DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hi Lbt,

No, My bro drive, cos he work here, so i n my hubby can took his car back to my parents hse, if i take coach, i won go back cos it very tired. Take car is easy for me cos can stop at the side to walk ard n go toilet also.


Ya, My hometown at Perak. How abt u? Where is ur hometown?

My hometown also Perak(Sitiawan). So coincidence.

I did not go back this yr. Maybe next yr will go back. My hubby cant stand the long travelling journey and food. Plus my grandma's hse very wulu. No network service. Need to go to their internet cafe in order use internet. Very inconvenience for him. But for me i really enjoy going back to Malaysia. Tell u i will sure gamble from the day i reach till the day i depart. Haha
hahahahaha aiyah tell u hor .. last time I also gamble and play mahjong during CNY

eversince got rachel, I cant do that liao. and now very diff also .. she will come to disturb me at times. how to play ?

but my hands v itchy leh eheh
i love playing MJ man. Thats my fav hobby. It will become addicted one. Wow have kid liao cannot played? How can? U can make Rachel take a nap and play mah.

she dont nap at all when outside .. cos got a lot of kids to play with. then the good thing is she sleeps very early at nite till next morning ehhe

ok lah anyway I long never play liao ..

My hometown is Teluk Intan, go to ur side is only 45min journey. Actually my hubby also cant stand the long travelling, but he like the food there, n my mother cooking. If my 2nd bro come back, so my hubby get to suft net. But for me of cos i really enjoy going back to my parents house, cos my fren n relatives is there.

I also like to gamble, especialist MJ. But this year CNY, i never gamble, cos my uncle all busy visit relatives n my bro all are busy visit there fren, so no kaki gamble there, n me also dun feel going out n tiring also, only like to stay at home n company my parents n hubby lol....
hehe we are all MJ siao !

me got too many kakis at my side .. need to q up lor .. but I give chance to the younger kids lah .. eheh
mummies: I'm seeing Dr Fong on Tues (12 Feb) at 12:15pm. Just a checkup cuz my menses not returning to "normal" after childbirth (only 2 days of spotting then finished - after I took the medication to force the menses to come).

My gal was concieved IUI and she's now 10 months old. Her pic is sitting in the TB glass cabinet hehehe .... prob cuz the paragon too full already.
hi mrs lai

welcome !

u mean u only had 2 days of mensus after delivery ?

so how r u now ? hmm another of our fren here did a cross stitch for Dr Fong and is placed in the glass cabinet too !
labbit: i stopped breastfeeding in Dec and was concerned my menses didn't return (and I was ballooning again) so I went to see him - at first he so happy tot i preggy HAHA then i said no chance of that! then he went "oh, aiya, tot got good news". He said probably my PCOS returned and I wanted to have a proper menstrating cycle to set my body back into the rhythm. But when my menses came, it was very light and last for 2 days only then no more. So I decided to go back to have another checkup lor. *haiz* and I hate being poked by that thing.

I shall look out for the cross-stitch in the glass cabinet then - prob to bring along a small pic of my gal for him to place in paragon!
Mrs Lai

my mensus was very weird after I stopped BF too. it came on alternate months ! then on days i had spotting too. weird hormones !!
labbit: hehehe my sis said "no menses you not happy meh!" well i'm happy normally but just concerned that my body is not getting back into "shape". v sad to see myself ballooning even though I already cut down on my food intake.
mrs lai

is it very normal to balloon while BF cos we get hungry after each feed right ? I too... cant go back to pre-pregnancy wt during BF cos I am hungry most of the time !
I understand that women with PCOS tends to put on lots of weight and cant slim down as easy as other.

Mrs Lai,
Me too has this problem. I am getting heavier each month. My hormones also have problem too. When i took the medi that trigger menses, it does not report till abt 1 week later. It came for 2 days then stop for a day and came again. Come to think of it very sickening. Haha. Dr Fong just mention that it is hormones problem.
usually we have lots of kakis but we diversify. Those came from Singapore sure have a seat for MJ. The rest will play 21 black Jack or Rambi(Lamee)don noe the spelling. The living room is like a gambling den. Haha.
Thanks all for your kind encouragement.

Yes, I am not going to give up so easily. No doubt I was quite disappointed, but I shan't let the emotion affect my mindset of having a baby

Ladies, i am not sure would i try another round of soiui soon. But how do I prepare myself (or rather my body) better for the next round?

I had 3-4 follicles of about 17mm on my last scan which was the Friday before the actual IUI on Monday. On that Friday, I had another jab of puregon, and Dr Fong said I should have 3-4 eggs to "play with". On Sat, I had the HCG jab, and it was quite painful.

i had the HCG jab for 3 months !! tell me abt it ! my hip sore after each jab leh ... but now I am in 2nd tri, dont need the jab liao

i think emotionally u have to be very very positive and have faith in the procedure. Maybe taking folic acid before IUI is good also.
Gigi and Lbt,

Why must take the HCG Jab? Sound scary leh. Wow this really put me off the idea of IUI.

U mean ur menses reported? I read that during implantation, there will be light brown/pink spotting. Sometimes it will cause bleeding too. So if ur menses havent report yet, high chance u r pregnant. Good luck to u.

because I had bleeding during 1st tri so Dr Fong say better jab me to stabilise the pregnancy. If not it is not required.


Joy is right. I had the implantation bleeding.
lbt: Joy is right - for PCOS, we will normally put on weight easily. Not to mention, my dad has diabetics, so that sinseh tan (who recommended me dr fong) said that my blood is "thicker" and my body is unable to process the sugar properly (i know got pple say she not good, but she diagnose 90% of my problems accurately. the only 10% not accurate is that I got bulky uterus which dr fong says dun have).

Gigi: the last time I did my IUI, I had cramps almost throughout the first few weeks. In the end I had to take the hormones (that white round one) and after one final mega cramping session, I went to A & E and Dr Fong came and see me. Found out I had an womb infection, so I was given bed rest as well as antibiotics and again, up the dosage for the hormones. Needless to say, my MS was BAD.

Joy: I think the jabs and what nots are only prescribed as necessary. Dr Fong won't recommend unnecessary procedures as far as I know. But I must say, he brought up IUI to me very discreetly, as "by the way, do you want to try this" instead of "oh you must do this" So I am very thankful for Dr Fong! He say my body needs time to adjust back to the normal cycle as well.

Today I still blur blur and asked him about the night clinics. then he said "no more already ah!" Then I was "oh ya, now I remember that being mentioned in the forum". Anyway so will be switching back to Paragon instead of TB, since we use to go TB as it was convinient after work.
Once the follicles reached maturity & right size, you'll need a HCG jab to cause ovulation within the next 36 - 48 hours to prepare for the IUI procedure.

It's confirmed that AF has reported, it's not implantation bleeding.

Wow .. you had to inject HCG for 3 months ah? How did you do it? Yourself or GP? Daily? I didn't know that HCG is needed to stablise the pregnancy.

Mrs Lai,
I had cramps too during the first couple of days after IUI. I went back and was given a jab plus some medication to prevent infections. After that, was the bloatedness that caused a lot of discomfort. End up was put on drip ... about 100 egg whites i think. My case was like quite extreme .. i thought the symptoms might be a good indication .. but who knows it failed.

Anyway, I am going for a 2nd try.

Jia You Jia You .. i hope to get some good luck from you gals

wah ur case sounds serious too ! but luckily u were OK and manage to concieve ! then u will think all the hard work has not gone to waste right ? ;)

heeh ya dont u find Dr Fong more refreshed now ? no more nite clinics since 1st Jan 08.


I think mine is call progrestrone jabs, not exactly HCG i think. Or are they the same ?

I had jabs on every Mon and Fri, for 3 months.

The nurse say can see the scars on my hips leh .. all the needles scar hahaha

but I dont mind lah since it is meant to stabilise the pregnancy.

i go to the clinic. Dr Fong did ask me if want my hubby to do it .. i say NO.aha cos this injection need to be done slowly as the liquid is quite thick and will cause soreness.

btw u jia you ok !! we will support u all the way !

I think that must be progestrone jabs, not HCG. HCG has that burning sensation .. quite painful. But it is true that if succesful, everything is worth it. I actually took 9 egg whites daily for a couple of days after IUI. Imagine 9 egg whites ... raw somemore!

Thank you for your support. I will work hard ..

hey i did IVF in 2005 and I took egg whites too but NOT AS MUCH as u leh !!! u r superb gal !!

i keep complaining to Dr Fong that time .. why force me to take it ... so yucky haha

u seems to be a very determined gal .. u will succeed one day. Dont give up ... rem .. MIND OVER BODY hor

Yaloh, the world is so small in this case. Haha. I experience tightening more than 2-3 times a day. Even now also experiencing it. It's not painful, just uncomfortable.

If experience bratox hicks, will I ended up delivering early. I dun want to deliver early. Cos only tml hubby and I will get to go down to HDB to select our flat, den by then baby come out just nice. If come out early, I might have to do confinement in my mum's place, which might be more troublesome cos my mummy feel insecure of having an outsider staying in her house.

Mummies, I like to play MJ too. But nobody wanna play with me cos I quite slow cos still kinda new to the game. That time go to my boss place play, I ended up lost 90 bucks cos I dunno how to make many tais.
hehe kelcqi

you dont have beginners luck lah .. so in the end u paid $90 school fees hehe

i think with very freq braxton hicks contractions, delivery may be early leh. cos it may means there is some slight contractions like my case. and after that incident, Dr Fong told me my cervix is of the soft type and he predicted my labour would be short as it may dilate fast. In the end my labour is only abt 5 hrs .. consider quite short for 1st time mother.

where is ur flat ?
Hey mummies,
can i ask something? Who will be the one to give Jab and draw blood? I have phobia when comes to needle.

Dr Fong didnt ask me to do IUI. I am the one who proposed it as i wan to speed up the whole TTC process. But after seeing all the comments here, i think i will still stick to oral. I really cannot imagine taking Jab and eating raw egg white. Haha.

Chuyi it self i lost $101. My luck was so bad that whatever tiles i don wan it will come back the next round. How i hope that i can pass that round. Haha

Dr Fong has 2 assistants who are nurses. One of them is Eileen. She is very experienced. I always look for her for the jab. She also draw blood for me. This arrangement is better so I dont need to see Dr fong and pay him consultation fee.

u mean if we r pregnant, can just go to the counter and get the nurse to draw blood for me and don need to see Dr Fong? I am still thinking of asking Dr Fong to jab and draw blood for me. Sorry to say that but i really have phobia asking nurses to jab or draw blood for me.
Lbt, my flat gonna be at Chai Chee. Hehe. Small falt, 3 rm only. But I'm happy enough cos at least it's a place we can call our own.

Huh, frequent Bratox hicks means soft cervix? I am still hoping for baby to come out late leh. I seriously hope my baby will be a Gemini than a Taurus, cos Taurus usually more stubborn...
I believe in Horoscope one...

Joy, Eileen is very experienced, she draw blood for me also. No pain, cos she'll distract u and ask u to look elsewhere.

Wah, Chu Yi already lost $101 ah? This yr I nv gamble. Only time I play Ban Luck is at my boss place, cos my colleague asked me to play for him. In the end my hubby so angry, cos he believed that whatever I play and win, all using baby's luck. And my colleague is tapping on my baby's luck...

yes if u testing for pregnancy, Eileen will draw blood for u. In fact she is very skillful leh. Not pain to me. and no blueblack after that. Very good !


no no , BH contractions doesnt means soft cervix. Just happen mine is soft la !

congrats on getting ur own hse ! u will be excited !

aiya ask ur hubby dont be so pantang .. bb luck will always be with u

Yes, Eileen is very good. She jab and also "hook" on the drip for me. My hubby was so happy that she did the jab for me that day so that he need not do it for me ... hehe ...

Gals, I am starting my 2nd attempt of SOIUI. Wish me good luck
good luck to u. hope that it will be a success. Babydust to u.

ur new flat at chai chee(blk 20+)? then we r very near to each other. but hor from east to paragon and mta very far man.

that means after the blood test dont need to see Dr Fong? Didnt not that eileen will be the one to draw blood for us coz my friend told me that hers was done by her gynae. U noe hor my cousin is a nurse with XXH. She told me that actually Dr should be the one to draw blood for us and not nurses. She was the one who cause me to have so much phobia when come to jab and blood test.

not necesary gynae as long as the assistants are nurses by training. In fact, nurses have more practice than doctors so some nurses performed much better than doctors. But I have tried both Dr fong and eileen and both dont cause me pain or blue black after jab or drawing blood.


GOOOD LUCK. Start to take folic acid now ok ..
I hv stop BF for 1/2 yr...but every now and then when i squeeze my N***** there'll be a few drops of transparent/white liquid coming out...looks like milk to me leh....i didn't take medicine to stop BF, just slowly reduce BF freq then stop totally, is this normal? does it happen to u?
then shld i squeeze it or not? If don't squeeze it out, the "leftover" milk will become harden n become lumps or not?
Joy, Lbt,

Thanks. Yes, I have been on folic acid for more than a month alreadi.

I have a stupid question .. during the 2WW, does it matter if you sleep sideway .. or curl up?

no leh .. during 2WW, just lead ur life as normal. But no strenuous exercise, no carrying of heavy things. try not to eat too spicy stuff in case it causes diarrhea. minimise walking and rest when you can.

most importantly stay cool and positive.

i rem i was told not to take too much orange also.
Actually i also got a stupid question to ask. During 2ww, can we still bd? Coz my friend told me that cannot bd during 2ww. Abit confused.

Another thing i wan to check with u mummies,
anyone happened to go and see Dr Fong at TB and needs to pay $5 admin charge? I need to see him on my day12 to scan the eggs and so happened Dr Fong is at TB that day. The nurses from both clinic told me to that i need to pay $5 admin charge. I find that the charges is a bit ridiculous. It is not that i don wan to see Dr Fong at Paragon but just so happened that he will not be at that clinic. Don understand why i need to pay. Although it is a small amt of money, I would prefer to pay for something reasonable. Can anyone here advise me on that?

yes cannot BD during 2ww.

I think the admin charge is for them to transfer ur records over ? hmm but I am in your situation before but has never paid the $5 charge before.

maybe u can reason with them again. like what u say, it is not your choice.
i already told the nurse at Paragon that not very fair for me to pay this $5 coz it is really not my wish to see Dr Fong at TB. She replied, hope u understand this is their requirement? I wonder how much can it cost to fax over the details. $5 can eat 2 bowls of noodle. U didnt pay? What did u tell them? Think i will tell Dr Fong not to charge me this $5 coz not very fair to me. Haha. Also in future if i had no choice and got to see him at TB i still needs to pay $5 tell u i will faint.

Really cannot bd during 2ww? I always bd during 2ww. Maybe that is the reason for all the failed mission.

i seriously dont rem I pay leh. Yes u go and in and tell Dr Fong directly. I feel it is unfair for u.

ya the nurses specifically say cannot leh !! oh they din tell u ? aiyo !!

so now u kuai kuai abstain for 2 weeks ok ?
Think u got to tell my hubby to abstain and not me k. Haha. U mean the nurse told u or u asked them? I don rem that the nurse told me anything. Like i say, my consultation with Dr Fong was very short. He din tell me too.
<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
Yes there is a S$5 admin charge when you see Dr Fong in TB if you are actually from Paragon. When you see him back at Paragon you have to pay another S$5.

I wanted to do my glucose tolerance test urgently the other day. But Dr Fong was in TB and the nurse explain to me I have to pay S$5 and hb said ok since Paragon parking is so ex. Then she told me I have to pay another S$5 for my records to transfer back to Paragon if I want to see him in Paragon next appt. that makes it S$10 so I decided we wait until Sat to do the test in Paragon instead.

Sorry. Wat is 2WW and bd?

2ww - 2 weeks wait during IVF or IUI.
means the embroys are transferred to ur womb and the blood test for pregnancy is conducted 2 weeks later.

bd - bed dancing aka intercourse

ahha i pick up these acronyms from this forum too.

btw u feeling ok during MC ?

actually such cases hor, the clinic shld be charge the patient. shld feedback to Dr Fong leh.

<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
Yes, I am feeling ok. Just 7 more weeks I can remove my stitches then wait for cervix to slowly dilate and pop.

It's been so long. All the worrying since week 12.5. I've been mainly lying and sitting for 4 mths already.
