A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi wendy

so glad that you like dr chan. he has been my gynae for a very long time and its only when i came to this forum, i realise he's so popular!!

i go to him for my regular pap smear and he's been seeing me for irregular menses.

his scanning is not painful at all, before i was married, he scan on the stomach area, after married, then he asked if i had sex already, then he scan thru vaginal, and encouraged hubby to be around too!

Hi ribena

Actually, I am not sure whether you can take EPO & Bai Fong Wan together ler..I never take EPO before..but when I first got my menses..my mum did let me have Bai Fong Wan to ease the period pain. Now, i only take folid acid.

You can take folid acid even if you take either EPO or Bai Fung Wan..Folid acid is a kind of nutrients you need for the baby..

EPO & Bai Fung Wan are more for your AF..

Hi wendypooh..
yea, how much did you pay? What is Dr Chan's full name? He only see patients at Gleneagles?
hi ribena,
oic so u see him very longer alry. how long have been married? he very nice and like to joke. yest he tell me tat i fit enough to enter National Service (ready to conceive)and very encouraging. u mean can bry our hubby along?

tuffy, lbs, ribena,
when first time can be quite painful but he and his nurse are very professiona and really calm you down and talk to u to move u away form the pain, am i right ribena? I can saw he is super and experience. just tat his charges i on the high side all scanning including pap smear scost me ard $230 and my sis is abt $200, my sis say is ok since only once year. he make us feel comforatble and easy. i now too cfm tat guy gyn is better.
Giggler oso see him for her pregnacy yest she go for check up too but her is in teh morning so we never meet
Hi wendypooh

He is attached to Gleneagles only huh?
Well, I think the charges sound ok lar..Remember I told you my friend got me a package quotes at KK that is abt the same price too lor...

We still can go & see doc when we are TTCing? I mean during the period that we might already pregnant? says, along the DPO period liao..

is the appointment queue long..can I call & says fix the visit a week later?
hi gals,
Do you feel that you undergo roller coaster kind of emotions? Last Sat, my temperature was up 37.3 deg and my physician told me maybe got hope for pregnancy, coz triphasic for few days liao. Then Sunday my temp dip to 36.8 and then AF came. I felt so disappointed, coz this is my 7th time trying. Feel so tired of waiting and waiting. Sorry came in here to vent my frustrations.
u can go and see him anytime, her doign scanning and will be able to tell whther u might preganant.
my sis and i find the find ok too although sound ex but only once a year. if u tink this way then is cheap lor
u can call any timehe remember his patient well too cos my sis coll remended her then when he ask how we know him then we tell the friend name and she remember. most of his patiend are refer by friend
hi frustrated gal,
I can imagine the frustration you are feeling... I know it's hard to be disappointed month after month but I think getting stressed about it can only make it worse. Know it's easier said than done but have to try to relax and be more zen. Have you considered seeing a doctor to see if everything is ok? Just for peace of mind, I guess...
lbs, then nevermind... thanks...

tuffy, i see... cos i dunno wat FF will say mah... last time my VIP function still existing but my temp like all wrong... didn't even detect O... so FF also never say anything...
oh i see..so now i have to decide to take EPO or BFW..

dr chan charges is a bit higher, but not as high as those who specialises in (i don't know what they call that, but its helping the couple to insert the sperms to the egg)
my cousin went thru that & spent close to 8k thru another gynae.

hi wendypooh,
i married for coming 3 yrs already. yah he's very positive one..Yes! you are encouraged to bring your hubby along..he will let your hubby in to see the scan..the other time he told my hubby..see the womb, the ovaries..and stuff like that.

yah i agree that the pap smear is only once a year, so the $ is worth it!

hi frustrated gal,
hmm. i think you're not alone loh..take it easy, when AF comes, tell yourself smile, and enjoy your bb dancing with your hubby again!
<sigh>, just test again with OPK, still neg....

Hi frustrated gal
yea, u are not alone here...we are all TTCing &amp; understand fully how you feel...can only tell myself dun give up easily lor....
hi tuffy,
My menses cycle is 36 days, quite long. So I always have to wait very long to bb dance and wait for results afterwards. Anyone here manage to get pregnant though they have long menses cycles?
Hi Hopeful,

I'm now at the beginning of 2WW too... lots of baby dust to you. Try to think positive (though easier said than done), you only need 1 strong sperm for the egg. So dont worry too much.

I didnt really observe my CM before taking EPO, so cant tell you before and after effects. But so far I've been able to recognise my fertile fluid though i dont really have the textbook description of ewcm
Hi ribena,
I'm taking both EPO and BFW pills. Didnt ask gynae if it's ok though but I've already been taking for a few months already.

Hi frustrated gal,
Can understand how you feel. My mood also goes with how my cycle progresses and everytime AF arrived, I'll be feeling so so so down. And when it's TTC time, I'll feel a little bit better. Same as you, I also have long cycles and have to wait more than a month usually to TTC again. This is my 5th attempt, not that far from yours either. Anyway, lots of baby dust to you!
oic maybe next time can ask my hubby go wif me lor.so u have enjoy "er ren si jie" alry now can start planning for baby? me had been married for ard 7 mth and now cant wait to have baby, very kiasu hor haha.

if u intend to haev check up can go consider Dr Chan he is rreally a nice guy
what's OPK?

hi shuin,

the girls here suggested i take for regulating my menses, hmm..but i may take one type to see got improvement first or not

ya if your hubby is free, i'm sure he's welcome at the clinic.
yes i'm thinking of starting a family cos we both realise how nice if there's a kid at home and not getting younger!!
hai yah..not kiasu lah, it doesn't matter how long you're married, as long as both you &amp; hubby want, then go for it

by the way, what do your mean by long menstrual cycle??
hi gals,

so sad..i'm on CD18 liao..n duno when i O..temp has remain at low..duno wat to do liao..

BD alternate days now. trying my luck liao.
mind to reveal how old are u now? me and my hubby love kid so we want to start planning after we married.u are right wif a kid at home it will be more lifely.
sorry i oso dun know wat is long menstrual cycle.
do u have regular mense now?
Hi ribena

OPK - Ovulation Prediction Kit
It is a test kit (maybe call it a supplement..
on top of charting your temp &amp; checking CM) to see if you are ovulating soon..if the result is positive, meaning you will ovulate in the next 8-36hrs lor..

Since I cant really differentiate my CM clearly..i started using this test kit when I am 'close' to my O date..so far wasted 4 test strip liao..hahaaa

maybe u will ovulate later ? With clomid and metformin, I had consistently ovulate ard cd22 twice. So important thing is keep trying every alternate days and monitor your temperature or use opk.
forgetmenot/ poohy,

me not on metformin. only on clomid.nw taking temp lor..c how it goes..
poohy, u mean u O ard cd22? got anyone later than tat?
hi ladies

For those using OPK, do you test everyday (when results are neg) right after you start to feel you might be fertile until you get positive result? Or every other day?
me 27 tis yr

how bout you? yah i have irregular menses

how much does that costs? when do we do the tests? if positive means fertile is it? sorry for the many qns
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
for me, i test everyday starting from 1 or 2 days prior my agar agar O-day, until i get a positive result then i stop
hi wendypooh,
I haven't really started any bd yet cos I am still quite far away from my usual O date. Now it's between CD15 to CD19.
hi ribena

most of the ladies here bought OPK from preggiebliss. It is an online store. It is cheaper than buying off the rack at pharmacy lor.

There are two types. I bought the test trips which is cheaper one. You can check it out at the following link

If tested positive, meaning you are ovulating soon...in abt 8-36hrs time..tat means you better rape your hubby by hooks or by crooks..
However, to get higher chance, I think most of us here will still BD alternate days (very siong if everyday
)when agar-agar near the O-day..thats when the FF chart analysis came into use...

Hi chihiro
aiyoh...I already wasted 4 strips...I started to test on my CD10 according to preggiebliss's instruction . Now bo bian liao, need to continue check everyday since last cycle FF detected my O-day on CD14!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 07 Apr 04
ribena ......... CD 05
maya ........... CD 07
catepillar ... . CD 09
tuffy .......... CD 10
lbs ............ CD 14
jov ............ CD 15
wendypooh ...... CD 18
okeanosmao * ... CD 19
skinnyma ....... CD 22
aa ............. CD 25
joice .......... CD 26
funny .......... CD 29
amberlyn ....... CD 30
iloveoreo ...... CD 32
lilac .......... CD 33
Ms Blur ........ CD 34
Emma ........... CD 35
jigsaw ......... CD 35
Jen ............ CD 35
jojoba ......... CD 36
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 59
wizard ......... CD 69
shopper ........ CD 70
moonriver ...... CD 89
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
Morning gals!!

<font color="0000ff">amberlyn</font>
Don't give up, ok?
I have a friend who has her 1st kid at age 33 and a year later , the 2nd one is already on the way... so we all must jiao you!

Will update your CD... thanks!
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Got a question to ask you...
When you went for your pre-preggie check, does it have to be after your AF, before or after you O?
hi lbs,

thanks for the reply yesterday...

feel so sad today coz my temp drop by 0.3 this morning liow. so i guess my AF will be here anytime...

another failed attempt (this is my 4th attempt liow)....sob sob

thanks, oreo. just that this is my 7th time failing. the first few times i get real disappointed. now i sort of numb already. what to do...just continue to try lor.
dun really ask just call for appointment then go alry. guess does not affect much cos all is scanning and resutl can just see thru the scan.
think you can go anytime.have u decide which gynae?

so u married quite young. me 26 this year u are born in the year 1977?

all ladies,
lilac seem lost in tht thread tink she muct be busy now
hi morning all!

ok that's new info for me, thanks for answering to my qns, you mean other than that must bb dance alternate days arh?
so we are supposed to test on CD10?? gosh, then i better buy soon, but then again i also don't know how's my cycle like

hi oreo,
for my case, i'm told to go after my AF
lbs, my temp is still above coverline... my hubby keep pestering me to go and test... haha...

wat are the symptoms of preggie huh? I no feel any nausea leh... I feel normal leh...
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
haha..... me not missing lah. Just that im busy doing other stuffs.

Hmmm... i cant catch up with the thread even its moving slow. Cant rem who say what.

<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>
so how? have u tested?

<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
dun sob....just tell urself that the next time u will succeed. For my case, ive married for 1yrs plus liao and its my 8th attempt now. Ive been seeing red after so many times of trying. So for my current cycle, i already quite boh-chap liao. Dun wish to stress myself again and again.

<font color="0000ff">Tuffy n oreo</font>
haiz.... my temp still low even after i O. And today is my 6DPO. My temp highest only 36.6 So i thk this round no chance again... haha.... guess its my turn yet! But will relax.......
<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
why not u go and test now? So eagar for u! U still under "test-drive" mode? Or this cycle is already "on-the-run"?
hi lilac,
is this cycle's temp lower than your previous cycles? but each cycle does vary so it may not mean much. Also, I think you will probably see a higher phase after DPO 7 or so.

Glad that you are feeling positive about this whole thing. For me, sometimes I see charting as a kind of science experiment. I know this sounds weird but sometimes I just like to study the pattern of my cycles.
So even if I don't succeed this round (and I am not too hopeful cos I am so tired from work, dun have energy to BD), I guess it's ok cos I got more data to study!
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
tink u got chance leh
is this the longest of waiting period u hv?
i only started to feel a bit nausea tis wk
it depends on individual .. some may not even encounter any MS during pregnancy at all
do u hv tender breast? that is one of the symptoms too.

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
my temp after O oso ard 36.7+.. lowest is 36.39
so long its above your coverline.. shd hv no worries ..

jia you !!
<font color="0000ff">chihiro n tuffy</font>
do u thk its possible for the implantation dip to be below coverline?
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
i dunno leh
my own implantation wasn't very prominent to me until tuffy pointed out .. its like abt 0.2 degree drop only...
<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
go test go test!!! let us know the happy news soon!

<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
How are things with you? have you managed to confirm your EDD yet? Wah - u very lucky - got v little MS. Wonder what determines that? did the gynae explain to you?
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
I looked at many charts in FF, seems like 0.2 degrees drop is the usual implantation dip.

i had forward the FF chrt to u again. pls help me, dun know why the temp drop so much yest.
not use to seeing u missing from our thread.
nowaday i dun care, i oso surf now at office although we know tta our boss will know the website link tat we had surf, as long as i finish my work. so u see me more often now, last time
i only come in during weekend
