DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hey think u all should put down the timing also. I shall update on my appointment date. Maybe i will be able to meet kelcqi provided i am pregnant by then. Haha
I called the clinic just now. The nurse told me it is normal to have side effect. I told her the feeling is so terrible. Totally no appetite to eat. I even told her that i will slim dowm real soon. Guess what, she replied me that the purpose of this medi is helps me to slim down. Do u think that Dr Fong feels that i need to slim down huh? I very fat huh. Haiz.........
huh !
u DONT need to slim lah

eh u talk to which nurse ?? err some of them are not trained in medical area. I think u better talk to Mindy or Eileen.
my next visit to Dr Fong is 16th Feb 9am. Usually hubby and I go down on Weekends cos my hubby not working on weekends so he will accompany me to go check up.

sometimes weekends appts very difficults to make appts.


how many weeks den u go for detailed scan, normally at where? cos mine may be sooner liao. actually detail scan is to scan what, a bit curious, cos 1st times mum to be....

I think i spoke to Eileen. I can recongise her sweet voice. Frankly speaking, if it helps to me to slim down, i really don mind. Its ok. I am not offended by her words. She is very helpful in answering my questions. I read up what clari had posted here and realise that it really helps women with PCOS to slim down. Just that the side effect is terrible.
Our next appt is :

kelcqi 12 Feb (Tue)
pettygal 16 Feb (Sat) 0900
bbrooster 19 Feb (Tue) 1030
labbit 21 Feb (Thur) 1145

<font color="0000ff">pettygal</font>
The detailed scan is an important scan. It covers all the vital organs, heart, kidney, bladder, spine, neck, stomach, limbs, lips, face etc.

the detail scan is done at around 20-22 weeks. Yes it covers all teh vital organs. The most impt thing is to check the blood flow in the heart. The whole scan will takes abt an hour.
Dr Fong always ask us go TMC for this scan. Cost u abt $100+.

A report will be generated within mins then I will proceed to Dr Fong clinic so that he can explain to me.

On that day U will know ur bb gender too.

So 16 Feb is ur 4th mth chk ?? Dr fong can guess the bb gender ehehhe


so eileen says it's normal ah ? how long do u need to take this med ?
I need to take abt one month. Tell u all a gossip. I saw Mrs Fong yesterday at Tiong Bahru. She drives a red 7 seater Merc. Haha. Hope that Dr Fong don come in and read our thread.

I don rem i saw u leh. But when i walk out of Dr Fong's room, i think i saw u. Coz u mention that u sitting beside bbrooster's hubby and i saw bbrooster still siting there. U got any idea seeing me walk out of Dr Fong's room? U mean u saw dmy? Where? When i walk out of the room suddenly so many ppl. All seat have been occupied.

no i think when u came out of this room I was outside the clinic playing with Rachel. I saw u walking out of the clinic.

i dunno when DMY is there, cos when I came back at 1pm, she is there.
But no life. Cannot plan for holidays. Cannot go to the movies. Even have to work in the middle of the night if get call from hospital. And still have to be in the clinic by 9am. Very tough.

There was one Sunday evening he even got to see me at A &amp; E.

But later part of life he can retire early and enjoy with his family.
When i read ur post hor, i tot what u writing abt. So u r saying Dr Fong no life huh. There are always pros and cons. Maybe he loves his job so he don mind lor. I noe some gynae work till old age too. Wow cannot watch movies? Very cham leh. How to maintain good health? Think he don have time for his family too.

really wasted leh. U should have call me. Haiz.... But at least i noe how bbrooster and her ger look like.
bbrooster is right

but got $ mah .. means less worries.

he did tell me he having a retirement plan leh .. hope he dont retire so soon.

oh btw I chk with him ,.. he say he is around in July not going anywhere so he can deliver my bb.

bbrooster, kelcqi did u chk with him ?
nvm lah .. u want to see meh ? ok I find the most prettiest photo I ever had and send to u ahhaha let me have a pretty impression in ur mind.

u paste the photo on the board lor where Dr Fong put all the baby's pic. U paste it beside Rachel, then Bbrooster, kelcqi, pettygal and me can see mah.

Huh he got retirement plan huh. Do U noe when? Then i must quickly conceive leh. Who noe he might retire at age 55. When he going for convention? If at that point of time we need to deliver and he is not ard how?

u crazy ah ... wait everyone complain to Dr Fong ! but my bb photo is still at Paragon's wall.

he say he has one but I din ask when. Cos we are complaining abt staying in SG ...

he has a covering gynae. u will see the covering gynae when he is not around. Last time use to be Kenneth Lee now dunno who leh.

so usually i chk if he is around during my EDD.
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
My gal's pic also in Paragon.

Dr Fong so rich anytime can migrate. He still got an option to stay or not to stay in Singapore.

i don get to see ur ger pic leh. Where is it huh. Ya lor he is so rich, he has a choice man. Maybe i will move back to Malaysia during old age.

Me not crazy lor. I saw some mummy in the pic also leh.

I know of the liver thingy. It contains Vit A and high level of Vit A is not recommended. so if i take pig's liver, I take only 2-3 pieces at once.


ya but I shy lah ... not v pretty and slim still put ahha
I wont change lah. I die die stick to him. U noe why rite.*wink* *wink* Haha. I still need his magic hand to help me with my IVF if i cant conceive.
<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
My girl picture is on the 2nd big frame. I think it's second row. Dr Fong wearing green shirt carried her in his arms. She was wearing those baby cap and she got double chin in that picture.

That time she was only 1 mth plus.
the feeling is no good. Feel like giving up. The smell of food make me wanna puke. But now i have eggwhite mucus and pulling pain like cramp. Don noe going to Ovulate or not. Dr Fong ur Angel and my idol.

i will go and take a look next time. I rem u asked ur hubby to bring ur ger to take a look at the pic.
<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
ya surprisingly she still remember. seldom bring her to Dr Fong's clinic unless it's on a weekend.

you must perservere. good luck.

thanks for ur encouragement. Ma Ma zhen weida. I cant imagine whether i can endure the MS if i am preggie.

ya some ppl has v serious MS. my first preg I had a bit and this one none at all. quite different.

bbrooster are ur symptoms the same for both since u having boy now ?

my photo is on the 1st frame I think. I edited the pic to have dr fong carrying my gal on the left and on the right is my gal.

I even put her dialect and chinese date with DOB on the pic.


u must persevere ... so did dr fong tell u what are the symptoms when u ovluate ?
I think i am always not well prepared when i see Dr Fong. Coz usually i don have much question to ask him. I will ask only when he prescribed me with new medi. I didnt asked what is the symptoms to look out when ovulating. Then my hubby also don talk much. Actually what are the question to ask? I am not so sure too. Haha

prep urself before u see him. do u own research and give urself choices so when Dr Fong proposes something, then u can ask him the pros and cons for eg.

did he tell u why he give u this new med ?
I think he didnt tell me. He just said i will prescribe u some medi to take. Then i asked is it metformin, he said yes. I don noe what to ask him. Everytime i go in rite i am afraid to take up too much of his time coz a lot of patients waiting. So usually my consulation very fast one.

u paid for his service. whenever he ask me got qns or not, I will "mmm mmmm mmmm mmmm" ... take my time to think ahah

then chat chat with him while he do the writing. my hubby told him he look fresher w/o nite clinics eheh
wow, u still mmmmmmm huh. When he asked me and my hubby any questions, i will tell him don have. He looks fresher meh. I still find him the same leh. But each time i see him, i realise he got more white hair. Haha
i want to make my money worth

u haven see him when he is so tired looking, as if he haven sleep for days. that was after my delivery and I went to see him for paps smear. I got a shock when I see him. Then he told me that period got a lot of deliveries and he had no time to rest.
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
My symptoms are different from the 1st one. This pregnancy is easier maybe because I don't have to work.

I will look out for your picture at the clinic.

<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
you shouldn't feel bad about asking questions. moreover you pay for his service. and each patient is allocated about 15 mins.

Really huh. I think i never exceed 15mins. If exceed 15mins how? Got to pay or not?

I only find that when he never cut his hair he looks messy lor. I just cant stand ppl looking untidy. At that point of time, i really feel like telling him to go for a hair cut. Haha.
