A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi jen

i think most of the gals here have told ourselves again &amp; again to bo chap &amp; relax..but when every cycle AF comes...<sigh>

I do admit that the frequency of BD has really increases with this TTCing but with less pleasure...that's why few weeks back I mentioned my hubby told me he started to feel stress out lor..

<sigh>, really dont know how to explain the depression...but think "Tian Shi, Di Li, Ren He" very important too...

hi lbs,
out of curiosity, before you started TTCing, what's the frequency of your BD? For me, it was never that frequent. So when we started TTCing, we try to time the BD closer to O date. It's robotic in the sense that we know we have to do it at certain times but I guess my H is not complaining cos now he gets BD more often.

but like you said, all depends on luck. It's hard to be zen when you are consciously trying.
hi tuffy

well, take away the AF week (my Af usually a week), we usually BD arnd once to twice a week..So, that comes abt 5-6 times only a month...bo bian, we usually have mood on weekends only...

now, with this TTCing, like what you said, we becomes more conscious as to when must BD...so, combine with those do with mood &amp; those with 'mission' to accomplish..the frequency becomes higher lor..
tuffy, i dunno if age plays a part lah... cos when my AF comes it always hurts very badly on first 2 days... so I quite worried I might have problem conceiving... plus pressure from my mum and granma... so we decide to be natural... but well, I'm going on 27 and hubby is 32... wat abt u and ur hubby?
Hi jenjen

my AF usually hurts first 2 days too ler...

oohh..I am a year older than you &amp; my hubby the same age as your hubby ler...

as for me, I have pressure from all angles...
hi jen,
we are both going 31 this year. I think age does play a part. I think my CM used to be more when I am younger...
hi lbs, tuffy
totally agreed with both of u, the frequency of BD really increase when ttc. last time we only BD on weekend usually on sat very tiring on weekday. now after ttc, no choice really try hard no matter how tired.
i so depress since hearing a fews bb news from friend during the weekend. last night dun know why tear start rolling when tink abt ttc. i really worried i got conceiving problem. i got a feelign tat my menses is coming soon got the cramp feeling alry. so sad, dun know why tis mth so emotional
hi angelia,
nxt year CNY is on 9 Feb, so tat means tis is the last mth for trying a monkey baby...
But now i try to relax and not put any pressure anymore...
I think our key words here are "relax" n "take it easy"

So have u kw the gender of ur baby?
<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
dun giv urself too much pressure ..

try to relax, try think of other things other than ttc.. i know its difficult, but at least your mind will not be fully occupied with ttc ..
prob try starting a new hobby or read a book may help ??
hi wendypooh

I am really loss at words on how to console you because I can feel how you feel...me was back to PIL place over the long weekend...baby talks everywhere in the sky...can imagine how sian it was...

you are at your luteal phase now, right? really, there is not much we can do at present...if AF really comes, we try again next cycle lor..Your normal flow is 28 days? Anyway, you can still take &amp; monitor your temp for these few days...If it stays high past your usual cycle, then maybe good news ler..

you went for the checkup liao, right? Did doc mention anything?

I lagi jialat..havent go for mine....<sigh>
lbs, tuffy, wendypooh,

can really relate to wat u saying... sometimes we hardly bd in months cos I always feel very tired and sleepy. Plus I have PCOS so unless I take the fertility drug, I know I wont ovulate so I always figure no pt wasting energy :p

each time I take the fertility drug we will bd on alternate days throughout the cycle till I think I ovulated by looking at bbt. So when we are ttc, definitely bd more than usual.

my hubby...no complaints too except that at times, the stress of ttc takes a toll on him too...one time, got so stressed that cant maintain an erection.. jia lat

anyhow I used to think waiting for the ovulation to occur (i ovulate late ard cd22 after taking the clomid) the 2ww was a torture... it was a torture actually... everyday scared that my temperature will fall. Untill my recent miscarriage ... I realise that this is the greatest of all torture. Cos I miscarried naturally so... after 3 solid week of bleeding, I am still spotting quite heavy from the miscarriage. And what's more, my gynae say I need to wait at least 6 weeks before I can try to induce my AF and try to take clomid again. (By which my hubby will be in reservist, so more delay). And my body really like tekan me... cos my pregnancy hormone is dropping very very slowly.

u can imagine how everyday I pray that this wait will be over so that I can at least try... its like neverending wait... with people ard me giving birth, getting pregnant... and all hope of having a baby before end of this year or before I reach 30 years old is going down the drain... my cousin who got married same year as me already have 2 boys and going for a third one soon. heart ache
I never know trying to have a kid can be such a long stretch struggle... everyday I am thinking I shd have tried the moment we got married 2 years ago...
hi chihiro, lbs, poohy
thank for all the comfort.
tink this mth i really plan for ttc therefroe so stress, unlike last time just talk only never action so the failure now is so great on me. i'm the type who can;t take tink easily tat why my hubby say i tink too much. i went for check up last week, result show a small fibriod (7mm) doc say is normal and can conceive anytime, except vignal infection take antiboitc then ok alry.
i try to numb myself by doing lot of hsework, but once i sit down i start to wonder aagin. so dun know how to describe
tuffy, does CM affect TTC? actually I'm quite a dry person... dun have much CM too... so dun worry lah...

btw, is monkey baby good? what's the next one? i quite scared later "clash" with me or hubby...
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
the nx one is
10) rooster

11) dog
12) pig
1) rat
2) bull
3) tiger
4) rabbit (me!)
5) dragon
6) snake
7) horse
8) goat
9) monkey again ..
Hi poohy

you are really a strong person...really...we all jiayou, ok?!

Hi wendypooh

I really think you &amp; I are alike ler..My hubby said I like to think, think, think too much..worry this, scared that..hahaaaa
Now, I try not to "Zi Zhuo" so much must have monkey baby, since the time is ticking away lor...as long as got baby, I very happy liao

Hi Jen
baby's chinese horoscope can 'clash' with parents one ah?
How we can know har?

hey i am born in year of rabbit too !!!!
I love the rabbit the most ...so always very glad I am born in that year ..haha...

lbs... yeah let's jia you together !!!! We sure will succeed this year.

hey i am born in year of rabbit too !!!!
I love the rabbit the most ...so always very glad I am born in that year ..haha...

lbs... yeah let's jia you together !!!! We sure will succeed this year.
lbs, poohy and wendypooh,
sigh... it's a good thing we have this forum. Otherwise also dunno talk to who about such things.. But what chihiro said is right, sometimes we need a little distraction to keep us going. Otherwise sure to get too obssessed and upset when things don't work out. we must all jia you yah?

do you use lubricants during BD? I find it painful without lubricants - think that tends to affect pple who are dry. wonder if you have the same experience.
hi chihiro,
haha i oso dun know leh tink too many ppl alry confused alry so sorry, btw my sis oso a rabbit.
sometime i feel so jealous of her, she is alry mother of 2 kid but i still struggling.

haha we are of same kind, my hubby alway say i forsee thing on bad side and make myself feel so bad. but ppl the first time will sure blames us girl right since giving bb is our duty they will
never thought of guy got problem. my sis even say tat if i dun let go a bit next time if i giove birth sure will get "chang hou you yu zhen"

all of us work hard together to be a gradutes.
so stress right seeing the CD list getting shorter and graduate list getting longer

yea,yea..thats what my hubby said of me too..hahaa..last time during wedding preparation, i worry things may go wrong on the actualy day lar, bla..bla..he said I got "Pre-Marriage depression"

now, this TTCing stress thing, he said wait I got 'chang qian &amp; chang hou you yu zhen' hahaaa

hey, now I only notice that the TTc list getting shorter &amp; the graduate list is longer ler...aiyoh..
well, sometimes shen er yu nu's thingy cannot be rush into lor
realli hv to wait patiently lor ... shi ni de, jiu shi ni de ..
haha really ah, i alway loss my temper with my hubby during wedding preparation. i get frustrated and agitated very easily. i alway panic if got any problem, but luckiy my hubby is the kind very calm so he alway ask me dun tink abt it he will solve
I dunno will clash or not lah... hehe... just wondering if monkey is more popular than rooster?

tuffy, we seldom use... unless super dry? there's bound to be a bit of CM lor... then ask your hubby to be more gentle while you must relax and slowly adjust to the feel... think there is bound to be some pain...
<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
ha ... same here !
im the more kan chiong type
while he is the more cool type
tts y oppsite attracts mah ..

oh found another buddy here. i alway get panic luckiy for him he is cool enough to solve problem. he is more capable i can say, he good on maths and most of the thing is done by him ranging from hse to reno to wedding i only in charges of keeping record and paper stuff.btw how old is your hubby?
u better relax now or little your little BB will complain

we are really alike ler...which month you were born in? I am a dragon, born Sep...according to my hubby a typical virgo..."Shen Jing Zi"

Haha..&amp; our hubby's temper seem to be similar too..

actually, what chihiro said is true...what will be yours , will be yours lor...emm..know is easy to say, but hard to practice lar..so, I have been reading books, exercising to distract myself..

I am not sure ler, if I dont strike this cycle, prob want to rest (bo chap attitude)for one cycle first to de-stress..
i am a horse born in June, my hubby is a dragon born in June too both our us are gemmi.
how long have u been trying?
me now very scare my af come , dun know how i will react cos now vwry depress
yea, yea...chihiro, u must rest more now ler..

aha..let your hubby do the work..

hi jen
emm..is personal preference lar..I do prefer monkey baby than rooster lor (if have to choose between these two)..but <sigh> now as long as have , I am happy liao...
hi wendypooh

u &amp; your hubby still very young ler..

I married last September..during my first three months of marriage, I really bo chap attitude lor..

Since Jan this year, I started make sure I BDing on alternate days when agar-agar near my fertile period (I usually have regular AF).

I only started to take temp &amp; plotted the chart last cycle (Mar) &amp; used the O-kit this cycle..
what abt you?
hi lbs,
oso not very young alry, even my gyane say i must catch up with my sis.
we married on last early sept too. we never really plan just tat BD without protection tinking that getting pregant is by having intecourse then can liao very native hor.. until i found tis thread then relaise is not simple.
i stary to plot on mar but give up half way, will tried again on april

wonder how is lilac now really missed her

lilac.. where are you... we missed u
wow.its so comforting to see similar feelings here
just that for me, i don't think i am so "guai" to follow all the ttc steps..i really envy you girls, at least its easier for you all becos of regular menses.
my hubby once stressed at work, won't feel like bbd one
hmm..we all have to jia you, to be more bo chap and try hard not even to think about it. btw my sis tried for her 2nd bb for half year, then when she decided not to try already, the next mth she was pregnant.
em..we are very naive..me too think getting pregnant shld be very easy...<sigh>

ohh..so, we started plotting arnd the same time? em..did you use O-kit? Now I think using O-kit is much easier than agar-agar O day with charting ler..(though charting is still a good way to know your body!)Especially, using O-kit, you sort of know better when to time the BD..

yea hor, where is lilac huhh??
hi girls,

wow so many postings, hardly able to catch up!

me also a dragon leh (same as lbs)...aiyo so sian so this is the final month to go for a monkey bb liow...guess it is unlikely for me liow lah..so depressing.. maybe right now if i can hit jackpot i heck care whether its monkey or rooster liow..

at least for you girls, started not long after your marriage....now really regretted very badly that i wasted 1 year before i seriously tcc-ing..
hi lbs,

since dec last year liow...so already failed for 4x liow..sob sob

actually me have a very silly logic why i dun really wan a rooster bb..coz i simply cant live without eating chicken meat (coz i dun take mutton and beef)..so i thot if i have a rooster bb, then it seems like me eating my own bb all the time right...

haha my mum and hb say i "siao" and the worst thing is i only "realise" this in dec thats why very eager to go for a monkey bb...

so i guess now i dun mind a rooster liow,,,if not if i drag another year, it will be getting more diff to conceive with age catching up with me...

lbs, must be like me lah... i kanna frightened by family and friends that not so easy kanna... so must try early... then skarly strike... so the moral of the story is... when you dun want, you will get it... ahha...
hahahaaa...ice jelly, u really have a 'weird' but come to think about it quite valid reason for having a monkey baby!

hi jen, yea...thats why me think of if 'suai' not strike again this cycle, i will 'rest' a month first...

really envy u leh...

me also very naive thot very easy to strike esp with regular AF..seems like its not the case at least for me...

lbs, yalor i also thot to give myself a break if i din hit jackpot next cycle (the very last attempt for monkey)....heee
ice jelly, dun worry and dun envy me... now i so kancheong to find gynae and all that... and worry abt whether normal or not... worry this worry that... sigh... sianz... today no mood... ok going off now! bye!
Hi Ladies,

We are so so similar... I'm also the gan cheong type and my hubby is the cool guy.. I'm born in rabbit year and also trying desperately for monkey baby. If fail my last attempt, think I'll take a good break from all these TTC-ing, really giving me too much pressure and driving me into depression with all the tears and stuff, and worse still... putting on weight! Cos I keep reminding myself to eat well. Probably I'll take the opportunity to change a job, have been thinking for years liao but timing wasnt right...
I was also very naive thinking it's really easy to get pregnant! maybe watch too much tv liao.. :p today's papers reported another abandoned baby, this time worse... it's a 6 months' old foetus! so badly decomposed that they cant tell gender.. so sad after reading the news.. here we are trying so hard for one..
hi oreo,
I have seen one but gynae says too early to see anything and I need to drink lots of water before very scan...will go next Monday again..
<font color="0000ff">Wendypooh n lbs</font>
Hehe.... din know u two miss me so much arh??!!

Today i went out window shopping with my friend for awhile and the whole morning i was busy doing housework and so i din come in and chat lor.

Hey.... tis thread is moving so fast today. I cant catch up leh. Hmmm... i miss the days in my ex-cmpy whereby i can surf net and chit chat with u all anytime. Now seems like im "tuo jie" liao.

<font color="0000ff">Wendypooh</font>
how are u feeling now? Any symptons showing up? As for me, i starting to feel abit of cramps liao. N i thk my temp going down hill too. So its another failed mission..... Haiz.... what to do?? Try again lor.....

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
me today CD38 but im those that O late and my cycle is 40days. But AF is on the way liao.
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
u said that ur gynae told u that uve gt infection rite?? How are we able to know if we din go for chkup? Can we see it from the colour of the CM?
jenjen : R u expecting?? ah.. how come never tell me. I still away. Will be back next month. Will call u when i am back, we must meet up.


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 13 Apr 04
oreo ........... CD 03
jigsaw ......... CD 05
joice .......... CD 06
amberlyn ....... CD 08
huggie ......... CD 10
ribena ......... CD 11
maya ........... CD 13
catepillar ... . CD 15
tuffy .......... CD 16
lbs ............ CD 20
jov ............ CD 21
wendypooh ...... CD 24
okeanosmao * ... CD 25
skinnyma ....... CD 28
aa ............. CD 31
funny .......... CD 35
lilac .......... CD 39
Ms Blur ........ CD 40
jojoba ......... CD 42
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 65
wizard ......... CD 75
shopper ........ CD 76
moonriver ...... CD 95
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... ??/12/04
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
