A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Char & Yuki,Thanks.
Waiting for AF to come. Got spotting yesterday and today. No hope oredi. I don't know what happen. My gynae also no idea. All my tests seem OK. My hubby's SA test just a bit below average, but not that bad. Gynae said should be able to conceive. But try try and try for so many months still no news. I am 31 oredi. I am going to try two more cycles naturally. If still failed, then will go for IUI/IVF.

Hi Koori, previously with Dr Yu Su Ling, SGH. She is very famous in infertility. But find her too busy, no time to hear me nagging. And also she is senior consultant. So quite exp. So, recently, change to KKH under Dr Sadhana. Still can't figure out what wrong.

Anyone same age as me?
Hi Fizz

Well... it's good to check to be sure anyway... but juz hope u won't put too much hope into it... Juz wondering... how r u going to put dye in? For mi, I was having lap... so already have cuts.... do u hv to go for a day surgery for HSG too?

Hi Char

Hahhahaa... okie okie... no problem...

Hi Koori

I've 2 admin positions opened now... but the salary is kinda low @ $1,200... if yr friend keen, let me know... I'll email u my email address....

Hi Mylife

Dun be sad... I can understand that kinda disappointment... I been thr' that during my first cycle... I've alot of pre-preggy or PMS symptoms... and high temp maintained thr'out till the day bf my AF supposed to come... my temp drop.... so did my heart... but I kept telling myself... I must be strong and positive... cannot, try again next mth... but I think it really helps if u dun think too much abt it after yr O day... I didn't take my BBT... didn't monitor my CM... juz let it be till my AF supposed to come... if so lucky nvr come... then perhaps, got chance lor... at least, like that won't feel so disappointed... dun hv too high hopes, yr disappointment is also lessen... TTC can be a very tiring process and if u get too stressed up abt it... think it wld be even more difficult to get preggy...

Hi Koori & Avenie

I'm also 30 this yr...
Pengiun8, have your AF came? Mine still not here yet. But somehow I feel that it is coming soon..the cramp feel like premense cramp
If never come, we will have almost same EDD... hee hee. somehow, now like not much preggy symptoms liao..used to burp but no longer...so sad...
Hi MyLife, I understand yr feeling. Last few cyle, my menses late for 4 days. I tested and got faint line. Then I tested the following two days, also got faint line. I went to GP, they got BFN. AF came after two days. I thought it might be early miscarriage, but menses came in normal flow, no cramp & pain, no blood clot. Another question mark for me. I also thought it might be evaporate line, but my faint line came out very fast, within 5 seconds. So... who want to give me an answer why?
Avenie, been TTC for the past 4mths but no news. Thats why i been wanting to visit the gynae to check if there's anything wrong.
Koori, u juz ttc for 4 months only ar. I more than a year. If u want to have some check-up, u better visit private gynae. Those under subsidi one, only see u after one year trying.
Your cycle regular? did u take BBT/OPK?
Avenie, Yes cycle very regular, always 28 days. Btw, i just tried BBT / OPK last mth, i tik i ovulated on CD15 but still haven been successful.
Yuki, wat does the customer service exec workscope includes? Is it a permanent position? Do u all employ guys for this position?
Hi Avenia

Those subsidised ones only entertain after 1 yr? so long?

Koori, think it's better to go for a private one also... coz think the gynae are usually more helpful and will help you to plan yr TTC also... Mine was very excited to hear that I've decided to TTC after my lap... so, she did all the tests & scan necessary and the blood test... after which, she monitored my conditions and check for blood test to see if I ovulate well, etc... I'm prescribed on Clomid this cycle... so see how... hopefully, will get preggy... if not, next cycle... will pull the TCM to help too...
char- yours dark within 5mins, then its really accurate that ur O is coming lor, confirmed LH surge. Tat means mine not yet lor, i guess
Hi Koori

My gynae's details:
Dr Chua Yang
A clinic for women
2A Chun Tin Road (opp Bt Timah Plaza)
S 599589
Tel No : 64633366

I would say I trust her and she's very nice and patience... very willing to answer your doubts... I always email her as and when I have any doubts and she always replied my email very promptly... Also dunno if she's good or not lah... coz I haven't got preggy mah... hahahahha... but she is very assuring... and I felt @ ease wif her during my op...
Thanx all jus came back from my gynea...hehe
Saw my baby even though its just 4mm so happy

Hi Koori, Yuki, louie
Yah I didn't really expect my job to be so stressful that it sort of affected it. But I guess I really was very cheerful when I have already resigned my last day was actually eve of CNY my O day....hehe
Yah if quit than try full time a bit stressful that's why I took this 1 yr job. Haven even 1 mth I already MC so many days. Dun think they will even cover me for my maternity.
Anyway will be resigning soon(HB say heartpain I suffering)than enjoy staying home and rest....heehee

My symtoms started straight after the day AF supposed to come than getting more and more systems. at first only craving now got tummy bloating so very uncomfortable lor keep burping than tummy hungry but dun feel like eating eat a bit uncomfortable again.
Hope your AF dun come spotting maybe implantation leh I also got a bit of spotting when AF supposed to come.
How long will the result for blood test be out? I went for mine today the nurse told me 1 wk. so long one meh?

Today is my CD 22 it is possible for me to feel any syptoms at this round or it is too early cos my breast is getting painful...? Thks!
Hi Teddyhope,
good to hear that!!so lucky to be able to stay at home...so now ur are consider as how many weeks preggy?ur burpping is after food,or u will just burp anytime of the day?my AF was supposed to come over the weekend if accurate,but till nw,havent see anything..so hope its a +ve sign...but i am afriad that this is another irregular cycle, so will probably try testing in 2 weeks time lor...but nw,me more of having sore boobs and quite a lot of CM,so still a little hopeful about it...
Hi Mylife

Dun b sad okie...seems like some of us wil jus hv to work harder at it...tatz all...my AF jus came full blown today...so we wil try together next cycle okie...actually...we still hv abt 2 more cycles to try for a 2006 bb...I calculated oredi...even if we strike in Apr...the EDD wil b very early Jan...so chances r...we can hv a Christmas bb...so cheer up...u wil never noe...

Hi Yuki...

Yup...I jus tot tat it wld b gd to run a series of tests on myself as well...rather than BD blindly...of cos...the elevated chances to conceive thru HSG is jus a preceived by-hope...hee...I went to my gynae today...n jus told her as a matter of fact tat I wanna run do the tests...in fact...she said tat blocked tubes wld b more likely oni if a person wen thru an op or infection previously...
Hi ladies I surf this website http://www.babycentre.co.uk/expert/561004.html given by Catherine in the previous thread & find the below question interesting

Question: Can taking cough medicine help me conceive?

Toni Weschler: While there's not a lot of medical research to support this idea, anecdotal evidence suggests that it can help. But there are a few things you should know before you start taking it. One ingredient in certain cough medicines guaifenesin can help you get pregnant by thinning your cervical mucus, which enables sperm to travel through your cervix and fertilise an egg.

If you know from taking your temperature every morning that you're ovulating, but you don't seem to be producing much wet, slippery, cervical mucus, guaifenesin might help you to get pregnant. This is the paradox though: you need to know when you're approaching ovulation to take advantage of this recommendation, and the only way to know that is by checking your cervical mucus. So guaifenesin works best on women who do produce at least some cervical mucus.

How does it work? Guaifenesin, a common ingredient in cough syrups, is an 'expectorant'. That is, it relieves congestion by helping liquefy mucus in your lungs, allowing you to cough it up. And because it works systemically on all mucus membranes in your body, it can make your cervical mucus wetter, too.

The trick is to find a cough medicine in which guaifenesin is the only active ingredient, so check labels carefully. Many cough and cold medicines contain antihistamines that also work systemically in your body but have the reverse effect. They dry up mucus and diminish wet cervical fluid. And while you're trying to get pregnant, you shouldn't expose yourself to any other drugs unnecessarily, so find a product that contains only guaifenesin and no other active ingredients, including dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) and alcohol.

If you're taking the liquid form of guaifenesin, take two teaspoons three times a day around the time of month you're expecting to ovulate. Either way, I would encourage you to take it from the first day you notice any type of wetness until the day of your change in body temperature. That may be for about a week.
urger - interesting, but most cough syrups given by doc all come in the std plastic bottle, don't even know the ingredients inside. So, better not take...

Koori- You used OPK & BBT to confirm O, your AF come already, tats why u say no success yet? Mmmzz... quite weird hor?

Yippie!!! My OPK finally have faint line at abt 5-6mins (CD17), So hope to see darker line soon
Hi Urger

Actually I read fm some "ang mo" webby tat many TTC-ians actually take cough syrup n green tea...initially I dunno the reasons to tis...now I guess I get the ans for cough syrup...but green tea...hmmm...

Anyone gonna c their gynae soon...mabbe can help to verify tis...I wil b seein mine in 2 wks' time...wil ask her if I do rem...
Louie, yes my AF came last Tues. Though i tried OPK & BBT, BD yet still not successful. I wonder wats wrong.
Does your gynae do tests for males? cos i tot can get my hubby to test his sperm count, see if got problem.
Morning everyone!!

Koori: my gynae explained to me this: when the egg bursts out from the ovary, it could go in all directions, and if the fallopian tube did not catch it, then this month will not be succcessful. Tats y even with +ve OPK and timely BD doesnt guarantee success.

Wah sey, pregnancy is really an amazing thing...
To all the newcomers during the past 2 weeks,

I have been TTC-ing for coming 3 years and had had 2 miscarriages (the recent one happened a month ago). Like everyone here, I am still hopeful, except that Im too lazy to chart my BBT and too poor to buy OPK :eek:)

Im now seeing a sinseh (contact got from this thread) to build up my body before TTC-ing again in 3-4 mths. Meantime, Im benefiting from all your experiences and tips, and hopefully I can graduate with all of you by this year!
Hi Teddyhope

Yr hubby so sweet.... hahaha... too bad, my hubby in & out of contract jobs because of his job nature... so in the meantime, I can't go outta job... otherwise, I wld wanna resign and rest @ home too... coz it's really frustrating working in my current co...

Hi Sweetbb

Which one? The preconception one, I think it's abt a week (I think), quite awhile ago liao... so dun really remember... As for the testing for ovulation one is abt 2 days...

Hi Fizz

Good to run thr' some preconception tests... Hmmm... wat kinda infection? coz tot it's very easy for female to get UTI? Thr' my op, I did HSG too... and was told that one of my tubes abit blocked already... so if it means that the infection caused it?

Hi Urger

I agree wif louie... mine was always given by GP... the one that's purple colour... so dunno wat's inside too... sekali is the other one that dry up mucus wld be worst, rite? but these few days, have been taking cough syrup coz not feeling very well... quite scare also leh... dunno how the medication will affect my TTC plans...

Hi Koori

I'm not too sure too... coz nvr get my hubby to test... but think shld hv lor...

Hi mum_wannabe

Wow... so chim? it's getting hard to get preggy.... but will keep trying... my BBT goes haywired... coz the day bf yesterday, I on air-con, yesterday nvr... and I also having abit of fever... so today my temp very high @ 36.77....
char- thanks!! Yes, starting to wk hard.. haa haa

Yuki - Encourage u to press on!! Yeah, sometimes its really difficult esp wif nasty colleagues... but don't get too upset over it, make u more stressed instead...

koori - don't be too disappointed ok
Guess, I shd not get too excited even wif +ve line for OPK...

Avenie - Was reading preg book, when U test HPT +ve but later on -ve, reason cld be that the fertilised egg did not manage to implant into uterus wall. Its technically not a miscarriage, but more of a natural termination. Lets work hard together
Gals, my hubby was complaining with the OPK & BBT also cant help, its really quite beyond us, haha. Hope to have good news soon.
koori - if u TTCing for a few cycles already, maybe its good to go for a check lor. See if the docs have any better solutions??
Hi Louie

Thanks... trying my best to be bo chap to their attitude... so, juz wait & see lor...

Hi Louie & Avenie

I think that's the reason why my gynae did a blood test to test for progesterone... Think if the level is not high enough... even if egg is fertilised... the condition in the womb is not conducive for it to implant... (I think so, correct me if I'm wrong)

Hi Koori

Some things juz can't get explained... and when at least expected, it happens... so we juz pray for the best to happen lor... Dun be disappointed and dun give up easily... juz keep trying... one day, we will receive good news... and even if eventually, we still dun, at least we tried...
Hi yuki, that time my gynae did a scan and blood test for progestrone to check whether did I ovulated or not at CD21. The scan showed that i did ovulated and with good progesterone level. What is yr progesterone level.
yuki - thanks for the cost breakdown. Think KKH (me under private) v ex, ultrasound (sound by the radiologist dept) is abt $115... Me haven't done ultrasound wif gynae b4 lah.

Sleep in air-con once in a while & non-aircon will affect BBT? I tot BBT put in the mouth, so shd be ok. The day b4 didn't sleep in air-con, so BBT was slightly higher... Mmzz...
Char/ koori - The LH surge in the OPK is showing that ur most fertile period is within the next 24-48hrs rite? It means that O shd be coming, therefore best to TTC... hor!
Don't think its say tat u have O already & too late to ttc rite? Get quite confused when think too much
Hi Fizz, saw from other thread that yr husband got sperm problem. Taking any supplements? any improvement? My husband's SA test results as below.

Density: 24.5 million ml
Motibility: 42%
Morphology: 8%
Normal Motile Sperm Count: 0.823L
Volume: 3.6 mls

What do you think? How about yr husband one? Similiar?
Anyone can advices on this result?
Louie, I dun think it was failed for implantation because I tested 4 days after my menses due. As I know, implantation occurs around 8-12DPO. I thought Pregnancy hormone only produce after implantation, right?

Hi Avenia

I did that too... dun hv the readings wif me now... but my gynae told me, I did ovulate but the progesterone level not very good... so she recommended I take Clomid to see if it improve the condition... I will try one round and see how's the blood test like first... if still not good, then perhaps, will go see sensei liao...

If yr progesterone level is good.. then shld be okie... dun think there's anything wrong wif yr womb lah... juz maybe the timing not right lor...

As for yr hubby's count... I didn't get my hubby to do... think will try for awhile first before getting my hubby to go for such test... how much does it cost anyway?

Didn't yr gynae explain to you the results? Tot they normally do and will prescribe wif supplements if not good enough?
Hi Louie

Wow seh... ultrasound @ KKH so ex? I always tot @ govt hospital will be cheaper... but u juz get to queue... but looks like not very true hor...

Hi Blue

Dun be too sad...
juz try again, okie?
