A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi hazel, thos symptom also same as pregnancy leh. I have similar problem like you. AF come regularly always thought easy to conceive but yet I have tried for a year and more. Most important not to stress out yourself.

just let it be.....
Zenn, a preconception visit to your doctor should include a medical history, complete physical examination, including Pap smear, blood tests to check for immunity to Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, or other diseases that may affect pregnancy, and advice on what type of vitamins to take. The doctor can also discuss their philosophy on trying to conceive and what you can do to improve your chances. You can go to any women clinic for the examination. Total cost around $100+.

Cervical Mucus(CM)is a jelly like substance produced by tiny glands in the cervix called Cervical Crypts(CC). It has a protective function and may prevent bacteria from getting into the uterine cavity.

The third fertility sign, and probably the most evasive, is the cervical position(CP).

Hazel & Bettle, there is no way to know for sure if conception has occurred until a positive Home Pregnancy Test(HPT)is seen. "Common symptoms include sore breasts and nipples, nausea, fatigue, backache, food and smell aversions, triphasic temperatures, creamy or yellowish CM, implantation spotting, cramping, frequent urination, and irritability." IT IS IMPT TO REMEMBER THAT EARLY PREGNANCY CAN HAVE NO SYMPTONS AT ALL!!!
Hi Char

U okie or not... feeling better? For me, quite common to have crampy feeling after AF too... now having my AF... so still crampy also...

Hi Hazel

Dun be disappointed... it's too early to tell also mah... coz symptoms of preggy & PMS is very similiar... dun think too much into all these symptoms... juz wait & see lor... I noe... 2WW is the worst period to go thr'... especially the last few days... I have gone thr' it the last cycle... so, this cycle, after O, I stop taking BBT... and also dun think too much abt getting preggy... wait till AF nvr come... then go test lor...
Hi Eve,

Thanks for explaining! I have actually shortlisted Dr Adrain from TMC due to convenient but I just found out they dun ve a pre conception package. Have to go for first consultation which range from $40-70 and the gynae will then advise which test. Worried that it will end up alot of $$$$
Hi Yuki,
Me still ok...but quite uncomfortable to have tummy cramp and backache at the same time...feel like lying down and not moving .....
Usually when my AF is coming , i will have lower back aches..bt this time seems to be worst...even a slight knock on my boobs feel like kana punched leh...
Flizz, most people generally thought sperm can survive around 72 hours, but it may be shorter or longer, depending on whether the cervical mucus is hospitable. If the pH of the vagina is hostile during the non-ovulatory portion of your cycle, due to infection or in the presence of a spermicide, sperm may die in minutes and never reach the fallopian tube, where fertilization usually takes place.
Zenn, my pleasure don't mention it. Don't worry your money is spend worthwhile since TTC is in your mind. Hope to hear good news from you & all the best!
eve - i have to agree with you. that's why it is quite annoying and stress for us who are trying to get preggie. got symptom or no symptom also hope for something happen.
Hi Char

Juz take care... maybe it's good news?

Hi Eve

Hmmm... r u a nurse? U sounded like an expert...
Eve - how to define clear & Egg white? I have seen clear but thick CM, i.e. like the type when u have runny nose (v sticky & stretchy)?? To me doesn't seem watery leh, is it still considered fertile for spermies??


Char, maybe u shd wait till 14 days or later aft O then test! Good luck!!
Hi gals,

Just curious, sometime we will have those clear, sticky discharge. Is that consider CM and why do we have this discharge?
Hi Yuki...

Yup...I noe tat scientifically the HSG oni detect blockages...but doesnt open our tubes...but I read tat some women conceive shortly after their HSG...mabbe itz jus coincidence bah... =P

Hi Char...

Wif all these sypmtoms...u can still tahan not to test...wah...if I were u...I def cant tahan manz...but if u o on 16 or 17 feb...then mabbe u shld wait til next wk b4 testin...I o on 11 Feb... n AF due tis wkend...14 to 16 days luteal phase...

Hi Eve...

Do u noe how to check the CP...I cant figure out how the cervix feel like...hee...all sorts of funny shapes inside...

Hi Louie n Zenn...

CM is jus a gen term...it can b termed CM as long as it is discharged fm yr cervix...but CM can b classified into dry (very lil CM), sticky, creamy, watery or egg white...watery CM norm comes b4 egg white CM...egg white CM is the stretchy n transparent CM which looks exactly like egg white...it is the most fertile...n occues near or on yr o day...oso termed as EWCM...
hi Eve,
how abt polyclinic? do they provide this service? i mean preconception checkup?

u r back...so when r u gng to the sinseh?
Galdis/ Angeline, Congrats!

My AF came on tues and i am starting my cycle again, so sian.

Noticed alot of TTC newcomers, welcome.
Hi koori and everyone here!

Thanks for the welcome and all the sharing. Didn't noe there are so many things to learn when TTC.

Enjoy your wkends!
hi bettle bug, yuki & eve,

thks...will try to relax but dun noe my age allow me or not!

at first i thought TTC was very easy as long as we BD alternate nite during e O period. after so many time of failures then i realised that things aren't as simple as i thought.

fortunately i found tis thread, there r so many things to learn & share.
is anyone here has good gynae wz reasonable chrg to recommend?

if my AF really report tis mth, i wld like to hv pre-conception check for i & hb. i had shortlisted Dr.Wong fm TMC but saw zenn posted tat TMC dun hv pre-conception pkg. i ever consider KKH but heard tat e Q is very bad n everything is not one stop.

can any1 tell me when shld i go 4 pre-conception check? is b4 or after or during my menses?

sorry huh, so many question...
Hi hazel,

I have shortlisted Lawrence Ang (2 of my friends delivered by him and have good comments) and Adrian (convenient). Both are from TMC and their natal package oni $550 excluding tests and detail scanning. However, they do not have a pre conception package.

If you are going to TMC direct, they do have package starting from $268 http://www.thomsonmedical.com/Medical_Prog.htm

Do share if you find out more packages
Hi all

Was actually planning to join u gals here after seeing how friendly and helpful u all were.
I have been TCC for 2 and a half yrs. I'm 26 this yr so imagine how I feel when everyone keeps telling me I'm still young when I have been longing for my own baby for so long.

Actually HB and I saved money and are determined to conceive by this yr and considered TCM, IUI, IVF. I also changed my job to a 1 yr contract one....our deadline than we will try fulltime.
But guess things always work out differently.
We just collected our medi from our sinseh and was waiting for my AF to come so that I can start taking it and it didn't come.

Instead I started having cravings and I can eat a sandwich at 11pm and I am already hungry before I wakeup. Than wokeup with a fever and dunno why I told my dr my AF was late so she didn't give me medi ask me to rest.

In the end we bought a PTK and tested positive. I'm 5 weeks now. Guess quiting my previous job was the best thing I did I was so relexed and my hubby was also resting during CNY period.

So dun give up hope!! Everything is possible.

Just want to share hope u gals dun mind....
Doreen, Congrats!!!
I guessed my job is also giving me alot of mental stress, i tend to even think of work during sleep. Was wondering so stress how to get preggy!
If only i could quit my job, i would.
Hi Teddyhope,
gong xi gong xi!!How long did ur preggy symptoms start to occur?
hi fizz,
me of cos kan chong lah!!gt try to test once lah...but to tink of it,really waste of money cos still so early!!!hehe!!have to stay cool man!
Doreen , congrats!
you make me feel like quiting my job too! singapore women are too stressed by our jobs nowadays!
Hi Char

Eeerr... so cannot remember where liao... but if u like them, can juz copy lor...

Hi Fizz

Alamak... Dun tell me u wanna do HSG coz of these coincidence? I did mine during my Lap... not preggy yet leh...

Think there's some scan that tells if the egg is ready.... might as well do that kinda of scan... unless u hv some other reasons for doing HSG...

Hi D_Woof

I wanted to... but my hubby told me to try one round of Clomid first... since that's the advice from my gynae... who's pretty trustworthy... so if I dun conceive by this cycle... then perhaps, will go and try the sensei lor...

How's yr mini confinement going? Feeling better now? How long did the sensei ask u to stop TTC?

Hi Doreen

wow, u r so lucky... Dun think will be able to quit my job and stay @ home to enjoy BD.... think I'll be too stress @ home... coz kept thinking abt it... I juz hope my office will become less political... then it will be less stressing... I already adopted the bo chap attitude but my 2 other colleagues still go on backstabbing me.... I'm so upset... I hope I can find a job soon... yet, I'm also scared that if I get another job now and the employer dun want me if I got preggy then how? Such a dilema....
bettle_bug/ Fizz: Thanks for explaining CM. I find if like jello, isn't it a little thick for spermy to swim up? This few days starting to have more transparent & the "wet" feeling in underwear. O shd be on its way... YEAH!!!
Me flying off on thur, so prayfully O will happen b4 taking flight, v scared cycle messed up again!

Char - I used OPK for a few days liao, so far at 5 min mark, can't see a thing one
, only if left there for 1/2 hr or more, then see some faint line leh. Wat does it mean ah?? When u tested +ve for OPK, the line really as dark as the control line at 5min mark?? V confused...
. HELP!!!

Doreen - Congrats!! My tis job feel even more stressful...

Yuki - then quickly start looking!! Once u employed, unlikely they will ask u to resign (even if not confirmed staff lah)
hey yuki,
alrite i tink heed the experts' advice is the best....well din really do mini-con lah...juz watch wat i eat lor....have been a lot better liao..thanx for ur concern...the sinseh asked me to tiao bu for 3-4mths before conceiving again.....anyway i will wait for at least 2 cycles....
Hi Louie,
When i check at the 5min, the line is quite dark leh...not too sure about seeing faint line after half an hour leh... anyhody knows??

Hi Yuki,
I am also thinking of changing jobs...currently looking in the papers to see if there is any oppertunity... if really very upset,it will be good to have a change of environment..otherwise,it will also add stress to u unnecessarily...as for me..my co biz not that good,so they are thinking of closing down the subsidary...so better get my ass out of here 1st before they chase me out...somemore, i m here for less than 1yr so no compensation..
Hi Louie

Already started looking... but hard to find... coz my salary abt high for my current level... so, looking to move to the next level... thus, will probably take awhile to find something...

Hi D_Woof

Meanwhile... juz relax lor... dun worry... Most gals get preggy very easily after M/C... I've at least 2 colleagues gotten preggy soon after M/C and their babies... all healthy and very cute...

Hi Char

Wat kinda job u looking for? I'm in HR mah... somemore... my co looking for pple... maybe can help u find... hehehehe... but dun worry lah... only my dept no good... the rest of the depts are all very nice... I mixed better wif pple from other depts...
Hi char,

my temp drop this morning(CD26).. 36.65.. think this cycle "zha hu" again. a bit dissapointed le

better put less hope first.. if not, later get more dissapointment when menses come this weekend. haiz...
Hi Gladys ,
don't tive up!as long as Miss Red is not here yet,we still got chance!!I also tell myself that..hehe!!
but over the weekend, i got a bad nightmare leh... dreamt that i went to toilet and pee,but upon wiping,i saw Miss red!! aiyoh!so sad leh!!must still stay +ve!!
Hi char,

thanks for the encouragement! ok.. as long as Miss Red not come yet.. still got chance!! I will wait till this Sunday then see how thing goes.

you also must stay cool and relax ok.. your chances higher than mine.. so need to take more rest ya !
hi doreen,
congrats! feel so happy for u. do take care of yrself.

hi zenn,
thks for ur info. my fren recommand me a sinseh, she said her frens & her sil conceived aft seeing him. i hvnt call to find out in details cos my hb dun really trust sinseh. if u r interested, i can give u e tel no.
wah.. i onli 2 days din come already so many msg... read until i blur liao... :p i went to see doc tt night regarding my medication thingy.. glad tt it won't affect conception plan.. but once preggy, best to stop medication although animal studies showed tt there's no harm.. but i dun want to be the first human study... :p

i will miss this round of chance liao.. coz hubby working overseas before, during and after O day.. so sian.. we actually planned to go overseas in april for a short getaway.. hopefully relax mood will increase chance.. looking forward.. :p
Hi Avenie,
u r most welcome...we are like a big family here...
Don't be sad!some of us have also been trying for quite some times... ;)
Hi Char

We have a cust svs exec position, interested? Salary is abt $1.600 to $1,800 depending on experience... My wk location is Ayer Rajah... let me know if u r keen...

Imagine if we same company.... hahahha... then still check online... so fun... hehehehe... juz dreaming...

Hi Gladys

Dun be too disappointed... coz BBT after O only serve as a guide lah... though mine is very zhun... once drop when AF supposed to report... the next day AF come liao... if yrs still early before AF supposed to come... then maybe it doesn't really matter lah....

Hi Shihui

Dun worry... try when u r having holidays... the moods better mah.... Was thinking of going for short trip during the holidays too... but that's a week after my O day... otherwise, will be good... hahahha...
Hi Galz...

AF is here today oredi...sad n happie...sad cos I failed again...happie cos I anticipated it n I can start again oredi...final lap for 2006...

Hi Yuki...

I jus wen to c my gynae...yeah...goin for my HSG next wk...n my u/s to check my eggs the wk after...it may sound ridiculous lor...but I guess it is an inner desperation to try any possible means...proven or otherwise...haizzz...

hi all, my expected AF is on 20th and was very happy when it was late for almost one week....tested but got BFN, sigh....yesterday it came...now so sad...
