DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

the boys got used to me working liao...

heng will stay awake after his 6 am feed and wait for me to carry him before i go to work. Wei is usually asleep when i leave house but i make it a point to talk to him tell him mummy going to work will be back when the (6.30pm) news end and sky dark dark.

the boys will not sleep too after their 7pm feeds
me and hubby will play with them until their 9pm plus feeds then put them to bed (they sleeping with mil)

oh that's gd!

rachel also get used to sit in car car every morning and nite ... she dosnt like to lie down now .. will do her sit up every time we carry her so she can sit upright ahhaha maybe she will get stomach muscles v fast.
i let heng heng sit car seat, wei wei will be it koala bear position cos my arms will not be so sore after that

heng can coordinate his fingers and toes liao
i noe cos he can pull my hair, with fingers or toes. luckily no hair dropped
haha my Rachel also pull my hair even though i have short hair leh .. so painful

and somemore me dropping hair .. so sad
hi gals, i jus join this thread, cos i go to Doc FongYang in Paragon.

is this the right thread to be in? i am having twins, now at week 15, first timer, so quite blur at things..

need sistas here to help me out! me blur about wat can eat cannot eat, can do cannot do, buy things etc!

hope i am in the right thread ;)
Hi all,

Can I just check if anyone of you have been diagnosed with low amniotic fluid? I am in my 27th week and my gynae told me during my last checkup that my fluid is a little bit lower than average. He told me to drink plenty of water and rest. Does drinking water really helps to increase the fluid level?

I am very concern if the low fluid level will affect my baby. Please kindly advise.

hi wakie
i was told by dr fong during my chk up ard week 25th tht my amniotic fluid was low too...he oso ask me to drink more water & rest. think tht helps...cos on my next chk up, the amniotic fluid level was back to normal. i m in my 32 weeks now. try not to walk so much & get plenty of rest...ok..
hi doggiesmummy, meaning you give birth alrady or not? me at 4 months preggie.. wanted to ask you, you have list of things to buy or not? and also its quantity? my first time lah, blur blur one
yup delivered.
hmmm i dun have it with me now
i posted befre in the achived post
nvm i find then post again.
basically double of everything lor
if trouble some its ok lah
is it tough to handle twins? i thinking of not having maid leh.. now i jus looking out the forums for recommended confinement nannies..

also trying to write up a list of things to buy for babies and stuff, cos i think will be alot and mostly double.

you use a twin stroller? i am thinking of the Maclaren.
i am staying with mil now, looking after twins is tough initally
me, mil and maid cant cope hahaa maid needs to wash nappies 3 time a day
i am slimmer than before pregnancy (thanks to my boys, free slimming)
need to tell the CL it's twins leh, pay more but at least better rest. but i didnt rest much too cos when 2 cry still need to help her cos cant let them cry too much

i got a twin stroller from Kiddy palace (front and back type) forgot the brand
how's the management of your c-sec wound? How is ah Fong's stitching skill? Any pain after removing the stitch? How long did it take for the pain to go away?
my wound ah ok leh
he only cut off the 2 knots, no pain at all. I didnt take painkiller at all after the c-section. he say i strong heheee
stitching skill not bad i guess, nothing to compare with. have a "big smile" on tummy now to remind me of my pregnancy
that sounds great! Me most probably don't go for natural...very scared that I cannot make it. Does Fong only operate on Wed or can I opt for other days? :p
hi sistas tat go to Doc Fong Yang

me in my 4th month, have been reading threads from other sistas here got detail scans done and stuff..

do we have those too?
ah fong ops on wed but u can choose your own date...
but he promised me he will close his clinic for me if i wanted to go to a fortune teller to choose a date that is not a wed. but i didnt... i chin chai so i let him choose a wed that he like

detail scan is on 5th month, then after that can sign package with Fong, 50% more than normal price
Wow...close his clinic just for you? Wah....he joking is it? Or is he playing mind games with you? BTW, if op on Wed, have to admit on Tues afternoon/night (by what time?) and discharge on Sat/Sun?
no la not for me only... i not his anybody, he say he have this pratice leh, but i kind enough to fit into his schedule... hahaa but he caught in jam, late for my c-section.

c-section on wed, admit at least 2 hours earlier, then discharge on sat
doggies mummy, thanks! so the package is like wat ah? i haven't ask the nurses also..

any idea which hospital you gals recommend? and also any antenatal class?
go Mt A, Dr Fong is very porpular there, his patients get better treatment (i guess) hahaa

my time was $900. but dun noe he revise the price or not. GST up too mah. include medicine (folic or iron) test (blood pressure and urine) normal scan and consultation
i also think like TMC old, and some of the nurses quite rude.. used to go LC CHeng, and had to be admitted once there.

the top on my list is still Mt A, but i tot of keeping the option open and see other hospital as well.
u need to see Dr Fong goes to which Hospital to deliver. Think it's only Glen E, Mt E, Mt A and TMC

Labbit went to the class before. wait for her to log on then check with her
I think Dr Fong's charges have been revised, because I saw a notice at the registration counter yesterday. Maybe you have to pay more than $900.
no, not due to GST but can't recall the reason ... only remember seeing that subsequent consultation fee has increased to $50......so i presume there should be an increase in the package as well.

I attended the antenatal class at Mt A. Not bad. I like the trainer Jenny. She is one of the lactation consultant there. During my stay after delivery, she came to teach me how to massage breast for breast feeding. She's v good and friendly.


i read Pinocchio to Rachel before ... and I bought Brainy Books for Left and Right Brain for her too. See pics and colors to simulate the brain hehe
hi Mooch,

I just sign up Dr fong antenatal package last mnth..it's ard 600+( excluding unschedule visit and fish oil etc). I went for my detailed scan at TMC last mnth is ard 120+.
I m seeing dr fong now and my EDD is 30th april. i also havent deceide which hosp to go to...i guess i will choose TMC or Mt A. Will be going for my chckup at paragon later tdy.
Ah Fong tell me planned c-sec is usually at 38th wks...so I thought must be next week lor...Aren't you also deliver on 38th wk?
to boost milk supply is drink "green papaya + ??? " soup? ever heard of drinking papaya milk shake will help??

to boost ur supply, make green papaya with "Ngor Hee" fish head bone. Drink when u r back from hospital daily. For me it really works can see an increase in supply after which I stop when the suppy came in.

Why u want c-sect? not planning for 3rd one?

me expressing milk now heheh ... v tired cos was sick and on MC this afternoon.
ms worri
u op for c-sec or dr fong recommend u 2 do so?
try natural if u can cos dr fong says natural can recover faster. i m gg for natural wif out epi. cos wif epi...cannot push tht effectively then might nid assisted delivery.
Thanks labbit for the tip!

Dr fong ask me to try natural first, but told me if in my next visit, bb is 3kg and above, then safer to c-sec. In my last visit bb is already 2.7kg, so I presume this week sure hit 3kg lor.... :p
Rachael so cute and chubby.....i have my hair standing too when i'm a bb..kekekekehehe. look like you or your husband? is she ard 6mths already?

you seem to be rather weak hor, keep hearing you fall sick after you deliver....anyway, take care hor, boost up your health so that you have all the energy to take care of Rachael and maybe plan for the next bb..hahahaha
