DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hi Mummies,

Here is my boy, now 3 mth++ 4 days to 4mths.

Time really flies ..


angel, your son is so cute!

mummies, any of your babies hipcup often? Mine do leh..and some times I am worried about her health etc..the problem is my baby girl hipcup and she wants to eat at the same time! I don't know whether to feed her or to wait for her hipcup to end before feeding..

hmm depending on cases lah .. for me.. my water bag leak whole nite nothing we can do .. so the next morning I still have breakfast at the delivery suit while water is leaking down there hahaha so funny. oh i had enema twice, one on the first nite and 2nd one the next morning after Dr Fong came in to induce me for contractions. wah lau cant tahan for even 5 mins .. cheong to the toilet.

i dunno if the brochure including the cost of the suit though. U look the old threads here, i listed my billing in detailed here before.


aiyo small jun is so fat !
Hi ladies,

Need your advise. How do u find Dr Fong? Is he very persistent gynae? Is his charges high? What's his consultation like? Rush or listen to your problem? Does he advise u or give u alternative? Is he the type that wait and see? 'cos I thought of consult him on ttc... so need to find a gynae for checkup before ages catch up...


I personally find that Dr Fong is a patient and caring gynae. He gives u advice and alternatives and wont rush u to make a decision. I think his fees are fairly reasonable and he always finds solution to prevent u from incurring unnecessary cost.

but most importantly, u must feel comfortable with him and trust him. Probably u can see him and decide whether to continue ur treatment with him. good luck !

Dr Fong is not rush during his consultation..he always listen to my problems patiently and am very grateful for his understanding. He is assuring to me too...

It is normal for baby to have freq hiccups. No need to give them water.It will go away by itself.When bb in tummy they also freq hiccups.So absolutely ok.

Labbit wants to beo my elder Jun for Rachel.Now say he has bigger eyes.

Don't worry, this future Mil is a modern one. Not those super old fashion type. hahaha ....

In the process of establish supply, ensure you drink alot as much as 3 to 4 litre. Cos my pd dr said if we have insufficient fluid intake, we will also feel tired, lethargy etc.

Esp you loose alot of water thru sweat, and bf, so u naturally will be thirsty. Replenish yourself more.
Labbit, dmy,

What I lost on my body fats is now on small jun body.

Still ve 3 to 4 kg to go. Not easy, me still can doze off while pumping in office.


U gone back to original size ?? Can wear back old clothes ?
my bb also hv hiccups very often. I'll usually wait and see if it goes off by itself, if she still hiccup after a few min, i'll latch her on for a while.... this method will clear the hiccup quite instantly.
can we still breastfeed if we r sick e.g. caught a cold/cough? if cannot, does that mean that we have to waste the BM since we still need to pump it out to maintain the milk supply?
Have you gals been drinking tonic wine during confinement? i've been trying very hard to pump enough milk so that I can drink the wine at night..but it seemed impossible because supply used up very fast....does anyone have better suggestions other than feeding FM at night?

And then, have you gals tried tasting the BM yourself? I find the taste and smell weird after the cold BM has been warmed... any comments?
i lost all my fats liao... now weigh less than before pregnacy.. less than 60kg now so happy... can eat as i wish during chinese new year
Hi ladies,

Thanks for your info, I've managed to book an appointment with him next month... Hope everything will go smoothly and he can answer my questions... BTW, what's his 1st consultation fee like? Will there be any scan done?
whao angel
ur small jun so cute....look @ his legs...aiyo...hopefully my phoebe will be as chubby. wat did u feed him wif? hehehehe...
thanks labbit for the info...hopefully mine will be a easy delivery
ya...i agree wif labbit & hazel...Dr fong is a patient & caring doctor...won't rush u in making decisions & will give advice & alternatives..
most importantly...u'll have to feel comfortable & confident in him. as for the 1st consultation..i forgot liao...think it's ard $60 as for scanning...not sure if he'll scan cos when i went to see him...i m already pregnant so he did a scan for me. u can let him knw if u want to be scan or not...
whao...doggies mummy
how did u manage to lost all those pounds? hopefully i can shed of all those pounds asap then can fit back into my uniform...or else...aiyo...

Me give my boy 95% pure of b milk only one feed middle of night with formula. So the fats on his body is from me.

Btw, bf helps you to loose calories too_One day about 500 calories lost if you bf.
angel & msworri, so what position should we leave baby at when they hipcup? carry then or leave them lying down?

Also, how do the belly button looks like when the umblical cord dried n drop off? my baby one is pop out and seems to have some raw flesh on it...is it normal?

If it is raw and looks like reddish, u have to see the pd dr, she will give one antibotic powder to put to dry up the bely button.

Me just let bb lie down and hiccup subside by itself.

i still have a few kgs to lose too.

I cant wear my old bottoms but some tops ok.

Rachel is still v petite, dunno how to incr her weight leh.
labbit, angel
did u gals try the post natal massage aft delivery? ( those by a malay lady ) thought of engaging 1 cos heard can get rid of the flab & water retention very fast...any 1 here have tried tht b4?
hi mummies,

lately my back is killing me! any of you also this problem? until my right butt that joint is having sharp pains at certain position!

anyone know any good prenatal massage?

also tmr is my 5th month detail scan, Doc Fongyang got me to TMC, anyone know if they will give me a picture for me to keep?

yes I had a lady to come massage me for consecutive 5 days. My tummy and thighs were smaller after the massage !


TMC will provide a detailed report and some pics captured to u and Dr Fong.

Yes me also went for 5 session and lost 5 inches after tt.The tight sarong really good but have to endure the tightness.

But bf will make you loose more after that.
Hi Angel,

Saw from your previous posts that you have a good CL?
I'm a June MTB, can PM me her details and charges please?

Was good initially, after 2 weeks, all her pattern came out. I almost want to recommend to a mother here, after what I went thru I discouraged it.

Poor Hygiene - me and hubb diahorrea 2nd week of confinement

Dirty - drop hair all over my place. Found her hair in my fried rice, and on bb butt

Dishonest - Take my cooling herbs and brew herself and drink. Took 4 of my soft toys.

When I went out to run errand, she hang on the phone for 45 mins at least.
hi angel & labbit
can u still recall how much the post natal massage cost? my colleague recommend me 1. $400 for 7days...is the price ok?
hi gals...
went chk up yesterday...had lost a bit of weight so dr fong was worried & put me on CTG scan. everything turns out normal but he ask me to do some "homework". he ask me to start counting how many kicks baby produce from 9am onwards till baby had 10 kicks....had anyone done this "homework" b4?

I paid $55 a session and had a total of 5. Actually is $50each but she requested for another $5 for transportation as she is staying in Woodlands and I am at Pasir Ris.
recently my bb seemed to throw out quite a considerable amount of milk (approx. 3-4 teaspoonfuls) after each feed. I tried burping her at 1-oz interval as well as holding her upright, but it doesn't seem to help. Is this normal?

i paid $30 per session and had a total of 5. in addition, i used up two rolls of wrap for my thigh wraps. Each roll cost me $2 only. Managed to lost a few inches on tummy and thighs.


ur gal could be having the reflux problem. My Rachel used to have it too. PD prescribed RIDWIND for her. U can get it from pharmacy. add abt 0.5ML of RIDWIND into her milk, abt twice a day. But if u are not sure, pls see PD hor ..

And PD also says to keep bb in an upright position after feed for abt 30mins before putting her down.

i need to do this homework in my later stage of pregnancy cos my Braxton hicks contractions was v regular and I feel that my Rachel's movement has reduced. Then report to Dr Fong on bb activities in the next visit lor ..
thanks labbit...till now i still haven't experience braxton hicks contractions. ya...doing the "homework" faithfully every morning. gotto set alarm to wake up @ 9am everyday...haiz...
thanks..u still have the massage lady's contact? can email me? my email add. [email protected]
thanks... & oso my SIL pass me a plastic container tht fits on top of the toilet bowl...ask me to soak my bottom wif warm salt water aft delivery...says it'll help to heal wound faster...isit true? heard Dr fong will prescibe a lotion for us to clean the wound aft each toilet visit rite? then still need the warm salt water meh? puzzled...

Mona hp is 90260085.

i did not use the method u mentioned. i thk dr fong prescribe some antiseptic lotion to be apply for 1 week. but i thk his stitching skills r gd, i dun feel much pain after 5 to 6 days. i heard some mummy can feel the pain even after 1 mth !
