DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


u mean if the records trf back to Paragon i still need to pay!!! I am very unhappy to pay the $5. Now $10?? Wow why Dr Fong make it so diff for his patient? I mean really unfair to me. BBrooster, u have a choice but i dont. I also wish to wait for Dr Fong to be in Paragon. But my scan cannot wait. Haiz......... Anyway glad to know that u r fine. Meanwhile do take care.


i think Dr Fong imposed the charges is to prevent patients to anyhow switch clinics. But cases like yours shld be consider exceptional and the nurses are just following instructions. Anyway it's Dr Fong who determine the charges so u talk to him when u r still in his room.


glad to know u r doing well !! when u see ur bb boy, all the hard work is worth it ! but I know it's not easy to go on MC for so long.

Is your job affected ?
I was also charged that $5 admin fee, which I think it's not fair too. But you know, sometimes so paiseh to "bargain" over that $5. But what puzzled me is are you sure the records are being "diligently" transferred between the 2 clinics. Why I think so is because during my last visit in Paragon, Dr Fong actually asked me .. eh, how many follicles you had the other time huh. I was shocked, I thought he should have his record even though the scan was done in TB. That makes me a bit disappointed. My hubby was joking saying (only to me), why not they make a copy of the records for us, and we will bring along during each of our visit no matter which of the 2 clinics... haha.

Another thing is about the GST. TB doesn't charge GST. So the purchase of puregon could make alot of difference in the 2 clinics. Can we actually go to TB to purchase instead?

Did not hear from you for a few days .. so happy that you are going well. Take good care!

as for the medi hor, cannot buy from TB. I encounter that b4. The reason is becoz of what details. Actually i find that bullshit leh. Can always call TB to inform them that one of the patient going to collect medi from there. Just take down the particulars. They r not flexible lor. I mean cant blame Dr Fong, is the nurse never do their jobs well. Haha. I asked abt the GST thing b4. It is becoz of the word pte ltd. Hehee

I don't know whether they forgot to charge or what, but I did not pay. Initially, I thought it's a one-time fee for such transfer, but now it sounds like it is not the case.

Do you mean I did not pay the $5 for records to be transferred back to Paragon, that's why my TB's record is not in Paragon? This is really funny, afterall I am seeing the same doctor you know. How can my regular doctor don't have my records with him during consultation, especially his diagnosis is dependent on the medical records, right?
i don meant that. I am just asking whether needs to pay another $5 when we go back to Paragon? U mean in the end u didnt pay the $5 at all? Thats good leh.

I paid once, that was when the first time I go to TB for scan. Same as you, the scheduled scan happened to be a day that Dr Fong is in TB, so I was asked to pay $5. Subsequent visits to TB, they did not charge me. But I am still doubting that they have the same records in both clinics leh.
Hi ladies, am new here. Been seing Dr Fong also for PCO...sometimes really sad that it's so difficult for me to conceive...

I had to pay $5 also when my scheduled scan had to be done in TB instead of Paragon...I think that they only fax the latest consultation record, not the whole record. And I was told that if I go back to Paragon I'll have to pay $5 again - I figured out we have to pay whenever they have to fax our latest record over...Guess I didn't really bother coz i just want a bb :p
hi faith !

welcome !! dont be despair. a lot of us here having fertility problems and this is not end of the world since medical is so advanced now

have faith ! eeheh

Joy, Gigi

aiyah i also find it very weird. Might as well concentrate on one clinic hor ? that save all these troubles. But dr fong will have his own reasons for keeping 2 clinics.

ya I am aware of the GST difference in these 2 clinics so once I take up the antenatal package I will choose Paragon always. More comfy there and machine is better
Haiz .. if we are succesful in conceiving, what's that 5 bucks man!


Ya lor, paragon is more comfortable, but each time go there got to spend $$ because the waiting time "stretched" and so always end up shopping .. hehe ..

hehe not just shopping, parking is also v ex leh !!

but i prefer the machine there and not so squeezy. And hubby can stand at the scanning area to film the whole process. Else in TB very cramp and dark.

ya u r right lah .. what's the $5 when u know u r pregnant right ? BUT BUT .. we have to protect out rights ahahah
<font color="0000ff">ladies,</font>
thanks so much for your concern. lbt my job is not affected by my MC so not so much of a worry.

<font color="0000ff">faith7</font>
Welcome to this thread. Don't despair, have faith.. See there are successful cases here.

<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
We can bring video during our appt to tape down the process? Maybe I will do it when I am nearer to due date.
thanks! Mind if I ask whether you conceived through any treatment?

I did SO-iui before but the problem is I had too many follicles so have no choice but to stop it. the alternative way is to convert to ivf but I told him I couldn't afford to be on mc/leave at this point...

Now we're trying Clomid again but from the last scan, looks like the eggs are not growing well...going for a second scan soon...gotta stay *positive*

Gigi, I was just scrolling up....hope your 2nd attempt works this time round. good luck
Hi Faith,

I was on clomid too. For my last cycle which is also my 1st try, tthe eggs r not growing well too. Wow, u meant ur SO-IUI was unsucessful due to too many follicles? Like that how? Still needs to pay the full amt? I also find that it is so diff for me to conceive. Sometimes really feel like giving up. Btw, Dr Fong prescribe me with metformin and clomid. Maybe u can check with Dr Fong abt this medi. Think it helps ppl with PCOS to conceive.
maybe u didnt pay the $5 at Paragon, thats why ur report not trf back. Haha. I guess only. Sometimes we needs to feedback to Dr Fong so that he noes what is going on. When he set up this clause, his intention is to stop his patient from changing btw clinics. Maybe he never tot of those who genuie needs to see him. U r also rite that what is $5 if we r pregnant. Like i said, i really don mind paying for something which is reasonable. But this is simply ridiculous as we had to pay both clinic. I am typical auntie thinking hor. Paisei huh.
hi faith

i conceived successfully via IVF on first attempt.

I managed to have quite a number of eggs and in end , 11 fertilized embroys survived. My 1st embroy transferred was in 2005, so my ger now is already 17 mths.

I had 4 embroys defroze in Oct last (from the 1st attempt in 2005) and conceived again. Now I am 5 mths pregnant.

so I think I am left 3 frozen embroys at MT E. Not sure if I still want 3rd kid though

for my case, Dr Fong did not suggest IUI as he said it may not be successful for my case. So we go straight to IVF. Guess I am very lucky and blessed and I felt the $ was well spent.

yes yes u can ! Dr Fong will be very corporative. U can ask him to stop whenever u want to focus on. hehe then he will turn the volume of the bb heartbeat loud enough for u to tape down. usually hubby will take pics and video on every visit.

we started doing that since my last pregnancy ;)

that's why i prefer Paragon clinic, more spacious and bright.
Joy, Lbt,

Hehe, my flat will be at Blk 41 Chai Chee...Joy, issit near you? I dunno Bedok area leh, suddenly the thought of moving to foreign area so scary...

Joy, I'm likely to deliver at TMC. And the thing is we can only get the key in 4-6 mths, by that time baby out already...

I went to see Dr Fong on Valentine's day. My baby damn violent. Kicking and punching me while Dr Fong was doing the ultrasound. Cos suddenly I feel the pain here and there, den Dr Fong move the scanner and we can see baby's legs and hands moving...

Lbt, Dr Fong said my BH too frequent le. Now on medication. He said I need to move lesser than the amount I'm moving now. Cos if BH doesn't stop, I might deliver early and baby in ICU for very long, costly...

Now I super stress, cos much as I can, I already try to reduce movement. But still consider moving alot. My hubby told me to stop work and just lie on bed everyday. *Faint* The thought of it makes me so sad...

dont worry abt the hse thing. I think you shld take your own time to decorate ur hse and move in after you give birth. Else it would be too rush and stressful for u.

How many weeks are u now ? Ya lah I was told to minimise movements also and that time given 1 week MC after I saw him.

So when I go for lunch, I only go canteen, cant even walk out far.

Shld be ok with the medication, dont worry too much ok.
Ur new flat at blk 41? My friend stay there. My flat is beside the stadium only. Wow lucky for u. Don have to travel so far from Chai CHee to Paragon or TMC. Try to rest more and walk less. Ur health and baby should come first. Don worry for others. Meanwhile do take care
Lbt, I'm now in my 24 weeks. How come you were given 1 wk MC? What happened to you?

Joy, thanks. Yaloh, my new flat is at Blk 41. Behind the mosque only. We don't have much choice, either take the flat at Chai Chee or Jurong. I compare the distance and of cos Chai Chee still nearer to my mum's place than Jurong. Now they doing upgrading to the flats there, you friend staying there, issit very dusty?

Ask you something about Bedok. That time I went there with Hubby to look at the flats, I realized the area like kinda quiet. Issit a norm that Bedok is that quiet or just so happened that it's a Tuesday? I grew up in AMK all my life and it's always so crowded. I was comparing the crowds there and my hubby kinda worried about the security of the area esp at times I might be home alone with baby...
BBrooster, Lbt,

I was telling my hubby on you two about the taping down of process and baby's heartbeat and I told him maybe I should do the same also. Next time baby grow up, show her how active she had been when she was inside the tummy... Keke...

Ur side there actually quite quiet and alots of other race. To me Bedok is a matured estate. I find it quite alright. Not very quiet. BTW u staying very near interchange also.
too many follicles may lead to multiple births so cannot...we paid for the puregon but unfortunately had to stop the treatment. He did tell us the possibilities before we start, so we were mentally prepared to pay...i think in my case, i always have multiples so ivf may be the only option am afraid. will see how the clomid works on me, if it fails, i'll have to ask Dr Fong to plan the next SO-iui to ivf based on my work schedule.

Lbt, it's encouraging to hear your successful case! do u know why you couldn't do so-iui first? When you did your ivf, were you using the puregon pen? and as far as you remember, how many days of mc/hosptalisation leave you were forced to take? sorry to bombard you with so many qs...

Expectant Mummies out there (err 3 of you right?) take good care

cos I was only at week 30 and experiencing multiples BH contractions within a day. Dr Fong ask me to rest for 1 week so to minimise my movements. He din gave u this time round ? did he check your cervix ? Probably i had a bit of contractions....

yeah yeah tape down the process. I am still waiting to show my Rachel when she is old enough eheh


me and my hubby have fertility problems so Dr Fong dont see the benefits of IUI for both of us. I guess he will assess the situation and propose as necessary. OK lah .. who knows I may waste time and $ on IUI ?

oh yes I did use the Puregon pen .. not pain lah the needle so fine right ? and I have fats on my tummy area ! ehhe
I was on 2 weeks MC after the embroys transferred but my MC extended due to severe bloating of my stomach.

Lucky my bosses are very understanding though they did not know what happen to me. Until when I went back to ofc, I told them I was pregnant so they tot i was MC due to that ahhaah
Joy, I guess my area will have alot of Malays cos in front got one mosque.

Lbt, no leh, Dr Fong nv check my cervix leh, prolly still early. Thats why never check. If I'm intendting to do a pap-smear before I deliver, do I have to inform Dr Fong or he'll auto advise me to do?

i think there is no need to do a paps smear before delivery cos u will need it after ur mensus stop after delivery.

However if u have consistent yellow discharge for eg, u need to do a Group B Strep test to test for any bacteria in the vaginal.

Really ah? I thought pap smear was recommended cos I dunno read it from somewhere they said if have infection during pregnancy, better do pap smear before delivery cos they scared that bacteria if never clear up will pass to baby through Virginal birth. That's why I wonder how come Dr Fong never ask me to do Pap smear..

ya that's the purpose of the Group B Strep test lor. To remove any bacteria before natural delivery. I guess the intention is the same. Dr Fong will do a culture test for you i.e. take a sample of some tissue from your vaginal and send it for lab test.
i did mine on week 36.

u may need to remind him. I was the one who told him that I had yellow discharge and want to do the test.
<font color="0000ff">lbt, Kelcqi</font>
I have also done a Strep B and I also told Dr Fong I want to do another culture test before delivery which he said he will do after my cervix stitch is removed.

My friend had Strep B. The risk during delivery is higher and she had to remind her gynae in the delivery ward and to remember to give her a antibiotics jab.

Dr Fong say mine is not so serious so not so worrying during delivery.

Pap smear is normally done before pregnancy and after delivery.
Hi bbrooster,

pap smear can done in how many week of P.

lbt, kelcqi,

have both of you done the detail scan? did TMC will print out the scan photo 4 u to bring back or need to give to dr fong 4 reference? Or Dr fong will explain to us after will return to me cos i will doing my detail scan on 22/3 after that i will go to paragon 4 my appt.
<font color="0000ff">pettygal</font>
Think before you plan to get pregnant you do the test not when you are already pregnant. But I also didn't do it.

Detail scan pics I remembered it's photocopied. One for Dr Fong and one for you. No orginal of scan pics given.

I did my Detail Scan last mth. There will be 2 copies, one with pics, that one is for you. Another copy only have graphs, the sonographer will tell u to give the one without pics for Dr Fong and keep the one with pics for yourself.

It's in A4 size with lotsa pics, of baby's nose, mouth, gender etc...

Lbt, bbrooster,

So I need to get Dr Fong to do a culture test before delivery?

yes do it around 36 weeks in case u deliver early.

hey gals, I am having a gal again ! ahah i "scolded" dr fong say he give me false hopes last month say it was a boy. anyway bb is doing very well so happy for her.
<font color="0000ff">lbt</font>
Dr Fong machine and his eyes buay chun lah. Nevermind now you have a reason to go for #3. Glad to hear that bb is doing very well.

cannot lah ... i dunno how to cope with #3 liao. It's ok lah gals are good also ... I am blessed to have them already. W/o Dr Fong i may not even have children in the first place
coongrats for having a minnie. Anyway ger r better then boy. Closer to mum. Wow u scolded Dr Fong? What is his reaction huh. Lucky this round he didnt bet with u. Hahaha
I agree with Joy07 girls are better. I wanted another girl so much. When I know I have a boy I grumble so much then decided to stop grumbling cos maybe pantang that's why this boy give me so many problems. Think he inside angry with me.

We haven't even think of our boy name but if it's a girl we have already plan before we try to conceive. That shows how much we wanted another girl.

COngrates on the baby gal. Hehe, seems like this year alot of baby gals. Most ppl I know delivering this gal is expecting a gal, including me... U have gal, means can save alot on buying new clothings le...

Ok, I'll tell Dr Fong to do the test for me when I'm reaching wk 36.

I just lost my braclet yesterday. Diamond one, my mum gave it to me on my wedding. Me so sad now... Think even anyone in office found it also wun return one...
Oh dear! Pass the message around and ask your colleagues to return if they see it. I can understand how sim tia you are now. Furthermore, it's your jia chuang.

oh really !! ok lah one boy one gal is good also. dont be so pantang. U'll be alright.


eheh dr fong just said " eh i wasnt sure that time also" ... aiyah he gave me false hopes.


Send a mass email out. At least anyone who picked up your bracelet know that u r looking for it. And inform the cleaning company in case it is picked up by some cleaner in your office premises.

one ger and one boy make up a hao word. Don be so pantang ok. Anyway u r doing very well now. U will be alright.


quickly informed ur colleagues. If they happened to see it they will pass it back to u. Don worry.
