hcg shots are all out of the system. I left the clinic feeling sooo hopeful, only to return and find blood streaks in my discharge on Sun evening, and today. Isn't it too late for implantation bleeding?
AF isn't here yet, but evidence is all pointing towards the worst -- temp been dropping lower n lower everyday since Sat n lowest today at 35.9, on/off AF cramps... I no longer dare to do HPT. I don't know where to head from here, ivf or tcm... but i'm too impatient, tcm will drive me mad; ivf will burn a hole in pocket; at the end of the day, why can others get preg as and when they want to???????
pin, oh dear. sorry to hear about your weekend.

are you at work today? dont get so worked up....i know easier said than done...zen zen...

i wish there is something i can do to help you feel better. please take care...
Pin, Bear hugs hugs to U.
Like kpoibaby, we would be here to support whatever decision that U would make later on. Sometimes is very difficult, especially to see others got pregnant so fast, but must tell yrslef that U can be pregnant, is only matter of time. Must tell yrself be zen.....................

kpoibaby-Yap the HSG is in NUH. Initially is by a junior female dr, then she can't put in the speculum, then the senior one came. Imagine the speculum went in & out for so many times that I had lost count.
They tell me tube cant go in, seems like someting was stuck.
Then I had to wait to see Biswas, which in private hosp, at least U won't need to wait, normally U can be seen much earlier.
I was sore for a few days, but refund the $, as unsuccessful with the procedure.
I realise that when I think my result is normal on that day of consulting Biswas, the result sure is abnormal. When expected to be abnormal, instead the result come out is very good, lor.

So now I will tell myslef, don expect too much, at least I had tried my best to be pregnant. I also prepare myself to be jabbed if needed to, even though I very scare of the needles on myself, but not the pain.
Today is dpiui13. My bbt dropped to 36.3. Sobb.. Think I am out tis mth. Will give IUI one more try b4 I proceed to IVF.
Hi everyone,

Sorry, I wasn't checking the thread for the past few days as I was busy over the weekend with no. 1 and down with a sore throat too.

Dun despair everyone. I know its really very hard not to dwell on the dark side. Dun lose the battle and will totally and must be persistent and keep trying.

bluenose, biswas is a nice dr but I think his expertise is not what we need. So that's why it was a mismatch all the time. Somehow, through time, I still think whether I deserve that big scar at my bikini all coz of OD thru him. Would my fate be different if I have done it under PC Wong? U know sometimes, all these queries just seem to fade with time.

pinnacle, hugs...... what's your plan next? Has your AF come full flow? sometime its really implantation bleeding.

serene, jia you.

As for me, I guess everyone must be excited and anticipating. I am DPO25 and tested strong pos line on DPO22. Having mixed feeling on how true this is and whether everything is for real or not. Finally I am gg to PC Wong tomorrow to confirm everything.... I hope everything is on my side now coz I dun seem to have a lot of symptoms at all compared to my 1st preg. So rather worried.

Fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Tweetie-I had the same thinking as what U had, like if I had seen PC Wong, my fate might be different.
Do update us after yr appt with Prof tomorrow, looking forward for U to spread babydust to all of us.............................
