DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

whao....congrats FT.
hopefully i can be as brave as u. looks like the hypnobirthing course is worth trying. so many who attended the course can do wif out epi.

regarding ur constipation, try taking fresh fruit juice & eat more fruits. tht's how i solve my problem when i constipate.
hey hey me start work today

bb is wif MIL now... miss her so much.
now raining.. scared she will be afraid due to the loud thunder leh...

angel ya wrong acct used hhaha
i bring rachel home everyday. will miss her if I dun and I am not afraid that I get tired lah ... want to latch her for midnite feeds if she wakes up. Still want to bond with her ... in case she forget me ! ahhaa
hi gals....

got some energy to come in now... only managed to catch some sleep last nite since birth...

jus to share with you my delivery process...

13 Nov - 36 and a half wk check. told dr fong dat i got v bad backache. dr fong did a swap test and and at the same time checked if my cervix has softened and surprisingly i m 2cm dilated. could be anytime...

20 Nov - 37 and a half wk check. stil at 2cm dilated but got v slight reddish stains... really could be any time liao...

26 Nov ard 3.15 am - went to toilet to pee and saw slight fresh red stains and tummy a bit crampy. didnt really bother cos tot this is really normal since i had tummy ache whenever i need to pee at nite. told my hubby abt the blood stains and he 'hmmm' snoring away...

3.30am - another crampy feeling on the tummy but having quite bad backache. is this it? shaked my hubby but he still snoring away....

3.45am - another one... is this really it? did my breathing techniques learnt in my hypnobirthing class. waked up my hubby and told him dat need to start timing and see if there is really a pattern...

4.00am - another one and the duration seems to be the same as previous ones at abt 2mins...

5+am - think this must be it. hubby told me to bathe and get ready to go hospital since the interval is now 10 mins apart and he wants to make sure dat bb is alright... i told my hubby dat we can grab some MacDonald breakfast and eat it on our way to hospital. still deciding whether to call my fil to send us or to take taxi.

6am - called my fil to come to send us to hospital. i was still thinking of my MacDonald breakfast and forgotten to take 2 bottles of chicken essence.... while waiting for my fil, my backache was getting really v bad...

fil arrived and wanted to go to the drive-thru to get my MacDonald breakfast but both my fil & mil said better get to hospital first.

7+am - reached hospital. backache getting really v bad and comes at almost 5 mins interval. went to the delivery suite and got strapped to the bed. mid-wife wanted to checked my dilation but i refused. backache was really v horrible. wanted to pee v badly and managed to go to the bathroom. after dat, mid-wife checked and i was 6cm dilated...did all my breathing techniques, hubby massaged my back BUT backache is v v v v v v v (to the power of infinity) bad.....

9+am? - mid-wife checked and said i was 9 and half cm dilated. phew... this is going to end soon....

?am - how come this is not ending soon???? hypnobirthing class mentioned one contraction is one way forward to bb arriving but how come this is not ending soon....'looks who's here?' my hubby asked. i did bother and tot must be dr fong. didnt get to see him as i was kneeling on the bed instead of the usual lying down... think dr fong said hi to me???

had v bad urge to push like pooing...but backache is still v v v v v bad.

'push'..... 'no sound coming out from you'....'push'..... had been pushing for quite some time but bb still not out yet!!!!! v frustrating and water bag still not burst yet. dr fong suggested to burst my water bag since this may be blocking the passage way of bb. ok, water bag burst but bb still not out!!! had been asked to keep pushing and really no more strength liao... episiotomy? ok, i surrendered if this will help to stop my agony... (later, my hubby told me dat dr fong was still considering to cut or not to cut
since i indicated no to episiotomy...)

11.39am - my bb boi finally arrives...

congrats again !!

eh it was dr fong who came lah ? so u had episiotomy ? did dr fong tell u how big ?

so how's breastfeeding so far ?

upload ur boy's picture leh !

Congrats to u! that's considered a fast delivery rite?

which hospital did u go? is the midwife and nurses there good and friendly?

errr..so your contractions is just the feeling of the v v v v bad backache? No more cramps? u didn't even use the gas for pain-relief? can share some breathing techniques and the birth positions to fasten the delivery?
hi labiit
ya lah, it was dr fong. had episiotomy since i really surrendered to watever suggestions that he made as i wan bb to come out asap and having him stuck at the v area is really v unbearable.... u mean how big is the tear? i asked him and he re-emphasized that he only cut a tiny bit and the tear with the tiny bit of cut is about 4cm. now still painful leh.....

breastfeeding? nightmare now. called angel tis am pouring out my sorrows and asked her for advice. got v v v bad nipples sore. can't latch bb on, now pumping at 3-4 hrs interval. angel asked me to pump regularly at every 2 hrs interval to establish supply but i too tired liao since not much sleep since birth till last nite.

hi msworri
i went to mount alvernia. there is this european nurse/midwife which i find her quite ok but my hubby find her quite rough. ya, my tummy cramp is not that bad but my backache was like its going to break any time. the mid-wife did asked me if i wanted gas but i din respond to her cos my backache was too unbearable for me to respond to her. my hubby took the decision to say no.

i find dat the breathing techniques that i learnt is v useful during the initial part of labour but as the contractions get more intense, i can no longer apply all those techniques that i learnt. i jus keep telling myself dat one more contraction will be one step forward to bb coming out but then it is really v difficult and hard....

birthing positions, u will have to try for urself and see which position u will be more comfortable with. like, kneeling, squatting, sitting, standing. apply the logic of gravitation pull

my cut was 3cm cos my ger is smaller. ya will be abit uncomfortable. just rem to wash it with the antiseptic lotion for 1 week. the lotion expires after 1 week, right ?

if ur nipple is sore, u shldnt pump at such short interval, will make it worse right ? apply breastmilk on it and let it air dry. if u encounter more probs call MAH lactation consultant or call Breast Feeding Organisation helpline.

dont give. .. breast milk is the best gift u can give to ur boy !

and yes u need to sleep cos if u r too tired ur body cant produce milk also.

good luck ok !

the midwife u referring to is Sheila. She is Irish. She talks with an accent so sometimes I dont really understand what she is trying to say. ehehhe
hi labbit
ya, the antiseptic lotion does expire aft 1 wk. my hubby got some more from pharmacy for me. now, still quite uncomfortable.

i feel so tired and the tot of giving up breast feeding keeps coming to me but aft last nite of latching bb on, i will persist on. somemore, angel is so encouraging and supportive, i cannot let her support and concern gone to drain.

a very big thank you to you, angel.

ya pls dont give up BF ok .. it is very very tough during the first month. Sore nipples, bb cannot latch properly, bb latch and dozed off, not enough milk supply etc .. will cause stress to the mother. but if u persist, you will see the benefits in the long run. Your bb will be healthier and stronger !

can we see ur boy's foto soon ?
finally, my hubby uploaded the photos last nite but then i can't upload here leh. i got to reduce the image size (600 by 600?), how ah???

Me still do not hv a nice family photo. Maybe use one of the old one then edit one bb photo inside and indicate new member in the family.

Hv the rest responsed ?? How to make it for 11th Dec?? Still on ?? Me will be on m leave these 2 days big Jun not well again. Dr asked me to stop him for school for one mth, don't know who to take care, abit uneasy to leave him alone with maid... Sigh !!

u use Windows PAINT application. Open your file, go menu IMAGE --> STRETCH/SKEW. Indicate the % for horizontal and vertical. You can reduce it by entering a smaller % eg 50%


what happen to Big Jun ?
11 Dec still on lah ! hmm ya hor .. nvm we can send the card to him by 25th dec, no problem.

eh why so serious need to stop sch for 1 mth ? is it becos he fall sick easily ? did the cleaners clean the sch properly ?

why not u install web cam at home ?
hi labbit
give me ur email add so that i can send you my boi's photo to b included in the card to dr fong.

by the way, i forgot to mention dat dr fong looks more handsome and happy in his casuals then his biz shirt. my hubby even asked him if he got his yellow boots cos he was in his white boots when he delivered my boi. oso, when i got no more strength to push, dr fong suggested to have the mid-wife & nurse to help me push my tummy. the pressure was v great dat my tummy got blue-black marks after dat....

i PM u later ok.

haha ya he does look more relax in this casuals .. prob weekends lah ... and u took away his only rest day ! hahaha joking hor ...

my tummy was v painful after delivery also cos the 2 nurses (one left one right) was pushing my tummy too. i told him the next day he say my gastric is it ? ha ! think he blur liao ...

if he wear yellow boots then he must perm his hair too ! ehhehe
ya hor, i din realise dat. but then, i m not the one only. if i rem correctly, there are 2 others waiting for him. think, no rest day for him dat wk.

perm hair? will be v funny
hi mummies,

I'm seeing Dr FY at Paragon. Would be delivering in Jan. Would like to seek some advice with regard to cordblood.... but wasn't sure whether which is good or benefits bb more....

Am deciding between whether to

(1) delay cutting cordblood n let the blood flow to bb or

(2) donating to public bank- SCBB?

Can anyone of u share your experiences? Thanks.
hi grace
i donated my bb's cord blood to SCBB. in fact, i was like you, wanted to delay the cord blood clamping but aft i know dat donation of cord blood has been extended to MAH, i changed my mind to have it donated.
how do u store ur breast milk har? in feeding bottles or in those milk storage bags? went takashimaya 2 get the avent sterilizer yesterday & bought extra set of feedling bottles althought the set incl 2 bottles but still feel not enough..was thinking of getting the avent storage cup set but the promoter told me the storage cup can tahan 4 times of sterilization only. any suggestions? i dun wanna end up buying the wrong stuff & nt using them.

i have lotsa glass bottles from NAN and Similac ready to drink milk from my friends who have stopped BFing. i have used up all of them so i have started to use Avent VIA cups. ya I know it can use 4 times only but my friend ignore the instruction haha. if not u can store them in the Avent liners or gerber bags. gerber bags are better cos it is like the zip loc bag, comes with a sealer. if u use Avent liners, u have to buy clips to seal it. Some mothers use rubber bands
thanks labbit

will stock up on the gerber storage bags. dun mind me asking u a silly question hor... btw if put in freezer, how 2 defrost the milk? in rm temp or straight in the food warmer? u think its worth 2 invest in a food warmer> i saw the avent 1 is abt $70+.


if I need to thaw the FBM, i will transfer it to the lower deck of the fridge. It will take a few hrs. usually I will put the frozen bottle in a glass of water .. it takes less time to thaw. And I will indicate the date and time I transfer from freezer cos it MUST BE consume within 24 hrs.

After the milk is thaw, then I will warm in Avent warmer. I dont intend to buy it intially but my friend gave it to me. Can just use the traditional method to warm up milk...
thanks labbit

hv to pick up more info on storing my BM cos i too want my baby to have BM for as long as possible but when baby's abt 3-4 mths...i've to get back to work
which means i hv to stop Bfeeding & there's no way i could express & store while i m overseas...sign

I think I will get the avent cups cos this morning, I use the avent bag and the adapter for the avent storage bag during early morning expression.

I was so sleepy and the plastic bag sides stick together, end up about 50mil of the express milk didn't go into the bag but end up on my bed sheet.

My heart ache when I feel all the wetness ard, and so little milk inside bag. So end up only 180mil, instd of my usual 250mil to 300mil in the early morning expression.

So to prevent all these happening, I am getting the cups, also I am flying to bkk for shopping trip as well as a biz trip coming up to China.

I will get also the fridge on the go for storage.

Is that the same you, labbit you carry to office ??

Yes, it is cooling and good for baby. As we do not want our baby to be too heaty when birth.

U get tt small botak coconut, very nice and sweet
is it must only drink from young coconuts? Those botak ones are from young coconuts is it? Can eat the meat?

I heard barley water also help in cooling at the last month.
hi gals
have anyone engage "ibu pijat" for post natal massage before? any feedback to share wif? any gd recommendations? my colleague recommend 1 tht charges $400/ week incl massage & body wrap. is the price reasonable?
