DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Thanks for your information. My bb doc didn't tell me abt the stools...so does that mean that when the stools no longer become watery with "rice" chunks, jandice has gone down? BTW, how to see (besides yellow colour)if the jandice has gone up?
don't worry. I oso had that pain at the pubic area, felt it most when change position from sitting/lying to standing. Dr Fong say it's due to bb pressing at that area....most probably ur bb is starting to get lower already.
the stool is due to the breasat milk not the jaundice.
for jandice, u can see the white area on eye ball or the body lightly press the skin when u remove ur finger pressure see will be yellow or not, normal is light pink or white then go back to skin tone
Hi mummies,
finally u gals hit 7000 post. It has been very very quiet recently. Not much posting from mummies. Wonder will it hit 8000. I have been reading this forum for the past few weeks and really enjoying it. Hope more post to come.
Good day.

CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!

hey post ur gal photo here when u r free ok ?

jaundice baby will be sleepy, even when they drink milk, they are not very awake. Breastfeed babies poo almost after every feed during the first few weeks, and this is very normal.
They will pass out meconium for the first few days .. it is dark and pasty. Then it became yellowish and grainy and watery.

try to latch ur gal as often as possible to est ur supply. drink lotsa water, soup to incr ur fluid intake.

sun bath ur gal for abt 15min from 8am - 10am or 4pm - 6pm. The sun is not so hot during these times. Rem to cover ur gal eyes with a hanky.

Look out for the white portion of the eye .. if it turns more yellow, means jaundice has gone up. Anyway I believe u r going back to ur PD for a review these few days right ? What it ur gal jaudice level during discharged ?

My PD used to be Lee Chien Yee from KinderClinic at Mt A, the cousin of Dr Terence Tan. I believe Dr Fong arranged for Dr Terence Tan during ur delivery right ? I heard he is very good thus his q is very very long.

I switched to Dr Ngiam at Singapore Baby and Child Clinic at Gleneagles. He is quite well known too. He specialises in lungs related problem such as cough and asthma.
labbit, DMY,
thanks for the tip. my PD never tell me all these.

Nope, mine is Dr Ng. I wasn't told of the jandice level...haiz...I prefer a more bubbly and friendly doctor though...was thinking of asking Dr Fong to recommend another better one to me that is nearer to tiong bahru..

hmm who is this Dr Ng ? from which clinic ? Dr Lee informed me of Rachel's jaundice level upon discharge and taught me how to sun bath her.

anyway if u got qn, can always call the PD and ask.


take care !
only managed to have 50ml in every pump. is it too little...what else to eat to boast up supply? drink the fish soup twice but doesn't seem to help much leh...

I am back... have been busy with 2 of them and office does not permit us to surf net unneccessary.

Now is still early, u need to pump at 2 hrs interval if possible. I ve a good article I will try to upload here.Remember to drink alot of fluid to boost supply cos b milk als fluid. We also loose alot of water during confinement.

Still bf ?? Keep up the good work.

Me still giving baby ebm in the day only night feed fmilk.

Excess give to my elder boy into his milk feed to boost his immune system.

if not u can switch to another PD asap. Then at least u have someone to advice u professionally.

Initial outoput is very little ! I remembered when I managed to get 50ML, I was overjoyed ! It will slowly increase over the next few days .. dont worry ok ? Just supplement with FM now as ur gal need lotsa fluid to lower her jaundice.


Yes me still BF Rachel totally until 6 mths old. Heard from a coll's PD that BF baby exclusively for the 1st 6 mths will boost their immune system. After 6 mths, it has little benefits on their immunity but it helps in digestion.

As i am having very sore nipples now .. I will "tong" until 6 mths then reduced 1 pump each day and supplement with FM. Dont know why my nipple so painful now .. it was ok for the past 5 mths. I have even changed to a bigger funnel from Medela but no use. So i have to switch to Avent Manual as it is not as painful.

Think DMY giving her boys 50% EBM of their feeds.

Angel, Big JUn still attending the same school now ? How's his health ?
how to pump 8-10 times a day when the breast is not full with milk? Then also, if in each pump doesn't make it to 50ml, can i pour the milk from the next pump into the same bottle? or should i keep it separately?

i've been feeling the soreness already, is it because i pump too hard or too long?

Then how should i warm up the cold b milk to ensure that the nutrients are not gone? currently, i jus put the cold bottle straight into the avent warmer and turn on to a settng of 2 (heat setting available is 1, 2, 3). Is this consider too hot? should the b milk feel warm or should b at rm temp after warming?

peiseh, a lot of qns..because never use pump and store bm before.
so 50 ml is good for the start? i thought not enough because on the FM can, it wrote newborn shld take 60ml milk.

ya, i was thinking of going to the PD at Tiong Bahru plaza, the one near the taxi stand. Any idea if that is a good PD?

the frequent pumping is to simulate the demand. once u have est ur supply, u will feel engorgement easily then u need to pump on schedule to clear the breast.dont worry abt the amount .. though I know u will peep into the bottle while expressing right ?
hehe cos I do that too !!

if nipple is sore .. dont over pump.

I used Avent warmer too. I have been using setting 3. Just monitor the temp while u warm it. Yes I took the cold bottle out from fridge and put in into the warmer straightaway. I think the milk shld be a bit warm when feed to bb. Actually when latch on bb, the milk is of room temp but chinese believe that we shld not feed bb food that is cold right ?

every bb intake is different, I sugg u dont follow the FM can. if u bb is still sucking after she finish her milk means she can take more. Then u give her additional 10ml for next feed and see if she can finish it.

I am not sure abt that clinic at TBP.
i just finish my period
i heard breast feeding will not get period ... hahaa
must correct the thinking liao... it should be latching on will not have period
my boys drooling like nobody business... i feel wei's gums a bit sharp with white spots. heng has white spots too... dun noe is it teething. or may be i hope it's teething hahaa

the baby show last night says 4 to 6 months baby will refuse milk to show that they arer ready for semi solid food... rachel started yet? the pd dr say let baby explore with the different taste, wonder need to "qualify" the food for 5 days or not...
baby must be sian if we keep feeding babana for 5 days haha cos the purpose is to explore new taste mah :p

so how any gathering... inspired by the baby show last night hahaa
hi msworri
mayb u can try this supplement called fenugreek to boost ur BM supply. can get from any guardian pharmacy. & oso my mum says eat lots of steam cod fish can help too
went chk up juz now. did the GBS test. Dr fong frowned when he see my weight...had put on 3kg since my last chk up...he suspect i might develop gestational diabetes cos of my weight gain & my constant thrist for soft drinks...so worried when he say tht...he say i can only put on 1 kg from now on till my chk up again 2 weeks later. any1 had encounter the same problem b4? how to control & avoid?
Hi Zoses,

For my last check up i also put on 3 kg in a mnth. Previously i gain ard 2kg per mnth. He didnt mention anythg abt gestational diabetes. He just ask to to watch my weight.

Maybe u can cut down on sweet and sugar food to control your weight. For my case i suspect it's bcos i ate too much beef during the Xmas n New year seasons so i try not to eat so much beef now.
hi cocoa
ya...he oso ask me to cut down on my sugar intake cos i've been taking lots of soft drinks. for my case...i've been putting on 3 kg in dec & 3 kg in jan's chk up. so he suspect i might develop G diabetes although my urine test is normal everytime. i m very careful wat i put in my mouth now cos he say if i continue to gain weight at this rate...he'll put me on the diabetic test...sign.

cut down on carbo ! rice, noodles, bread, cakes ... better be safe than sorry. U can feast on them after u deliver eheh ... take care ok !

Try to drink no sugar soft drink...i also take coke light when i have the craving.

Btw i tot the urine test that we do every time when we go for chck up is for urinary infection n diabetic? If ur urine test is normal den how cm he will still suspect leh? Den how reliable is the urine test?*puzzled*
thanks labbit
ya...Dr fong oso suggest i cut down on my carbo intake. trying so hard now not to take supper. whenever i feel hungry, juz drink water
hi cocoa
the urine test we did everytime we go 4 chk up is to test the sugar & protein level in our urine. nt for testing urinary infection. think for urinary tract infection, have to do swap test whereby Dr fong will collect a bit of the discharge from the virginal area then send to lab for test. for my case...Dr fong suspect i might develop G diabetes cos i m constantly very thristy & cos of my horrible weight gain for the last 2 chk up...(sign)
hi labbit
currently in my 36 weeks...but still haven't experience any so called "false contraction" or "braxton hicks contraction" isit normal? or some may nt have it at all? & oso isit if mucus plug lost then have to go hospital even dun have contraction?

u can take fresh milk when u r hungry at nite ?

some preggies seldom had braxton hicks contractions or it may come later. Mine was very early .. even in week 30, my BH contractions were v regular such that Dr Fong gave me 1 week MC.

yes when u lost the mucus plug, it may last u a day or even weeks. Mine lasted me 2 days then water bag burst. So Dr Fong asked me to admit to hospital.

every preggies experience diff symptoms b4 delivery. Some water bag dont burst but they had v regular contractions instead. You can ask Dr Fong during ur next visit. Who knows u may deliver soon ? take care and keep us informed !
Hi all,

I had delivered my baby girl...Just wanna post here to say that Dr Fong is really a good gynea..very encouraging throughout my natural delivery...had a hard time pushing..bleah ;p

Now trying to breastfeed, but have to supplement with FM 'cos baby has jaundice..PD said she is underfed if insist on total breastfeeding..Today is day 6..hopefully my milk production will increase! I can only pump 40ml each time now...
Hi Hazel,

This is a good article to boost milk using pump.


The best method is still latching. baby sucking can empty the b better. But for whatever reason tt bb cant latch is not the end to bf. Can use the pump to stimulate bb milk demand. It is all demand supply.

Importantly, you must also drink enough fluid cos confinement time, you will loose alot of water.drink at least 3 to 4 litres. not necc water, red date tea, soup, tonic are all fluid.

Try to rest too, cos too stress our body also diff to let down for the milk to flow.

cute gal !! hey is that her elder sister standing behind ? how's ur milk supply now ?


congrats !! glad that Dr Fong is the correct choice ahahha

hey having 40ML is quite an achievement ya ? I rem when I saw 50ML in the bottle, i was so excited ! tot can finally let my gal drink more EBM instead of FM.

yes pls cont to feed ur gal FM now to incr her fluid intake and bring jaundice down. Rem to sunbath her in the morning 8-10am evening from 4-6pm.

rest well ya ?
Thanks Angel, it's really a helpful article, had save it to refer again and again

Can we drink warm/hot water? I had people discouraging me from drinking that 'cos they said will have wind and tummy will be ugly.. but i still drinking now 'cos I am so thirsty!

Labbit, i agree! when I count the markings on the bottle, am so excited that the milk was more than the what I had pumped on day 3 & 4! I also very excited when I see the milk ooze out when pumping...hehe

Here's my baby girl when she is 2 days old. I realised that baby really change very fast..the photos taken recently are so different from this!


wah ur gal's eyes quite big and she look alert hor !

hmm some say cannot drink plain water during confinement, best to drink red dates tea. But I do drink some plain water cos was having ulcer for the first few days. I limit to a 2 or 3 cups of plain water per day and tell my mum to not make the red date tea too thick or sweet else I'll always go thirsty.

Oh btw BF will makes us thirsty too.

If you don't enough fluid, it is difficult to boost supply. Me drink warm water, but I took plentiful of soup, red date tea as well. I keep asking the confinement lady to cook more.

First month it is crucial to concentrate to establish supply. Latch bb on if possible. But you also must rest well too as after birth we need to recuperate.

For me, confinement lady helps me to jaga bb at night as there at least 2 night feeds. Baby has not dev feeding pattern. So can be tiring.

I rest well in the first month and also focus on est milk supply. Second month onwards, I more or less know baby pattern, I took over the jaga-ing of the baby. As for the expressing milk, I also est a pattern on expressing the milk after 6 weeks , preparing myself back to work. Cos I return to work after 8 weeks and KIV my last month m leave slowly use. But must use up by baby 6th mth.

Once your supply and pattern for expressing are established, you no need to worry of your supply liao. It can be quite stabilised but must be disciplined to latch/pump to release milk out. Never let the b engorged too long, it can lead to b infection which the mother can run a high temp.
wah u so observant, can spot my elder one behind!

when is your EDD? soon right? is it a boy or gal?

Hmmm....BF makes the mummy very thirsty.... no wonder I always felt so thirsty....

Is it true that pumping will cause nipple to feel sore and pain? Or is it because the suction is set too high? wah...I don't know how long i can tahan the soreness....

I haven't got time to rest for the past 2 weeks leh.....bb feeding at 2-3 hrs interval, then got to do pumping, then got to check my mails, then got to coach the elder one after school, at night still have to wake up for feeds...wah, siong ah! Everyday i've been feeling very very tired.

do you all weigh your bb at home just to make sure that he/she is growing? or do you wait till the next jab appointment?
hi msworri
whao...ur skj seems so packed...but still muz rest well. most of my colleagues ( those who r already mummies ) told me tht if dun rest well during confinement...will age very fast...hahaha..dunno how true but try to get as much rest as possible lor...my EDD 28 feb. mine's a gal
heeh finally more gals to join this forum ! mine was the only one when I joined this thread


yeah me sharp eyes ya ?

hey u really sound tired. cant ur hubby help out in coaching ur gal ?

hmm i din really weigh my rachel lah .. everyday when u bath or change her, u can feel she is putting on weight.

hi labbit
isit true tht once u r admitted to hospital, they won't allow us to eat anything? & oso they'll do enema on us? & oso does the price list shown on the broucher incl the use of the delivery suite?
