BP Shopper

Hi Heehee

Thanks thanks.. ya i hope my ger will adapt to her asap to release me to work... Have you started looking for maid? My agency told me that xmas and new year coming, filipinas will not come until 2nd wk of Jan 2010. Then not many filipinas maid profiles in now too.

Hi Janeh

Today is the 3rd day with the new maid. So far she is ok and willingly to learn. Jot down most of the things that i told her. Its only that my ger still can't adapt to her. I really hope my ger will adapt to her fast and hopefully she's the right one. Also for the next new maid coming on fri.

hi andver,

wow, great tat u found someone who's right so far. she's really initiative to jot down whatever u say too. is she good with kids? if yes then i thInk soon ur ger will get comfy.

hope everything goes well with the other maid...

remember hor.. think good then good ones will come.. hehehe

hi all,

my boy has started walking. still a bit clumsy and not really steady yet. he's doing well when holding my hands.. hehehe.. so cute lor.. and so happy too..

Hi Vivien

Ya lor..at least she took the effort to jot it down though i've given her the list and schedule too. She tried to play with my ger lor but when it comes to feeding, shower and making my ger sleep, still can't. Really hope my ger will adapt to her soon and also my new helper can learn fast too cos she's quite a slow learner.

Very cute to see ur boy when he's starting to walk rite. I very scare that my ger will fall when she started to walk. And now, she'll walk non-stop for the whole day. When she fall, she'll stand up and continue walking.. can really faint, hee...

hi andver, nope, haven't started looking for one, cos now still in the process of installing grills and cctv etc.

do you have cctvs? What do you use?

Good that your new maid shows initiative!

hi janeh,

thanks so much! Yeah, still looking for the sunblock, cos the present tube is going to finish soon.

will go and check it out! You just saved me quite a bit of $$$. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Heehee

Hmm... ya its better to install everything first then get a helper. Yup, i have cctv.. built-in when we build the house. I'm using Dyndns software. Can view in pc and tv type. Rite lor, though she's slow but at least she show initative. Guess got to give her longer time to adapt to it.

hi andver

good for u!! hope this is the right one..

vivien, happy hoh.. me too..by looking at bb walking towards us, the feeling is indescribable!

heehee.. hope u can get what u wants! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Me back liao. Trip was relaxing for us n lots of fun for bb. He was running around hugging little girls n playing with the staff on the cruise(all the che che).

We just let him loose cause got carpets n quite safe inside the ship. He also went to the dance floor to dance with 3 little girls. Very funnie... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The staff there were all very friendly n played with kids n babies. I think my boy very cheeky, he was waving n blowing kisses to all the che che. Hubby say can call him "xiao bao" liao... ;P

There is a flask to boil hot water but no bath tub. Got one extra power pt. The chinese restaurant got bb porridge w fish/chicken. No seasoning one. But hor after trying all the food there he refuse to eat the plain porridge... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Went swimming for 15mins only n no sun so didn't put sunblock. He was crying when hubby carry him out of water. But bb pool too small for waverider liao so didn't get to try it...

Its a good first trip for bb and everything went well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can start planning for a longer trip liao... heehee....

Hi heehee,

Thanks for the info!! Will try to go this fri else on sat to the arena warehouse sale!! Wonder got bb's swit suit or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Andver,

Good that your new maid is better. Give her some time am sure your bb will get to like her more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien & Janeh,

Yah!! First time bb walk towards me with open arms n excited face my heart is filled with joy. Even now when he rush towards me i oso feel very happy n loved!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Guess, this is the sweet part of parenthood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Janeh

Ya i oso hope this will be the right one and hope she can pick up fast.. Also hope the one coming on Thur/Fri is also the right one.

Hi Mo_xuyue

Glad that you have a nice and relax trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your bb very good in PR and mixing around leh.. thats very good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really hope this maid is the correct one... I've not gone back to work for 3 weeks liao, don't know how many more weeks my bb and maid needs to adapt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi jane h and all,

yealor the feeling really cannot be described.. then my hubby said once he's started walking, he would be walking for almost the rest of his life liao. really fast to see how a baby develops.. the memory of him being a newborn is still vivid in my mind lor..

hi heehee,

just wondering how come need to put so much sunblock on ur bb? paiseh ler cause till date i've never used one before. even the sunblock for myself, it took me a long long time to finish one btl.. hehehe

hi andver,

wa.. so fast 3 weeks liao ah.. take this time to enjoy with ur girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i guess u are more busy teaching ur new maid instead.. somemore got to teach not 1 but 2.. my patience is ltd so if i am in ur shoe i think i'll go crazy di liao.. hahaha.. peifu u also lor..

hi moxuyue,

wow "xiaobao" so fast learn to blow kiss liao ah..no wonder got so many fans... hehehe sure very cute.. and he very friendly ler..

the chinese rest got bb food ah.. very attentive of them. glad tat ur trip was an enjoyable one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi andver,

Hope that your incoming maid will also be good!

Hi xuyue, not v sure if arena has got bb swimsuit. I remember seeing kids' stuff, but not bb's stuff. I know brands like Baby Banz, snapper rock and platypus carry bb swimwear. Can get them from mothercare or the swimwear shop at paragon.

Glad to hear that your family enjoyed the trip! Wah, your boy is so cute! Next time you'll have to buy extra locks to keep him safe from all the meh mehs! hahaha.

hi janeh,

your link/info was really good! I bought two tubes of sunblock liaoo... If I were to buy from mothercare, i could only buy 1 tube instead of two.

hi vivien,

this mummy v kiasu. I use a lot on my ger every saturday when she goes for her swimming lesson. And my husband also kapok the sunblock for himself. I keep telling him that he should get the adult's version cos it's cheaper, but he doesn't listen! Men!

mummies,after hearing your descriptions, i can't wait for my ger to walk. She's starting to stand a little.

but she v garang, can't stand on her own but want to let go of one hand and turn this way and that way! She still can't pull herself to a standing position.

hi xuyue.. wah.. sounds very interesting oh.. so tempted to go for a trip too but year end is coming and v busy with work.. not sure if can get few days off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw mummies.. yday when we went to pick up baby at the centre, we have been informed that bb walked whole day independently!!! wor.. so happy...... sometimes miss her a lot while in office...

so andver.. dont think too much.. just enjoy ur time with bb while u r at home! well, do hope that the 2nd maid is a good one too!! good luck ya.. and do keep us posted!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yes,

i came across this new BP


very interested in getting the sleeping bag.. anyone buy this brand before? saw this once few months ago in one of the BP but didnt get it.. not sure if want to buy this round coz bb always kick off her blanket.

what do u all think?

hi janeh,

haven't let my ger try the sleeping bag that was a gift. Don't think my ger will like it cos she always kicks off her blanket and likes to flip around a bit before she sleeps.

wah, must take video of your ger when she walks at home!

Hi Vivien

Rite lor.. time flies hor... Very busy taking care of my gal and teaching the maid. Actually i'm also not a very patient person but try to control lor. See the maid so new in Singapore and like so poor thing, also can't bear to scold her but i'll go crazy if this goes on for too long, ha.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Heehee

At what age can bb start their swimming lessons? My bb can walk, squat and stand up on her own since last mth and have been walking non-stop.. siong for me...

Hi Janeh

I saw that bp too.. I used Kiddopotamus Long Sleeve sleeping bag for bb when we go Genting. I bought another brand (Halo 100% Cotton Sleep Sack Wearable Blanket) in BP few mths ago but havent try it yet. My bb also always kick off her blanket.. so i'll usually let her wear those romper sleepwear and put on socks for her whenever she sleep. So far, never use sleeping bags at home. I dare not buy cheongsum online leh cos don't have perfect figure,hee...

Hi All

Bad news, my 2nd new maid can't depart Philipines today.. Stopped by their immigration due to some bad records. So i hv to go down to agency to choose another new maid, sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh dear andver,what bad records? If she has been sent back from singapore before, then maybe it's a blessing in disguise that you didn't get her?

Wah, am starting to get cold feet liaoo about getting a maid.

I took my ger to the pool when she was about 3 mths, and waited till she was 6 months before taking her to swimming lessons.

Cos I couldn't find any schools that would take in bbs younger than 6 mths.

Good to start them young, cos my ger now enjoys the water, and is learning how to kick and splash. She can even go underwater and hold her breath! When they're younger, they tend not to be afraid of the water.

My ger is with aquaducks.

Hi Janeh,

Me don't think sleeping bag is a good idea cause like heehee's ger, my boy will flip n turn around the cot the whole night while sleeping. Blanket oso not much use so i'll let him wear socks n long sleeve n pants to sleep. Sleeping bag will restrict their movement n don't think they'll sleep well leh.

Maybe u can plan a short trip next yr? Was watching the video of our trip last night and bb looked so happy playing... should have choosen a longer trip... :p

The cheongsams looked so small... and the models so slim... I cannot fit in lah... me gotta wear XL for t-shirts... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi everyone,

sob sob no time to check out bps today liao... have to decorate the cupcakes and the house for tmr's party.. kinda excited bout it...

hi heehee,

wow ur girl is very brave.. my boy dont really like water. i have to be with him in the water then only he'll be ok.. sigh... i searched high and low for classes for bbs in jb but to no avail. envy u all in sg where everything is available.

hi janeh,

i also never use sleeping bag wo.. just put long sleeve shirt and pants.. and only wear socks when its really cold. my boy also always kick away the blanket. last time still help him put on the blanket in middle of the nite. now couldnt be bothered. hahaha.... i train him to adapt to environment lor.. hehehe

hi andver,

walau.. really lucky tat u didnt get tat phillipine maid. just imagine if the custom just simply give clearance then donno wat funny things will she do. choosing maid is like playing roulette ler.. hahaha

hi janeh,

u must be very happy when the cc called u up to inform u.. hehehe.. so tonite you'll be able to see her perform liao la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Andver,

Yah, if got bad record then lucky she cannot come.

The stickers BP come just at the right time!! My friend looking for stickers. Thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me don't like sprays leh, cannot stand the smell and if can kill pests should got some harmful stuff leh... (i feel lah)...

Hi heehee,

The goon diapers still exp after discount leh... Me using pampers now. Bought when there is a discount a few wks back. Each piece work out to be around $0.36 Bought quite a lot then... :p

Hi Vivien,

Yah, 2 wks ago i was watching my boy's video when he just come home from hospital... so tiny and now can walk liao... They really grow very fast... :')

Hi Vivien,

Hope your family n bb have lots of fun tmr!!! Happy Birthday to your bb!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi xuyue, yeah, the goon diapers quite ex.

I alternate between toys r us,goon and mamy poko.

but the goon bp price is good cos I can't find that price any where else.

hi vivien, good luck with the party! It sounds like a lot of fun!

Hi All

Agency just called me said my 2nd new maid issue cleared. Their immigration made a mistake, its another person with same name but different passport no. So now arranging for my 2nd new maid to come in. Hope everything will be alright.

Hi Heehee

Ya its good to let bb start swimming earlier incase they grow older and is afraid of water. So far, i only let my ger swim in our pool on every Sunday, she only kicks and splach, can't go underwater hee... I already placed orders in the 2 BPs.. for the Goon diapers, usually i'll order direct from their website www.Diapers.com.sg, email [email protected]

Hi Mo_Xuyue

Ya lor, i was searching for the stickers too, also the spray and it come on time. Hey i bought the Eumora from a friend at S$100.00 few mths ago. Some ppl at first use will have break out and will be ok after few wash.

Hi Vivien

Happy birthday to your bb too... Have a nice party ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

Yah, the price drop a lot liao.

Hi Andver,

Good news. Hope this maid is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You bought S$100 for how many pieces of soap? Is it good?? I wanna try if will really lighten my pigmentation or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mo_Xuyue

Ya i really hope so and hope they can learn and pick up fast. I bought S$100 for 4 pcs in a box. So far, my hubby is using it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After applying, have to wait for a while then wash off so i very lazy, hee...

hi mummies, can anyone of you post in the spree section?

I need help with two of my sprees, and i seem to have diff coordinating with the organisers via email to pay for the shipping and to collect my stuff. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi heehee n andver,

Me just tried to post on spree but i cannot leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Must have permission from modulator??

dear all, here I am!! so busy for the past few days coz my assistant is on leave...

Vivien, happy birthday to ur bb!!

Andver, lucky ur second maid is cleared. So when will she arrive? thanks for intro the BP on the bug spray.. i ordered liao!! hheheee

btw, how do u find the eumora soap, is it really good? i got sensitive skin and sometimes will get itchy if the weather is too hot, do u think it will help?

after hearing the advice from all of you, i have decided not to buy the sleeping bag. Btw, do u all use knee pad on bb?

aiyoh, am i a kancheong chicken or what?

here i am trying to chase the organiser so that i can pay her instead of the other way round...


i bought the knee pads for my ger, but not using them cos she finds them too warm.

She also doesn't crawl, but just uses her butt to move around. :p

hi everyone,

thanks for your wishes. was so busy like mad woman liao. hair also messy end of yesterday. hahaha.. then my boy was very shy, only want me to carry. aiyak aiyak my back is aching now. then my part time maid back out last min yesterday and today haji so she's on holiday. ended up i have to do housework.sianz... so many children was in the house. and all loves the big block....

saw u all mentioned so many interesting things to buy. today finally can go check it out liao.

hi heehee,

i can post in wts and spree section. let me know if u need help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur girl so cute.. how to use butt to move ard??

hi andver,

lucky its a case of mistaken identity. guess u are much luckier this time round with ur maids. hopefully this one is able to take care of ur girl well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep us posted yea.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jane h,

i didnt use knee pad too. i tot ur girl knows how to walk di why still need to buy knee pads??

hi moxuyue,

to be able to post in spree section, e requirement is the same as WTS section which is have to be a member at smh above 1 year. then have to email to moderator to request. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] next year april then u can email to them liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

its the long long weekend.. hope all of you have an enjoyable weekend!!!

hi vivien, must be really siong to clean up the house and the big blocks after the party!

my girl, she mops the floor with her butt! She will be in a sitting position and then she will use her hands to push herself around. Put a mop on her butt and she can clean the house liaoo. Hahahah!

Still waiting for the organiser to get back to me leh... Will ask you for help again if i can't coordinate with her by next monday.

hi all, the arena sale quite worth checking out. But the area is v crammed!

moxuyue, they have bb wetsuits there. V worth it, one selling for about $25. It's less than half the normal price.


hi moxuyue,

i tried the ezee reach cutlery set this afternoon. i also face the same prob as you,whereby my bowl cant stay put. may i know wat did they tell you the other time pls? my boy kept pulling the bowl out. the fork and spoon is sticks very well

