BP Shopper

hi florence,,

wow ur girl really milk queen ler.. 1.8kg is a lot lor.. mine just finish 900g lor.. faint.... no wonder u bring whole tin.. hehehe

my boy is 14mths. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi moxuyue and andver,

think these days bb's catching virus quite common. my boy was also sick (flu and cough)in the beginning of the year... faint.. tat time bb and hubby both sick.. siong lor.. surprisingly for me from pregnant till now havent sick lor.. touch wood .. hehehe... my boy got no fever so i didnt bring him to a pd.. just let him recover on his own.. but see him cough until vomit really heartache.

hi andver n moxuyue,

wats lingyang? is it a chinese herb?? how to use it?? can teach me?? when he got fever i just make him those china barley water and give him liquid panadol.

Hi Vivien,

Wah, you strong girl leh. I sick many time last yr but lucky just normal flu and recover quite fast. Yah lor, heartache to see them sick and uncomfortable.

Lingyang is a chinese herb, its the horn of a kind of deer. Can buy in most chinese herb shop. But there are different grade one, good one about $10 a pack. Must double boil for about an hour. It look like very thin strips of paper, white in colour. My mum buy the horn itself and scrape the horn with metal ruler.

Hi Florence,

Wah, i tot my boy finish 900g in 10 days is a lot liao! How much your daughter drink each time? Hoow many time a day?

My boy is 15mth next week.

Hi Vivien,

Oh... you didn't know. I bet the dentist must be surprised too. Okie... think i should start giving him sippy cup liao. What brand u using?

Good leh, your boy ok after jab. Feel better hearing this but i'll let him go jab after CNY. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'll let him take pneumococal jab after 2yr old. If below 2yr must jab twice, after 2yr only once. It is a compulsary jab now for bb born now.

mo_xuyue (mo_xuyue) : 180ml - 4 scoops.

7am - 180ml

8.30am before cc - 180ml

12pm - 180ml

6.30pm before dinner - 180ml

9.00pm - 180ml

12am - 180ml

3 or 4am - 180ml

Sometimes before bed will ask for somemore after finishing her 180ml. wahaha on weekends drink more coz cc only allow her to drink once in school! :S

hi moxuyue,

ur mum really hardworking lor. nxt time i;ll go try if he has a fever (hope not).. btw wat do u mean by double boil?? me not good at chinese medicine.

for the sippy cup i used avent ones. spill proof..hehehe.. btw u can try the pigeon one too... cause i was told by my fren tat the pigeon one they have this which they sell it in a set where there is teat, a sippy spout and the straw set. for my pigeon magmag i just bought the one with straw only.

for the pneumococal jab i was told by the pd actually best for bb below 2 yrs old cause their immune system is still weak. i guess tats why there;s 2 jabs. this jab in msia is very expensive.. so i dont think the govt will make it compulsory yet.

hi florence,

wow.. ur girl really drinks a lot of milk ler.. if got competition i think she sure win lor.hehehe... so weekends most of ur time spent making milk for her lor??.. hehehe .. no wonder u say she can finish 1.8kg in a week... faint....ur milk powder $$$ sure very siong lor.. come jb buy la.. will save you a lot... midnite still wake up to drink milk ah?? faint... must be tiring for you ... btw u are working mummy or stay home mummy?

Hi Florence,

7 times a day, no wonder!

My boy drink 210ml-7scoops about 4 times. He drink Nan3 and one scoop is 30ml water. Did you dilute your milk powder cause yours is 45ml for a scoop.

Vivien : [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3567793.jpg]

That's my milk Queen! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe she will sometime ask Kaka to make one bottle and mummy another. super cheeky one. wahaha

I am a full time working mother ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am rather used to waking up in the middle of the night to make milk for her as she fall right back to sleep after her milk. hehe .

At least can see the effort thou her weight. hehe

mo_xuyue (mo_xuyue) : wahaha .... mayb it's more than 180ml then. it's a full bottle. not sure how many litre wor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi florence

ur milk queen so cute. can see tat she;s very happy and contented with her milk... chubby lor.. can see her buldging tummy liao. hehehe...

so the 2 btls she;s holding, one is for her and one is for you ah?? so wasted to make another btl right? :p

wow.. working and have to wake up mid nite to make milk.. damn siong lor...i am already very happy tat since this mth my boy dont cry middle of the nite liao.. just sleep soundly throughout. can't imagine tat if i still have to make milk for him midnite.. faint...

peifu peifu!!!

Vivien (mpyun80) : that night she drank both bottle. wahaha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky of u that he sound thou. My daughter is not a fan for solid and coz she doesnt get to drink enough milk in school ... I cant bear to yearn her off her milk intake in the night. hehe as long as she is growing ba .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi florence,

ic.. so in cc no choice she have to take solid food??

my boy not a fan of milk. so now i even started him on pediasure.

Hi MoXuyue

Oic.. i started giving bb ling yang the moment she got fever..i very kiasu and very scare when bb fall sick. When bb is sick, i'm like half dead, no mood for everything and will pray and pray, hee... Omg, KC's son oso sick around that time ah, i think 1st Jan is really not a good day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Like you, i oso use the 3 tier container for milk powder. The milk powder sachet take up less space but i very scare i'll accidentally poke it with sharp objects and cause more mess in the diaper bag, hee...

Hi Florence

Wow.. your daughter is really a milk queen leh but its good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

I also bring the whole tin when i travel, will usually bring the 900g for a 3 nites trip but can't finish it sometimes.

Hi Vivien

Wow..you really get ur son well equiped when he's feeding himself leh, ha.... Oh ya.. the no-mess bib rite... you know what my girl did? She purposely scoop the rice, put it in the bib holder and then eat from there, i nearly fainted when i see this. So i stopped using that bib for a period of time inorder to stop her nonsense. I'm back to using this bib now and luckily not much nonsense from her this round, phew....

The last time i saw the anna sui pouch was in VivoCity pushcart (near Crocs shop) but not sure still there or not. Sometimes those pushcarts in Wisma (3rd floor) will have too. For the long wallet, they're selling at about S$28. I think it'll be cheaper to get from BP rite.

Just told my hubby abt the maxi cosi car seat, again lor, nagged non-stop... he asked how many carseats do our girl need and i asked him, how many cars does he need and he kept quiet, ha.... Think i have to put a hold on the car seat first else he will not make the extra wardrobe for my girl's stuffs.

Oh, lingyang is chinese herb.. my mum bought from Fu Hua. They will pack lingyang and other ingredients in a small plastic container. My mum will usually use half of it to boil with water and then let bb drink it. If bb don't want to drink, we'll use it to make milk and let her drink. Hmm... i think MoXuyue explain better for the lingyang,hee.... Actually my girl has been drinking barley (cock brand, pearly barley, ppl call it ang mo barley) since she's 2 mths old till now almost everyday leh. When she finishes the barley, we'll give her plain water.

Oh your boy oso sick around the same time ah? When they have flu and cough, very difficult for them to sleep at nite hor.. I actually bought Karvol from pharmacy to help bb sleep better at nite.. somehow it works lor.

Hi Florence

Oh i remember seeing ur girl in some bps leh.. you're oso a bp organiser rite? I find your nick familiar too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien

I oso peifu Florence too.. she can still wake up in the morning eventhough she woke up in the midnite to make milk for her girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien

Is Pediasure good? My girl is on NanPro3 but she's still as skinny. She's 17mths, 76cm tall but only 8.5kg. Very skinny rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Vivien

Saw from the website that Pediasure is a Complete Balanced Nutrition for picky eaters (1 to 10 years old) with FOS and Probiotics, sounds good hor..

andver : Yes yes I am a cny bp organiser. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I sell toddler cny clothings. :p

Hi Florence,

Yah, can really see the result of your hardwork on your girl! Haha...so cute n cubby and contented! Me sure peng san if my son wake up in the middle of the night for milk. Last night he refuse to sleep till 12midnight I already headache liao this morning... Yawn...

Hi Andver,

Yah, when he sick i oso very scare. Especially fever... scare burn the brain so keep on waking up at night to check. My mum oso make barley n chrysanthemum for my son to drink especially when weather is hot.

My boy oso drinking Nan Pro3 now. Got discount at Guardian but ended on 26Jan. You bought? I ordered 10 tins to keep! Was at $24.90 each. My mother say i mad liao... hahaha...

Hi Vivien,

I bought the Glenn Doman cards to flash to my son but hor after a few times i lazy and didn't do it liao... He oso not interested... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But i heard it works for some kids and they learn very fast. My boy will turn away and look for other things to play with... :p

mo_xuyue (mo_xuyue) : my gal sleeps early like 9pm and normally I fall asleep with her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Glenn Doman Cards

I did flash cards with my son when he was younger and brought him for right brain training. he is more on the creative side but still catching up on things like phonics. Phonics is very impt nowadays as they help them to read. Wanna go for phonics for mummy. anyone have anything to intro? hehe

hi andver...

wahaha.. ur girl so funny... to think the things our kids do.... for my boy sometimes if he drops something in it.. then he'll pick it up and eat again.

for the car seat if u really want, prob u can sell the heavy one away since its in the storeroom anyway. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow! so fast got cupboard for your girl huh.. she must have got lotsa clothes.. hehehe

thanks for the infor.. then will get the coin pouch from the bp.

my boy is on enfapro.. tat time stock too many so still got 3 more tins left... luckily this one can drink till 18mths.. then i plan to upgrade him to enfagrow.

the pediasure i read the review not bad, tats why decided to try since my boy sometimes can be quite picky at things i cook. (maybe cause i didnt add in any salt and sugar)... i give my boy 3 milk feedings per day.. so one of the feeding i just replace it with the milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi moxuyue,

i just did a check yest. the glenn doman cards damn ex lor... some can cost up to $800... faint... i bought flashcards from popular bookstore those cheap ones.. surprisingly my son loves it.. when he;s naughty then i'll take out the cards to flash then he'll just sit there and watch,, but then after finish watching then he fuss again.. faint...

is there any diff with the glenn doman cards with the cheaper cards??

btw ur boy yest had too much nap in the noon?? for my boy it depends on who put him to sleep. if i am busy, and his granny put him to sleep then he will sleep late... if for me since i got routine for him so he got no choice but to follow. hehehe... me quite strict to my son.. no choice.. at home have to have one discipline master and i am the bad guy..

hi florence,

u are a organiser too?? mind sharing with us ur thread??

btw u mentioned the right brain training?? is it good?? i heard of phonics for mummy too. to teach their kids right??.. but cant find in jb ler..

Vivien (mpyun80) : I think Glenn Doman is more detail and have alot of topics and more organise like a system to teach. hehe

Right brain training is more to bring out the creative side of the kid. Yup , I think it's impt for the mummy to learn too so can also re-enforce phonics at home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My thread :


My humble blog for my kids : keithnhazel.blogspot.com

anyone have blogs to share too? hehe

Hi Vivien,

I didn't buy so expensive one. I bought ard $100+, think it is from china. They got chinese n english words on the cards but no pictures. I'm not sure if there is any difference in the cards but the methods should be different. For Glenn Doman i think they suggest flash 5 times a day and wait a few hours between each session but each time flash the card for 1 or 2 second only. Details I forget liao. :p Hmm... maybe i should start again... :p

I read the book and find it very good but really must have time n paitence to go through. Borrow the book from my friend but i heard Singapore library oso got.

My boy only sleep 2 hours in the day time and normally he sleep around 10pm but don't know why yesterday keep making noise... maybe didn't play with him long enough. :p Pai seh to say... I don't think my boy got any routine... I let him sleep when he wants to and no fixed timing. Most of the time he'll drink his milk n fall asleep at the same time.

My boy not afraid of me, i think he only afraid of my mother... sometimes i oso kanna from my mum cause I let him play with everything. :p

Hi Florence,

At least your girl sleep early... My one really no government one... :p

Hi Florence,

No blogs for me... I don't on computer at home and weekends and too lazy for blogs oso.... ;P

If there is phonics for mummy then i wanna learn oso! But hor can just sit in with our kids when they start learning? :p Some childcare center have extra classes for phonics too I heard.

mo_xuyue (mo_xuyue) : we lights off by 10. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still trying to move the two of them out of my room. trying to buy a nice car bed to Bribe my son. wahaha

hi florence,


paiseh didnt update since he turned one.. hahaha

hi moxuyue,

my bb nap also getting lesser. means i have to entertain him more... hehehe.. tats why now searching for playgroup tat he can join for 1-2 hours. sad to say in jb cant find any yet for his age. i only bring him to shopping centre playarea to play... he's still shy and not playing with other kids.

the glenn doman sounds very serious though.. for me i just flash the cards as and when i feel like.. hehehe didnt give myself a routine for that.

every household i think sure got govt for the kids.. if 'boh zheng hu', sure havoc.. hahaha

think for your son, drink milk and sleep is his habit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy he sleeps at 10.30pm.. my hubby wanna play with him and cant bear to let him sleep.. but 'zheng hu' says no.. hahaha

hi florence,

i was also afraid of having this prob of moving my boy away from our room. so since he was born we put him in his cot in his room. so to let him get used to it.

my hubby also cant wait to get a car bed for him.. hahaha...

Hi MoXuyue

Ya..i really envy Florence's girl.. so chubby and cute.. my girl has never been like that and i'm so upset abt it...

Actually we are lucky that we have our mums to help out hor, otherwise i'll be totally lost.

Oh i didn't know Guardian got discount for Nan Pro3 and wow you bought 10 tins to keep......

I will usually keep stock for 2 tins cos scare halfway through bb don't like Nan lor.

Hi Florence

Wow.. your girl sleeps at 9pm ah.. so good.. she got very good routine leh.. sleep well and drink well.. i so envy. Do you sleep early when you're pregnant too? My friends said i sleep late when i'm pregnant which is why my girl is like that now. Then i still go clubbing during my early pregnancy and now my girl will dance when she hears music. Her favourite is Nobody - Wondergirls now... She made me use this as ringtone and when my phone rang, she'll start the dance liao, ha... Oh ya.. you got anymore cny clothings for bbs to sell?

Hi Vivien

My girl very mischievous lor... my mum always say she got a 'goondo' face, ha...

I can't sell the big car seat leh cos its a gift from a friend. Actually my girl oready got a built-in wardrobe in her bedroom but no more space, so got to build another one.. terrok hor.. my hubby also shake head and asked me, when will she finish wearing all those clothes, shoes and etc...

Oh btw, you can ask for Pediasure free sample and try out first.. this is the website http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/freesamples/child_samples.asp

Think i will ask for sample first and consult PD on this.

My girl eat 1 slice of bread with either cheese/jam/peanut butter spread in the morning. Then follow by lunch (Porridge/Mee sua or macaroni) and dinner is rice. Then she got 3-4 milk feedings (6 oz) per day.. do you think her routine is ok? PD said ok leh but don't know why she's still so skinny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi ladies, wah so active now, this thread! Almost had to print out the posts to read! Hahaha!

Yah loh, florence, I also found your nick v familiar! And your milk queen really drinks a lot of milk!

Hi moxuyue, I asked the serviceman leh, he said i don't need a chemical wash yet. He v funny hor, I think he's trying to help me save money! Hahaha! Thanks for the link.

I give my girl water during her meals only, she will take sips but will only drink 60ml a day at most. Now trying to get her to drink from a cup. She a bit lazy loh, will only drink from the cup when i'm holding it.

hi vivien,

Not so sure about the flashcards, I almost wanted to buy GD flashcards, but thank goodness I didn't when I found out the price! My friend was v funny, she doesn't really believe in the left and right brain theory cos she said that since we are born with both sides of a brain, there must be a use for both sides! I also read somewhere that we need to use both sides of the brain most of the time, even if we're using logic or doing art.

I'm quite cheapo and lazy, so for the time being, I'm sticking to lots of reading for my girl. :p I tried using the cheap flashcards with pictures but gave up after some time cos I prefer to read.

hi andver,

Wah, your second maid still floating around huh? Aiyoh, but thank goodness the first maid is quite okay.

Your girl is v cute! I think she's going to be a neat girl like you. I hope my girl doesn't turn out untidy like me. :p

Wah, your girl v lucky! Walk-in wardrobe at her age! I think I have to move house first if I ever want to have a walk-in wardrobe!

hi ladies,

i think the phonics classes are a good idea cos they help the kids to learn to read out words on their own. I think can try to save a bit while I'm still at home, and will try to read more nursery rhymes and books like usborne's phonics stories to my girl. :p

For flashcards, I think they can be quite useful for dolch sight words. These are common words that usually cannot be sounded out, so children have to memorise them.

This website is v useful and contains all the sight words, can diy the flashcards:


Hi heehee,

I think i too lazy for that liao... :p

Your service man quite honest, good leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only let my son drink from cup before his bath time else i'll have to change his clothes for him. Sometimes he'll purposely pour on floor n play with the water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Andver,

Yah, very lucky to have our mums! I never thought that my son will suddenly don't like Nan but anyway i think 10 tins will only last 3 mths so not that many. :p

No need envy lah, I think as long bb is healthy n happy can oreadie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Florence,

Me oso waiting to buy a car bed for my boy. :p

Hi Vivien,

Yah lor, they like so energetic now... Last time just eat n sleep... didn't realise it was so easy then... :p

My zheng hu sleep very early sometimes before 9pm so my son terkan me lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah.... u all so happening ah... envy envy lo...

when u all happily 'chatting', dont forget there is a poor me busy with work here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

florence, no wonder ur nick sounds so familiar.. wah.. ur girl is really a milk queen oh.. drink so much!! n look so cute n chubby.. so both ur children go childcare? wah.. u so 'li hai' working full time n still can organise bp.. me ah.. 24 hours already not enough!! from the number of posts in this thread, can c, i seldom got time post replies. only got time to read .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

andver, ur girl quite skinny oh.. but if she is growing, no worry leh.. but i did heard before that pediasure will help.. i hav one friend whose girl used to be very skinny, but after on pediasure, the baby gain weight n look more chubby liao..

heehee... the link helps la.. so u did all the cards by urself? how do u teach? just read to ur bb? for my bb, she will bring along her favourite books and asks us to read to her.. after we finished, she wants us to repeat again. same book repeat many times. if we dont, she will throw tantrums.. bad temper huh.. do u all encounter this? but my hubby said, lucky she brings books and not ask us to on tv. so we just accept it lo.. but hoh.. read n read same stories very boring oh.. so sometimes i will hide her books and read other books instead hehhahaha

my girl will hav her MMR jab early next month.. worry she will hav fever.. but the last pneumococal jab she had, she didnt hav fever.. may due to the barley water that we gave before the jab.

vivien.. ya i m getting better.. u know the worse part is not feeling well but still got to go back to work.. more days of mc means more works piled up waiting for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway.. really look forward to cny holidays liao..

xuyue..wah.. u bought so many milk powder ah.. my bb is on Gain IQ so far ok la.. sometimes giv her Progress gold also..

Hi Janeh,

Me wanna push back my boy's MMR till end of next mth. :p

Hey I have 2 sachet of Gain IQ3, samples from Abbott. Exp09May2010, you want? I can send by post to you. PM me your add? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Heehee

Rite lor, my 2nd maid still floating around and hoping to go home asap but no one can pay her loan for her so she no choice but to continue working. But i think its quite unfair for my 1st maid cos she've been helping her alot. Really thank goodness my 1st maid is quite ok till now (touchwood), hehehehe..

My hubby worrying now cos my girl is too mischievous and might get out of hands... She's quite bad tempered leh.. she'll bite herself when we scold her hard hard.. or she'll fold her arms and tell us that she's angry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how to tame her huh?

Oh no na.. not walk-in wardrobe for my gal but built-in wardrobe. But now, i hv to give up 1 row of my shoe cabinet to her liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My hubby always shake his head when he saw our things. He said one shopping queen already bui tahan and now a shopping princess.

Oh ya, saw you talking abt phonics and flashcards... when must bb attend phonics huh? I wanted to send my girl to a nearby playgroup (1 wk 2 days for 2 hrs per day) but my hubby said no. Said she's still too young [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mo_xuyue

I don't know will our kids be as lucky as us or not when they become parents themselves. But i think mine won't lor cos i'm so handicapped in cookings.

Can't help but envy lor when i see chubby babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Janeh

No na.. won't forget you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rite lor, my girl quite skinny rite, sob sob.... When bb at her age is more than 10kg and she's still so petite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm quite tempted to try pedisure.. but my PD appt is in mid march, don know shd i wait till then or ???

phew.. just finished two meetings.. my eyes so tired, cannot open liao..

glad to hav this chatroom ya.. at least can de-stress.. hahaha

thanks xuyue.. so paiseh la.. hehehehe.. will pm you my address later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andver.. may b coz ur girl's metabolism is high.. that is y she is skinny? i think better wait for PD's recommendation.. coz the friend that i mentioned just now also recommended by PD then they let their bb take pediasure.. at first i also intend to let my bb take coz she was very small (pre-mature bb).. but didnt coz hubby said scare will overweight wor... now my bb is abt ur bb's height n weight around 9.something kgs.. her birth weight was only 2.4kg.. small hoh..

btw do we really need to send them for phonics classes? how does it like? my bb in in infant care now and will be 'promoted' to next class by the time she is 18mths.. which is pretty soon.. not sure if they will have this kind of classes.. i doubt it lor...

hi andver,

from ur girl's eating schedule.. its ok ler.. actually my son also similar to yours. but just tat he drinks 8oz of milk. like wat moxuyue said as long as baby growing well then ok di. my boy also mid size only.

i also let my boy tried out the sample first. got it from a pediasure roadshow. didnt wanna waste $$$ just in case buy liao then he dont like. hehehe...

oh the seat is a gift huh.. then difficult liao.. would be embarrass if ur fren knows tat u sold it away.sometimes tats the prob with gifts from friend.

hi moxuyue,

ur mum really sleeps early ler..

actually any particular reason tat u wanna push the mmr jab to a later date??

hi jane h,

miss us after a hard days work right.. hahaha

my fren also told me tat drink pediasure will grow chubby too.. so tats why i only let him drink once a day. then once a week i also dont feed him at all.

when do parents send their kids to phonics?? like u i too have lotsa questions on it. probably florence can help us on that...

hi florence,

able to advice us on phonics??

andver (andver) : I didnt sleep early when pregnant. I am still having my bp till 1st Feb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jane H (janeh) : hehe both my kids in childcare. my maid pick them up at 6pm and feed them b4 i come home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After dinner , I teach son spelling and chinese then play awhile then tap them to sleep. I reply my bps in the office and wakes up early to pack the packages to be send. My maid will post them for me when she goes to the market.

My daughter is 14kg and 88cm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My son is 17kg and 110cm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He is not a milk lover! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Janeh

Wow.. hard day for you again ya...

I'm not sure too leh but PD said my girl is very active cos the last time when we were there for her jab, she can run & walk around the clinic for 2 hours and the PD saw it, hehehehe...

Ya i think i will ask the PD for advise 1st before switching to pediasure. Or maybe i can do like Vivien, give Pedisure once a day....

Actually my girl is very small too when she was born.. she was 49cm long and 2.69kg. At least your bb catch up fast but mine, haiz..

I think its a need to send them for phonics classes lor.. heard it is very useful and most of the kids attended it too.. Also the right brain and left brain thingy...

Omg, so many classes to attend... To be frank, till today, i only thought of letting my bb attend ballroom dancing & violin class.. never think of phonics and etc until the postings here, can tell that i don like to study too hor, hehehehe...

Hi Vivien

Rite lor, PD also said her eating schedule is ok... how i hope my bb can drink 8oz of milk, hee....

Does your boy like Pedisure?

Exactly, not nice to sell it away since its a gift... I think i'll use it at home as a baby sofa for my bb instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Florence

Hmm.. so the saying is wrong.. doesn't mean i sleep late during pregnancy, my bb will sleep late too hee.....

I really salute to you leh... u can do multi so many task.. and even wake up early to pack the items to be sent out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will have a look at your BP again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

