DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
Exceed no need to pay lah but we zi dong also. Don't sit there chat and ask 30 mins of question in there. You see his appointments are all 15 mins apart. Like 9, 9:15, 9:30.

i very zi dong lor. Is others not zi dong mah. If not we also wont have to wait for so long rite. haha But sometimes Dr Fong also took quite a long time to scan. Btw, r u working?
<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
I am on MC till delivery due to my incompetent cervix. No lah I don't think others buay zi dong. I think some of them have problems so tend to ask more questions. Like for my case, I do have worries and tend to have more questions when I do feel abnormal.

And some of them who are back from detailed scan also take longer time.

Ur time is around my time and DMY. I must Ah Fong is a really responsible dr cos I am the one super stubborn and garang didnt admit despite 3 cm dilated and show.

He came in to deliver my baby despite just touched down and back from his Aussie holiday. Looked very tired and it was 4 am in the morning.

So rest assured u all in good hand.

u r back !!

eh gender not confirm yet ... have to wait till 21st Feb eheh
but of cos I must thank him else I wont have 2 wonderful children


dont feel bad for taking up his time. He is obliged to ans our queries.


u have to be careful hor ..

yes noe. Next time i will try to ask him more question on pregnancy.

U better take care and rest more. OMG, MC for so long. don think i can stay at home for so long.
Good Day mummies,

Me so busy this week, no time to come in. Now hubby not home n quickly come in before I head to work.

Update, my appt is 12 Feb at 11.45am. Will I get to see anyone of you?

Joy, take your time to ask him questions lah. I always bomb him with so many questions until my hubby said Dr Fong giving me weird looks. But 50 bucks for consultation, cannot ask meh? But of cos not nonsense lah, just asking on like what happened to me and any remedies etc.

My colleague saw a gynea at TMC only paid 70 plus per visit including medication, ultrasound n consultation. I paid 200 plus for all that, must make it worthwhile mah... Hehe... Sometimes I even tell the nurse to put me at the last slot so I dun have to feel guilty for holding up the patients outside.

But one thing I don't dare to do is to call up and ask qns, I know they are very bz during the visiting hrs, so nv call even that time I had pink discharge. When the nurses heard that, they went, Aiyoh, why never call us?

I always feel I am having a weird pregnancy. Like so troublesome one. Pain here and there. And that time even had depression. Now had to be on medication, on top of supplements. Everyday I take like 6-7 tablets. So scary...
think no one going on 12 Feb leh ...

hehe so u make ur money worth !!

and I call them when I have burning qns. Aiyo u got discharge still dont call ! they ok one .. it's dr fong who is busy not the nurse mah.

dont feel bad abt ur pregnancy, ur bb will feel it ok. U must think that all the med u taking is for ur own good.

Ya lor i also paid $200+. Very expensive and heart pain. Some of my friends just paid $550 for an unlimited consultations. Dr Fong belongs to high end. Actually i tot of changing to Tiong Bahru, as no need to pay GST and think the scan is $10 cheaper also. Am i rite abt this?

GST part is true but not sure for scan. I will stick to paragon since I am taking up the package v soon.
u mean diff clinic diff package? Do u noe the diff? I tot is the same except for the GST portion and the scanning. But my friend told me that TB clinic very cramp. I never been there b4.

When u start to take the package soon? how much of the package? it is the same for bb twin &amp; single for the package price? I think me going soon......? the clinic staff will automatic ask u to take the package?

Sorry, i ask so many qns to u?

no the package price is the same for 2 clinics.
for singleton it is $600, for twins $900.

usually the staff will ask if u want to take up the package after your detailed scan. So mostly likely i will take up on 21st Feb when I see him after scan.

Ya the TB clinic is very small. The whole office space is shared among Dr Fong's clinic and a dental clinic, so usually have to wait outside the clinic.

I prefer paragon cos can shop but at TB, got more food to eat ehhehe
Joy, although I know TB clinic no GST, but we go Paragon for the sake of the location. More accessible for us. My friends all very shocked at the rate I'm paying but I told them Dr Fong very gd, and professional. Plus he is one of those who will not force sell or recommend us tests unnecessary. So still ok. Of cos lah, self comfort myself also. Keke... Heng now can go for package liao. Hope it'll not cost as much anymore. Heard that the most will be 100 plus next time.

But for your case, you still need alot of visits as to the tests and pregnancy, might be a gd idea to switch to TB clinic. Then when take package, den come back to Paragon. Keke...

Prettygal, I asked them say 5 mths can take package already, then the nurse brief me on the package. The package includes consultations, ultrasounds, routine urine test, iron and folic acid. Meaning to say, still have to pay for calcium and fish oil etc, plus if it's not a scheduled appt(Eg, if touchwood you have spotting or any discomfort and need to see him), you'll also have to pay.
Joy, u know hor, I spoke to one mum from the May thread, she only pay 38 bucks per visits. Inclusive of Ultrasound, Routine test, Consultation, and medication. But she needs to go TMC all the way lah... I'm thinking if I happen to have the next one, might switch there, although I like Dr Fong alot!

Lbt, I ask u hor, if I just go down to the clinic to get the stool softener from Dr Fong, apart from the medication, do I need to pay for consulation? Actually I think I dun need to see him one. I only need the medication cos I scare I run out on CNY...

Yes, i heard some of the mummies whose gynae r charging them much cheaper and the delivery is also very cheap. I wont change gynae as both hubby and i very comfortable with me. Everything at Paragon is ex. When i see the parking fee, i nearly faint. So Exxxxxxxxxxx. Haha.

No need since you dont see him. Just pay for the medication and the nurses will record it down on your card.


ya lor the parking there is absurd !!! what to do .. really more convenient and more spacious.

i wont change gynae also lah .. so ma fan need to tell my new gynae my history again ...

who knows I may close shop after this lor ! so see Dr fong yearly for pap smear can liao
Lbt, Joy,

My hubby and I were talking about maid just now and he was telling me prolly we'll just settle down after this gal. I feel abit disappointed cos I hope to have a boy. If this one is a boy, I sure wanna close shop but this time is a gal, I feel like trying again next time. Cos I scare my PILs next time will have reasons to attack me for never chuan zhong jie dai for their family.

My MIL have 2 kids, she always make it sound like very wei da cos she helped her husband produce 2 boys, I wanna to give my hubby one boy, at least next time I have something to back me up.

wah this is a strategy u have ...

i mean u sounds so stressful just by having a gal ? i think u do within your means, and not to stand up against MIL. anyway it's ur hubby decision to stop after 1 right ? so cant blame u wat ...
I also wanna close shop if my first one is a boy. If ger, will definitly try again coz my hubby is the only son. He needs to pass down the family's name. Haha. But after trying for so long to me boy or ger also the same lah. As long as i have a healthy baby.

My MIL told me once, their family gene all produce boys. Both my FIL and MIL sides have more boys than gers man. She is telling me to give birth to boy. U noe hor, my family have 3 gers and one boy nia. Very stressful. Haha. But my hubby told me, boy or ger also nvm. If ger, just got to train her so that she can be strong to protect herslf when we r not ard. Haha

u r very right lor .. heng my parents and in laws dont mind baby gender. they also feel as long as bb healthy can liao.

so stressful leh .. but u all have an open mind lah .. dont give urself unncess stress then make everyone unhappy right ?

me kan kai liao. Boy or ger also my own blood and fresh. Nobody can understand the feeling coz we are the one who carry them thru the 9months of pregnancy. Now i just wanna to quickly pregnant and stop all my agony waiting. Haha.
Happy new year to all !!


ya lor.. no one will understand.

yes work harder hor !! u will be bless with one very soon.
Joy, Lbt,

Not say strategy, but stress leh. Cos sometimes the family like seem to belittle me at times. They always make it sound like their son so big, my FIL so liao bu qi, my MIL so wei da. And when the neighbour asked my MIL i'm expecting boy or gal, my MIL like so paiseh say it's a gal. But in front of my hubby, she like so happy like tt. She always say have daughters gd cos they grow up always so caring towards mummy, but den when I was with her and I saw how she responded to the neighbour, I feel that her happiness like fake one...

My appt change to 14th Feb 4pm le...
Will I get to see anyone?

hmm ur MIL sounds like the typical one we saw on TV hor ? ignore her lah
u know hor some MIL will be softhearted when they see the baby and baby will bring them so much joy.

as long as you and your hubby loves your baby,I think that's enough.

wah V-day go see Dr Fong ah !!
my appt on 21st Feb leh
Lbt, not that kinda bad lah. But more pantang kind loh. Anyway now New Year, I hope she will not disappoint me...

Anyway to all mummies,

Happy Lunar New Year! May everyone enjoy good health, happiness and many many good things in this year of Rat.

bbrooster, lbt, prettygal,

Next yr we'll have additions to go visiting le. Prettygal, yours is 2 additions. One of my hubby's relative also expecting twins. 2 boys. keke... When you give birth, must post your bb pics online k?
I tried calling the emergency number 65358833, but was told that it is wrong number.

Does anyone have Dr Fong's emergency number?

Hi Gigi,

The emergency number is correct lei. Don even noe that the no had been changed. We r not informed too. I am not sure what is the number beside this.
<font color="0000ff">gigi</font>
Dr Fong's emergency no. is answered by an operator. And the operator will get Dr Fong to return call. I have tried calling him once on a Sunday.

Eventually did you manage to get him. How's your condition? Hope it's nothing too serious.
Hi bbrooster,

Thanks so much. Yes, finally I get to speak to him.

I did my iui on 28 Jan, and suddenly this afternoon around 4pm, i had some bleeding. Was so worried and panicky, so was trying to call him for advice. By right, my af should not be so soon, should be at least 15 Feb.

Manage to speak to him just now, he just asked me to monitor.

Any advice?
<font color="0000ff">gigi</font>
I am sorry can't advise you on IUI cos no experience.

The last time I had spotting a week after my cerclage and he return my call after I call him on his emergency no. He then told me to go Mt A A &amp; E where he attended to me there.

Don't worry too much gigi. Maybe rest more.
Gigi, hope u're alrite now.

Ladies, I went visiting yesterday and found out that Dr Fong was the one who delivered 2 of my nieces. So coincidental. And she was the one who recommended her sis who happened to be the wife of the person who recommended me to Dr Fong.

Looks like Dr Fong very popular...

Ask u mummies something. How come these 2 days I feel like tightening feeling inside my tummy. So uncomfortable. Issit normal?
<font color="0000ff">gigi</font>
I think there are a few ladies in this thread who have experience what you went through. Just that they didn't come online these few days.

Which day are you seeing Dr Fong?

Our next appt is :

kelcqi 14 Feb (Tue) - 4pm
pettygal 16 Feb (Sat) - 9am
bbrooster 19 Feb (Tue) - 1030am
labbit 21 Feb (Thur) - 1145am
I should be seeing him on 12 Feb.

Gigi 12 Feb (Tue)
kelcqi 14 Feb (Tue) - 4pm
pettygal 16 Feb (Sat) -
bbrooster 19 Feb (Tue)
labbit 21 Feb (Thur)
morning mummies !!

hey gigi

dont feel sad ok .. i think we have to face these procedures with an open mind. There is no guaranteed success. If you failed once, do not give up. TRy again and try to prep ur body for it. Most importantly u have to stay positive and relax throughout the whole journey.

Yes, talk to Dr Fong on other options available. he is the best person to talk to.

if u need info on IVF, I can help u


wah so qiao ah !!

how many weeks are u now ?
I think u maybe experiencing Braxton hicks contractions. It is the tightening of the tummy. It shld go away after say 6-8 secs right ?

Dr Fong says it is ok to have it 2-3 times a day. But that time, at week 30 i had it like 6-8 times a day.

He did a cervix check for me say i had slight contractions ! scares me !!

then I was given a week's MC and sabutamol medicine to suppress the contractions.

This contractions is not the real contractions. Real contractions will not go away and it will be very painful. Braxton hicks contractions only cause u some discomfort.
Hi mummies !!

Happy New Year! Just come back from m'sia, i go back my own parents hse to celebrate with them with my hubby, very tired.

Long time never come in here liao, we got new member joining us rite!

Hi Gigi,

Don't be upset. Try again, if u have any query just ask we all, may be we can help u.....
Hi Gigi,
can i check under what circumstances u choose IUI? I am thinking of going for IUI. But Dr Fong mention that if there r too much eggs released then he would suggest to go for IVF. So how many eggs was releases at that point of time when u do ur IUI?

Wow Pettygal,

U r Malaysian. Me too. Where is ur hometown? If i take coach, it will take ard 10hrs to reach my hometown.
