BP Shopper

hi jane h,

you enjoy your leave this time k.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm as for the sleeping bag, i also would think tat its 100cm.. why dont u pm them to ask about it cause its quite misleading for them to put it like tat.

Andver, your ger so cute!

xuyue and janeh, me too! I also want to play with the toys myself! Hahah! Last time where got so many toys to play with? ;p

vivien, yeah, actually I buy goon because of the indicators. The old indicator line will change from blue to pink when the diaper is wet. The new one is supposed to fade off. But it never fades off, not even when i put it under running water!

My poor ger has been complaining about her wet diapers and we were wondering why she was making so much noise when her diaper wasn't wet. :p

janeh, the 100cm means that it's for bbs around 100cm tall?

maybe you can ask the seller if you can exchange for a bigger size? Usually the sellers are quite nice about such exchanges.

hi vivien, christmas day was quite quiet. Just went out for lunch and dinner. :p

Now trying to lose weight so that i will look nicer in my mayuki clothes. :p The dresses look so nice on the models but my tummy gets in the way.

Sianzz, don't know what to wear for new year.

morning everyone!!

hi heehee,

wow i never know goon diaper so high tech one ah.. hehehe... must be expensive right. how much is it per pack/pcs

my x-mas also quiet lor... xmas eve countdown with my boy in our dreams.. hahaha.. think it'll be the same for 31st dec.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u can try these site too for clothes



i find their clothes much better in quality and it didnt differ too much from wat the models are wearing.

hi vivien, goon costs about 23.20 for 44 pcs, i think.

actually the quality of the mayuki clothes is quite good, much better than the china website. But the thing is, their dresses come in only 1 size and I keep forgetting that I'm not slim like the models anymore! Hahahaha.

thanks for the links, the clothes are nice and reasonably priced! but horr, it took me some time to figure out how to use the website.

hi heehee,

wow the goon diapers sure expensive...

mayuki clothes bought a few but quite dissapointed also.. hehehe sometimes internet purchase although convenient but can be quite risky.

hi everyone..

wow so quiet these days.. everyone on leave huh!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw anyone wanna get the japan playyard 4 panels at $105?? cause recently i participated at the haenim auction. just for fun(my bid price only $25). hehehe.. so koreacraze gave a surprise and said all the 12 mummies who participated in tat particular auction can purchase it at tat price. if any of u keen just let me know. as for me, anything more than $25 i cannot make it liao



hi vivien, aiyah, i should have waited hor before getting another 4 panels. :p

btw, i bought a pair of tights from the link you posted. Turned out that the seller also sells the bb hairband with wig that i was looking for. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have bought one for my ger cos my mum keeps telling me to buy more hairbands for my bb.

hi vivien and heehee..

for the sleeping bag, the bp organiser said it is not meant to cover legs.. so never mind lo.. i just let bb wear like that..

oh ya.. talking abt play yard.. my bb now doesnt like to stay inside liao.. since she knows how to walk, she will come out and walk around but doesnt want to be inside.. unless we r in with her.. does any of you face same situation?

also hoh.. have any of ur bb start to talk?

hi janeh,

my ger doesn't like to stay in the play yard for too long unless someone is inside with her. :p

My ger can point to my dog and say 'dog'. But she only performs once a day, and if we try to make her talk more, every living thing becomes a 'dog' too! Hahahah. The rest of the time she just babbles happily to herself.

hi heehee,

alamak.. so wasted.

if i got girl also i sure let her wear from young. hehehe.. cause i saw them wearing the hairbands so cute.. hehehe

my boy not used to wearing a hat since he was born. i bought the beanie for him when he was bout 8 mths old.. then everytime i put it on for him he'll just pull it down.. sigh... now i tell myself tat my next one i sure will let bb get used to it. hehehe... then he's not used to wearing shoes too, it took a few days before he got used to it. only started letting wear shoe when he learnt to walk.

hmmm, weird leh... i thought sleeping bags are meant to be bags and bb's legs are supposed to be inside?

so the end of the sleeping bag is open? Like that, isn't it a pj instead? Wah, like that hor, next time must avoid this organiser liaoo.

hi jane h

funny organiser. i also tot sleeping bag suppose to be covering whole leg ler. quite misleading ler.

my playyard purpose is for him to take his nap inside with me. so no prob for me yet. when he wakes up he'll just hang around the play area at another corner until i come get him which usually isnt very long. sometimes he'll just shout for me too.


my boy havent started talking ler.. just the usual baby talk.. but when he's close to my hubby then he'll say babababa.. tats all.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

y ur girl started talking liao ah??

Hi heehee

wah.. ur girl so fast ah.. can say 'dog'? mine one only 'papa', 'mama' sometimes lo.. then not sure is coincidence or what, she said 'star' when we r in the cinema watching chipmunks...coz the carpet got stars... but hoh.. dont think will bring her to watch movie next time.. hai hai.. first time watched christmas carol she shouted here n there, only concentrate for half an hour.. for chipmunks, her attention is longer, abt one hour...then cried again..

ya lo.. the sleeping bag now is like towel leh.. i cover bb when she sleeps.. hahha.. look quite funny..

hi vivien

ya.. u should let ur future bb to wear hat since birth.. like mine, i like mine wear hat and beanie since she was young. so now used to it liao.. we will let her wear when she goes out.

not sure if my baby starts to talk leh.. but hoh.. PD said before when bb is 15 months, average words is 15 leh!!

make us so stress oh..

hi vivien, your boy is cute! My ger still doesn't nap in the play yard. In fact, it's getting harder and harder for her to nap and sleep now that she's learnt how to crawl and sit up on her own.

Hi janeh, my ger can only say 'dog' with meaning. She doesn't say 'mummy' or 'daddy' with meaning yet. :p She will go 'babababa' and 'mamamama' but she will say it for fun, and not to call me or my hubby.

I think young bbs got v short attention span, so maybe your ger will enjoy the movies more when she's older? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, averages are just numbers. Some bbs will talk more, some will talk less, but by the time they are 3 or 4, most will talk fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I stopped stressing over averages cos my ger's weight has always been on the low side, and she's been slow to crawl and stand. :p I just keep telling myself that as long she hits the milestones, and is healthy and happy, then good enuf liaooo. :p Wah, if not hor, every night also can't sleep. Heehee.

I think we should only start to worry if our bbs don't really talk by 2 and a half years old, cos usually by then, they should be using 2-word sentences.

almost forgot why i wanted to post here. Heeheehee.

I just bought this bowl from the brand Boon. The suction at the bottom of the bowl is v good; really can't be removed by bb, but v easy to remove by adults. When we want to remove the bowl, we can just use our nails to loosen the suction pad.

Got it for $15 from Motherswork at Tanglin Mall, but i think you can get it from other places also.

I also like the fact that it's bpa, pvc and phthlate-free, and has got this 'wing' that will help prevent spillage when bb is feeding herself.



May you all have a wonderful new year ahead and enjoy good health and lots of laughter. May all babies grow up healthy smart and guai guai!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Missing in action for the whole week... Got training in the office pass 3 days so cannot come online... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi heehee,

Wah, the suction bowl sounds good. Will try to go there to take a look!

Last time pampers oso got indicator but the new batch don't have liao. But hor actually don't need lah. I just touch the diapers lor. If got pee will be thick n heavy.

Pampers promo at ntuc n cold storage end liao but i think guardian may still have. I saw last week its $44.90 for 2packs of L size(60 per pack).

Hi Janeh,

I already open up the play yard cause bb refuse to stay inside liao. Its like an "n" pattern liao, 4 panels with activities n no doors. But hor I'm planning to put up another 4 panels in the bedroom for bb to sleep on the floor later cause bb cot seems too small liao and i afraid he'll fall from bed. So now i'm thinking of getting another smaller playmat to put on the floor then put the mattress on top for bb. My floor not wood one so can be quite cold.


As mention above the playmat promo quite attractive but wonder should i get another one or just use the old one... :p

My hubby oso will get seasick one but cruise he ok. Actually really cannot feel that you're on a ship one. No need to worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

My boy oso cannot speak yeh... Only know "mum mum" want food. :p

My mother say i only start talking at 3yrs old... so maybe my boy take after me... but hor hopefully not so long lah...

Hi Vivien,

Your boy looks happy. Cute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moxuyue, thanks for the well-wishes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy new year to all of you ladies too!

Supposed to go to my bro's place at marina to see the fireworks, but not going cos got road block and worried my ger will get too tired. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi jane h,

wah 15mths 15 words ah.. stress ler... dont think my boy will be tat fast. but he seems to understand wat we are saying.. so should be ok...at least he's responsive...when i ask him where is his head then he'll point his head. then put arms up then he;ll put arms up etc, all depends on his mood too.. mood good then he'll perform. mood no good.. he dont care lor.. hahaha

hi heehee,

wow ur girl so fast can say dog ah.. mine understand wats dog only but still not saying out.. hehehe

the bowl seems like a good buy. is there any other outlet other than tanglin mall ah?

the tutu skirt also nice.. hopefully my next one is a girl. hehehe..

i've never bought from the bp u mentioned before. i'm also worried bout the quality issue. buying for CNY??

hi moxuyue,

aiyoyo.. year end still got training ah.. ask ur boss to give u all a break la.. hehehe..

hmmm.. u opened up the playyard then when ur boy leans on it will it topple?? cause i realized the suction at the bottom of the playyard isnt tat good ler.

use the playyard as a playpen is good idea.. like my case lor. but have to put the playmat ler.. cause really very cooling if its not parquet. playyard big enough and wont be afraid ur boy will fall. i've already trained my boy tat he knows how to get down from a bed by himself . even sofa he can climb down himself. but just afraid tat if i put him to his own bed he'll roll down unknowingly to the floor whle sleeping hence dropped the idea first.

i saw one mummy put the playmat beside her child's bed too. cause even when child is older sometimes while sleeping they will roll down to the floor too. so the playmat in the playyard next time can put beside the bed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] with the sales going on u can consider getting an extra one.

hi vivien, my ger can only say 'dog'. :p

i think the boon bowl can get from mums and babes from united square and amk hub, and the first few years at paragon and kk hospital. Motherworks can also be found at great world city.

yeah, actually i think our bbs understand more than what they can say. Now they don't speak, scaraly, next time when they speak, it will be like pi li pa la, cannot stop liao. Hahaha!

yeah loh, still don't know what to buy for cny.

new member here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope that you all will welcome me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thinking of what to buy for your princess, can go to mini princess shop. their stuff very pink pink and very sweet. they have very nice dresses too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mine is a boy so yet to be able to patronise them but my boy loves to go there to shop shop. hope they will have a mini prince shop soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

their outlets:

BISHAN - 6253 8336

CHANGI AIRPORT T2 - 6545 2818

CITY SQUARE - 6509 1043

hi pinkiepenguin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, I just received the wig hairband that i got for my ger.

Don't think can let her wear the hairband cos the 'hair' on the left side is so much more than the 'hair' on the right side. If I let her wear the wig, it'll look v lopsided. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Going to mail the seller and see if i can exchange for another one.

hi heehee,

yealor.. usually kids are like tat, like u said once they start talking they'll be talking none stop.. hahaha

so how?? did the seller say she's open for exchange. i didnt know tat the wig hairband will have such prob.. if my next one is a girl and i buy hairband i'll take note liao..

hi pinkiepenguin,

welcome to the thread!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh how old is ur boy?? mine is 13 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the rest of the member

jane h- should be busy with her work now

moxuyue- i think this week she's on a holiday.

andver- busy with her new maids.

as for heehee and i, we are still sahm at the moment. wat bout u??

The seller says i can exchange for another one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Waiting for the new piece and sending the old one back to her.

The previous one that i bought from another seller for my girl was quite nice and the hair looked quite real. But my ger pulled out one side of the hair liaooo...

Hi heehee,

The tutu skirt is cute!! This BP seller oso got very nice girl's clothes...

When is your girl's birthday? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me don't get clothes online for myself cause no perfect figure and the models all look so small size... :p

I was thinking u just cut off the extra hair from the hairband... but good lah the seller willingly to exchange. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien,

The training is good lah. Got new tools to make my work easier... heehee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I place the playyard against the furniture so won't topple. Actually i find the suction doesn't work leh...

Me oso train my boy to get down from bed liao but if sleep sure fall one cause he turn a lot when sleeping.

Hubby don't wanna get another one leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Me haven't go on holiday, its 8jan to 10jan. This week busy... :p

Hi pinkiepenguin,

Welcome! Welcome! The more the merrier! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moxuyue,

The extra hair is all stuck together, so cannot cut off without destroying the whole thing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But the seller is v efficient, has sent the new one to me in exchange.

My ger's turning 1 in march. Still haven't planned anything yet. :p

Yah, I think it's also safer for me to buy clothes that i can try on. I bought a skirt from this seller zizimo on gmarket.com.sg. The quality is good, but the pricing I feel is only okay... And the best thing is, I can wear it without looking like a bak chang. Now the prob is I don't have a top to wear with it. :p

hi vivien, the suction actually stopped working for me after the first day. But it doesn't really affect me yet, cos i still put the playyards on the mat.

if anyone of you buys stuff like desitin, toothpaste, or sunblock for your bbs, can get from this seller littlethinkies.

Bought stuff from him/her twice, and the delivery was v prompt and the goods were received in good condition. The pricing is quite good too.

Hi heehee,

Oh... that i didn't know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think most of the BP seller here quite nice and efficient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will you let your girl choose things when she turn one? I did and my boy choose chinese calligraphy brush then piano then he use the brush to poke at chicken drumstick. He was given 3 chance. I think Andver daughter pick airplane. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Interesting and just for fun lor.

I bought desitin, vicks babyrub n Lucas Papaw from http://tiny-shop.blogspot.com/. Price oso quite ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi everyone!

was in sg on wednesday. to fetch my bro in law to airport.. then took my maclaren to fix tat thing which was reported in the news. collected my playmat and my other bb stuff.. really tiring day...

and so many things a bp section again.. shop until almost got no time to come here.. hehehe.... actually more of window bp shop... luckily mine is a boy.. if girl i think i'll go broke soon or i'll have to get a job soon. hahaha

then today my boy coughing.. sigh.. cough while sleeping then he vomit out his milk.. so messy and he so poor thing. hope he'll be ok soon.

hi moxuyue,

today's ur trip right.. hope you have a nice trip!! do update us whether its fun or not k.. ur hubby also seasick right.. heheh better ask him to pop novomin before the ride. it'll be much better. have fun!!!

hi heehee,

march is in 2 more mths.. u must be thinking so fast hor,.. hehehe... u could do wat andver and moxuyue did for fun.. hehehe i didnt do it.. cause totally forgot bout it. i had a party for my boy.. and it was like havoc for me lor..

oh.. the playmat i bought isnt big enough for the playyard.. just nice can fill up the inner part of the yard. i chose not to buy the big one cause tot i wanted the suction to be on the floor.. who knows the suction cup just for show. hahaha

the seller is so nice to do an exchange for you. can keep note of her excellent service liao.

hmm.. u've got a skirt di ah.. the top should be quite easy right... why not buy a cheongsam top to go with the skirt... can wear for cny then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear all,

it's me here.. hhahhaa.. vivien knows me so much.. ya me as usual busy with work.. now hubby starts to complain liao.. coz always is him who pick up bb at the center... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eh.. the play yard got suction meh? how come i never realise.. hmm.. will go home n check out.

xuyue... u enjoy ur holidays..

heehee..vivien, i also didnt ask my bb to choose when she turned 1 coz totally dunno abt it.. hhahha.. u mean u buy all those things and ask bb to choose? what are other things? me very 'sua ku', dont really know abt traditional things.. hehehehe

aiyo.. vivien, did u feed too much milk for ur boy? poor thing.. must massage massage liao

btw me also work too hard till my neck problem came back.. now thinking abt going to massage this weekend..

hah... i also bought from little thinkies and tiny shop.. both got good service n prices.. sometimes tiny shop will hav promo..

tutu skirt? look very cute but i m not sure when to let bb wear it.. coz if ask her to wear during shopping, looks weird leh.. somemore not sure can wear till how big.

anyway, heehee.. how does the headband with wig work? cute on bb? i bought carter's headband from mothercare last week coz i accidentally cut bb fringe till became disaster :p it works well with my bb.. but i m not sure abt the one with wig, scare my bb will pull n eat it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think andver still busy with maid issue hoh.. long time didnt c her here...

ok la.. got to stop here ..

hi moxuyue, thanks for the link. Now got somewhere to buy from if i can't find any bps for sunblock and desitin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi vivien, your boy v poor thing hor? Wah, my heart aches like crazy when my girl pukes. I can't bear to see bbs sick; I always feel that they are v ke lian. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

aiyah, my girl's bday bash still waiting for my finance director (hubby) to approve leh. Plans are still hanging there.

Don't know where to get the top, cos the skirt i bought is a floral flare skirt. Quite hard to match with the cny tops. And cny tops are so fitting, my tummy can't fit in. Hahaha.

hi janeh, the hairband is the thick type with two tufts of hair by the ears. So your girl will look like she has long, curly hair.

I'm always tickled by the sight of my girl in the hairband. And pple always think that it's her real hair and will go 'so cute, so cute!' before they realise that it's a wig! Hahahah.

But i seriously think that bb girls will look v nice in such hairbands. I also have normal hairbands for my girl, but she just look so cute in the wigs! The next time I see the hairbands, will bulk buy if the quality is good.

My girl used to guai guai wear the hairbands, but nowadays she will try to pull the wig apart!

The tutu skirts are really quite nice leh. I received mine liao. The only thing is that the ribbon is clipped on and not sewn on for the skirt.

You can consider buying for your girl. My girl looks so adorable in the tutu skirt, that is until she tries to tear the skirt to pieces. :p

I've seen angmohs let their kids wear the tutu skirts when they go grocery shopping. Hahaha. Intend to let my girl do that to maximise the use of the skirt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy is 21 months old already. getting more & more mischevious. so difficult to handle him nowadays.

i also check out the tutu skirt. so pretty. asked my boy if he wants to try and he says yes. ha ha ha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think his father will kill me if i buy a piece of the tutu skirt and let my boy wear. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jane h,

wa u really work until so late ah.. if my hubby i think he'll complain too lor...

i think ur playyard suction also not working well so never realized there is a suction at all right.. hehehe...

as for my boy.. i didnt feed him much ler.. just the normal or until when he stops himself. he'll vomit once when he takes his nap and start coughing at tat sleeping position. faint... u r right massage does him good.. so i did it too.. but still cough a bit during his nap.. and tat is the killer for me... vomit like merlion lor.. hahaha

u didnt get the tutu skirt ah.. i saw those bp's really so cute ler.. and affordable too.. i remmeber during our times these skirts are damn expensive lor..

these days really so many bps.. but glad the ones tat we bought didnt give us problem... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yealor i think andver really busy liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee,

yealor see bb sick very pitiful. worst is my hubby sick my bb sick... i also kelian myself.. last week was like taking care of them both only lor.. faint.. but my bb's speed of recovery much faster than my hubby and my hubby had to go see doctor and gulped down so many cough syrup lor..

we are quite lucky as our bb are drinking full bm.so their antibodies are quite high. even though will fall sick but will recover very fast. even for my boy i've never let him take any medicine except for the liquid panadol for kids if he's got a fever. other than tat i'll try anything natural to let him recover on his own. and to my delight today he's finally ok... phew...

hmmm. floral flare skirt huh.. then would be nicer to go with something plain liao....should be easy to find that right with so many sales ard.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy likes to play with my hairband too.. he will always bring it for me to wear.. then when i wear it on his head then he'll giggle.. then pull it off and put on my head again.. so funny.. even comb he'll bring it to my hair to comb for me.. hahaha... so can understand how ur girl will like to pull her hairband wig.. think she finds it alien to her....

the tutu skirt sure damn cute lor.. go ahead let her wear to shopping.. sure very cute one lor.. hehehe envy envy...

oh the books really worth it huh... will go check it out after this then .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pinkiepenguin,

3 more mths and ur boy turning 2 liao.. so shiok...

ur boy so cute will wanna try the skirt ah,, hehehe.. same like u i also wanted to let him try one.. but my hubby will kill me too.. hahaha

btw are u a ftwm or sahm??


hi vivien,

har?? where got shiok? i think i still prefer him to be below 6 months old. now he everything also wan to touch, everything also wan to play. really faint ah.. but one thing good is that he seems to understand those things that i told him. he talks quite a lot also. quite fun to play with him. ha ha

my boy loves to try clothing. so sometimes if got nothing to do, i will just bring him to shopping centres and let him try the clothing there. he simply loves it. very vain one, you know?

oh, i am a SAHM. wanted to go back to work after my boy is like 6 months+ but hor.. can't bear to leave him with someone else. so stayed at home to look after him till now.

what abt you?

