A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi yuki & caitlyn,

I ve seems something like this (not sure issit the same) and apparently its quite accurate for those who 'followed' the table....

Hi penguin,

Is ur cycle regular? Just realised 2 of us CD38. If based on 6 wks cycle, my AF should report next week.
Hi Tami

Congratulations... hahahah... go go... must BD all nite... enjoy yr BD tonite

I remember u have almost the same BD date as me leh... maybe I also Oing soon?
hehhehehe... I hope so... but definitely BD tonite...

Hi Caitlyn

I juz roughly estimated for my friends' ones... like quite accurate leh... hahaha... so if this mth, I strike... I will get bb gal lor...

Hey Fizz, MSN_Queen, bloom75 & kermit

Maybe u can try out that table and noe yr bb's sex first and later see whether accurate or not... btw, when wld u all noe yr bb's sex?
Hi caitlyn, piggy,
I will definitely be a gd student tonight....then can pass my exam...haha

Yuki, both of us predicted O on 7 May, both hv not O yet so u probably Oing soon too. Must Jia you....continue to BD until u confirmed Oed.

Actually I sort of knew I will O tdy so this morning forced myself and hubby to wake up half an hr earlier to BD...kekeke..hopefully got higher chance this time lor
piggy - mine also.. when i say once a day.. means cannot more than once in a day.. keke.. if everyday, he says will die! hahaha..
Mine also cannot once a day... at the most once every alternate days... but of course, sometimes, over weekends, we will BD everyday lah... that's for this cycle only...

Previous cycles, always BD once every few days... so till now haven't strike... "didn't study hard enough mah.."
Ya ya ya... yuki.... u also the same as me leh... then sometimes my stupid hubby too stressed with work during my O-period leh.... haiz....
then less revision together lor....
Hi Tami

Maybe tonite I go back also test OPK... or shld I test later... see how.. heheheh... very eager to see if got +ve results or not... but anyhow will juz BD lor... predict so gan kor also dunno when is the O... so maybe anyhow hamtam will get also dunno... hehehhe...

How did u "sort of knew"? I have been having cramps since yesterday leh... but dunno if that's O cramps or not... coz yesterday I pass motion after feeling those cramps... juz now my cramps started again... hopefully, today is THE DAY... hheheheh...
Hi Piggy

HAHAHAHA..... ya lor... my hubby sometimes, juz felt tired... and when he's tired... he juz refused to move an itch... so wasted the chance...
hee.. i used to be a super lazy student.. i din noe fertile window is so small only.. i just to revise only on weekends coz i always very tired after work! haha..
caitlyn & piggy,
before I started ttc, my hubby also cannot do everyday...we usually do once or twice a week. But after ttc-ing for so long still cannot strike, he say cannot also must become can lah...now only during my fertile period then we will do everyday then on O day try to do once in the morning and once at night lor...must eng eng lai....kekeke

Yuki, my cycle is quite regular, normally I O on CD21. But last cycle I Oed on CD18 so this time I not so sure. But since til yesterday I hv not Oed yet, I sort of predicted tt tdy is the day (tdy is my CD21) lor....and I also feel cramps in my left ovary this morning...dunno whether is I too sensitive or wat...

Since u know tt u will be O-ing these few days, just continue to BD.... then u won't miss.
Hi gals,

Saw your discussion on yr hubbys over here..Interesting...I think same as most of your hubbys,he always complain tired after work and somemore he works shift...More difficult to catch him to BD...My working hours and his are so different...Not forgetting always being called back for overtime...Sometimes I get real frustrated with him man...

However for the sake of TTC-ing,he will try on every alternate days...But sometimes the amount he cumz is so little...really wonder if he really did cumz or not....
coz sometimes the spermies dun flow out at all...(After he cumz,he usually stay inside till he soften and withdraw...that could be the reason so little spermie flow out) I am not very optimistic that I would get preggy soon lor..If i dun get preggy by year end,maybe I gonna keep a dog(to kill boredom and divert my attention)
Erh... I dont knoe leh... i get brown discharge before my AF comes....

Aiyah... go see doctor first lar... dont wait... anyway.. just a visit will solve all your doubts...

i also duno am I pre-PMS or preggie symptom coz me everyday headache but I dun hv urge to vomit or breast engorgement. I felt that my head going to bomb liao, warm & feverish feeling can fried an egg liao! I'm physically and mentally tired.

Mentality tired coz I duno what this brown discharge is all about, is it AF coming or not or had chemical pregnancy or what, how come like that one..

I am scary about my ab pain coz it will have cramp on and off. Also I felt very tight at my ab like I cannot breathe due to my pant too tight (? why so tight.. maybe I'm become fat/bloated or what..)

Stomachache, had been trying to poo but cannot yet alot of wind inside.
hi hoonie,

sorry if i am blunt. But if one day when u have baby, will you continue to keep the dog?

sorry , becos i work in a voluntary organisation for dogs. lOTS of dogs are abandoned when the couple could not cope with a newborn and a dog.

No pun intented, just my opinions.
penguin - maybe u sld really just visit a doctor.. at least u'll noe once n for all.. dun have to be so stressed up.. hugz

i also experienced that few days ago, but my AF came in full blast.

maybe u can go for a preg test first, to play safe

think if like what you say, should I just visit a GP because by the time after work polyclinic close liao.
Hi Tami

I normally O abt CD 16... But this 2 cycles after taking Clomid... my cycle seems to be lengthened instead... (my gynae told me that it shld be shortened)... last cycle I O on CD 19... so maybe, this cycle also O late...

I hack care liao lah... Juz continue to BD till my AF comes lor... or when I become very dry... then painful for BD then stop... heheheh...

I also felt abit of cramps since yesterday @ my right ovary position... dunno if it meant I'm going to O soon...
Hi Hoonie

Think Stella is right... the last time when I haven't planned for baby, we adopted a mongrel... but now that we are planning for one... we were kinda worried for the future of our doggie...

Of course, we dun bare to let it go... but if it eventually, affect the health of our baby, then it might juz have to go... or wost still, we really dun have time for it...

At the time being, we will try our best to keep it of course... it's so poor thing...

So, u better think twice... coz once the emotional bond is formed... it's really hard to break... even if u wanna part wif it...

Hi Penguin

Eeerr... since u felt so bad... why dun u go take a blood test to confirm if u r preggy or not... if not, then take medication to induce yr AF to come lor... think if it's chemical pregnancy, AF will still come, rite?

I remeber you had lost your AF for quite a few days then that stupid AF came full blast right?

U r in your CD? when AF came, really sianz...
Juz did some searching, share with you all:

Extract from: http://www.babyzone.com
"I am just starting week 7 of my pregnancy and am experiencing very slight spotting. It's so slight it's probably more accurate to call it a tan/brown discharge. I'm not having any pain though."

Expert reply:
"I would let your doctor know about your spotting for perhaps an earlier appointment. It may be nothing more than a yeast infection or cervicitis, but he or she may want to check you and get blood tests to reaffirm fetal well-being."

I am going to 24 hour clinic tonight ...
Hi Penguin

How long were u having yr discharge already... I used to have discharge bf my AF too... but normally, it's abt 1-2 days... after the full blast come... but that's normally, when my AF is due...

U might be preggy then... but better be safe than sorry. why didn't u visit a gynae? Tot 24 hr clinic normally charge higher after certain timing and the cost ended up the same as gynae anyway...

R u on shift work?

I am in CD3 already.

yah lor, i was so happy when AF was late. But thinking back, I ovulated twice this mth, last o was cd 22. Technically, AF isnt late lah.
the more i read, the more i scared..... yes i m going to the clinic after work, told my DH liao, juz sms me to go together... so sad..
don't panic...*calm down*

do you feel any cramps...the worrying thing now is if it's ectopic...do you feel sharp pains either left or right side?

if really worried, don't bother going to 24 hr clinic...go straight to KK 24 hr..there they have scans available if need be...

Dun be scare okie... sayang sayang...
not trying to scare u lah... but sometimes, it's better to seek professional advice then to juz sit @ home and wait...
Hi stella,

If I am keeping a dog,I would keep it when I have a baby too...since the emotion will be there liaoz...Dogs and newborn together should not have a lot of problem lah...Since my frenz are doing it...

However,adopting a door is juz a plan lah...mic not keep a dog too..I am thinking of many ways to let myself dun think so much ab ttc-ing...Maybe pick up driving class or conversational malay...or take up part time jobs...etc...

Hi penguin8,
Dun worry,you will be fine...Just relax and see what the doc have to say ok? *Hugz*

My gynae is gynae from KKH, he did my previous D&C there. I don't have a gynae outside private practise. I don;t think I can engage one without appointment for tonight? Is there to recommend?? It's already 4.30pm...

2 days ago very light spot, it wouldn't stain, just that when I wipe can see a smear of light brown. Yest also very light brown. Today it stains a drop( brown discharge), not big patch though but it stained.

Stella what I mean is u r in CD?? before AF came in full blast?
Hi penguin,

Dont panic... just be calm and take deep breath.. you will knoe what happen after seeing the doctor... good girl...., okie?
Don't worry...just go and see the doc and be careful. take care.. By the way, i am on clomid now. Hopefully I can test postive OPK this month...
acquirius and kermit,

I tested with HPT on 6/5/06, it BFN. Its' only 3 days apart no point I test again today right.. Actually i intent to test again this Sat, but happen this brown discahrge thing to me. I already m/c before liao, why this heaven is treating me like this one...

people go gynae for pregnancy, but why i only go gynae for M/c and D/c. it's very unfair to me leh.. very sad leh! Very heart-breaking..i don't want to go through another session of that thing leh...
Only 1 gyne i know...cos i just called yesterday.
He will be around 6-9pm. Located at Sengkang.

Dr Adrian Woodworth's clinic address:
5 Seng Kang Square
#01-05 (Sengkang MRT)
Tel: 63888125

The nurses in Sengkang are called Evelyn (the one with long hair) and Sally (the plump one wearing spects). His timing in Sengkang is as follow:
- Mon: 2-4.30pm (sometimes earlier maybe 1.30pm)
- Tue: 6-9pm
- Thurs: 2-4.30pm (sometimes earlier maybe 1.30pm)
- Fri: 6-9pm
- Sat: 1.30-3.30pm
penguin, it might not be as bad as you thought. anyway u gg to see doc later so dun scare urself liao. good luck!
hi penguin, your first test also done in the morning...ie the first urine after waking up? It's more concentrated and accurate. Maybe you go see Dr Adrian Woodworth first?

dun be sad, maybe got good news that u are preggie? 1 of my friend also got spotting before she found out she is preggie. so no worries... go see a gynae and you will know.


i also dun know if i O already. the past 2 days got faint lines when tested with OPK. later i am gg to isetan scotts to buy pre-seed and try tonight. BD till AF come also.... like u! haha...


Dun be so despair... maybe it's nothing. Today is Tuesday, the gynae that I goes to open till 9... dunno if it's emergency, she will take in or not... u can try to call her @ 6463 3366 or as kermit suggested to go KKH emergency clinic lor...

If the infor u gave me for the chart is correct, u were juz overdue by 2 days... maybe juz stress causing AF to delay or maybe maybe pregnancy not shown yet?

Yr discharge only so little? Mine normally 1st day is abt 50 cent coin... the 2nd day normally it's almost half the panty liner... later in the 2nd day, AF will come full force liao...

But think this defer lah...

Dun think too much now, juz go to see a gynae or go KKH... after scanning if preggy then good, if not, then see how to induce AF to come lor... Dun always think that it's going to be something bad... maybe it's pregnancy leh... brown spotting may not be m/c all the time... sometimes, it may be implantation spotting... sometimes, juz pre-menses warning....

Relax, cool down... okie? TTC is nvr as easy as we tot it will be... so, we need alot of positive thinking...
