BP Shopper

Hi heehee

thanks for ur concern!! sure will try to rest more this weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xuyue.. ya hoh.. i also wonder hottest thread got prize or not.. btw i can posted in overseas sprees liao!!! (probably this is the prize? coz juz received a notification email on it)

vivien.. agree agree.. if sahm, will hav $$$ issue.. if got one job whereby can earn good $$ and can stay at home .. good hoh.... (me start dreaming liao) i always want a job like that.. can earn $$ and at the same time can stay at home hahhahaha..... hah.. how abt being shareholder of a profitable company?? good idea hoh..

andver.. wah u can think very long oh.. really like pro la.. next time if we need helper sure will ask ur opinion.. esp on which agent to go to.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yes.. one question to ask u all.. what time ur bb sleep at night? coz realized that nowadays my bb sleeps quite late .. around 11pm!!! how to make her sleep earlier ah?


Hi Vivien,

Wah so shiok! Me feeling like sleeping oso...

Yah, my job not ask shiong as Janeh's... hee... cause i small fry mah. ;P

But hor even i working but if buy expensive stuff oso must ask permission wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Andver, wah you really think v far hor? I also didn't think about the helpers going home at the same time if they are sisters. Like what the other mummies say, you are quite pro le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Janeh, my bb sleeps at about 9pm through to next day 9am. But nowadays she's been sleeping later and later.

I try to keep the evenings quiet so that she won't be too hyper by bedtime. I try not to talk to her too much, play rough with her etc.

when it's bedtime, i will put on the lullabies cd, change her into pjs, sometimes give her pacifier. On good days, she will latch on me, drink, turn a bit here and there and then fall asleep.

sometimes when i feel v free, i will do some light massage for her cos she likes to be massaged. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moxuyue, hee, i also need to ask permission for big or small items. :p

But then hor, your hubby will also ask you for permission right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_smile.gif]

hi jane h,

i also wanna be shareholder of profitable company ler.. but who would find me to be one.. hahaha.. then nowadays share market so volatile i also dont dare buy. scared burnt...then will be worst no savings.. hahaha

my boy sleeps at 10.30pm. actually he can sleep earlier ard 10pm but just tat my hubby wanna see more of him. i have a routine for my boy. before bedtime i'll read him a 2-3 stories bring his favourite pillow let him hug on my bed. used to give him his pacifier too but then past few weeks i've stop giving him tat. so everytime after storytime and when i carry him in a sleeping position he will fake cry until i put him to his cot then he continue fake cry for 30 seconds then he'll sleep.

hi mo xuyue,

i think for expensive stuff, its courtesy to ask each other's opinion first right.. hehehe.. then if possible at least can use hubby's $$$ rather than our own ma...

hi everyone,

i also got a prob ler.. my boy these past few days will wake up middle of the nite to cry ler... but i dont go to him. then he'll sleep back after a while. i tot he would be used to it and sleep thru the nite, but instead he's been doing it everyday. do any of u have the prob? wat will u all do?

Hi viven, my ger started waking up in the middle of the night too recently. I sleep with her so i just shove her to my breasts and let her suckle to sleep. :p

I also don't know why she does that. But i noticed that if i give her a dinner of solids, she tends to sleep better, so don't know if she's waking up because she's hungry.

hi heehee,

last time when he was 6-7 mths he used to wake up ard 4 or 5am . he wasnt hungry. i brought him to my bed then he slept all the way thru. my hubby said he just wanna sleep with us. hehehe but i didnt wanna make it a habit for him so after a while i let him sleep in his cot thru the nite. he cry also let him be. but of cos if its too long kind then i'll see wats wrong.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh.. babies.. really donno wats on their mind.

Hi Janeh,

My bb sleep around 930pm. But sometimes if he take a nap at 7 or 8pm then will have to wait till around 11pm then sleep. If he refuse to sleep we'll switch off all the lights n lie on the bed with him n pretend to sleep. Normally he toss n turn a bit then fall asleep. Most of the time he'll drink milk n fall asleep at the same time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

My hubby seldom buy things for bb. He will buy "toys" for himself first then show me what he buy. Sigh... normally i don't care lor cause his $ wat. Not fair hor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Vivien,

Yah lor... i ask him but he don't ask me leh. He just bought another small computer... sigh...

My boy will oso make noise at night then we'll just pat awhile then he goes back to sleep. There was once he really wake up n stand in the cot n cry then we carry him to our bed n pat him to sleep. Will take longer time but still quite ok.

hi moxuyue,

guys are like tat i think,. my hubby also same. he used to say i buy a lot of things then i say mine all small amt.. like $10/$20 or even less.. but he spent one all are like $100-$200 lor.. hehehe... guys... but like u said its his $$ lor..

hmm.. oh so ur boy also same as mine.. i tot my boy something amiss. hehehe.. phew... yesterday he went for MMR jab cause in msia its given at 1 yr old. then he woke up at 5am lor.. faint... woke up cry and cry.. i think cause of the jab... everytime after jab also like tat.

hi all,

wanna ask any of ur child using cup to drink milk ah? i've been spoon feeding my boy since 11 mths old his milk then wanna do a transition but he just refuse to drink from the cup. tat time spoon feed him also cause he dont wanna use the btl and teats. alrdy tried using sippy cup, straw or just the cup itself liao.. i faint lor... he knows how to use all those methods but when i put milk in he just refuse. anyone got any idea wat i can do ah?

wah vivien, you spoonfeed your boy milk? You are really patient!

my girl drinks from the pigeon sippy cup with straw. Am hoping that she'll want to drink milk from it when i go back to work.

wah, i think i need to start expressing milk to put in the sippy cup liaoo.

vivien and moxuyue, guys buy big 'toys'. Us mummies usually buy 'small' and cheaper 'toys'. And these toys are usually for bbs! :p

Hi Vivien n heehee,

Yah lor... we buy for our bbs and they buy for themselves!

My bb still drink from milk bottle n he refuse to hold it by himself. If i let him drink from cup he'll blow bubbles. Sigh...

hi heehee,

u can try lor.. hehehe my boy love his pigeon sippy straw too.. but when i pour milk in then he dont drink.. faint.. hahaha... good luck to u. actually u can try to do it now bit by bit.

hi moxuyue,

hahaha.. ur boy so cute... each of us baby diff.. wish got a book to tell us all the answers. :p

hi all,

me just bought the baby signing book. anyone of u tried signing to ur bb ah?? actually since very young i signed the word 'milk' for my boy.. but he dont sign back one ler.. sianz...

now bought the book to learn to him to sign other things cause i only know how to sign milk. hahaha

hi vivien, am thinking of getting the baby signing book.

my girl she invented her own multi-purpose sign. She will wave to us whenever she wants us to feed her faster, carry her, or give her something. :p

mummies, i just saw the multipurpose shawl at plaza singapura's cold wear shop. It's selling for $15 and i bought some. The material is thick, ribbed cotton.

I was quite amazed when the salesgirl showed me the different ways of wearing. But now horr, i can only remember how to wear it as a normal shawl. Hahahah

hi heehee,

i got mine online. as good as brand new book and the mummy sold me for $10 incl postage only. just started reading today. quite interesting.

btw here's the site i posted.


prob u can get from the sellers at tat post. the one tat i bought did not post on the site she pmed me.

wow ur girl is fast. prob if u teach her the signs now she'll learn even faster. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi vivien, thanks lots for the link!

i think my ger ius v happy with her multipurpose sign, tried teaching her milk but she ignores me.

Hi Vivien,

Never tried signing but i don't think my boy will have the paitence to sit down n learn... :p

Hi heehee,

Sounds like a good buy! Will go shopping w my gf when she comes visit from perth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hiya ladies..

these few days getting queit hor.. hehehe guess jane h must be super busy with work while andver super busy with maid..

hi heehee and moxuyue,

my boy also no patience to see me sign ler.. hehehe so funny when i sign to him he just continue with wats he's doing eg play his toys. like ignore me lor.. hahaha

read fr the bk tat usually start to sign around 6 mths. i guess maybe now my boy not keen since didnt start him from young.

morning ladies!!

how was the weekend? donno what i'm busy with these days also.. dont even have time to shop at bp thread. anything to recommend ah?

morning! Been busy preparing food for my ger. Am going to start her on meat liaoo...

Haven't looked at bp for a long time. Wanted to get a hairband with wig for my ger, but all sold out. :p

Hi Vivien,

Yah lor... year end everyone seems busier. You busy with spring cleaning? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me very busy over wkend to clear more things. Everytime i pack oso got things to throw... the things we keep is really a lot!! Scary...

Me going to Bintan Lagoon on 8Jan to 10Jan. Got OCBC promo. Villa for 7 persons is only $339 per night inclusive of breakfast. heehee.... Happie Happie!! :D

Hi heehee,

I think a lot of shops got sell hairband with wig. Saw it at the shop selling hair accessories in Toa Payoh interchange. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You must be very excited to start her on solids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies!

moxuyue, haven't started spring cleaning. The thought of it gives me headache. My stuff at my parents place can give me nightmares! You v hardworking leh!

yeah, it was quite fun when i first started her on solids. But now that she's on 2 meals a day, and going to start on meat, preparing her food, bathing her, and getting her to sleep takes up the whole day!

thanks for the tip on the wigs! You know how much they sell them outside?

Hi heehee,

I no choice cause my bro moving house and pass his old wardrobe n chest of drawers to my mum so gotta clear my old wardrobe n desk to make way for it. Actually still got a few bags that i threw everything in and tied up. Need to go through n clear... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yah...more things to do then just drink milk. In the begining i will forgot to cook on time for bb.... I use slow cooker to make porridge for him and need to start 2hrs in advance so sometime miss it so skip n let him drink milk... :p

I don't know how much they selling. Only see cute cute but not buying so didn't check out the price... :p

hi everyone,

me busy with cleaning liao.. bit by bit.. yesterday went my dad's house to clear a bit of my stuff here and there cause next year my bro is planning to get married, still so many things left.. sianz.. somemore brought my boy over as well.. he so naughty everything also wanna take and eat.. faint... not easy to spring clean with him around...

then tmr will be up to kl di. hehehe friday is a public holiday in msia so hubby plan to take the whole family up to kl... so we plan to go day earlier to avoid jam.


wow so shiok hor.. btw how long is the boat ride from sg to bintan? never been there myself. for the price really cheap ler.. 7 ppl means u will be bringing whole family or sharing with frens??

just saw the bp.. me too late liao.. so many oos..

hi heehee,

yealor more work once bb start on eating more.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so how is she coping with solid? when giving fish becareful of the bones ler..

Hi Vivien,

Wah, hard working leh! Actually CNY only 2 mths away and that is only 8weekends for us working so not much time if wanna do spring cleaning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My son oso put everything in his mounth... wonder how old then will stop doing it...

So nice going to kl. I love shopping there! Where you staying? U know the famous hokkien mee at che chiong kai? Use charcoal to fry one, my favourite!! yum yum... :p**

The boat ride is 1 hr from Singapore and Bintan is one hour behind us. Me going with my parents, brother n ah yee n my mum's friend. Will BBQ there... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The bebemom BP t-shirt quite nice and so i buy bigger size... hee... Hopefully the quality will be good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a nice trip k!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear all..

wah.. so quiet recently ya??

ya lor.. i m super busy with work.. year end mah...

wah.. xuyue.. so good ah.. u go vacation!! enjoy ya!!

heehee & vivien .. u all so hardworking oh.. me not even start the spring cleaning.. may b dont intend to do so too.. hhaaaha

Hi All

Have been very busy and no time to catch up with you all. Will drop-by again to chat with you all when i've more time ya.

Merry xmas to all of you in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my ger doesn't like porridge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Is it because i didn't puree the porridge?

I made the watery type for her, but i think it's not gooey enough for her cos she was gagging.

Hi Janeh,

Yah lor... very quiet leh.... me going vacation on 8Jan so still 3 wks away. Vivien going KL today.

Hi Andver,

So long no news... hope your maids are good and your ger likes them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

The porridge i make for my boy not watery, a bit thick and i put pork(my palm size) so the porridge taste quite good but i only let him eat a little of the pork(bb's palm size). Try put sweet potato or carrot or pumpkin for a start cause its sweet.

Don't worry, maybe try a few times then she'll start to like. Its a new taste so they need some time to get use to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Just received the toy piano!! I haven't seen it yet. So excited!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

I was at Toa payoh last night n saw hair clips with wigs but don't have hairband with wigs. The hair clips have quite a few designs, some with little hats and some with flowers. A pair is from $2.90 to $5.90. Quite cute oso. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The shop is just beside Watson at Toa Payoh Interchange. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moxuye, thanks for the tips on porridge. Yah, i think i will make the porridge thicker.

will check out the hair clips when i go to toa payoh!

V busy, just installed a new cooker hob, stove and oven today. The old ones died a long time ago, so haven't really cooked for a few months liao... Heehee

You know how to play the piano? So good! Can play for your boy. Me music idiot. :p

Hi heehee,

You can use slow cooker to cook the porridge oso. Need longer time but don't need to watch the fire. When i cook over the stove my porridge most of the time will over flow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I cannot play the piano but it comes with a booklet with a few nursery rhymes so i just follow n play. Quite fun. Up to date, i played more than my son. He'll just walk by n hit the keys a few times then walk away, if i'm playing sometimes he'll come n disturb. My sis's ger seems more interested with it then my boy. :p

hi ladies,

am back.. enjoyed the trip.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad tat my in laws went up as well. at least someone to care for my boy too. think this trip my boy and my mother in law enjoy most. hahaha my mil bought her cny clothes liao. then my boy run here and there.. hahaha... but hor traffic was horrible in kl.. its even worst than the causeway jam lor. after going to kl realised causeway jam just piece of cake di.. hahaha

hi moxuyue,

i stayed at my bro in laws house. he's working in kl and has an apartment there somewhere jln duta. so we saved on lodging and can spend more on food and shopping.. hehehe... oh the petaling strt hokkien mee is really famous. eaten it before previous trip but not tis time round.

now tat u mentioned, cny is in less than 2 mths time. wow time sure passed by very fast.... and i havent finish my spring cleaning ler... with my speed i think i may not be in time di. after this kl trip even more lazy.

ur bintan trip sure sound fun with so many ppl.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think ur boy still young to enjoy the piano. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you sis's ger is older?

hi jane h,

hehehe no need spring cleaning also ok la.... for me if its not cause my bro is planning to get married next year i also lazy lor.. hahaha

when i hear tat you are busy it sure sounds scary cause you really can be very busy... take care yea.. and enjoy and have a relaxing holiday yea.

hi heehee,

for bb porridge maybe u can try to cook to the texture she likes. cause for my boy. initially he likes it pureed until very watery like those bb food. so i'll cook the porridge + meat (towards the last 10 minutes only add in vege) then pour everything in blender blend till watery. then after a while he likes it as it is... so i dont blend but just mashed the meat and vege. then he likes it watery again. then i blend again. then now he likes it as it is so i dont blend as of today lor.. i know some bb dont like porridge at all. eg those rice in soup kind. so to each other their own.

same as moxuyue, i too used sweet potato or carrot or pumpkin to add in the porridge

as for me i didnt put in slow cooker cause i dont have one. wat i used is the electrical steamer. for brown rice have to steam longer than white rice. i agree with moxuyue tat if cook over the stove very risky cause have to watch out tat the water dont overflow. else u can use stove but do the steaming method instead.

hi andver,

you must be busy with the holiday and your maid issue huh.. hehehe hope everything goes well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

merry christmas in advance to you too!!

Hi Vivien,

Make me feel like going to KL oso. Yah, the traffic there is terrible, normally i'll stay at Bejaya Time Sq so we only walk.

I oso think Bintan trip will be fun and very relaxing cause will just stay inside the resort. Some more my parents and ah yee n another auntie going so got ppl to take care of my boy.... hahaha...

At the Arena sales I bought 3 sets of swim suit and my mum can wear same size as me. Think can give another set to her friend if she wanna swim at the resort. Feel so worth it! :D

My sis's ger is 2mths younger than my boy. Maybe ger likes piano more... :p

Hi Mo_xuyue & Vivien

I'm in genting now, going back tomorrow. Ya lor, so busy with maids and bb... Catch up with you all again ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Andver!!

Wah, holiday oso. Have fun!!

Hope to see you online again soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moxuyue,

yealor.. the good thing about having parents going along with us on a trip is tat there are ppl taking care of bb ... hehehe.. then at least we can enjoy the trip too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ur sis;s ger is younger huh.. hmm.. i guess girls really likes piano more...

btw now to thermal swimsuit promo ler


my hubby asked me to plan for a trip during cny.. then go china hkg sure lotsa shops close.. then he asked me to check on australia.. air ticket alone from budget airline is almost close to the one from SIA lor.. faint..

anyone got any suggestions where to go for cny trips ah??

hi andver,

wow you are on a holiday too huh.. hehehe... hope you had a wonderful trip.

hi ladies, v busy nearing Christmas! Just installed grills and mosquito screens. Can finally open my windows liaoo...

hi vivien, thanks for the tips on porridge making. My ger got diarrheoa the past 2 days, so am just giving her cereals.

cny trip? So lucky! Yeah, like what moxuyue suggested, maybe a cruise? If not, then maybe to places like bintam or batam and stay and relax at the resorts?

I bought 2 wetsuits for my ger during the arena sale. So now she has 3, don't think I'll be getting any for her till the next arena sale!

hi andver, enjoy your hols! Hope your maids are learning on the job! :p

btw, do you have any prob with the new goon diapers? The ones i bought from cold storage have indicators that don't work at all! So I don't know if the diaper is wet or not.

Have decided to switch to pampers active since pampers is cheaper now.

hi moxuyue, wah the link you posted made my hands itch!

So many toys! Am eyeing the cars/ bicycles, the pretend kitchens and the swings. Basically almost everything! Heehee!

But their outdoor playsets are v expensive! I think more suitable for childcare horr.

Am really tempted to get the pretend play sets cos i've read in a few books that pretend play is v good for children in learning how to talk.

Hi heehee,

Me too... but really very expensive... I'll love to play with the kitchen set myself... hahaha.... I think there are cheaper version but made in china but quality not good n not as nice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The bed looks good too. Think i'll get the twin bed when bb outgrow the bb cot. My bro got one pass me down from my uncle who got it from another friend and now still very good! Old but still strong... Good quality! Good investment! Think should be around ten yrs liao!

Hi Vivien & Mo_Xuyue

I'm back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... Its quite bored for me in genting cos i don't go casino and not much things to shop there & this is my 3rd time there this year. But i must say the weather is nice this round and the xmas mood is great. They have xmas caroling in all the hotels at nite and my bb enjoyed it. She even swayed and danced as carol groups sang, ha...

Hi Heehee

I didn't managed to buy the GOO.N diapers in cold storage cos no time to go there. My friend told me pampers active is good too and value for price. I'm using Huggies pants & Mamy Poko pants now.. so far so good too.

hi everyone,

i was in sg yesterday.. omg.. orchard area so jam lor... faint.. then so many ppl so crowded.. really ppl mountain ppl sea even during office hours. i think a lot of ppl are on leave and in a holiday mood . then causeway jam all the way from sg to jb... faint again..... scared to see jam.. hahaha..

hi andver,

wow you've really been to genting many times ler. i hardly go there myself cause am afraid it'll be very crowded. would think my boy would enjoy when he's older when he can enjoy the theme park activities. hehehe i do agree with you tat the weather is much nicer and cooler..

hi heehee and moxuyue,

cruise , bintan and batam sounds great ler.. but hor my hubby gets seasick easily tats why can't have anything to do with boat ride. i told him cruise should be ok.. but he dont dare to take the risk. so cant liao.. he'll get airsick as well but he'll take his medicine before the flt.

thailand sounds like a good idea. will go check out the prices during cny

Goon diaper got indicator one ah?? so high tech ah? how does it work?? never seen this brand in jb before. in jb very often mamy poko has promo which is even cheaper than pampers active. so i use mp as well

i saw the little tikes site di. the outdoor playset so nice... so tempted but impossible with tat price.. day dream enough liao...hahaha...think the haenim big block is good enough... in jusco jb there are those little tikes car lookalike trolley. my boy loves to ride it. so save $$ i'll just bring him there for the ride.. hehehe.. i saw the cheaper version of the kithcen, dressing table, doll house sold at the john little expo sales the other time. made in china so much cheaper lor... but all pink color so i think meant for girls.

btw have u all got a car seat for your kids? i was told robinsons having a sales till 25th dec. then britax safe and sound guardian only selling for $199.. apparently this seat can even sit from birth to 4yrs old.


Hi everyone!!

Merry Christmas n Happy new year in advance!!

hahha..think i had been missing for quite some time hoh..... no choice la.. terribly busy esp year end...

saw the little tikes site too.. the toys look great!! even i want to play the so-called dummy sets!! but itz too costly!!

wah... everyone goes on holidays!! wish i can, but i think i will be in Singapore coz cannot afford to take leave now... scare cannot finish my work..however, monday will be on leave as itz baby's centre's closure day.

howz everything now? any BP to shop? hahha.. i recently bought a japanese sleeping bag from this bp:


but the sleeping bag is very very small leh.. not sure if is of the correct measurement.. it states as 100/110 so i tot itz 100cm.. am i right about this?? regret for not asking about the measurement before purchase.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

