A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi ryes,

i just pm you my email address. THanks!!
huh...baby26..y use baby oil leh??i think normal water base lub better rite....otherwise the spermmies will be floating on the oil leh.....(like oil floats in water theory)
Hi Penguin & Zenn

As wat I noe, dong cong cai increase male hormones... that's y, it's better for yr hubby to take it... not u...

I had 2 big cysts which I went for lap to remove and my gynae told me to refrain from dang gui, ginseng, and other chinese herbs if possible coz some actually will increase blood flow and eventually leads to regrown of cysts... so till now, I only dare to take pao sheng for cooling purpose and when I boil black chicken, it's only wif red dates and not any other herbs... U might wanna double confirm if fibroid is similar to blood cysts... if it is... then u may also wanna reduce yr in-take in case yr fibroid grow... I remembered one of the gals told me even EPO also shld avoid... but that my gynae nvr tell me lah... she said that EPO is still okie... but I very kiasu... so didn't take EPO too...


U very lucky hor... yr OPK is +ve today... so, u can BD today.. tmr... sat... sun.. wow... yr hubby also cannot complain that he's tired coz not working... hahahahah...

OPK shows +ve yesterday leh... yeah! can BD all the way till sunday! later i go buy tomatoes for him to eat.

u can also BD these few days mah... cos think u also O around this time rite?
Hi Zenn & Penguin

Hmmm... I also dunno if it helps or not... but my hubby only drink once in a blue blue moon lah... and I have catch him to do SA yet... but so far, other than physically tired after work... he has no problem with BD lah...

Hi Sharon

Think abit too late liao lah... I was "very fertile on Monday and O on Tuesday... yesterday BD also abit too late liao... coz today smell some smelly discharge... think shld be "rejected Spermie" coz door close liao... hahahahah...

But anyhow, enjoy yrself... I will see if this weekend got mood to BD or not lor...

u so funny... 'close door' liao! i see ur post i laugh till my colleague ask me wat i am laughing at.

sometimes i really think why i never pass my 'exam' even though i buy extra assessment books (OPKs and pre-seed) and 'study' overnight (OTs - BD on alternate days)...


maybe u are preggie? ur AF missing for how long.
hoonie, my fats all around tummy also. I m on the medium built but due to my tummy fats make me look like big build. I weigh 56kg, think I overweight by 6kg liao which last time my slimming center told me. I weigh only 50kg when I married leh... Hmmm... go honeymoon eat and eat... come back already 52 kg lor. After m/c, eat even more to "bu" back, then increase to 54 kg, wah lao now 56kg duno why I become like that!!! Sigh...

ya hoonie, so where is that mcdull pig, please show me leh, i still waiting.

char, me also have 4 chins, so coincident! I very sayang them one leh, I treat them like my own family members each have a name and when they pass away, I make a box and bring them for cremation, I never wrap them into bin-chute one. People laugh at me and make fun of me saying that i siao, take leave for all these etc... even more crude things they said about me but I dun care. i have their photo each and hang them on wall to remember them.

Last night that gynae purposely go and push my cervix, hmmm.... today I must use pad liao. Before I forgot, Yuki, can you please update me CD01 today, thanks..
Hi to all gals out there,

nice to see this thread. Same problem. Married for more than a year and only start to drop off the family plan and realise that it is not easy to conceive leh.... Alamak thought gals with normal period should be fine, hubby went checking and everything seems to be ok.

Really regret to hold on to this "jia ting ji hua" So old liao but no kids yet.

Hi all,

Wanna to ask something, I BD last night and today when i stand up the 'liquid' start to follow up. It is normal?

Last time i usually pee and wash after BD therefore dun experience much. But now staying at parent's place not so convient to go out and wash..too obviously.

me too. last time when not TTC-ing, i will always go to the toilet and wash, go shee shee then put panty liner. when wipe down there, can see the 'liquid' lor. the next morning, also will have 'liquid or sperm' on the panty liner.

now really serious TTC, i dun go wash after BD. will stay in either doggie position or lift up my legs after BD for ard 45mins then go put panty liner. last nite after BD, i very urgent wan to go shee shee but i 'ren'....
Hi Penguin,me also send my chin for cremation and not down the chute...my friends also think i very funni cos spend so much on my chins...only we ppl who like chins will know how attached we will be with them....

hi fresh,
welcome to the thread...btw,how old r u,u say until like u very old ...hehe...
em...i think its norm to get liquid flowing out after BD right??cos what goes in, must come out mah...dan the stronger spermmies will have already swim to the park to meet Miss Eggy liao...my god sis taught me a new method...after the army of spermmies r shoot out from the rocket('P'),please let the rocket stay in the galaxy('V') for a while before withdrawing...my god sis's sis used this method and got preggy one leh...me going to try it....

b4 tt, dunno anything mah,but jus apply a bit only, then now won't use baby oil,cos will kill the sperm....i think maybe b4 tt can conceive,maybe due to this also...hehe..

i also eat a lot, but jus can't put on weight on my body,jus put on on face only...cos my pant still loose...
Hi Sharon

No choice lor.. juz have to continue to re-take exams till pass lor... strange... I nvr had any problems wif exams or tests before... how come this exam take so long also cannot pass... ahhahhaa...

Hi Angela

Welcome to the TTC family...
sharon and ohohjazz,

me too mee too.. me facing this problem also... yesterday night BD i cannot "ren" and went shee shee... bo bian... since already shee shee, together took a bath before sleep.. and this morning can see the "liquid" on the panty liner with some "protein" smell.. signz.. wasted!!!!!!!!

i also leh... when studying, all pass with flying colours, but this exam is real tough!


last nite i really 'ren' leh... after 2hrs + then i go shee shee, when wipe also got 'liquid' leh...

i jus tested with OPK again, today's line is fainter than yesterday.
Hi penguin,

I also gain weight after marriage...haha...my MIL says it is normal lah...so she ask me dun bother so much...haha...

Oh the mcdull...yuki just post the pic of the cute pig....Here's mine...
You see piggies are sooo cute! So piggy babies better lah...I like...

Hi sharon,

This morning woke up late.. so got no time to test the OPK.. i tested it just now after i "ren" my shee shee for 3 hours.. the line also lighter than yesterday morning onces.. i wonder is't because the timing matter??!! emm... jia lat.. i left 2 more OPKs only... must "shen shen" test liao!! ... hopefully later my hubby has some energy to BD again tonight.. hehe..

must test the OPK around the same time? anyway, i tested on both days around 7.30pm, but i never ren my shee shee for 3 hrs. then u same same as me that yesterday's result is +ve (darkest) lor. yah, i also hope my hubby got energy to BD later...

most probably u have a faint line compare to yesterday i because ur LH level has dropped abit..


that's sound like O cramps,ur muscle is stretching.that is a good sign,it oso indicates ur endometruim lining is getting thicker...

when i went to do the V-scan on tuesday,i can oso see the blood flow from the ovaries....My gyn says this are all good indication....

the doctor push ur cervix because she needs to access the position of ur cervix as part of the examination...


dun REN ur PEE for too long okie...no good,just go and wash up after 30 mins....
According to my TCM , she said cordycep will help to induce male hormone which will create good spermie.

she told me not to take too much liang food while ttcing... no green bean soup and barley water... as we are suppose to keep our womb warm. another thing is ...she emphasis that we should do "big business" everyday. a healthy intestine leads to healthy wombs. that is the concept she teach me. believe it or not is up to you all. hee !
penguin - please do not be sad... I had similar experience few months back, had all the Preggie symptom which is so close to PMS.... and the AF delay for days... never get BGP...afterward it just come

I am in a worst situation than you... going to be my 5th year aniversary already...still no bb... people around me has been giving me pressure especially friends and relatives... kinda fedup with it... now i already immune to their question by just telling them "I wish i have... but this cannot be force one... just wait and see lah... "
hayashi- hee, good good!

I also always do business almost every morning but sometimes may get contipation lor. she said always contipation no good for us too.

Oh... she also said our kidney needs to be healthy as well.
bettle bug..

oh jia lat... i just drank a full cup of hot barley drink this afternoon le.. one of my favourate drinks.. think i must cut it down liao.. anyway, thanks for telling!!

hayashi and sharon,

i read from some pregnancy articles saying that is better to take OPKs test in the morning and ard the same time during our mid cycle. So think tomorrow morning(CD14), i will wake up a bit early to take temp and also OPK.. just scare this cycle like my previous cycle, kanna late ovulation(CD16) again.
As the two tests taken, showed not a very clear +ve OPK tests. So, i will take it as -ve.


my hubby busy with his tomorrow meeting documents... arrgghh... BD mission failed!! but he promised tomorrow and the long weekend will "listen to me" .. haha.. if tomorrow morning OPK clearer a bit, will try hard again!!
gals- I also realise i put on a lot of weight. was only 42kg before married... my weight increase every year leh. last year is the worst... hmmmm... my butt seems to grow bigger and bigger, i suspect it is due to ttc. does anyone has similar situation like me.

I have a regular TCM who do acu-massage for me said i put on a lots since i took clomid and ask me to stop for a while also. wonder if it really give this side effect.
hayashi - i don't know whether to trust her word 100% or not. cos she ever said Dang Gui is not good to take too much. only take after AF will do. during TTC and 2WW should take anymore. I was so surprise to hear that lor. she said dang gui will help to tighten/reduce the uterine wall. me still trying to find out more....
anyway i will stay with her for a few months to improve my health.

I do feel some positive effect on me so far. At least i have easier business to do everyday, less bloated and less menses pain :D
I think my yellow discharge getting lesser liao. Got a feeling not preggy. Guess have to try next month again!


For those who after marriage put on weight...take it as feeling "contented" and well taken care of by family.

My parents keep saying my in-laws not taking care of me well, but then i considered put on weight liao. LOL.
did u gals read Mind Your Body yesterday? there was an article on pregnancy..

icebaby - if i din rem wrongly, the yellow discharge is normal after O.. apparently it's to help support possible pregnancy..

dun know why le... the OPK was -ve this morning, faint line only le.. think i haven't O yet.. jia lat, me left one OPK test only... think i need to buy another OPKs kit later evening again.. signz.. no choice, need to catch the O this cycle, so that i can monitor clearer next cycle.

juju - congrats!! another graduate in our midst! yayy! =)

gladysbride - did u monitor ur CM? for me tt helped me to pinpoint the rite date of O..
