A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="0000ff">wendyl</font>
Sorry to hear that.... so hows ur health now? U gt to take gd care of urself.

Oh no! Wendyl... so sorry to hear that... do take care of yourself... dun worry ok... you can try again when you feel better... we're all here to support you...

Emma, think I will test tomorrow... aiyah... quite scared leh... u scared negative, i scared positive... haha...
dear all,

sob sob, i failed again this month..feel so sad this morning.

does anyone here take EPO? wat is its function?does it helps in ovulation? also will it disrupt AF or not huh? coz my AF is very "jun" one every month so worried if i take EPO it will kinda disrupt it lor..

do we take EPO everyday even if AF is here or its something like cannot take during O?

do take care of your health and we are all behind to support you.

why u scared positive? all of us here hope positive if we test on oourselve.

u find my chart weird oso right, btw i have stop charting today tink will start fresh next cycle.
i tink i o ard day 12-14 (30 March) cos I feel watery discharges and got bit of cramp cos my cycle is ard 24-26 day so should be ard there too.
but today i got discharges again and it a bit creamy and white colour. do we get discharges b4 AF? cos tink my AF going to come aagain. cannot be "o" 2 time in a mth right, i have alry stop BD very tired.oreo, tuffy, chihiro lbs.... pls help
hi wendypooh,

actually i also find some creamy white discharge before my AF since i start to tcc leh (never used to see them before my AF before TCC). dunno why everything seems like go haywire since i started TCC..

feel so discouraged after this time round..really feel like giving up. very tired with the whole process...
i dun really bother last time b4 i ttc this mth very concern very single matter i scared
how long have u ttc, btw mind sharing your age,i have been married for ard 7mth and still no news.
dun be discourage try again, me too keep telling myself dun take it too hard. so i believe my AF coming since i have the same syptom as u. sob sob....
all ladies, can help ice-jelly and me to clarify is it true tat b4 AF come will have discharges
hi there!

i'm back again...taking abreak from all the busy-ness
wow, so many archives.. guess i won't be able read back!

hi ice-jelly,
I'm also taking EPO - i take 2000 mg a day from start of AF to O-day - EPO is to give you fertile CM i.e. EWCM. Note : don't take after O day coz will cause uterine contraction if you are preggie.

On the 1st month that I took, I got alot of EWCM (hanging out! haha) few days before O day and my CM for the rest of the days seem to increase as well.
But on subsequent months, I don't see the EWCM anymore. However, during BD, I feel very lubricated inside..maybe the EWCM is inside.
wendypooh... becos I'm only trial run mah... not yet really start TTC... also not as on as you gals near O, alternate days BD... we only BD without using contraceptive and also not very often so if strike it's really lucky lor... and plus we got new commitments like my new job and we also just booked a car... that's why a bit scared of the extra bb...
if really pregnant, u have to accept since it fate and god had granted u the bb early.
start the family early and u will get to enjoy the joy early.
me so eager to get pregnant.
hi wendypooh,

me just past 28 birthday..somemore me married 1 yr plus liow. just started tcc in dec..so this is my 4th attempt..very "gek sim" leh..but this month think not as "gek sim" as past months coz i think i kinda immuned liow.

hi skinnyma,

thanks for your reply..what brand did you buy huh? after taking EPO, is your AF disrupted? coz i really dun wan my AF dates to be messed up leh.
so cannot take before O huh, then i have to agar agar liow coz i dun know when i O. like past few month i cant seem to detect any EWCM but my temp did raise leh. so i take it that i have O but in actual fact maybe i din O hor...

arghhh,,feel so frustrated...
wendypooh... of cos I'll accept my bb if really strike lah... my flesh leh... hehe... how should I say leh... it is not unexpected... but timing is a bit funny when we wanna revamp our house and get a car... any old wives tale cannot knock knock if preg? why huh?

ice-jelly... dun gek sim... u must think positive and dun stress urself too much... cos stress can affect TTC chance...
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
I O ard the same date as. Me O on 1st April and im also having creamy discharge now. In fact, i find it very normal lor cos everytime after i O, i will still have these creamy CM until my AF comes. Its just a matter of more or less.

<font color="0000ff">ice-jely</font>
i guess when we TTC, we are more observant. So maybe all along, u are having these creamy discharge but just that u didnt take extra notice to it.....?

Me too same as u, married for one year plus liao. But i TTC earlier than u. Tis is my 8th attempt, and so pls dun feel disheartened. We gt to kep on trying.... if not, we wont get to see our results!
thanks jen,

ya always tell myself not to be gek sim but then hor, every month also must shed some tears when AF came to visit...think i am driving my hb nuts if i still have not hit jackpot soon

somemore always see so many preggies around at lunch time then i will get envious and into depression liow...

now i so worry if i got no egg or my hb soldiers not good...scare to go see gynae also...arghhh

heee..actually hor really envy u leh, can strike so easily..unlike meeeeeee....

let us know once u did your test ok..
hi ice-jelly,

I take the Healtheries brand - can buy from Guardian. my mense not messed up - was very "zun" for the past 5 months.

But today I have EWCM - and alot! today is my CD23 and FF has detected my O -day on CD17 (as usual) ... so I also dunno wats happening - but I read FF saying that it is normal for us to have fertile CM after O or just before AF - so dun have to be too worried.

hmm.. maybe i should bd tonite just in case..
lilac, ice-jelly.
all of us in the same suiation, having discharge and try hard ttc. we all dun loss hard keep trying and for sure one day will got chance
i'm very upset and worried now, just got a call from Dr Chan nurse saying tat my culture test out having virginal infection and ask me to go down to collect medicine. but accoridng to her nothing serious, just infection only. but i just cant help worry now wonder will it affect my chnace of ttc. pap smear result not out, keeping my finger cross now
thanks lilac and wendypooh for your encouragement...ya guess we can only keep on trying till we hit jackpot...

hi skinnyma,
is your AF also very "jun" before you take EPO? ya think better BD just in case...cannot let any opportunity go to waste leh.. hahaha

wendy, not to worry so much ok, think after the medicine, you can recover pretty soon..

eh maybe i should go see gynae and take some test hor...

so glad to find so many buddies here to share our woes and worries...aiyo otherwise dunno to go to who liow...feel much better after all your postings..

looking forward to the long weekend liow!!
hi wendy,
I also have creamy discharge after O. you nentioned that you have infection - could that have caused the discharge? since you seem rather surprised to see discharge after O, I take it that it doesn't happen often.
u are welcome, we all in the same boat should help one another.
but the funny part is i dun feel itch at all, as per the nurse ask me.
dun know it it last week i BD too much haha
hi tuffy
so nice to see u back again.
like ice-jelly mention maybe last time we dun care so never so alert. tink because BD too much liao
hi wendy,
I am stuck in meeting all morning and I will be going for another in 10 mins. siong... hope I don't get late O from all the stress.

dun worry too much about your cycle yah? it may take a few cycles before start seeing a pattern that is unique to you.
hi ice-jelly,

my AF was quite "jun" for more than a year liao because of BFW. For me, EPO does not mess up my cycle but give me EWCM.
thanks skinnyma,

maybe i will give EPO a try. Hope there will be miracle in my next cycle..

Hey skinnyma / ice-jelly,

I am also taking Healtheries EPO. gynae prescribed for me. but i take it everyday cos she told me too. i am surprise to hear that after O should stop. maybe i check with my gynae in my next visit why pple think this should be the way.... but for my case, ever since i take EPO, i stop seeing EWCM leh.... so maybe its different for everyone ?


sorry to hear abt your loss. right now, jus take care....

Now i am in my 8DPO....sian....duno can get lucky or not......whenever i hear my colleagues talking abt babies also duno pretend to join or leave the place.........sigh......
anybody tried clearblue preg kit with the + sign?
I tried just and confused. The vertical line is darker than the horizontal line.
It states that if shown the horizontal line -, not preg.
Pls advise.
hey emma,

I tried and the vertical line is also darker than the horizontal line. And I think yes, it means you are pregnant as long as u see a plus within the specified time ! Congrats...
Hi Wendyl,
Sorry to hear about your loss.. Take good care of yourself!

Hi Emma,
Congrats! You've made it! Envy! Take good care of yourself too!
I have tried for more than a year. Been charting my temp and it helps i guess.
I will confirm with the gynae in one week time. guess too sure to detect if i see them now.
Hi Emma! CONGRATS!!!! Finally another graduate again.....!! Hope there will be more rolling in!

Meanwhile, do take care of urself!! BTW, do u have any implantation dip??
thank everyone and jia you too.

my temp at CD26 is 36.2 not sure is that imp dip. then CD 27 it goes up to 36.8 and then next day, 36.5, then it rises all the way..but some rise and fall along the way..hope i m not confusing anyone here.
I bd on CD 12 when there is sticky discharge and my temp is at 36.4. Also not sure is that ovulation. On CD16, there is another dip at 36.2.
hi tuffy... yep, i've tested... same with Emma, the vertical line is dark but the horizontal line is very very light... I still can't understand how I struck jackpot...

Emma, does it mean that our EDDs will be the same?

Btw, I dun have a gynae... so now desperately searching on the net for maternity packages... do you gals know any websites which compare prices? hiaz... any recommendations for any gynaes?
u also buy clearblue. congrat to u!
When is last period? I think mine is ard Dec.

I have not made up my mind yet abt gynae. Where do u live? When will you see a gynae?

maybe the grad MTB can offer some advice..

I actually want to visit one of the gynae near my place but all fully booked. Will wait till Monday then.
