A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Sharon

Hahahah... ya lor... I juz sms my hubby saying that I felt like raping him tonite... and his reply "I'm all yrs.." hahhahaha... so will BD tonite till AF comes... Or better still, dun come @ all...

I dunno if I shld use pre-seed... I read that Clomid will affect CM's quality... think that's y, I have not been getting EWCM... but when BDing, I felt that it's not too dry after all... so, dunno if it's because it's inside... so can't see or really dun have...

How much is the pre-seed anyway? Maybe after this cycle if still no strike then will consider getting it...
yuki, u r so funny with your sms to your DH... hahaha

it's raining outside, hope it willnot damp my days..

icebb, Dr Adrain is too far away leh, I stay around Bt Timah, go to Sengkang almost 1 hour plus by train from my place!!! Maybe will go Yuki's gynae if confirm preggy.. Tonight think better go KKH clinic then...

Going off ya, see you all tomolo..

I was in cd35 when spotting occurs. conicidentally, the spotting comes when i had a fall in the bus. scared me

i jus bought pre-seed frm isetan scotts jus now and it's $39.90 (for 6 usages). today is BD day so will use later.

btw, i jus tested with OPK and it's +ve! but a funny thing is my BBT today is not low leh, it's the same as the past 2 days. wondering if my themometer is spolit. so meaning i O today since OPK shows +ve? or 24 hrs later? blur....
Good luck penguin8! Hope to hear good news from you...

Hope u have gone to see a doctor by now and everything is well for u...
Update us tonite okie....


today is my O too...GG to
later oso...WHich gyn are u seeing at Bukit timah?

I did the V-scan oreadi....Finally overcome my fear....saw 1 big mature egg ard 1.96cm...
hi penguin8,
Sorry ddin;t got time to post online. You asked me if I got brown discharge b4 i test positive in last post? Well, I did have brown discharge once one week b4 i tested positive, that is after i BD. Then 3 days later, we BD again, and this time round is pinkish discharge. So i oso duno if it's the implantation bleeding or is becoz of after BD then bleed.

So as the girls advise, better to see a gynae early if it is not common to u. Let us knoe the result tml.

Btw, I had managed to scan the "guidelines to achieve preganacy" file, and I hope you all can benefit form it. Knowing the texture of the EWCM, together with the OPKs and pre-seed should be able to strike!!

But the pic file is too big, if U want can you PM me? I will send to your email provided.

I saw the chart.... Hmm... I duno what is the meaning of the lunar year & month... ahha.... but from roughly gauge the chart, it's stating a girl leh... well, must wait abt 5 mths then will knoe from the scan.....

*baby dust to all*
possible to ovulate twice in a cycle??

don't adopt a dog just to distract yourself. my bro bought a dog out of fun/impulse and now my poor dad is tolling after the dog. feel sorry for the dog and my dad.

what is preseed?

I ever ask my gyn if a woman can O twice in a cycle...his reply to me is NEVER...Woman only O once a mth...which explains the increase in LH level....
Hi stileto,

Rest assured I would think carefully before adopting a dog...Perhaps I mic take up driving lessons or learn conversational malay or take up part time jobs....

Hi hayashi,
How much does it cost to do the V-scan? Which CD u go for the scan?
hoonie and blueblue,

I have a late O this cycle,today is my CD 25.If u have a regular cycle between CD14 to CD16 u can scan for the egg....


the prices that my gyn charges me is different from other patients...
wah so many of you are O ya... me can't wait to start TTC again :D

Few more days to do hee hee... i will just BD from CD10 -CD20. is it enough?
i can't remember already... you are taking clomid too.

somehow i found myself gain weight after taking clomid for few cycles. Does anyone out there have similar experience like me. hmmm now i am trying very had to reduce weight.... am over 3KG now
Icic...What are the usual charges for the V-scan?
Aren't u suppose to be BD-ing tonite?? Quick quick go!!!

more than enough....10 days for u to BD leh...
I am not taking clomid,just asking only..My gyn says i dun have to take clomid..


I dun noe the charges for V-scan,u have to ask the rest of the gals...
Dun worry about me...I told my boss I making BB tonite so i go to work in the afternoon....Therfore i can BD later and BD oe more time tmr morning.
Hi hayashi,

I am studying now(sponsered course)..full time student..went back to school after working for a few years...

Am having holidays now...till end June..
hahaha... me super kiasu hor. will do it on alternate day... hope my HB sperm is enough :p

wah...you so open ya... tell you boss directly you are baby making. hee hee
Hi beetle bug,

I am planning to go for pre-preggy check up if failed mission after 6 months...Then will consider the v-scan...

from the very begining when my boss employed me he has already been noted that I am TTCing...Luckily my clinic is not buzy tmr morning....That's why he allowed me to work in the afternoon.
Hmmm....alternate days will be better lah...I tot everyday...I think ur DH oso scared leh...
teacher training course

actually not very good timing to get preggy now actually but just try try our luck lor..
Found this website just now... has anyone did a FSH before?


Want to Check Your Eggs? FSH Testing and Fertility

Follicle-stimulating hormone tests (or fsh tests for short) are designed to detect high levels of FSH - which may be associated with infertility issues, peri-menopause, or menopause symtpoms. Women experiencing symptoms of infertility, missed periods, or ovulatory irregularity may use FSH tests to determine if these symptoms are associated with high FSH levels. An FSH test can be used evaluate a woman's egg supply (ovarian reserve) and determine issues with hormonal balance.

read more on the website
hi gals.. the lunar calendar one is quite accurate for me friend too...

Peguin - do not feel sad... talking aboug age... i not any younger either... still trying for first one
sometimes really feel like a loser when i see those younger than me has 2 to 3 already
me work at NTU just your neighbour only

I am at IT line... am doing eLearning system support.... very stress... feeling quiting the job to concentrate on TTC sometimes... but i can't afford to have no income. VERY contradicting myself

I did a very detailed progesterone test last week,which oso includes the FSH test...But my gyn says why waste $$ to do the detailed bld test,just a simple bld test which have progesterone level can already
is it... maybe you O well and that is the reason why your gynae said no need.

For my case, my gynae just perscribe clomid to me as she suspect i didn't O well and do V-scan. Now i wonder if i should ask for FSH test. Does pregesterone test also able to know if you O well?

maybe she preggie...that's why dun come in now...

about 10 days before ur AF is dued,u can do the progesterone test to check if u have O well for that cycle...

my gyn says the bld test i have done last week is not accurate as I haven't even O yet at that time...so i must do another bld test 10 days from today
beetle bug,

I do agree that sometimes we juz dun feel like working but hor,single income in the family will be a little tough...no choice lor...dun be sad beetle bug **sayang sayang**As long as we try,one day sure hit jackpot...I am sure the day will come lor....You are very old meh??hmm....as long as below 35 consider young liaoz...

I got one more year to finishing the course and 4 more years down the road to finishing the bond...Haha...that goes to say I have no chance to be a stay at home mum if i really preggy lah...Need to "pay back" the bond 1st....
wow so active tonite.

hayashi, i wonder should i do blood test again since i suspect I O after I did my last blood.

hey how much u gals pay for the blood test? i paid $40 for it. issit x?
