DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


Me had rashes on hands and legs throughout the pregnancy, end up see skin specialist cos ah fong gave cream not effective.

Are your rashes on the tummy area ??
ya, started on the abdomen right side, then my right thigh also have some, my right arm and tummy front also a few. They are red raised dots. I wonder why all only appear on the right side.. do you know what is the cause of them? Is it harmful for bb? Does your trip to skin specialist help? I don't want to take medicine unnecessary, I rather bear with the itch.
i tried calling TB clinic on tue night, but the number always seemed to drop by itself..... but based on the signs of my condition, it looks like it is a kind of skin rash called PUPPP. when it itch, i'll apply lots of "Ru Yi U" and it helps to cool off and ease the itchness. :p

what did ah fong say it was when u see him?
no i didn't. was too busy with work. Anyway, if my suspect is correct, then at most ah fong can give me cream to ease the itch (but i already have my own cheap method to ease the itch....hahaha)
hmmmm, think should be alright as long as i don't apply too much and too frequent...my next visit to fong is 2 wks from now, so if rash worsen before that, then will go and see skin specialist.
ftmtb06, JCR
u were saying if feel tightening & backache 2gether is contraction isit? aiyo....i m only in my 26 weeks & i think i had tht feeling...isit too early? sometimes i oso dun knw if it's baby stretching or wat...but the backache is damn jialat...sometimes got cramp on the right side of tummy oso...
hi zoses t,

i wld suggest tat u consult dr fong. Probably he will ask u to do a ctg to moniter the contractions..
meanwhile try nt to walk too much..
hi zoses

when i was abt 20+ wks, i too had v sever backache but unable to do ctg monitoring cos bb is too small. same as labbit, i was given one wk mc to rest at home. it will be best to consult dr fong if ur backache is really unbearable.
can share with me your birth plan? i haven't thought of one,....is it necessary to draw up a plan or should one leave it to the gynae to decide bacause they are the professionals?
thanks labbit, ft & JCR

ya...will ckh wif fong on my next visit..12 dec. meanwhile i'll juz rest @ home & try nt to walk ard too much since i m on no pay leave till my confinement over.
hi msworri
my edd is 28 feb 07. when's urs? o...my job is such tht once i m pregnant i've 2 stop working...currently i m on no pay leave for 1 year...( company's policy).
this is the 1st time i heard of such policy. Is ur job nature exposed to radiation, etc? or maybe you are an air hostesss?
my EDD is 30 jan. i also have tightening ard 27 wks...but now ok. i didn't se ah fong. thought of monitoring it closely, then let him know at next visit.
hi yin
no, i hve not delivered yet but dr fong said may be soon cos i m having v slight reddish brown stain when he checked me yesterday. still 2cm dilated.

aft checkup yesterday, went to expo for the food fair then went GV vivo city for show (casion royale). had v frequent tightening and backache at the same time and tot may be today bb will arrive. but woke up today and till now, everything seems to be normal. think i walked too much yesterday liao which bb dun like...hee...

hi msworri
actually, not everyone needs to hve a birth plan. i too didnt know abt birth plan unitl i attended the hypnobirthing class. this plan will actually indicate what you prefer to have during the delivery process. for mine, i indicated that i prefer to hve a drug-free natural birth, no pharmacuetical augmentation, to carry bb immediately aft he is born before the routine cleaning & other admin procedures, etc...
ya you do not need to have a birth plan so just monkey see monkey do ! ehhe ...

well, after the bb is delivered, the nurse put the bb in front of me before she is cleansed. My bb is still covered with blood that time ! hahah
ft, wah.. u still can go food fair & movie. not tired ah? rest more ya.. or u wouldn't have time to rest after u delivered. can i ask a stupid question? do u feel pain when u r dilating?

labbit, that's fast hor.. u going back to work soon. i'm now in wk 35 but still don't know what is the feeling of Braxton Hicks contraction. but seems like my yellow discharge is getting more. is it normal?

when u dilate, u dont feel anything at all. So a lot of MTBs are surprised when they have 1 or 2 cm dilation. Life still goes on as normal.

eh rgd the yellow discharge, it could be some fungus infection. tell Dr FOng and he will do a Group B Strep test. He will need to take some sample from your V and send for a test. if tested positive, he will prescibe this medication to be inserted into V.

i was tested positive... took one dosage of the medicine and my discharge clears almost instantly !! Dr Fong says as long as the discharge dont come back, I am cleared

it is very common among preggies, so dont worry ok !
hi Yin,

If you read my birth story sometime earlier, me was 3cm dilated and I don't feel a thing. I was also having show for 9 days, and I keep getting is the BH contraction.

When the real one come, it was about 10min interval, and I was already 5cm dilated.. that one is really painful. Each time it comes, me closed eyes and endure and grip on the car door handle.
hi yin
i too tested positive group b strep. was given the pill to insert and to complete a course of antibiotics. like wat labbit said, aft inserting the pill into V on mon nite, i dun hve much discharge today but yesterday got quite a lot of discharge. think the medicine kind of cleared all the discharge.
hi labbit, msworri
yalor...1 year no pay leave really sibey siong. but no choice leh....company's policy. ya...i m a flt attendant...so once pregnant...company will stop all my flts & my 1 year no pay will count from the day i reported pregnant.
how's the hypnobirthing class? isit gd? how's the fee like? thought of joining oso. u were saying u r gg 4 a drug-free delivery...does tht means u r nt taking the epi?

u still have discharge ?? then u shld inform dr fong leh .. i dont have any after i inserted the pill... very effective.


wow .. u must be very pretty to be a flight attendant
hi zoses
yes, i m not taking epidural. u can go to this website for more info on hypnobirthing. www.fourtrimesters.com

hi labbit
yesterday v little discharge but today when i woke up, my yellowish discharge was quite a lot. need to call dr fong?
who will be taking care of bb rachel when you go back to work next wk?

now, i headache. my mil initially said she will try to take care for me and if she can't cope, then she will find a nanny for me. when i checked with her again on tues, she said 'i scared leh, somemore no freedom....' sigh... she is giving such a big hint dat she 'prefer' not to take care... when i mentioned to my frens, they asked me to find one nanny asap cos when bb is abt 2+ mth old, he/she will look ard and familiarise with the surroundings. so will need to put bb in nanny's care before goin back to work, otherwise, will be difficult....

yes need to call dr fong ... he din tell u to monitor ?

I wasnt prescribed antibiotics that time.

my MIL will take care of Rachel.
ya you need your bb to be familiar with the nanny before u start work leh .. now Rachel can even recognise me.
no leh, dr fong didnt ask me to monitor and the discharge looks kind of normal to me...

sigh... my feet are so swollen, jus like pig's trotters, cannot even c the ankle. my colleague told me that once the swell starts to subside, its time to give birth liao. not sure how true this is...

This is true, cos when u sudden swell up with water retention tt is a sign tt u will birth soon.

Me was ankle swell up and I pass motion many times a day. Mother nature, really prepares us for the birth.

Just like the midwife put the solution to empty the bowels
Think will tell Dr Fong on my yellow discharge on my next visit. me got another question, how long can 1 jab of epidural last?

hmm i dunno how long can one jab of epi last .. but def a few hours !


i think from week 30 onwards, ur next visit ould be 3 weeks later, then follow by 2 and 1 week.
msworri, mine is after the 32wks visit the next visit is 3wks later.

i'm down with flu & fever.. can eat panadol? called the clinich but they close already. too late.

think panadol is safe, even during breastfeeding. but if u want to be sure, wait until the clinic opens tmr....
angel, labbit
ya, now i do pass motion many times a day and they are usually v soft. so, i could be in labour v soon??? i oso noted that bb has been too active these few days. one of the sign as well?

aft 32 wks, the visit to dr fong will be 3 wks, 2 wks, then weekly. but i was a bit 'mao', in order to make full use of the 8 visits, aft my 35 wks, i c dr fong in my 36.5 wk, then 37.5wk and the final one will b 38.5wk. but if bb dun pops next wk aft my last visit, dr fong said its ok to c him for the 9th visit...hee...
but me juz very normal looking onli lar.
ya...as wat labbit says...panadol is safe to take during pregnancy...i remember tht when i was in my 1st trimester...i had migraine every nite....fong says its ok i take panadol. but take the normal white one...dun take the panadol actifast or panadol for flu & cold cos tht one too strong...ok...if still in doubt, better call fong 2 ask.
U start work tomo ??

Me one week after you, but I reserve my third month to 4 day week. Since my boss agree, I will give him a schedule of all my off days.
Congrats to ft! Wow, hope i can do without epidural too...

For the past 2 days, i've been experiencing some tummy aches (hv been constipating for the past few wks)and terrible backaches. are these signs of early labour? or are these normal?
