DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


ya lor .. i cant complain much liao

bbrooster, lbt, joy,

I asked ard already. Everyone said never see it. Then the gal who opened the door for the cleaning aunite said if auntie really see it, sure dun return one. Imagine that braclet cost 3 times her one mth salary...

gigi, good luck ok. Hope u'll get pregnant soon.

Sometimes I think of this baby, I feel like so sad and moody. Like since I pregnant, like very suay like that, alot of things happened. And very troublesome pregnancy also. Then I have to keep reminding myself cannot blame the baby but times I just can't help it. Feel the mood swing come so easily...

so sorry to hear abt ur bracelet loss.

eh dont blame the bb lah. the mood swing is caused by the changes in the hormones. everything happens for a reason. Maybe losing this bracelet may meant something good is going to happen after that ?

the bb is innocent so cheer up ok !
Recently I keep losing things. But the braclet is the costly one...

Dunno why, somedays I also get frustrated when I see my in laws, I dun like it when they touch my things. My MIL always leave my clothes out to hang, rain also never keep for me when she was the one who brought it out. Then recently, she brought the hanger out and my underwears with the hanger drop off. She go and tell hubby tat I never hang properly. I dun wanna kick up a fuss. So diam diam...

do u know pregnancy cause us to be forgetful and our brain tends to react slower than normal ?

in fact after delivery my memory is bad. I use to have very very good memory but now I cant say the same for myself. My friends around me can tell the difference also.

so probably this is the reason why u are losing things.

let's look at it this way .. money is just monetary.. as long as u and bb are safe.

I also think your in laws are indirectly giving you unnecessary stress. You shld just close on eye and ignore. Cos u know if u r angry or sad, ur bb feels it also. You also dont want a grumpy bb in future right ?

anyway u r moving out very soon so U shld be looking fwd to it right !!!

Yah, I know pregnancy caused us to be more forgetful but I didn't expect it to be so bad. And I'm also less alert nowadays. Imagine last time my hubby already call me a blur queen, now I feel like a retard at times.

Imagine I can even have retarded reaction towards anger? My colleague can say something nasty and it can take me a while to think what he just said and get pissed off...

I tried taking Fish Oil le, how come like no much improvement like that?

I'm so looking forward not staying with my in laws, cos sometimes all these little actions really puts me off. I also find the place very dirty, although my MIL is a housewife but I feel that she never really take gd care of the house, I can't stand their gambling habits although its only 4d and mahjong. Although I know all these mean extra income for them, but dunno why, almost everyday I hear about such topics almost everyday really bores me out. But I dun dare to let hubby know my feelings cos I dun want him to think I have such negative feelings towards my in laws. I also worry tat if they always talk about such things in front of the baby next time, baby might grow up thinking gambling is ok.
hey kelcqi

u r right that bb should not be bring up in this kind of env but if ur MIL is going to be the main caregiver for ur baby, better get ur hubby to talk to her.

taking fish oil is good for the bb especially the DHA. What kind of improvements do u expect ?

ya we are getting slow in our reaction, that's very normal. Cant imagine after I deliver my 2nd kid .... oh no ..

Haha, I'm expecting my memory to improve after taking fish oil loh. Keke...

Yesterday I had contractions. Dun think is Bratox Hicks cos it's painful. My tummy tighten until I started crying in the office. I normally dun show my emotions at work one, but yesterday really unbearable.

I ended up double dosage the medication for calming the womb cos 1 pill never work. Dunno will have side effects or not. So scared now, hope I wun have a second attack. Now my tummy still abit tight.
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
You should have called Dr Fong and go down to see him. After that did you call him or the nurse.

They can hook you on the CTG machine to time your contractions.

I called the clinic and the nurse ans my problems loh. I had the contractions on Wed, they are not opened, so I dunno what to do also.

ya u should call Dr Fong !! cannot anyhow increase dosage leh !

You should call his emergency number. aiyo u ah !!

Pls pls call him tmr morning and see him asap. He has CTG machine in his TB clinic. Not sure abt paragon. Alternatively he will ask u to go to the delivery suite in Mt A and get u monitored under the CTG machine for a few hours.

take care ok. meanwhile MINIMISE physical activities. No shopping hor.
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
They do have a CTG machine in Paragon. Alternatively, next time even in the middle of the night or anytime Dr Fong is not available at the clinic just go straight to A &amp; E Mt A the doctor will page for him. And you will be monitored in the hospital rather than you like that at home. Don't take chance ok.

bbrooster is right. having pain contractions is not a joke u know. BH Contractions is not supposed to be painful, just uncomfortable.
Hi ladies,

Heh, me no experience, I thought the clinic not open so I dun dare to call loh. If at nite also can call? I thought Dr Fong no longer do nite visits?

Ask u all mummies something, issit normal sometimes if I still feel like vomiting? I find that esp when I squat down to wash clothes, I feel quite breathles, and feel like vomiting also...
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
As long as it is an emergency you can call his emergency number. If clinic is not open he will attend to you at the hospital. But charges is more expensive. The last time I had spotting on a Sunday I called his emergency no. and he called me back ask me to go to MT A, A &amp; E. Charges is about $300.

I have been feeling breathless lately too.

Do you feel the urge to burp, or vomit at times? Sigh, I feel that way. So terrible feeling. I wonder if we can take those gripe water that's usually used on babies?

I remember that water cos I took it until quite old. They said supposed to aid in digestion and getting rid of the wind. Wonder if we can take that?

Allow me to rant awhile. Argh, I feel that my house is very dirty. My MIL never clean the floor for dunno how long liao. I cleaned last week, 2 days later dirty again. Now I refused to clean, cos I feel that my MIL never do her role as a housewife, and the more I do it, the more I'll encourage the laziness. Now can only ren ren ren.

Few more mths only, I'll be moving out. Must keep cool...
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
I don't have that problem. Are you experiencing heartburn? I have never experience heartburn in both my pregnancy and don't know how it's like. But my friend say it's like burping something acidic and cannot eat too full. Not too sure about taking gripe water. I would prefer you not to take it.

I can sense alot of unhappiness in you. Don't be over stressed just have to ren and close your eyes. You are right afterall you are moving out soon. You must take care ok.

while reading your post I also suspect it is heartburn. Then i saw bbrooster post also eheh anyway for me, I have never experienced it before as well so cant advise you. Best to ask Dr Fong ok.

ya dont get angry over such trivial matters. If you find it dirty, just clean your room lor !! then u can stay inside ur clean room. Alternatively wear a slipper at home then you dont know how dirty it is ehhehe

I pant very easily too ... that's very normal for pregnant women cos we gained so much wt withhin a short period of time.

REMEMBER .. u can call Dr Fong's emergency number anytime you have any problems. Else that service would not serve that purpose if you dont use it. Dont worry abt disturbing him .. he is our gynae and it is his responsibility. If I call him during the odd hours, usually I will apologise for disturbing him as a courtesy lah
BBrooster, Lbt,
How come you two pregnancy so smooth while mine so problematic one? Can't stand those discomfort at times. Envy the 2 of you...

I get breathless even sometimes I sleep. Haiz, gotta change positions to feel better, sometimes even had to sit up.

I also thought of getting a slipper and wear at home. Hehe, but just found the place so disgusting at times. Now must close 2 eyes. Hopefully next time she won't allow my baby on this kinda floor...

you cannot compare pregnancies cos it is different. Even for myself, my 2 pregnancies are not the same. The 2nd one is much easier leh.

You cant sleep on your back anymore, you will feel breatheless. U can only sleep on sides, preferably on the left as more oxygen and blood will flow to bb with this position.

Your mil is taking care of bb ?

Yaloh, my MIL will be babysitting the baby once I get a job. Prolly when baby is ard 6 mths cos I intend to try breastfeeding for 6 mths. Haiz, cannot imagine her babysitting leh. Dunno what my gal will pick up from her...

Haha, how u know I slept on my back? Sometimes I slept on the side, my baby kick and kick so hard, so bo bian I sleep facing up loh.

ahhaa cos I am an experienced mummy mah ! ehhe ok lah I did a wild guess. ok read this :

<font color="0000ff">Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant women sleep on the left side. Because your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep the uterus off that large organ. Sleeping on the left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Ask what your doctor recommends — in most cases, lying on either side should do the trick and help take some pressure off your back.

If you do shift onto your back and the baby's weight presses on your inferior vena cava, the discomfort will probably wake you up. See what your doctor recommends about this; he or she may suggest that you use a pillow to keep yourself propped up on one side.</font>

good to know that u decided to BF for 6 mths !! During this 6 mths, see if u can establish a routine and standard with your MIL and observe during this period of time. If not, u have to make other arrangements lor ...

Haha, You are indeed experienced. I also heard of sleeping on the left side but they said left side is for baby to grow bigger and make sure the head is down for labour. Dunno how true leh.

Wat do you mean by routine with my MIL? I also dunno leh, I'm likely staying at my mum's place after labour cos my current place no room for the CL. After that I think I also lazy to move back already since in few mths will be moving to my new flat.

i mean during these 6 mths, u need to know how you take care of your baby and the routine that you have set for your baby.

For eg:

1) do u use powder on your baby ?
2) baby feeding time is every 3 hours ?
3) baby bath once at 9+am in the morning and clean her at abt 5+pm ?
4) need to clean bb tongue during every bath ?
5) use cloth nappy or diapers ?
6) hand wash bb clothes ? use what detergent ?

etc ....

so u see, there's a lot of things to take care of. and it is better for you and ur bb caregive to be in sync for the sake of the bb.
Lbt, har... got so many things to take note one ah?

I scare she use her experiences on me how? Heng I stay with my mum first 2-3 mths. Can slowly learn.

I doubt she'll use cloth nappy lah. Now I dun even dare to think how she gonna take care of baby. Given her health and everything. Haiz, but hubby's intention, what to do? Unless miracle happen, my mum out of job and decided to baby sit for me. Then hubby will give way, else, he dun trust anyone else. Sigh...

I have failed my second attempt. Very sad and had a good cry this morning when I saw red.

I think i should be trying IVF next. Did you do ACU last time before starting IVF? I am not sure how I can prepare my body better for the next step. Since I just failed 2 consecutive SOIUI, is it advisable to take a break first before IVF or it is better to continue the "momentumn"?

so sorry to hear that

Btw what is ACU ? i went straight to IVF and had no history of SOIUI so I cant advise much on the momentum. I guess Dr Fong is the best person to advise ?

All i did was relax myself during the 2ww not even thinking of pregnant !! just eat sleep watch TV ...

i did not do ACU. i had a laporoscopy op by Dr fong prior to IVF cos he saw some blood cyst during a regular scans. I guess that helps.
Gigi, sorry to heard abt that. Don't give up hope ok? My colleague went to see a chinese physician before trying for baby. They said to strengthen the womb before pregnancy.
Thanks. I hope I can be strong enough to go thru another round or rounds of treatment.

Do you remember how much was your lap op?

my op was only 3K plus. it's just a 2-3 hrs day op.

yes U must be strong mentally. Ya I also think chines med helps but i think u shld let Dr FOng knows if u r taking them.
Gigi, Jia you!

I try to find out the Chinese Physician for you next time I see my colleague. I don't get to see them everyday cos they all Financial Advisors, always in and out of office. So when I see her, I help you ask. She also seeing Dr Fong for her 2nd baby now.
Most welcome Gigi.

Really hope you'll be pregnant soon also. Sometimes I feel that God is really not fair. Here I see you all TTC, yet so many ppl out there are aborting their bb even though they are married. I feel very guilty also, cos abortion also crossed my mind before, cos my pregnancy wasn't really planned. Hope you'll don't blame me for my once selfish thinking.

When I see LBT and the mummies here, I also feel that you all very wei-da. Cos even now I'm already 28 wks pregnant, I feel so fearful and sometimes very sad over my pregnancy cos I keep thinking next time my life will be tied down. I really hope my thinking will change once I see baby.

Don't blame yourself. I think it is really a challenge to be a mom, and it's a life-time challenge. Since yours is an unplanned pregnancy, you should treat it as a special bonus given to you.
Enjoy your pregnancy and motherhood.

I am sure you will feel less fearful and looking forward to see your baby as your bonding with the baby strengthen each day.
Hi all, i am new to this forum. I did my 1st iui on 6 mar, now gotta go thru the 2 weeks...

I only have 1 forlicle when did my scan on 4 mar for 16mm... I understand that the chance of success is lower, but just to ask if anyone has a successful experience with 1 follocle?

I am 27 years' old this year, and doctor fong said the chance sld be higher, anyone out there can share their experience?

Wishing for the best!!!!

oh pls dont think so negatively ! yes like what gigi said, it's a gift from heaven you know. Gals nowadays dont get pregnant so easily so you are considered very very blessed.

You shld be positive else u will suffer from depression easily after delivery. You have to prep yourself cos handling a newborn is not easy. No one says it's easy .. so dont expect things to be smooth, esp for first time mothers.

But then again, if you approach it with a positive mind, I think you can overcome the difficulties with the help from your mum and hubby. Ask hubby to stand by you no matter what.

Hi Alys

I did not do IUI before so I cant comment.

But if Dr Fong has reassured you that it will be good, then you should feel positive right !!

Good luck !!
Gigi, Lbt,

I agreed with you. Being a mum is really a life-time challenge. I look at my mum, she so poor thing, even now my sis and I so big liao she's still worrying away. That's why I think all mummies who really commit themselves to their kids and family, and ppl who really want to have baby/babies are all very wei-da. I look at mummies when I'm outside and always think to myself. Can I really do it, am I up to it? And ended up I always got myself into fear.

I kept telling myself I'm feeling negative because my pregnancy is not as smooth sailing although it was unplanned. Even when my gf was getting all so excited over my baby, she asked me why I'm not excited. And my first response was "Huh, whats there to be excited abt? Excited abt myself going to go through pain, sleepless nites and my lost of freedom?"

That's why I feel guilty for feeling this way cos I cannot feel the excitement of baby's arrival yet. I never even really do Tai-jiao or talk to my baby. That's why when I feel guilty, I kept reminding myself maybe it's becos I haven see my baby yet. Still hoping that my negativity will disappear once I see my baby. I see the ticker on my computer screen everyday, counting down. Dunno why haha, everyday I feel so happy that I haven pop, and always hoping baby don't come out early although now body starting to ache from pregnancy. Me still in denial I think, thats why I always come here and draw my strength from these forum. It's only when I talk to ppl like all of you, I have and trying to remind myself that my baby is a blessing and not a curse. Me useless mummy haha...

Btw, I'm seeing Dr Fong on 13th Mar at 4.15pm. Any chance of bumping into anyone of you?

Hi Alys,

Good luck for your IUI. If Dr Fong is positive abt it, things should be looking good for you. Relax meanwhile!

I can understand your frustrations. You just have to help yourself, no one else can help u. If u continue to be in a denial stage, then you will remain "close" to comments or help.

I am seeing him on 20th Mar 1115am.

Please be strong, and feel positive about your baby. Otherwise, later when your baby is borned and is closer to daddy, you regret ah ... heheh .. Better start building the bonding now

I am not seeing Dr Fong yet, am giving myself a little break before embarking on the next step. Meanwhile, I hope to see more and more good news in this thread. In case you don't see my postings, please be assured that I will be silently reading the thread and giving you gals my full support.

Thanks Kelcqi and lbt!!!

Yes, Kelcqi. Don't be so negetive. Tell you what, I had 2 miscarriages before. Although it was very down during those times, but so what? There are hopes when the sun is still rising!
Jia you ya...

Jia you to everyone who is ttc now!!

And, jia you to myself... wish me all the best :p
Alys, Jia you jia you and all the best.

Gigi, My hubby don't even bother to bond with my bb. At most at times he just rub my tummy, nothing else. I told him to talk to bb, he thinks I'm talking rubbish. Keep saying bb don't know. I'm so angry. I told him, next time if bb recognise my colleagues voice and not yours, it's not my fault.

Lbt, I dunno. Sometimes I feel so frustrated cos I feel so trapped. Today also angry with hubby, sometimes I feel that bb is mine only, not his like tt. Talk to him, he's like not really bothered. Keep saying I'm not understanding that he's earning money for baby. He can make efforts to remember things abt his friends but forgets abt me and bb. So frustrating.

I heard pregnant ladies tend to be more sensitive, maybe your hubby didn't mean that. I am sure he loves the baby very much too. Perhaps he just don't want to add pressure to you or he shy to do those 'tai jiao' thingy. No matter what, think on the positive side, and continue to do your part to be a good mama

You know hor, becos he bo chup, and I feel that it should be a 2 person's commitment, I kinda feel disappointed and don't even feel like talking to baby also. Why everything throw to me? I'm not a superwoman leh.

yeah can understand your frustration. let ur hubby be .. dont bother now. it will make you more angry. but of cos u have to constantly remind him that he has a share in the bb and he SHOULD HELP out when bb is out. Maybe once he see the bb, it's a different story liao
<font color="0000ff">Alys</font>
I wish you all the best in trying to conceive. It's good that you are very positive.

<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
Indeed a hb support is very important throughout our pregnancy. Our hormones can make us hu si luan xiang. If the hb can show more concern we feel more secured and loved. No matter what, you have to be strong and look on the bright side of things.

After birth, life will be even hectic. All the sleepless nights drain me completely when I gave birth to my gal. I had to breastfeed every 1.5 to 2 hrs. I suffered 3 weeks of post natal blues. It's not hb is not caring. It's the hormones trying to adjust. I was very sensitive and cry for no reason. And I was very possessive of my baby.

My advice if you can't cope with bf it's no harm to supplement with FM at night. For this 2nd baby, I want to relax and not so insisting. Do whatever I can manage.
Can I check if any taking utrogestan after iui or during pregnancy? I am taking utrogestan since 6 mar after my iui and i suffer lower back pain now.. Last time, the pain actually wake me up and I could not really sleep at night.. move also pain, not move also pain - don know what to do...

Have been like this for 3-4 days already... how come ah? anyone can share their experience?


I took Utrogestan also. But that was becos I had cyst and frequent cramps. So Dr Fong made me take take to relieve the cramps. It can cause some drowiness but I was not informed of back pain. And besides, the medication is to help you sleep better.

Lbt, bbrooster,

I also dunno if hubby will help out next time or not. Haiz, I dunno issit myself or wat that made me feel this way. Like today, Dr fong told me I had to go for steriod jabs to mature my bb's lungs cos of my contractions. Hubby so angry with me.

Cos he felt that I should stop work immediately but I had already promised my boss to finish off till end of this mth. Hubby so angry, he said if I work, anything happen to bb how? BB have to go ICU will be very expensive one. That made me wonder if he cares about money or me.

Today alot of urgent cases, Dr Fong was in a rush. I didn't get to record bb's heartbeat and the scanning. He just check to make sure everything ok and out we go.

Ladies, Dr Fong played with PSP one leh. He saw me holding DS lite, he dunno what issit. We explained to him, he said he only play PSP. Wah, uncle liao still play PSP. Dr Fong power leh!

Thanks Kelcqi.

I called to the clinic just now also, and the nurse said will report to mr. fong and call me back.. but till now still never call me back ei...
then i went to see GP and she mentioned it could be because of the hormone and ask me go off and rest more 1st... so today i am on mc and later will go to see the chinese physician in JE.

Anyone here also see the chinese physician in JE?

I am still waiting for chinic fong's call...

Kelcqi, my husband also got angry when I work too hard, saying something like what if later impact blah blah blah and then got to spend $$ again.. at first i am also very angry coz feel like he is caring more of his packet than my health - tot if $$ can buy better health then what else worth more than that...
we quarrel also.. until I spoke to his sister, then can better understand that he did not mean that - he was very stress when i was fallling ill due to my reproductive organ, blur at work and very quiet at work - his sister and him are working for his father...
His sister told me that he is not good in expressing himself.. ask me to talk to him again... so then problem settled. lor..

so i guess can try to talk to ur husband calmly, try ur best ok? hahaaaa...

Anywhere, this is just to share my experience la.. hope can help..

btw, anymore who use utrogestan and what are the side effect ur all have? I still could not sleep well that why i am here :p
