BP Shopper

hi pinkiepenguin,

I also prefer my girl when she was about 6 months old. Now she's so active, I can't keep up with her. :p

Wah, your boy likes to try on clothing? That's not vain; that's just eh, taking care of his appearances. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like you, I can't bear to leave my girl with someone else, cos she can be quite fussy.


hi heehee.. the books on the link really cheap oh.. so u mean u went to the organiser's place? hmm.. i already place my order but no news yet.

hi pinkiepenguin, woh.. i think ur son is the eldest among our children.. i also think that bb below 6 mths easier to take care.. my bb more n more naughty now.. sometimes really cannot control my temper.. already so stress at work, but she still throw her tantrums.. like this morning, cried n cried since wake up, really feel like want to beat her lo..

btw do u all face same problems? now my bb doesnt like to change diaper and clothes. she will run away n cried when we change for her.. hai.. hai... really dunno what to do.. any suggestion? sometimes feel irritating le.. may b coz i m working mother so dont have much patience for her.. being she is teething these two days, i still mad at her , sometimes will scream n scold her.. (bad mummy huh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] )

hey vivien, so how is ur boy n husband now? ok already? i m still thinking about the tutu skirt.. not sure if bb likes it or not.

hi janeh, yah, went to the organiser's place, and bought many books! In fact, i'm thinking of getting more. :p

Maybe you try smsing her? Cos i think she's working now, and doesn't check the thread that often.

my girl will also make a lot of noise, and nowadays, it's v hard to make her sleep or take a nap. Aiyoh, don't say you as a working mum, even tho i stay at home, i find myself getting v frustrated with my girl also.

Maybe you can give things to your ger to distract her when changing nappy or clothes? That's what I do so that my girl won't protest. And when I find myself getting v impatient, I will pass her to my hubby, or I will put her in the play yard until I cool down.

Hi All,


Me back from my trip liao. My hubby n my Ah Yee vomit on the way there cause I think the wave quite strong n the ferry rocking quite badly. My mum's friend oso giddy. Luckily they ok once out of the ferry. It was a relaxing trip but hor the food there super expensive and not nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Luckily we brought some food to cook there so only need to take one lunch and one dnr there and its already $500+ for 7pax for 2 meals and don't taste good.

The villa was nice but a bit old liao. Let bb swim a while only cause he just recover from fever.

He start on 1stjan till 4thjan then ok. We were so worried cause his temp goes up to 38.8degree and the measurement by armpit need to add 0.5degree so his temp is 39.3degree. Nearly want to bring him to hospital liao but after liquid panadol come down a bit. Then we wake up to check his temp at night every few hours.

Back to the resort, I think if bb older can enjoy the trip more cause there are lots of activities for older kids. But hor they provide a buggy for use to drive around the resort so quite fun.

Found out my boy don't like sand, we took off his shoe and let him step on the sand but he don't like the feel and wanna wear shoe then he step on the sand but he quite walk to the grass after that.


Me oso got neck problem, think look at the monitor too long liao. Worst is tired... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yah, tinyshop if got promo then cheaper else both the prize comparable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think a white or black tank top should be able to go with flora skirt. Right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good for you, my boy makes lots of noise everytime i try to put on clothes or change clothes for him. Then must give him some things to distract him. Sigh... headache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi All,

Me need to buy proper shoe for bb liao, got come across any good one? Wanna get nice one for CNY. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee, where is the organiser's house? need to know whether it is near or not coz if is too far then no time to go..

thanks for your suggestion, will try to distract her.. or else, dunno what i will do .. haha... scare later neighbor tot we abuse bb...

hi xuyue.. what kind of shoes are you looking for? kidzstyle is having promo, i just got one for my bb last week from oshgosh... remember the colette shoes i bought last time, lost one side liao.. so cant wear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

as for BP, i find this closed thread quite good, if not bcoz of the osh gosh that we bought, might hav bought one pair from here:


but think the organiser did mention that can bring bb down to try the size. The special is the squeaky thing can be take out.

btw i find the soft leather one not so suitable for outdoors...

hi moxuyue,

You're back from hols!Aiyoh, the boat must have rocked pretty badly for your family to get so sea-sick.

Wah, thank goodness your boy's fever went down. If not, you won't be able to enjoy your trip. You make me so tempted to go on a trip too!

Hi janeh, yah, sometimes I'm also quite worried that my neighbours think that I'm abusing my girl cos my girl can really cry for no rhyme or reason! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

When I'm really desperate, I let my girl wear her clothes sitting up.

The seller's place is at boundary rd, (amk ave1). But hor, must warn you first. If you go there, you'll prob be tempted to get many books, cos you'll be thinking might as well buy more since you're there. :p

Yeah, am looking for a plain top, black or white to match, but plain tops are so hard to find!

Hi Janeh,

Thanks!! Yah, this brand of shoe quite good, I bought from another BP seller one of the soft sole shoe at $19 only. Now u reminded me I'll send her an email to see if she still selling.

My boy oso make a lot of noise when we changing clothes n diapers for him. So i give him new things to play lor. But not toys cause no use. I give him my alarm clock, creams bottles, comb, mirror, keys... anything that is not his toy... sigh...

When he refuse to sleep i'll switch off all the lights and let him walk around the house by himself until he sian then he'll lay on the floor somewhere and we'll go pick him up n put him on the bed n pat him.

When he throw tantrums we'll ignore him and do our own things and don't look at him else he'll go on forever. Sometimes i just on the tv louder... Its either they win or we win but once they win they'll do it everytime n everywhere!

Its tough being a parents don't give yourself too much pressure k. You're not a bad mummy lah. If i buay tahan i go to take a shower and pass him to my husband oso.

Hi heehee,

Yap! Me back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love going on trips... was thinking of going Sentosa when the new hotel open but my parents don't want cause my sis giving birth next week.

Yah, rock quite badly. My boy enjoyed the rocking though, he was laughing when the boat rock and he wanna stand on the floor and not to be carried. Lucky he not seasick! Phew! Next time i'll bring him go diving when he grows up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometimes i have to wear diapers for my boy while he stand...

hi heehee & xuyue.. wah.. u two wear diapers for bb either when he is sitting or standing, mine one ah.. hai.. running behind her la.. sometimes, my bb will run away once we take off her clothes.. so running around naked!! c how naughty she is.. n if we call her, she will turn around n walk to another room, so hubby n i got to chase after her.. she will look n smile at us but wont come towards us.. usually we got to go n 'catch' her. that is when the drama starts...

ei xuyue, who sell the shoes at $19? that is really cheap!!

btw heehee.. can i know where u bought ur tutu skirt & headband with wig? me very tempted to buy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Janeh,

I won't let him run, corner him on the bed. I think she wanna play catching with you all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I bought from cottoncandiz, can see the pic from our previous post:

Archive through November 13, 2009.

Just send her an sms to ask if she still selling. Waiting for reply. Will let you all know when she reply. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi janeh, bought from this bp: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3324523.html?1263283801

the quality is not bad; but hor, the rosettes on the top is glued on, and not sewn on, and the ribbon on the skirt is pinned on. Otherwise, quite good. Am so tempted to get more for my girl. :p But cannot lah, must save money or will have to eat grass soon. Hahahah!

I also have to pin my girl down when i'm changing her. So always must have things on hand to distract her. Things like wet wipes, remote control, photo frames etc. Think can don't buy toys for my girl liao cos she seems to be more interested in things that are not toys than in her own toys.

hi pinkiepenguin,

i'm a sahm too. when's my boy's cute then felt so glad to be at home.. when's he pushed me to my limit then i wished i was working.. hehehe

ur boy so cute... my boy jiak lat.. bring him shopping he'll want to grab everything put into his mouth.. else he wanna throw on the floor... u r right.. missed those days when he was 6 mths too...

hi jane h,

thanks, my boy and hubby recovering well. still got the tail end part.. after tat should be ok. bought the baby vicks, tot of rubbing on his feet for him before his nap.. who knows it just arrived yesterday and he's not coughing anymore.. hehehe...

i got prob undressing my boy for his bath time too.. i just undressed him wherever he is lor.. then got the towel ready and bring him direct to the bathroom. as for dressing part. he'll just lie there then after i put on the nappy rash cream he die die wan me to pass the cream to him to fiddle with. so i just pass it to him so tat i can continue dressing him.. hehehe

when he poo poo or when his diaper is full then i'll sing a song for him tat indicates changing diapers time.. then he knows... he's reluctant but he gives in.. so far so good. like wat moxuyue and heehee said, have to find ways to distract them.. hehehe

aiyo. talking bout temper.. i think mine maybe the worst among u all... last time i really did hit my boy lor.. but rarely la.. then i'll feel guilty and then give him lotsa hugs hugs again... then now i just let him cry and ignore him then i'll just cool myself down first... me bad mummy too... luckily my hubby's patience is very good.. so if he's ard then its my boy's lucky day.

so when my boy's naughty, how i wished i was working lor..

hi moxuyue,

wow.. ur description really make me feel seasick too... i think one reason tat its worst cause of the monsoon season. even today its damn windy lor. i think have to count myself out for these kinda trip.. hahaha

surprisingly i can take to turbulence very well.. i can sleep better during turbulence ler.. hehehe

hmm i tot indon food should be not bad?? food sounds quite dissapointing from the way u put it.

aiyoyo.. ur boy's fever really serious ler.. must be a reason for it?? wat did the doctor say tat time??? but glad he's find now.

not sure whether my boy scared of sand, but he's even afraid of grass lor...brought him to the park and he was afraid of the grass. i faint.. hehehe...

i also need to buy shoes liao.. any good buy?? my boy still wearing shooshoos lor...

hi heehee,

so tempted to go get the books lor.. but really scared like wat u said once i reach there i would get even more.. hehehe...

havent been at the spree section lately.. any good buys there?? let us know too k.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i bought few books from


the "my busy book" very cute...bought the mickey set cause my boy loves the set... the figurines can use to decorate cakes too... bought few other books from the bp too..

Hi All,

Yah lor, when my boy starts crying n throwing tantrums really buay tahan but once they stop then like angel... sigh...


Yah, the food really sian one. Think i can cook better... There is only one western n one buffet n one jap food. The western is quite bad, the jap i no confidence so didn't try and the buffet... so so only.

Doc just say virus. But lucky only last about 4 days. Phew....

Me looking at these 2 BP for shoes:



Haven't order yet... still looking and waiting for reply from cottoncandiz.

Order caps from this too :


Hi Vivien,

The books are cute!!! But my boy got lots liao and he doesn't seems interested in books. Still... i'm tempted... ;P

yah vivien, the books look good! But I must stop myself! Or I can open a bookshop liao...

I just joined this chinese bookspree:http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/3473191.html?1263444381

They have a wide selection of books as well as board books, and the prices are like up to half of what the bp sellers are selling. :p

Have decided to let my girl go barefooted. Used to let her wear socks but she will always pull them off and eat them. So now, if it's cold, will just put on legwarmers for her.

hi moxuyue,

thanks for the 2 shoes link. one i've ordered liao. but another one all ready stocks are girls shoes. so sad.

oh ur boy likes to wear cap? mine can't.. put anything on his head he'll pull it down.. i put my hairband on his head then he pull it down and put on my head for me.. hahaha

my boy loves book.. he loves to flip the pages.. very funny one.. initially will flip very gently .. then after a while will take the book throw on the floor and start to abuse it. so since i know his pattern, i dont allow him to mishandle the books.. hehehe

hi heehee,

went to the spree site u mentioned. walau... all chinese words .. sad to say i cant read chinese well.. hahaha.. the ones i bought from the bp;s have to have hanyupinyin.. :p

hi vivien, have you tried the straw? My girl has 3 training cups. :p Am now thinking of getting her to use the normal cup.

Yah, for the chinese booksite, at first, I also catch no ball. Then I figured that I just need to look at a few things: whether it's a board book, the age group, the reviews and the pics of the book. :p

I finally realised after some time that 铜版纸 means board book material. :p

hi heehee,

havent yet. have made payment to the organiser but she said will only send out once bp is closed. funny also..

i've got the avent cup, pigeon straw cup and munchkin. too bad avent got no straw cup.. my boy prefers to drink water from the straw or normal cup. but normal cup very messy lor.. then munchkin one no good cause very diff to suck the water up .. even i had a hard time.. hopefully this btl tat i bought is good. not cheap also for a straw btl. in fact even more expensive than munchkin.

my chinese cant make it.. the 3 words u wrote i only can read the middle word. hahaha

hi everyone

long time never chat you all liao... have been so busy since my new maids came and now busy with bonus issues as well as maids issue. fresh new maids really hard to train till i so shack [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] saw many new bps here, hope i have time to browse them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi andver,

aiyoyo so poor thing..... from wat i hear from you bout hiring and training the maids.. really make me think twice about hiring a full time maid. hehehe.. glad tat my current part time maid is quite good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yea hor.. cny coming so its bonus time. must be thinking how much to give and who to give more or lesser right.. hehehe...

really lotsa bps these days esp since its the holidays season now. take some time off to shop k... take it as rest and relax... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi vivien

oops.. don't let my experience frightened you ok... maybe i'm just unlucky to have maids who needs longer time to learn and adapt. somehow, some maids will try to take short cut.. like my 1st new maid, when she want to make my bb nap, she'll let her drink water from the milk bottle and suck till she sleep which i forbid her to do so cos i don't it to become a habit for my bb. quite pissed off with this lor.

ya lor, alot of appraisal to do and finally all done and settled..

you bought the bottle with the wonder straw rite? is it good?

Hi Vivien,

I tried to post yesterday but cannot leh... wonder why? Maybe network down.

I end up going to Kiddy Palace to buy a pair of shoe for my boy. Its $29.90 before 10% discount with their members card. Wanna let him try to walk in the shoe before i buy. Bought 2 pairs that didn't fit him well before... ;P

My boy didn't like to wear anything on his head before but now ok cause we'll tell him "mei mei" and clap our hands when he wear the caps. I think he oso vain lah. haha...

My boy still cannot drink from straw so I won't get that one. Let me know if it is good when u get it. Btw, how to train bb to use straw huh? When i drink he'll want then i put to his mouth but he don't know how to suck leh.

Hi Andver!

Welcome back! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maid really not easy to train... :p

But then hor I oso let my bb drink milk and suck till he sleep... find it the easiest way to make him sleep... ;P

hi mo_xuyue

oic... when ur bb finish the milk, he still suck on to the bottle or u pulled it out? my maid will let my bb contd sucking an empty bottle leh. then my mil say she'll suck in air and become wind in the stomach.

hi viviens

the shoes bps looks good hor but i dare not buy shoes from bp liao cos i always ordered the wrong size. those soft soles shoes which i've bought in bp for my bb still too big for her and can't wear now cos she's wearing soft rubber sole shoes now. i bought a pair of Clarks (my first shoe) for her and its very comfy.

hi andver

for the straw btl, the organiser said will only send once bp is closed. sianz.. have to wait till after tmr. will let u know whether good or not.. dont buy munchkin one... no good.. difficult to suck although its spill proof.

aiyoyo.. ur maid so terrible ah.. but do u let ur girl suck pacifier?? my boy need to have his pacifier to sleep. ur mil is right.. suck empty btl will suck in too much air.. no good..

for the shoes i havent go collect it . hopefully he can fit cause buying it for him for the coming cny...

my boy i depends.. if walking in shopping centre i still let him wear shooshoos.. but if outside a park then rubber sole shoes.. oh! clarks also have kids shoes huh.. i'm surprised.. but i guess should be comfy cause for adults already comfy although the design a bit sucky... wonder would kids design be nicer.. hehehe

hi moxuyue,

yesterday noon for a period i also got prob posting in our thread.. keep saying the error which i dont understand... then i waited a while later only i post...

hmm.. i think getting a bit risky buying shoes online since our kids are getting bigger and good to let them try on the spot to see whether comfy or not and to see whether they like it or not.... my fren gave me a pair of bubblegummers but my son hates it.. then the other day i went to tesco to buy him those cheapest typed rubber sole sandals which cost only RM9.90.. he loves it.. i faint... luckily he still likes his shooshoos.. else i sure 'sim tia'

in jb not much choice ler.. think one day have to go causeway pt to checkout kiddy palace liao... hmm.. i think i'll try ur way.. and let him wear the beanies and keep clapping my hand and see how it goes.. thanks for the idea .. hehehe

my boy started off with the avent cup at 6 mths.. i find it very mafan cause i always have to tilt the btl for him.... then i realised he's actually sucking from the avent spout... so then at ard 8-9 mths i gave him the pigeon magmag straw to play ard.. then after a while he learns how to suck properly.. initially he'll choke cause suddenly suck too much cause unlike the avent cup, pigeon dont have the valve to control the water.

prob u can buy one from that bp for your boy to play ard first. then maybe slowly he'll realise tat he can suck and drink water from straw. but if he cant control the straw yet have to keep an eye cause afraid he'll choke on the water too. dont buy munchkin cause really diff to suck even though its spill proof.

btw u let ur bb suck milk till he sleeps huh.. hmm.. i read somewhere before tat ask parents try not to do it cause milk is sweet and very fast they'll have decays leh.. why not suck pacifier instead?

hi vivien

ok.. update me on the straw bottle ya... i bought a munchkin few mths ago but still haven't use it. bought a thermos too, also hvn't use. oh i never let my gal suck pacificer lor. ya the bb clarks shoes are nice.. very sweet and nice colours. the boys ones also very nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies! Hi Andver, welcome back!

My girl is also using the pigeon magmag straw bottle, but she tends to choke cos she still sucks too fast. My girl couldn't suck from the previous tommy tippee bottle.

I'm wondering if I should get this swivel sweeper from this bp. I've googled the swivel, the reviews are quite mixed and the main problem is that the handle is flimsy and the batteries die out fast. But it seems like it is good for hard floors.


hi andver,

u so cute.. bought so many things havent use.. u wanna wait till it becomes mouldy ah?? hehehe

thanks will go check it out.. in jb only clark store i know is at tebrau city..

hi moxuyue,

in sg do u have any idea is there a clark shop at causeway pt, maybe u can go check it out too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee,

when my boy was younger he'll choke too.. but those minor choke.. so after choking couple times then only learn to control.. hehehe i guess this is how bbs learn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i saw the bp too.. but also same as u mixed feelings bout it,,, scared later change batteries till siao. saw some mummies buying extra batt too.. hahaha... think i still trust my trustee vacuum cleaner.. my house not very big.. 2 powerpoint can vacuum whole house di.

hi heehee

hahaha.. finally got some time to chat here liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh, my girl is using the gmag straw cup, same like your girl, she'll get choked too when she sip too fast. she was on avent spout cup previously but i changed to nuby spout cup. so now, i'll let her use the pigeon mawmaw and the nuby spout cup.

i have something quite similar like the sweeper (philips) but i don't find it very useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi vivien

hee...thats the problem lor... buy and buy and never use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] used the avent spout cup for 2 wks and then changed to nuby spout cup and then pigeon mawmaw straw cup. all still so new.. you know LowFamily is having BP for Thermos products again, im so tempted to buy but controlling cos too many of it and hvn't use too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi vivien,

My girl has been using the bottle for 2 to 3 months liao, but she still forgets and drinks too fast. :p She another kancheong spider like me! Hahahah

hi andver,

Aiyah, your swivel suction not strong huh? Maybe hold off the swivel sweeper first hor? At first, I was thinking that it's good to get it for my place cos there's a lot of stuff around and it's v troublesome to use the vacuum.

I bought a thermos foogo food flask from a spree for my girl and i'm waiting for it to come in. Is the flask good? Was thinking of putting my girl's food in it when we go out, cos right now I always give her jar food when we go out.

Hi Andver,

I'll pull out once he finish his milk. Will be sucking in all the air if he continue to suck on an empty bottle. Really not good leh.

Hi Vivien,

Yah, my ah yee bought a pair of spiderman sandals at S$9.90 with lights and he love it too! All my soft sole shoes i keep liao.

I still haven't brush teeth for my boy leh... he refuse to open his mouth. He don't want pacificer so I just let him drink from his milk bottle then he'll sleep while drinking. Lazy mummy... :p

Actually i'm thinking if he don't know how to drink from straw oso good cause when we drink soft drinks etc then he cannot drink. ;P

I don't think there is a clark shop at causeway pt, i remember i saw one at suntec.

Hi heehee,

I got the foogo food flask from LowFamily and its pretty useful. I normally put porridge inside for my boy when we go out. Even at home if he nap through lunch/dinner then i keep his porridge inside. No need to waste gas/electric keeping it warm.

Hi moxuyue,

Yah, I think with the food flask, I will be more motivated to prepare my girl's food when we go out. :p

hi everyone...

how was your weekends?? me past few days busy running errands... so wat did i missed???

saw u all talking about the lowfamily thermos bp ah... i went and searched for it just now.. wabiang.. so expensive ah... prob since andver u got few of the flasks brand new and if not using and wanna sell.. let me know if u are letting go cheaply.. hehehe

then yesterday bought the maxi cosi seat for my boy then my hubby already complaining how come car seats can be so ex.. i told him for safety so no choice lor have to try to comply.

cny coming soon so SGD exchange rate dropping now.. hopefully it drops further so i can change SGD to continue with my shopping... hehehe.... usually for us who needs SGD we'll try to change it during this period cause it would be one of the lowest in rates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and usually after cny the rate will go up again. supply and demand thingy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last time when my bb was young same like u heehee i also brought bottled food if i'm out.. cause i was thinking its only once in a while so lazy to bring extra things.. hehehe.. as for now. i try to bring him out only after feeding him... there are occasions where he went out with us for dinner together so i just packed in a tupperware and bring it along.. once i reach the restaurant i feed him first then at least it wont get cold.

i saw from the forum before someone mentioned the brand zebra which sells the thermos flask too. prob heehee u can check it out too.

hi moxuyue,

for brushing ur boy's teeth, prob u can try brushing with him... my boy loves it when he sees me brushin my teeth.. he keeps staring at wats the thing tat i put inside my mouth then i brush his teeth he just treat it as a game where he have to bite the brush. and i had to hurriedly brush it before he bites it too tightly.


Am new here. First time posting here and wow... lots of things to read and buy also....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But am confused now.

Like to check with all of you. I saw BP selling Leapfrog DVDs and also Overseas spree selling Leapfrog DVDs from Amazon. What is the different as BP seemed to be so much more expensive.... Wonder if they are the same.

Can the mummies here advised me? Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi vivien,

Usually we'll go out for dinner and my girl usually eats dinner at the same time as us. V hard to make sure she has all her meals at home. :p

I got the foogo food jar liao... After adding in the shipping, it's about the same price as Lowfamily's. Maybe next time can get direct from lowfamily.

Yeah, car seats are so expensive! But I also tell my hubby that it's for bb's safety. My girl is definitely worth more than a carseat! But after installing her new carseat, there's almost no leg room for the front passenger. Any tall person sititng there will have to put his legs up to his chin! Hahaha.

hi star!

Things are usually cheaper in Amazon. The prob is the shipping costs, which can be v high. What i do is to look for the shipping weight in the prod description, convert to kg using web converters, and then go to the vpostsg website to estimate the shipping costs.

Different organisers differ in exchange rates charged, method of calculating shipping, freight forwarder used, and the pickup locations for the items.

The current exchange rate for credit cards is about 1.43, but most organiser will charge 1.45 first, and then maybe rebate later.

Some organisers will post all shipping info in the thread, some will email to inform the spreeists of their respective shipping without all shipping info. I guess you'll have to look see look see to find an organiser you're comfortable with.

hi star,

welcome to the thread. how old is ur bb?? boy or girl??

no prob. u can ask us anything .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for spree, heehee is the expert. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee,

oh i c.. then for you would be useful di. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah!! ur new seat so big ah? which one did u buy??

