DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


no lah i fall sick becos of late nights at work

rachel is only 4+mths. she is v petite but got very chubby cheeks. inherit frm me heheh but a lot of ppl say she look like daddy

ur rachel very cute leh...
dare dare try natural lar...my friend recently delivered a 3.5kg baby ( natuaral wifout epi)
thought you ever mention that your boys are those kind of twins that look differently....but from the picture, they look very similar leh....but equivalently cute!!
as expected, bb hit 3kg in today's visit....however, detected low fluid level.....
i very very scared.

Dr fong's face seemed to look very serious just now, don't know if he is hiding anything from me.....going for CTG tmrw...aiyo, please don't let anything bad happen.... sob sob
I'll definitely have a sleepless night tonight...I can already feel myself breathing heavily and my body shivering....but still have to act brave in front of my mum, cannot let her worry...

u ok ?? with low amio fluid, u need to rest and drink lotsa water. it wil go up. dont worry, if bb is ready u will know. just relax and wait for tmr CTG results ok ?

btw it's ur 2nd child.. so bb will come out faster. Dont hesitate to admit if u think bb is ready. good luck and keep us informed !
I asked Ah Fong last night whether drink more water will help, he said "not at this stage". Then I very kan cheong, asked him bb got problem or not, he say "looks ok" but with those kind of "in-doubt" look leh...perhaps because i told him bb's movement also slightly reduced for the past week..so he is in doubt.

Haizz....that's y i can't help worrying...
Hi All Mummies,
I am new here. Have been reading all the past posts and find all mummies here so funny and cute.
I am not pregnant yet but wish to get some infos from u gals. As usual i got to known Dr Fong Yang thru the chinese sinsey from JE. When we first visited her, she actually said that i have endometriosis and tilted womb. She told me that in order to tilt back the womb i need to give birth for 3 times and for my endometriosis i need to breast feed baby for 3 yrs. I was a kind of shocked when i heard her saying this as there wasnt any scan done. She referred me to Dr Christopher Chen from Glen E. I didnt went to see him coz i find him quite Ex. We were under medication from the chinese sinsey. The 2nd time we went to see her ahe ask whether we went to see Dr Christopher Chen and when we told her no, she asked us to see the Dr Fong Yang for our problem. 1 of my friend actually saw him b4 for the same problem but after that didnt hear anything from her again. That was 9 months ago.
I was wondering Dr Fong Yang only see ppl who is pregnant/planning to pregnant or anybody. I have never done my papsmear b4 so is like a bit shy to see a male doctor. I was thinking if i see him for my problems do i need to go for any operation? Very confused.
Sorry for being so lenghty. I am very confused in the situation i am in. Hope that mummies here can help me. Thanks.
hi joy
think the chinese doc will will give u a slip when refer to Dr Fong just bring that lor. Scan 1st then decide lor, sikali the diagnose by dr fong is different.
Hi Dmy,
i have thrown away the slip. Does it means that i have to go back to the chinese sinsey to ask for the slip again? Or Dr Fong Yang will be able to check for me. But i am very embarrassed to see him leh. I never done any papsmear b4. How?
Dr Fong is not relate to the sinsey so doubt he can check or may be u tell dr fong what the sinsey tell u then say u wan to double confirm
actually i also not too sure hahaa it's ok one la... he see till sian liao :p

if u have regular sex (pardon me), u shld do ur pap smear every year. if u are uncomfy, then look for a female gynae. however do note that Dr Fong specialised in fertility problems, so he is able to advise u on the problem better.

I am quite shocked by wat the sinseh told u abt BF for 3 yrs for eg. On what basis does she say that ? Not sure if it's true but u can post the same qn to Dr Fong ?

Like what doggiesmummy said, he see until sian liao. Personally i prefer male gynaes to female ones as they are more gentle.
yah lor i also keep telling myself that he see till sian liao. The problem lies in me. Haha. Do i need to shave first b4 seeing him? Is it painful?
Hi Joy, I am like you, not yet pregnant but seeing Dr Fong too. I wasnt referred to him by any sinseh though. I just didnt conceive after about 1 year and so decided to see a specialist and there he is, right in the centre of orchard rd, very convenient for me.

The mummies here are right, we shd do a pap smear regularly if we are sexually active. But that is just a general check, wont help to conceive or identify infertility. How long have u been ttc-ing?

Maybe you can consult Dr Fong without telling him you saw the JE sinseh, then see whether his diagnosis is same as her's to know whether you really do have the probs she mentioned.

Dr Fong's diagnosis shd be quite accurate cos he will do a scan for you. For me, i have asked him to help me do bloodtests too. He will also suggest your hubby get an SA done, just to fully diagnose you both. From all these scans and tests, should be quite accurate by the time he diagnosed.

Then he can guide u on what to do next. For me, he has given clomid to cope with PCOS and my hubby was given multivits.

I think he's rather good, maybe becos he specialises in fertility so he knows our concerns and can try to help, at the same time, encourage us and give us options. He's rather patient too, takes time to answer all your qns and never rushes thru consultation.
Hi Maples Babies,
Thanks for the info. Actually the JE sinsey did ask my hubby to do a sperm count test as she said that his sperm r not healthy. That is a reason why we r hesitate to see Dr Fong. Mainly is becoz my hubby feels uncomfortable abt it.As for me i just want to make sure that i am healthy by the time i am pregnant coz i am relatively quite weak. I will find time to see Dr Fong as my hubby is busy with his work recently. Hope that i can persude him to go with me. Btw for the papsmear test do i need to shave b4 doing it? Not sure abt the procedure. Thanks a million.

You do not need to shave for pap smear. they will do a culture swap from ur V for a test. Dont worry, it wont hurt much and Dr Fong is very gentle. trust me ... we have been with him for > 1 year.

Try to persuade ur hubby to tag along. trying to conceive is not a single party's problem. It takes 2 hands to clap. So both of u must make sure u r fit and healthy before TTC. If it's a problem has to face it anyway, right ?

good luck in ttc !
hi joy
luckily u didn't go to christoper chen at Glen E. he's charges r really really ex....moreover the waiting time is horrible. i too was recommended by the JE sinseh to see him aft my miscarriage last year. juz 3 visits to Glen E costs me almost 2k. Dr christ chen suggest tht my husband has to go thru an op then i'll be able to conceive..but the op really ex so we gave up the idea...we tell ourselves let nature take it's cos...few mths later...i m pregnant...
went to dr fong once i discover i m pregnant...cos i have PCOS ( as wat the JE sinseh & Dr christ chen said) Dr fong put me on hormones pills during my 1st trimester...m in my 35th weeks now...
is the GBS swap test necessary b4 delivery? i've read tht althought the infection is harmless to the mother but can be passed to baby during delivery ( if natural birth). Dr fong didn't ask me to do but i request to have it done on my next visit...isit painful or isit like pap smear?
Really glad that i have come across this forum. Thanks for all the advices and encouragements. I will go and see Dr Fong after chinese new year for my papsmear test.

Hi Zoses t,
I heard from my friends that Dr Chris Chen is very ex. Her sis in law went for the operation together with her husband but till now they r not pregnant. Dr Fong was recommended by the chinese sinsey when we visit him for the 2nd times. Hope that everything will be fine for us.

Thank u so much. Indirectly u mummies are helping Dr Fong doing free advertisement. He must be very glad to have u gals as his patient. I am more confident to see him now.
Hi Joy, ok lah, guess this forum is for us to share and learn from ea other. I dun mean to advertise for him, just sharing my experience. If one day i find he is not what i thought he is, i will share too. So far, from my sessions with him and from feedback from mummies here, he's quite alright, a good doctor to go to. Most importantly, you must comfy be with the gynae you choose cos he/she will be partnering you both on your TTC journey.

Persuade your hubby to go lor, you can make it sound like he just have to do once to have a peace of mind. Maybe like that easier for him to at least make the first step. Then, if the test result showed he got slight probs, he wont be as reserved as now since he will then acknowledge he has to do something. If his test is ok, well, good, you have 1 less thing to worry about.

agree with maple babies. if dr fong is not good, i wont cont seeing him right ? we r just stating the facts


i had consistent yellow discharge towards the end of my pregnancy so I told Dr Fong abt it and requested for the Grp B Strep Test. It turns out to be positive but after one round of medication, i am cleared
The med is a pill to be inserted into ur V. u will see that ur discharge became much much lesser after 1 or 2 days and if it doesn't comes back, the prob is solved ! hehe !
It is very common among preggies so not to worry k ?

oh the process is like pap smear but like I say, Dr FOng is v gentle, i hardly feel anything.


keep us iformed of ur progress and we'll help each other along the way. Happy TTC-ing !
happy TTC-ing
after 1 year with Dr Fong, he is more like a friend to us than Gynea hahaa anyway i owe my boys to him had bleeding history during my pregnancy
thanks labbit..
will do the test on my next visit...better make sure everything's alrite b4 i go deliver...anything else to take note ? as the EDD nearer...getting ken cheong...aiyo..
hi joy
ya...Dr christ chen is no doubt really very ex...u see juz 3 days of consultation & a series of test done on bth me & hubby cos us almost 2K. then aft all the hassle...he recommend op. ( heard he always recommend op for couples tht go to see him regarding conceiveing) if the op is not tht ex...mayb we'll consider...luckily we gave up the idea...aft few mths of trying...pregnant liao...juz relax & dun add pressure to urself...sometimes too stressful oso cannot conceive...gd luck
Hi mummies,
thank u so much. Currently my hubby is out of station. Really cant do much. Saw ur babies find them very cute. Really have to urge to have a child of my own. But wont rush into it. It is always the more u want it the more u don have it. So shall see wat Dr Fong said then. Btw can i check after how long of TTCing can we consider that we cannot conceive naturally?

hmm i guess u just have to practice ur breathing techniques to prep urself during contractions ? did u attended any ante natal class ?


if unable to conceive after trying for 1 yr, u shld consult a gynae.
Hi ladies,

Need some advice here...from yesterday till today, I feel that my bb is not as active as b4. As in i still feel that bb move but not as much. shld i be worried and call Dr Fong?? Btw im 24 weeks pregnant. Thks
u having twins rite? sometimes it's the position the babies not having enough space to move around
but if u are worried can call him
we pay for his service wat :p
didn't attend any classes...cos most of my friends ( those who r already mummies ) said it's not necessary...shd i? or isit too late liao. wat did they teach? will the midwife guide me during the contraction period?
Hi ladies,

Can I check with you if Dr Fong Yang gives a detailed analysis of your condition and copies of the report n u/s scan during the 1st consultation? Does he charge extra for it?
the mid wife will tell u wat to do. unless there is another case of emergency and the mid wife leave u

ah fong always say no need to go class it's common sense

i dont remember having report, but he gave me the photo of scan foc

i personally find the classes very helpful. Yes some are common sense but come to breast feeding, u still need professional advice. During delivery, the nurse or midwife will guide u along the way, dont worry. The Irish nurse in charge of my delivery practice the breathing techniques with me before i had contractions. It is indeed v helpful.
Doggies mummy,
Im not expecting twins...anyway last nite my bb boi did move...i guess he likes to sleep( just like me ) :p

But thks for ur advice!
Hi gals,
Just discharged yesterday, delivered last Sat, c-sec. Baby is healthy but has a little jandice. I'm trying my best to breastfeed her the past few days but she's very sleepy, I almost wanted to give up bf as i scared she will b malnutrition.

Mummies, need to check with you... my bb always poo poo whenever bf her...is this normal? her poo poo is not a lot though..just a small splat. How should their stools look like? Is it watery will a bit of chunks..colour is yellow or dark greenish?

labbit, DMY,
who r ur babies's bb doc? Is he good?
congrates yes jandice baby is sleepy one and poo poo is watery with a bit of rice size stuff. starting is greenish then slowly will be yellow

my bb doc is Dr Heng Joo Teck, clinic at JE, opp Chinese Garden MRT. not bad he is a visiting consultant at KKH

thanks doggies mummy & labbit for the info. guess it's a bit too late for me to sign up for the classes anyway. btw i always feel very thristy these days...especially the middle of the nite...will get up to take cold drinks to quech my thrist then can sleep again...isit normal har? and oso feel painful at the pubic area whenever i get up aft laying or sitting on bed or chair...isit normal oso?
