IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi bb,

i've checked with NUH.cost of IJI is abt $500+,but i don't think it includes ovulation scan.my ovulation scans cost abt $70+ per scan.very expensive.

u can use medisave for IUI,but that means if u decide to go for IVF,the try for IUI will be considered as the 1st fertility treatment.fr gov co-fund,it allows 2 tries of IVF.1st try: $3000 (that means fr ur medisave,u pay $6000+ if u go for 1st try of IVF).2nd try: $2000.

not worth using medisave for IUI.which hospital are u having ur fertility treatment at?

Can anyone help. I have moved here from NYC and had started being tested there since we are unable to conceive for 2 years. Now we are here in Singapore and have seen Dr. Lee Wei Hong, who took a lot of money from us to do repeated tests and we felt like we weren't getting anywhere. Someone recommended Dr. C. Chen at Gleneagles and we went. He suggested that I do a Laparoscopy and that my husband to a surgery for Varicosele. Each surgery costing S$7000 (total S$14000). He did a lot of tests on us and each visit with tests cost over S$700 each time. We were told eventually that he would not move forward if we did not do the surgeries so we decided to leave. We wanted to do IUI first and then move to bigger surgeries or IVF if necessary. I read on another chat that Dr. Chen says to all his patients to do these surgeries and this totally turned me off.

I am going to see Dr. Foong at Gleneagle in a few weeks. Has anyone been there. I really can't waste any more time and money if the only things Dr. here do is test you all the time.
I figured I should just forget the whole procedure in Singapore since I have lost total trust and respect for all Dr in SG.

Any feedback would be great!
hi missjen,

feel sorry for what u have been through.

have searched under this forum, here's what i can find feedbacks from mummies abt dr foong. not sure its the right gynae though.


but this thread probably not as active now.

i can't share feedbacks for the gynaes tt u have mentioned, but i do feel probably u have not met the right gynae yet. Gleneagles is actually a more 'high class' hospital in singapore, so probably the reason why the fees has been quite expensive. but i'm not sure whether is it due to you are a foreigner and not a local?

if u r thinking of going for IUI, probably my forum friends in this thread can help u abit...they are all very nice mummies, 2 of which recently announced pregnant after IUI. feel free to shoot them with any questions u might want to ask. really hope all goes well with u. cheers.

Hi monster, thanks for the info. I'm at KKH. Haven't tried, been ttc for sometime but no success. Feel v tired, and hope to have some success soon, so tinking of IUI.

U tried IUI before?
missjen- Can u PM me as ur PM is not activated. I dont want to criticise a Dr openly here. Maybe i can give u some tips to help u decide.
MissJen, I seeing a Gynae @ paragon whom is great and patience. Please PM me for details. I did my SOIUI cycle with him with successful result
MissJen, I am under the care of Dr Foong, he is certainly a very good doctor. Am sure you'll agree with me after seeing him. He is very professional, explains options rather than push for surgery, patient and caring. Highly recommended.
Hi i'm new here. My hubby and I are planning to have SO-IUI next month but not sure if we made the correct decision. Heard the success rate is only 20+ %. Any one of u have been thru the success one? Mind to share your experiences? Is the injection painful?
Hi all,

I am new here. Can anyone advise which gynae I can go to if I only want to do plain IUI based on my own natural menses cycle without the hormones injections? I am against taking the injections due to various reasons but more imptly, I do not see the need to subject my body to it as my hormones level are healthy, fallopian tubes clear and it's confirmed I can ovulate with eggS! It's just unexplained infertility for me.
The current gynae I am seeing deliberately hid the fact that I can still do IUI but without the "SO".

Appreciate any advice. Many thanks!
Hi budapest,
I'm seeing Prof PC Wong at NUH.he does not believe in hormones if u can ovulate naturally.I've undergone 2 IUIs with him,but unfortunately,no success.a lot of private gynaes give supportive hormone jabs after IUI,but not PC wong.

U can call the Emerald Clinic at NUH.

btw,may i ask how u know u ovulate with eggs? did u have follicles each cycle? i haf,but i'm still not preg after 1 yr of trying.i'm worried i have follicles,but no eggs
Hello Monster,

thanks for your quick response! I know I have no problems ovulating with eggs cos I have gone through all the scans, tests, etc and I passed them all with flying colours. Gynae saw 3 big eggs infact!! This makes it all the more frustrating isnt? My hubby's SA also no problem. Anyway, been trying for 5 yrs coming...very 不甘愿!

I am a firm believer of doing everything in the natural way if possible and not subjecting your body to drugs unnecessarily. Anyway, if IUI fails, it acts as a closure for me TTC. Will keep pets instead
No IVF for me. Thanks, I will call Emerald Clinic.
Hi budapest,
for me,i had a stillbirth,after that,it's coming to 1 yr already,still no luck.i've tried naturally with scans to ensure i have follicles developing.hubby's SA not very good.3 docs said his swimmers are not swimming fast enough.but hubby's a bit stubborn.he doesn't want to go for a physical examination,and he has ruled out any sort of surgery if he is found to be have a vericose vein.so that part is always an unknown.does the prob lies with me? or with him.

success rate for iui is very low,u must understand that.only 25%.i have seen a few gynaes,and 1 of them told me even for IVF,the success rate in the best clinic in the world is only 40%.that means majority of the ppl fail.that is so true! so consider it carefully.each round of iui at NUH is abt $800+.

I'm like u,i don't wanna screw up my body with drugs.the only drug i had was to facilitate ovulation during iui.

is there a reason y u don't want to consider IVF? i'm going down the IVF route.I'm hoping to start this c.since nothing can be done on hubby's side coz he doesn't want anything done.i guess it's no point trying naturally or iui.but i must tell u,the 1st time i tried,it took me only 2 mths.at least with IVF,1 step is already being done for u.the egg is fertilised.but IVF is not w/o it's failure,and i'm prepared for it.i also know i'll be subjecting myself to a lot of drugs during IVF.but if i succeed,i know it's all going to be worth it.

u r really strong.5 yrs already! how did u manage to stay sane? i'm almost 1 yr w/o success and i'm going crazy already
Hey Monster,
There were so much heartbreaks, pains, disappointments, anger, emotional turmoil, etc etc that I am not even elaborating in this thread. You see, after 5 years and many breakdowns (even at the expense of my marriage), I am truly tired. And mind you, alot of unhappiness stemmed from my own husband who was not really co-operating, resulting in much of my rage towards him. I felt I was the one doing all the work - clomid, TCM, scans, checks, tests etc etc At the end of the day, this stupid TTC was ruining me, my marriage and my life. Also, the reason why I dont want to consider IVF is becos well it's not guaranteed! And I know myself too well, if i were to go thru the whole process and still it fails, I know I will not be strong enough emotionally to deal with the failure and life will become hell. So for me, it's just not worth it esp it doesnt come cheap. Why force it if it's not meant to be?

Pardon me if I sound too pessimistic, but I am too tired plus I do not believe in jeopardising my own health and body to a certain extent just to have a kid? Shouldnt live our life like that right?

But i still wish you all the best. 1 yr w/o success is not so bad. You seem like a strong girl. Give trying, stay positive and hang in there!

There are pple trying for more than 10 yrs w/o success and they r still trying. I take my hat off them
Hey Budapest,

Let me share my experience with u.u r not the only one going thru' all these.wat u wrote felt exactly like my sentiments.Hubby & i had a 'traumatic' rlnshp.everything was good,we decided to get married,his mum passed away.his sis tried to push his father to live with us coz we have a bigger hse,even tried to offload the maid with us.our wedding was pushed back as a result of his mum's passing.i was quite against it,as i wanted to have a baby in 2008.we quarrelled,i screamed,i shouted,i protested,but in the end,i gave in,with the plan that we try to get preg b4 the wedding so that we can have a baby in 2008.we succeeded.i started trying in dec 2007,got preg in jan 2008.didn't have a good 1st trimester,coz hubby & his whole fam suddenly switched to christianity,FIL forcing me to join the church too.Sun,our only free day,is now taken away by going to church.i was angry.i was very afraid FIL will force my baby to be christian too.SIL commented i should have a boy 1st to 'take the pressure off'.i was angry hubby didn't stand up for that.basically,my rlnshp with my in laws is bad.then our world came crashing down when my baby died.SIL & FIL came to my house to remove a display item which they all tot was 'evil'.i bot that fr korea some more.& they stuck a cross on my main door.i was fuming.the baby's death has already taken a toll on us.hubby started blaming me,saying maybe it's coz i didn't eat this,didn't eat that etc. we started trying abt 3 mths after the baby was stillborn.fr then on,it was downhill all the way.Hubby told me he was ready to try the wk after the stillbirth,but i told him i wanted to rest.my body may not be ready.when we started trying,it was really TRYING!

i would tell hubby gently it's a good time now,he would refuse to do it.strange,i tot! so sometimes we miss the opputunity.when i confronted him,he would give excuses like he's tired,he doesn't feel like it.he even went to the point he said he didn't like the way i seduced him! we tried,& we tried,& we tried.& we failed,& we failed,& we failed.I got so sick & tired of 'begging' him that after 5 mths,i went to a gynae,making it sound that i cannot conceive (now,i think that's really happening!),coz i wanted to take the easy way out of assisted conception.so off i went,on series of checks,scans etc.i tell u,the no. of time i was poked by the scan stick.....unbelievable.and it was uncomfortable each time.by i think abt 9th mth of trying,hubby suddenly changed his attitude.i went to aus coz i needed a break.i went w/o him.i used to live in oz,so it was like 'going home' for me.it was then he told me how much he wanted a child,how he's still sad over the death of our little girl,how he feels upset when he found out his best buddy's wife is expecting no.2.i told him he doesn't need to put himself thru' all these pain.he can juz avoid.it doesn't seem like a long term solution,but if it makes him happy,then it's good enough.this is wat i do.so now,i'm trying to make new friends with girls in the mid termination thread.coz it's too painful to hang ard his friends with babies.

it was all me,me,me.i went for follicle scans by myself,then rushed to work after that.i went for IUI by myself,then drove myself home.all hubby did was the easy part.provided his sperm.i went for gynae checks on my own.hubby only turned up once.i am such a familiar face that the receptionist can call out my name the moment i step into the clinic.i too,took clomid,i went for HSG all by myself.HSG was so uncomfortable,i teared & that moment,i asked myself why i am doing all these.all juz to give him a child.i can see his longing to have a child,comments he makes like,"if i can have a girl like her,i'll be very happy." or "if i can have 1 child,i'll be very happy already." but i wondered y he will not co-ooperate.i think time has changed him.he's now realising even when he co-operates,we r not succeeding,despite the easy success we had the 1st time.

i ask myself how i can still be sane.i was so afraid after the stillbirth,i'll fall into depression.it's a struggle,but i've made it.the date is approaching soon,maybe instead of crying over our lost baby,i should celebrate how far i've come since the stillbirth.i am lucky,i have a very good doc friend who has also been thru' multiple miscarriages.her situation with her hubby is similar to ours.she encouraged me every time i was down.she even jabbed me b4 the iui coz i didn't have time to go down to the hospital to get the jab.most of these jabs can be self administered.i also have a couple of other close friends who really held me hands all along the way.and i have this forum.the girls who encouraged me.

i've seen prof mary rauff at NUH after the stillbirth.during the 1st preg,i was managed at KKh,but i wasn't really pleased with the gynae (though she's a friend of my friend),so i decided to seek a 2nd opinion.i had 2 rounds of failed iui,1 round of natural conception with scan to ensure follicle is there.but failed also.

i took a step back & wondered if i'm too caught up in all these,so i decided to approach Dr.Chris Chong at Gleneagles.i juz wanted a fresh insight into my situation.i suggest b4 u go for iui,u go c chris chong 1st.i'm not sure if he does iui,but private is definitely more ex than NUH,i think.

he was the one who alerted me to the low success rate of fertility treatment.he is so encouraging,and he told me it's not fair that i'm doing all the job coz conception involves both parties.i wish my hubby can hear that.and every time i speak to him,he ends off with,"don't lose hope." i wanna cry on hearing that,u know? even he can c how much effort i've put in,i wished my hubby can see that.he's a good gynae,very insightful.u may want to pay him a visit and discuss ur plans with him.if u wanna go NUH for iui,tell him honestly.he doesn't pass judgement.then when u conceive,u can go back to c him if u want.

as for ruining ur health,i dont' think it's the case,but some drugs does upset ur cycle.when i was on clomid for 2 mths,i had mid cycle bleeding for 3 mths.the same happened when i had bai feng wan.in the end,i told myself to give my body a break and stayed off all drugs.the mid cycle bleeding stopped.PC wong's nurse said it's ovulation bleeding,everyone said it's ovulation bleeding.but i'm convinced it's not.coz O bleeding is spotting,not bleeding.i had real bleeding.and when it happend during my attempt at IUI,scan already done,confirmed ovulated,then i bled,so how can that be O bleeding? I've O-ed!

i had my 1st attempt at taking herbs by tcm.i went to c the tcm at marine parade.i woke up at 5am on sun to brew the herbs.i felt so alone.but i told myself i could do it.i was going out the rest of the day,so it's impossible to do it later in the day.i woke up every 1/2 hr to check.i used a claypot coz i didn't wnat to buy the ex double boiler as i was unsure if i'm going to continue with tcm.silently,i wished hubby could give me a big hugmor he could help me.no,i was all alone.at 1 point,i was so angry with his lacklustre effort,i told him i'll even pay for all my treatment,i juz needed his sperm.

y don't u go c Chris Chong for an opinion b4 u embark on ur IUI journey with PC wong? give urself 1 last chance.it's hard,u've tried 60 times (5 x 12 mths).but a fresh insight may be juz wat u need.i give u chris chong's no.


my heart goes out to u,darling.but u must be positive.u're not alone in all these,there are many women out there who are walking the same path as us.
Monster, thanks for sharing so much of your personal journey. I feel you are very strong, must learn from you. Let's hope baby dust to all soon. =)
Hi bb,

u haven't seen me break down,that's y u think i'm strong.i've broken down so many times,sometimes quietly,sometimes,i turn to my doc friend.she has also been thru a lot,and she will always tell me this mth no chance,there's still chance next mth.she will say one day,it'll be ur turn.i hope the one day will come sooner.

even my gynae will say don't lose hope.i feel so encouraged,but i don't know where else to find hope sometimes.hubby being co-operative on & off,everyone ard me is getting preg.i juz had din with a cuz whose's wife is preg.my aunt said my house is big for a couple.i wanted to tell her we had planned for kids.many of them.it's juz unfortunate that our plans didn't work out.i kept looking at cuz's wife little protruding tummy.i feel so depressed.here i am,having PMS,that means this mth gone case already.and all these ppl are having a yr end baby,a yr end baby i've always wanted.sometimes i wonder if i should wait for later this yr to start trying again.but wat if it doesn't work out? then i must wait 1 more yr.if i try now,at least i have a chance of a 2010 baby,but of course it will not be a yr end baby.sometimes,i feel like divorcing my hubby and go back to australia to start my life all over again.

i feel like setting him free fr all this craziness.i don't know.guess today is not my 'good' day.c bb,i'm also human.sometimes i crumble,and it is with all the encouragement of the girls in this forum that i find strength to push on.
Hi Monster,
Many thanks for sharing your personal story with us. You are definitely not alone in this journey. And it's alright to let go and vent it out sometimes.
Fyi, I was taking TCM for more than year and I would turn up at Thong Chai every week religiously. Brewed the herbs and drank so often until the med taste like plain water to me. And when i finally managed to ask my husband to also take it, I had to buy his herbs everytime, then I would brew mine first, follwed by his. Can you imagine all the efforts I put in? Never mind that. The best thing was that knowing he's not supposed to touch cigg and alcohol while on TCM, he happily still did all that. HOw do you think I felt? I wanted to kill him!!So much so once I got so enraged and turned hysterical and tore all my BBT charts, medicals reports, test results etc right infront of him.Things were really really bad...i hated him for so so so many things, wasting every opportunity every mth, not being able to even fulfil his 1 and only task, insensitive, indifferent, etc And you know what, he was always seeking the easy way out, asking me to try IUI/IVF straightaway which infuriated me even more. Isnt that out right selfish and irresponsible? Sorry, I wasnt going to let him get away like that so I told him to dream on. Things were so bad that we decided to give up TTC ard last May. And when I meant give up, we also stopped having sex. Yes totally stopped cos I didnt even want to get near him. The feeling was hatred. Sad huh?

Anyway, guess time heals all wounds (albeit not completely) that that's why I am coming out now to do IUI, that's it. When i look back at everything now, I feel we are all too stressed up over the TTC and letting it consume our lives. To be childless may not be a bad thing. It's how you make the best out of the situation isnt? Who can guarantee that everything will turn out nice and rosy with kids? giving birth to a kid is 1 thing, but bringing him up and how he turns out eventually and his relationship with parents is a another thing. Not being sour grapes here, but do you want to be so miserable always? Monster, I can tell you are very stressed and highly strung with all the "plans" and my heart goes out to you. You have to learn to let go...by all means, keep TTC, but dont let it take over your life. I know it's easier said than done, but that's prob the only way to stay sane and still lead a meaningful life {hugs}
hi monstor,
dow do you find Chris Chong at Gleneagles?

How is his charges like? SO will you be doing any IUI/IVF under him?
HI Hope_4_bb,
Fancy seeing u here as well.I read ur post in the 2ww thread.U know,sometimes i feel those girls there are so encouraging.but i've learnt over time,bleeding means bleeding.no use trying to figure out if it's implantation bleeding/spotting (possible miscarriage) etc.I think we r juz lying to ourselves.I've done that b4.when my period came and there was slight spotting,i told myself maybe i'm preg,but it's spotting,but i had all symptoms of AF.i even tested for preg,how silly.done this once or twice,then told myself no use lying to myself.

I found out abt Chris chong coz my doc friend sees him and someone else recommended him.like i've said,i felt too lost in all these ttc and i juz wanted a fresh insight to my problem.u know PC wong may be very good,but he doesn't talk or analyse.he will juz do the job.i wanted to c if chris chong tot the same.and he did.his sentiments are the same as mary rauff & pc wong.

Charges: 1st consultation $100
Subequent consultation $50

I don't know wat his other charges are.He doesn't do IVF,so i will need to go back to PC wong to have it done.and in public hos,can use medisave.in private,cannot.i don't have that much cash to prepare for 3 rounds of IVF.u do understand that success rate for IVF is only 40%,and chris chong said it doesn't equate to successful delivery.which is quite true.
Hi all - monster/budapest,

Ya, think all TTC can relate to what u mean by not being too hung up on TTC. But it's not easy, especially, when you TTC, u have to put so many things on hold, like trying not to change job though u would want to, try to minimize sports (i do jog & play tennis - but duno if that will affect). Also, counting down to the day your period will come and hoping you don't see red - seriously, my mood is like a roller coaster at times.

I had a chemical miscarriage early this year,kinda got over it. But recently, realised one of my colleagues is pregnant, and I think if I did not miscarry, I would be the same term as her. Whenever I think of this, I really feel like crying.Sometimes, I feel it's very bad, instead of feeling happy for her, I feel miserable for myself.I tell myself to be more positive, she's a few years older than me, so hopefully my turn will come. There's a few positive egs ard me, I've 2 colleagues who got preggy @ 38 yrs old and gave birth healthily. But of coz, better to have it earlier!

Budapest: I do agree with what you say. To try to live life without living for the only hope of getting preggy. I've been trying to do that but sometimes, I'll jus get depressed suddenly when I tot of my lost chance. I try to console myself. There are pple out there unmarried, they will never have children, at least I have my husband. The good thing my hubby is quite supporting, but he's not a very emo person. He believes we will have kids 1 day, I'm very scared I will disappoint him, when I ask him what will happen if we don't have kids, and he'll tell me we definitely have. I'm scared to disappoint him, and somehow think it's my fault, cos i'm 1 yr older than him.

A fren also consoled me after my miscarriage. She had a kid. She told me no doubt she enjoy her child, but sometimes, she & her hubby would miss the times when they have more freedom to go for movies & travelling, which they can't really do easily with a kid. Sorry to hear some of u have problems with hubby, but hope you can try to go back to romancing days, it's not easy after yrs of marriage, but take a long holiday & try to build up your r/s. I tell myself,, at least I have my hubby to lean on. Even if u have kids, nowadays kids are very mobile, they will prob migrate or go overseas to work then they grow up, the person to grow old wif u is yr hubby.

Monster: u were fr Aus, which part? I'm toying with the idea of emigrating there haha. Esp if I dun get preggy.
Hi, abt IUI & SO-IUI, just came back fr gynae & he advised no point to try IUI. If u want, just try SO-IUI. He said IUI is about the same as having sex, so might as well try naturally. Anyway, SO-IUI success rate is also abt 10-15%. Hiaz, not sure if I should just try IVF direct or try SO-IUI.Anyone tried SO-IUI with sucess?
Hi BB, depending on what the factor is.
For me, not a single doc pointed out my doc has low sperm count and poor morphology (only 1-2% normal) and we did one IUI and two SO-IUIs.
I see no pt doing IUI coz the success rate is even lower than a normal couple trying.
Plus my hubby's sperm quality is very poor, no pt.
My last straw is spending $4k on SO-IUI to have it ended up in failure.
New Doc suspected my hubby's sperm cannot fertilize my egg that's why...
Something for u to think and weigh abt.
Hi all,
I am new here, thanks for sharing ur experience over here. Me and hubby TTC for one and half year with not susscuss. We went to see gynea in KKH and did HSG, the HSG was normal for me, then my gynea let me try with 1 cycle of Clomid and take my blood for progesterone level on my CD21 and result show that i have 2 to 2 and half egg with Clomid, unfortunately with such 2 to 2.5 eggs it doesn't make me pregnany. Then my gynea refered my to doctor Sadhanah in KK IVF Centre. And my hubby do went for semen analysis too, and result show his semen are preety healthy. So dr couldn't find out the reason for infiterlity on me an hubby. So she let me try another 3 months of Clomid again, and she prescripe my hubby with high dose of Vit-E and Vit-C. My luck was not there, after 3 months taking Clomid, nvr see any positive result.. So she suggested to go for SO-IUI with only taking Clomid alone without injection puregon. I went for my 1st scan on my CD9 and i told to have 4 folicles. But only 2 of the folicles growth in a good size. Another two growth quite slow. On my CD13, this two bigger one are size 16.5mm and 15.5mm each. So we went for our IUI this morning (CD14) .I am just came back from my 1st SO-IUI from KKH this morning. Hope this will be my 1st and the last SO-IUI.
For those that u have went tru IUI, may i know what are the precaution that need to take? May i know the "DO" and "DON'T"? Thanks!
All the best to all of us here! Our turn coming soon! Don't give up!
hello forum-ers,
Just sharing my story too. I have been trying to conceive for 2.5yrs now and in my thirties. I have tried 2x clomid with iui. Both failed, and gynae asked me to do a HSG test which turns out ok. However, like Hope for Baby, I couldnt get pregnant. Maybe cos I dont have the luck yet. It's pretty upsetting when you see your friends having children but you have none.
Hi ladies,

My fertility doc had arranged me to do IUI after all the necessary tests were done on both me and my hub. My hub SA test is ok. As for me, all tests were fine except that I do not ovulated every month. Last year I was on clomid for 4 cycles and blood test show tat I ovulated on clomid. But still not preggy : (
Hopefully, I will bfp during the my 1st IUI.

Anyone who gone thru IUI or SO-IUI. Kindly share your experience here with us so that we will know wat to expect and precaution to take when we embark in IUI or SO-IUI.

Thank you.

Hi PiPi,
Are you planning to do IVF?
Been thru 2 cycles of SO-IUI. It goes something like this:-

1st day of menses, call the dr to make appt.

2-3rd day - do a scan to see if the womb is clear of any cyst etc and ready for IUI.

From then on, daily injections of Gonal-F, which comes in a form like a huge pen with disposable needle tips. You can choose to self-inject or go back to the clinic daily. Very easy one.. just poke 90 degrees downwards beside the belly button area, press until cannot press, withdraw and cleanup

Around Day 8, you may go back to the Dr for a scan to see the number and size of follicles, and your womb lining. Depending on individual reaction to the medication, he may increase the dosage to make the follicle grow to the ideal size of > 18mm before Ovulation Day. I started off at 75IU, then went up to 150IU. One pen of Gonal-F is 350+IU, so the nurse would do the maths for you. By this time, he may ask you to test daily with you Ovulation Test Kit.

Ideally, your follicles should be > 18mm by the time of ovulation. If you have too many big follicles, the danger of multiples may happen, so the Dr may ask you to prepare yourself, either abandon cycle or go ahead. In Sg, they usually only target for triplets max, even quadruplets are dangerous to mother and childrens. (but I've heard of 4 big follicles, IUI still failed...)

From then on you go back every 2 days to scan so the Dr can monitor if the dosage is enough for your follicles to grow to the ideal size, and to make sure your womb lining is in good thickness. When they reach > 18mm and you haven't ovulate, you'll get a HCG trigger shot (Ovidrel) to make ovulation happen in the next 40 hours. So you usually would get the shot at around 7pm, so IUI procedure will happen 2 days later around 11am.

On the day of IUI, your hubby submits his sample at around 9am for the lab to wash and sieve out the good soldiers. You go in around 11am and lie down on the stirrups butt naked. They double confirm the washed semen in the test-tube is your hubby's. Dr use some apparatus to open up your uterus and inject the sperms in. 10 minutes later, it's done. You can now close your legs and stay put lying there with lower body a little elevated for 30 min. 1st time a nurse told me to drink a cup of water before the procedure so the doctor can easily do it easily. No pain at all, but the 30 min wait is torturous as I NEEDED to go pee! I tried the second time without drinking, but the procedure was then a little uncomfy, but I can lie there for ages after that. :p Then you just go home and rest.

I was given pills - Duphaston and Progynova which I believe reduce risk of m/c and support the womb lining. Went back another 2 more times to get Ovidrel shots which would give the eggs an extra push down the fallopian tube into your womb. (Fact flash: After ovulation, the eggs fertilised or not takes another few days to go down the tube before implantation happens in the womb.)

Then you wait for 2 weeks to see a + sign. :D
hi pootz,

Thanks for the info.
I will be doing IUI in my next cycle.

hi gals,
Anyone doing acupunture to help ovulation and lining before IUI? My tcm doc told me to do acupunture twice a week till my IUI (next cycle). But i read that cannot do acupunture after O right? This cycle i will be trying naturally. So I shldnt do acupunture after i O right?
i did my IUI on D15 .... in 2 Sept .... I did it with PC Wong(slight bleeding and crampy after tt).... He did not give any medication after doing IUI.... i did not do HSG as i was bleeding till D9.... I took Clomid for 2 cycles from 1 and increase to 2.... finally ovulated...he ask me to wait for 3 weeks then go for pregnancy test appointment.... with PC Wong the IUI cost 550 without GST... but prior to tt u hv to take a jab to mature the folicle.... (70+).... Me too gg for all checks on my own W/O My Hb...... hopefully it is sucessful.... (finger cross)
pootz, you sound very experience with so-iui. may i check with you, under what conditions does couple need to do so-iui? is it for couples whr hubby has low sperm count, weak sperm? Or for couples whr wife cannot ovulate?
Hi Liyan,

You can test for pregnancy this week right.. Hope u bfp: ) I am also under PC Wong. But he is out of town, another doc will be doing iui for me.
Hi ladies, i really needed some plc to release my pent-up frustrations.... after a long n tedious journey, from finding out i have pcos, to diagnosing i actually don't have pcos, and THEN again finding out I do really have pcos.... i feel like i've wasted a year trying without pinning down the right reason for conception not happening..

anyways, i've put that behind. i had my first iui last sat and tho today is only 4dpo, i feel like it's been centuries! Hopin to gather some company here so i can distract myself from thinking too much...
i've been taking every little thing as a possible preg symptom and am driving myself crazy. don't want to get my hopes too high cos the last time i did, i was soo depressed.
i tried 3 clomid cycles but i don't think i ovulated every 3 cycle.. so i'm really pinnin my hopes on this iui cycle..

it's really miserable seein ppl who r married later than u already gettin preggy, or deliverin their children; OR those not intending to have kids conceiving... feel so down and useless...
so much tt i've been staying away from many such celebrations - bdays/full mth/etc. it doesn't help tt i was born with several rare conditions, and i just cannot believe why so many "rare" things have to happen to me.
Hi ni,

I did my 1st IUI yesterday. So 2day is my 1dpo. We can share our thoughts here during the 2ww.
Do not feel frustrated. U will definitely be a mother one day : ) Where did u do the IUI?
I did mine at NUH. I am under Prof Wong but he is out of town. So another fertility did the iui for me.

Babydust to both of us...
alo Serene, I'm with Dr Ben Tham at TMC. Read good things about Prof Wong too... =) Thanks for your encouragement.

Today is 5dpo, sigh it's a really long wait.... I had a HCG booster jab on mon and another tmr, supposed to help implantation but that is only if fertilization has occurred. I'm gettin quite paranoid cos my hb's swimmers doesn't have good morphology; so I hope after the sperm wash, the good ones can penetrate the egg bah...

No symptoms, no cramps except slightly sensitive nipples.. is that a sign at all?
Hi Pin-nacle,

At least u are given HCG booster jab to help implantation. I asked the doc whether I need to take HCG booster after IUI, he told me it is not needed. HCG booster will only be given for IVF procedure. So I will be on my own and leave this to fate.

Did u do blood test for ovulation when u took 3 cycles of the clomid? This round IUI did u took clomid also?

I also did not ovulate regularly based on the blood test so was on 4 cycle of 100 mg clomid last year. I ovulated with clomid based on the blood test. But still not preggy. So this year decided use assisted method. Did all the neccessary tests and was advise to do IUI.
no leh no blood test, only u/s...

the 3 cycles were on my own... my fren took together and she hit on 2nd cycle (and baby already delivered lo... i stopped for a while cos i changed jobs)

my 3 cycles i think i only o-ed first cycle cos period was very heavy with the usual pms symptoms... the 2nd was only 1 or 2 days light flow, similar to the 3rd. I guess I didn't o cos doc scanned me towards the end of my 3rd cycle and said my lining was too thin to hav o-ed.

so for this iui, its my 4th clomid cycle. my dosage increased from 50 - 100g now. he scanned me on alternate days last week and said i had 2 jumbo follicles, so we're hopin for twins, if not one is good too.... but on iui day itself he didn't scan lo so i don't know when i o... but i guess prob sat itself i o-ed, cos thurs night i had hcg jab, and sat itself i had cramps on left side, which was where the jumbo follicles were.

i told hb if this round no news, we're going straight to ivf, cos at least i can be sure the egg gets fertilised lo...
Hi there,

I have just done my IUI too with PC Wong. This cycle is w/o clomid at all. Today, I am DPO12 and anxiously waiting... No other symptoms except sensitive nipples and constant bloatedness and gassy feeling in the stomach and extremely tired. But i think a lot of this symptoms are in the mind.

Mine only got 1 follicle and I had ovidrel the day before procedure, that's it.

Sigh, I do understand the pain and frustration seeing everyone getting pregnant so easily.
Tweetie: yes yes i think we read so much about symptoms that I don't know if I'm feeling the symptoms because I really have them or is it I put them into my mind - u know what i mean.....

But for sure I do feel bloated in tummy area, cos cant wear tight-fittin stuff without a big bump... that's ok as long as it's a baby that's in there :D My stomach feels gassy too... n i emm let off gases a lot the first few days. Tiredness - i think i do feel tired but that may also be cos i've been chasin drama serials....

yesyes, the frustration, esp when u hear ppl who want to abort because they r not ready??? they don't realise how fortunate they r when a whole bunch of us are tryin so hard.
Hi Pin-nacle,

No choice, gotta keep waiting....

I plan to do IVF after trying another round of IUI w clomid.

How long have you been trying?
1 year lor... but we haven been really diligent the whole yr... but the months that i tested positive on opks + clomid cycles we tried and nothin lo...
Hi Pin-nacle,
At least u have 2 follicles: probability of success is higher. I only have 1 big follicle even with 100mg of clomids. My doc did a scanning yesterday and saw the follicle has been released from the ovary. My IUI is just in time. Think I will also proceed to IVF after trying 2 rounds of IUI. BTW, did ur doc scanned ur linning? Heard that clomids will minimise our cervic mucus and thin our linning. But I still got alot of cervic mucus around ovulation period. So dunno whether true ornot.

Hi Tweetie,
My fertility doc is Prof Wong also. But as he is out of town for 2 weeks. Dr Stephen Chew did the scanning and IUI for me. 2day is my dpo1. I only have 1 follicle even after taking 100mg of clomids. Heard that is good signs to feel bloated tummy and gassy feeling. You can test pregnancy this sat loh. I still have 13 days to go..

Babydust to all of us : )
serene: i'm worried abt hb's swimmers, let's hope they find their way thru :|
I didn't scan for ovulation so i also worry if the eggs really did come out?
Yup my doc scanned my lining since last week n put me on hormone pills to thicken the lining cos mine was way too thin, only 4mm the first scan. When he did the iui, he said my mucus was good so fingers crossed. the hormone pills r giving me headaches n nausea but i will ENDURE! :D

i'm scratchin my head over whether i shd attend a wedding next week or not.... i quite pantang leh esp after tryin to hard... what u all think ah?

I am comtemplating SOIUI as well and before advising me if I am suitable to go through this program, my doc actually suggested that my hb do a swim up test... where they will see how much of the sperms can 'swim'... else dun need to waste the money on IUI. Just two cents worth of thought to share..
Hi pin-nacle, serene,

My HB's swimmers are not good either. Plus I have PCOS, so makes things worse. Thankfully, we had a girl in 07, so this is the 2nd child I am trying very hard on eversince she was 1 year old.

My luteal phase is long, so usually its abt 16 to 18 DPO. Tot this sat mayb too early. When I had my 1st, I had all the PMS symptoms, sore boobs etc but this time round, no sore boobs, only sensitive nipple, tat's all. Mayb boobs sag too much after 1 yr of bfg that no longer can bloat. LOL.... just joking la... I seriously hope for good news.... and baby dust to all of u too.

kllkz, u should get your hubby to do SA test seriously. Coz it was only then that we realise not only I have prob, my hubby has major prob too.

Dun worry too much. The swimmers are injected into the uterus so they just need to wait for the eggs to travel down from the fallopian tube to the uterus to meet the swimmers.
Did ur doc told u how many alive swimmers were injected into ur uterus?

Now i worried as the doc never tell me or did not scan my lining. Mayb i call up the clinic tomolo morning to ask abt my lining thickness.
