A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hoonie - u in NIE now ah? me a teacher.. hiakz.. dying to get out of the profession.. oops.. very very tiring.. no time n energy to BD.. haha.. my colleagues say most teachers only conceive during skl hols.. so hopefully i'll O well in june! hiakz..
Hi Sharon

Think when OPK shows +ve meaning that u O within 24 to 48 hrs... The day bf yr BBT picks up shld be yr O day.... so, doesn't matter if the BBT for these few days are similar....

Juz BD this 2 days, shld be high chance...

Hi Hayashi

I'm seeing Dr Chua Yang... U?

Saw yr eggie liao? hope yr BD session yesterday was enjoyable... ;p

Hi Penguin

I hope everything is well on yr side... do let us know how did the check-up go, okie? Do take care in the meantime...

Sigh...it's already 7 days. I still having the yellow discharge. Abit too weird!
Today is the 25th day from my first day of last menses leh.

Fren ask me to wait at least till my first day of miss menses to test. If negative, then better to see doctor.

The wait is very "long"!
elizabeth - *hugz* dun be too disappointed.. maybe u can wait awhile more than try again? or see a doc to test? more accurate?
(As of 10 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 4</TD><TD> cd 15</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 4</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 7</TD><TD> 17 May</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 10</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> 9-14 May</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> 8-10 May</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> 9 12 May </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> 8 May</TD><TD> 20 May</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 7 May</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34-36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 31-35</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 1 dpo</TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> 9 dpo</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 11 dpo</TD><TD> 16-18 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasnie</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 36-40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> 15 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Roslyn</TD><TD> 36</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4 May</TD><TD> 27-33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 39</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD> 39</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> 42</TD><TD> 25 dpo</TD><TD> 23 Apr</TD><TD> 32-35</td></tr></table>

thanks caitlyn

need lotsa of hugs
just wonder if my system is down..when i m/c in march, i had AF for a period of 3 weeks!! 2 weeks straight after d&amp;c. 1 week break and then AF for 1 week again. a little confused with the actual AF day...

pressure is on for me cos my colleagues are popping, frens, even neighbour!!!

Looking @ my BBT today, I think I have O yesterday...

Accordingly to Fizz, we shld BD one day bf the BBT hit lowest... which I missed... so sad... dunno whether still got chance of getting preggy this cycle or not...
Hi Icebaby

Are u taking Clomid? After I took Clomid, I realise I always have this yellow discharge too....

Wat's yr usual cycle length? Today is yr CD 25... abit early... u wanna wait for awhile more bf u see a gynae?

2ww is always the worst period... coz u will usually get abit panicky... juz be patience and listen to yr fren... wait till the day u miss yr AF... then test...

Hi Elizabeth

Did u see yr gynae wif regards to this? Izzit common for M/C to have such AF fequency?
Hi Yuki,
Don worry too much, u hv tried ur best so now just wait and see lor.

Did u test OPK last night? Yesterday afternoon I tested OPK +ve but strangely when I tested again last night, the test line is very very faint....so confusing! But based on my BBT, I shld hv Oed yesterday. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with this batch of OPKs....so difficult to get +ve results. Previously when I used the Clearblue OPK and OPKs bought fr another website, I hv no problem at all...*scratch head*

yup, u are right. think will O these 2 days.

this is wat i read from FF :

You have recorded a positive OPK result on your chart. Ovulation Prediction Kits detect a surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) in your urine. This is last hormone to peak before ovulation. In most cases, you can expect to ovulate the day following your positive OPK result. You may, however, ovulate later the same day, or the following day.

To maximize your conception chances, keep considering yourself as fertile for several days after seeing a positive OPK result. If you are also checking your temperature and cervical fluid, consider yourself fertile until you also see a sustained thermal shift and cervical fluid has dried up.

OPKs tell you that ovulation is likely imminent and you are most fertile. In most cases, ovulation soon follows after a positive OPK result. A positive OPK result, however, does not indicate ovulation with certainty, nor does it pinpoint your ovulation day to within a narrow timeframe. Only your temperature sign which reflects a rise of progesterone after ovulation, will confirm and pinpoint ovulation for you.


and i try pre-seed for the 1st time last night. hmm.... also read from the preseed 'paper' from the box says that saliva is 'unfriendly' to sperm! then i told my hubby, he like OOPS! haha...
hehe sharon

i knew that saliva kills sperms from a while ago already....needless to say, many hbs would be very sad to hear this...muahaha!
yuki, think the 1st two weeks of AF is the "bad blood" flow from the body after the D&amp;C op. i tested 4-5times for preggie liao...think will give it a rest and wait patiently for AF to visit me. At least i know i am normal

i didn't know until yesterday!!! haha... then last nite i keep reminding my hubby that saliva 'kills' sperm then he kinda look sad! haha.... but with preseed think both of us enjoy BD-ing cos sometimes i am quite dry..
Hi caitlyn,

Haha...u also like me..teacher

Well...work everywhere is never ending...unless you dun work at all lor...(which is quite impossible for me tho)..All the best caitlyn...

Hope everything is fine on yr side....Do let us know ok?
Hi Kermit

I have BD yesterday's nite... but so far, based on pass experience, when I BD on the nite the BBT reaches lowest... so far no good news... maybe coz my egg quality no good... or maybe my hubby's spermie no good... that's y, can't last for long...

Hi Tami

I didn't test OPK last nite, coz I find that since I'm going to BD liao... then dun need to test lor... so, dunno if I will get +ve or not if I tested...

This OPK thingy is kinda confusing for mi... worst then BBT... so, dun think will rely on it... juz use it as a guide rather than stressing yrself over it..

Like wat u say lor... already try our best liao... so if still cannot strike, it's god's will...

Hi Sharon

Ya lor... That's wat I told my hubby too... so, he has to sacrifice his likings for the time being lor... hehehehe...

I am not taking any Clomid or medication.
I worried and yet, it's too early to see gyne.
I remember I experience yellow discharge before but only like 2-3 days max and not much. But this time, it's was quite alot and also now it is the 7th day.

My cycle is normally 29-31 days at the moment.

*sigh. But thanks for the comfort.
Hi Hayashi

My gynae is selling 5 tables for $5 + GST... but I heard one of the gynae sells it for $25 for the same thing... u might wanna ask for pricing bf u purchase...
hoonie - keke.. u teaching which level? i very miserable coz i teaching sec skl.. but i much prefer to work w younger kids.. so i really dread coming to work.. alot of nites i cry esp on sundays! =) so my hb keep askng me to change job.. i oso given alot of extra duties.. sianz.. keke.. so thinking of requesting to change to pri skl after my bond coz think i'll be able to connect better w younger kids.. hopefully..

don't worry! actually even for a perfectly normal couple, the chances of striking during every cycle is only 30% i read. so if you BD last night, when BBT is at the lowest, means you have sent in the soldiers to try to catch the released egg on time!

now, just keep fingers crossed and see how.
Hi caitlyn,

I am currently in NIE...gng to teach primary school mother tongue

Kids in the sec sch hard to handle??I think pri school children can be equally bad if you teach in a neighbourhood pri sch..
hoonie - oic.. sec skl they very defiant.. plus i not very firm i guess.. most of my upper sec students much bigger sized than me.. i only 159/38kg.. =) i wish to teach P1 + P2.. tt age very cute! cannot stay angry for long.. kids scold liao forget faster.. teens very angsty..
Hi Icebaby

Dun worry too much, I think shld be nothing lah... the last time after I had the yellowish discharge for more than 1 week... I had a scan wif my gynae... nothing was wrong wif mi...

Juz be abit patience and wait for awhile longer before u see a gynae lor..

Hi Bettle_bug

Juz went thr' the webby... I keyed in my details and like every other webby... told mi that I shld O on 8 May... but instead I O on 9 May... So, I tried to change my average length of cycle to the "longest cycle"... and indeed... it became 9 May... So, if I nvr strike this cycle... will use this webby's info as a guide as to when to BD lor... hehehehhe...

Hi Kermit

I can only hope lor...wat to do.. heheheh... I hope the soldiers went in on time... keeping my fingers crossed
Anyway... it's the 2WW again.... waiting waiting waiting...
You are skinny leh...eat more eat more ok....**sayang sayang**U put me to shame...I am putting on weight (but not pregnant..) Yah..i do agree the lower pri students easy to "scare" them...ahaha..Some of them u juz need to give them the stern look they are scare liaoz...I am different from u..I am lovin this job!! Perhaps the kids that I face is different from yours...
hoonie - keke.. diff ppl i guess.. for me teaching was my childhood ambition.. so maybe expected more out of it.. keke.. but i see alot of ppl enjoying teaching.. esp pri skl teachers.. so wanna try out sthg diff after my bond.. =)
Hi Caitlyn

2WW = 2 weeks wait. That means the 2 weeks after u O and bf yr AF reports....

The worst period for TTC... coz everyday, u will be worried over all the tiny little symptoms u hv that may link u to pregnancy or AF... so I hated this period the most... especially when it draws near to when AF is supposed to due...
I also work very hard this round leh..from CD10 to CD20 alternate days......DH sometimes tired also try....But guts feel that I would not strike so fast leh...ahha...Coz I am not sure if I O well this cycle...
yuki - oh.. for me i just wait anxiously every mth.. coz i have no idea when AF will come to visit me.. actually tis mth i thot i being hardworking.. coz i BD every day frm CD12 - CD 15 before "allowing" my hb to fly off.. haha.. but too bad my OPK only show +ve on CD21 when hb not ard liao.. really very sad.. =( on a +ve side, my hb is pleased with my "increased sex drive"! hahaha.. but he calls himself my sperm donor..
Hi Yuki,

I agree with u...The last cycle i tried also like that...Every single symptoms that I experienced seems like AF or pregnancy and somemore my AF report late also...Very scary...So this time round,I try not to think so much during the 2WW,juz live as "normal" as I can assuming that AF will report...haha
I think this gonna make you feel better...
Hi hayashi,
Nope he asked me to test for my next cycle.

Hi icebaby,
Ya been to his clinic 3x and always ve to wait for at least 45mins. Usually I will reg and go for dinner or walk walk. Still considering whether to engage him if preggie.

Where do you stay? There are few other gynae in sk/punggol.

Hi yuki,
What thing selling 5 for $5?

Hi everyone,

penguin8 is back with bad answer...

penguin8 went to see Dr in KK 24hours and was given a BFN again.

Mixed feeling: disapoointment, confused and anger..

i told the Dr (or gynae?) that i do not have my AF and I am already in my CD38. The lady gynae told me that my test show that I am not pregnant at all, asked me a few questions, check on my cervix and ask me go back and wait for my AF to report.

I really don't know what's going on. I told her I get all the preggy sympton, she told me that all that are not relevant to me. She told me that perhaps I'd been too stress which caused my AF to be delay. She even told me, "you are juz a few days late", Arghh...

If I would not have previous history of m/c, i don't even want to go and waste my money! She makes me seem that I am over-reacting... i told my DH I shouldn;t have go, seems like I was being humiliated.. then my DH said to me, at least you know the answer... pengz..

My AF still not yet report. If really AF want to come, why is she holding back, quick come so that i can BD again.. Thought can secure a "doggy", but seems like heaven is not going to give it to me, likely to cheong for "piggy" liao...
