A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi yuki, gynae did prescribe vit.E and hormone pill for my hubby. Will go for another SA test next month to see got improvement or not. The cost for SA test is around $45.

Hi blue, my menses also just come. Dun sad, we try together ok? Jia yu...

hi yuki, gynae did prescribe vit.E and hormone pill for my hubby. Will go for another SA test next month to see got improvement or not. The cost for SA test is around $45.

Hi blue, my menses also just come. Dun sad, we try together ok? Jia yu...
think we hv to check with doc before taking the cough medicine.

i too heard tea cooling better dun take while we r ttc.

why u dun ask the doc what is inside the cough medicine? like tt u dun hv to worry & guessing mah...

just ultrasound at KKH very ex, they charged me $112.90 your one much more cheaper. if i noe i take their $180 pre-conception pkg. next time i will opt for private...

keep on trying...
hi louie, the opk that we are using acts as a pre-alert before the release of the egg,so we will be on time to BD!!
Hi Mum Wannabe...

Wah sek...u mean the egg "luan luan lai eh" ah...aiyo...

Hi Yuki...

Infection may caused blocked fallopian tubes...but blocked tubes r not necessarily caused by infection...geez...do I sound confusin?...u may wanna check wif yr gynae...cos I believe tat most pple may not noe the cause of their blocked tubes?...

Hi Blueblue...

Come lah...letz all join handz n make a charge again tis mth...dun b sad dun b sad...

Hi Avenie...

Which lab did yr hb's SA test...cos I tink my hb's SA test readings r diff...ours is fm parkway lab...

Count: 31 mil per ml
% Viability (refers to the no of live sperms): 55%
Motility (Rapid): 6%
Normal Forms: 3%


Currently hez is on Andriol...the nurse says tat Vit E n Zinc wil help...but hez already takin Mega Men fm GNC...

Hi Galz...

Any idea whether we can BD b4 n after a HSG?...
Hi Avenia

Meanwhile.. juz continue trying and testing to check if it's alright lor... hhehehe...

Hi Urger

I got the medication from my previous visit... this few days very busie @ wk... no time to be on MC even...
Avenia - maybe u cld check wif gynae? I've got no answer leh... the egg maybe not implanted properly?? Confusing man!!!

urger - ultrasound v ex hor! My scan was for review of my cyst condition (2 yrs back liao). I'm not sure if preg, scan done by doc or radiologist? I prefer done by doc, more personalised, can explain & show u. If done by the professionals, they usu have no comment - then ask doc to explain... then wat's the point?? U mean if u take pkg at KKH will be included? I tot I read the pkg only for consultations & some urine test. The rest still have to pay...

Thanks char!! Let us know when u do HPT ok? Hope u get a BFP!!!!
Hi Fizz, did it at SGH. Same lar..

Yr Count = My Density
My hubby % Viability is 76%.
Yr Motility = My Motility
Yr Normal Forms = My Morphology

My hubby not tat bad hor. Just density a bit low.
Hi Avenie...

Yar lor...Yr hb's SA looks quite gd oredi...but our motility was divided in sub category of rapid, slow, non-progress n immotile lor...I guess oni the rapid works bah...
hi louie,,
i am waiting for the time to come so that can do testing...so now in the meantime, i can only wait...but am wondering if all implentation will cause spotting??cos till now no sign of spotting..so dun noe isit 'za4 hu2' for this cycle again...sekali it is an irregular cycle..
i am back... today went to gynae and diagnose that i have chemical pregnancy/ early miscarriage. No sign of sac when she did the ultrascan.

Looks like i have to try again next round.

Does anyone know what is chemical pregnancy, how long will it take to replenish my health.
Hi Char

Not every gals will get implantation spotting lah... so even if u dun hv doesn't mean u wun get preggy lor... so dun worry too much...

Hi Bettle_bug

Hmmm... not very sure what's chemical pregnancy, does that mean only fertised egg but no implantation? Think as long as u didn't do a D&C, then u probably can still TTC as usual for the next cycle.. but perhaps, may wanna check wif yr gynae wat's the possible cause... if it's due to prosgerone too low... maybe wanna take some supplement?
hi bettle bug,
me late for 3 days (provided if my cycle never go ga-ga)...so now waiting for time to pass before testing..

Hi yuki...
hehe..me thought everybody will get slight spotting..was still looking out for it to happen leh...so 'gong' hor... :p
char - tot ur 2ww is up? Not all implantation will result in spotting. The misconception is that pple tot the spotting is due to menses, but its actually fr implantation. *keep fingers cross* for u

bettlebug - sorry to hear abt it. But u still don't have ur menses yet rite, so still considered miscarriage? Is it the sac not fully formed yet?

Copied fr the web
A chemical pregnancy is the clinical term used for a very early miscarriage. In many cases, the positive pregnancy test was achieved before the woman's period was due but a miscarrige occured before a heartbeat was able to be seen on an ultrasound.

Most chemical pregnancies are due to chromosomal problems in the developing fetus. Other possible causes are inadequate uterine lining, uterine abnormalities both congenital or acquired like fibroids, low hormone levels, luteal phase defect or certain infections.

Most chemical pregnancies can not be prevented. If you have recurring chemical pregnancies, your doctor should be able to investigate and help you formulate a treatment which is best for you. Potential treatments include vitamin B6 (at least 50mg a day), progesterone cream, and baby asprin. Be sure to discuss potential treatments with your doctor. If infection is the cause, antibiotics prescribed by your Doctor can help.
found some information about chemical pregnancy...

They took my blood test to verify the miscarriage. will inform me the results tomorrow. I already prepare for the lost liao.... since i have lost all the pregnancy symptom today... very strange hor.

my gynae said if my hCG level is > 2000 i have to see her immediately, that is what my husband told me.

Went to toilet earlier got one piece of blood clots discharge.... so I told myself... the pregnancy FAIL... got to try again next round.

hi bettle, if yr hCG is > 2000 and there is no sac, then it might be eptopic pregnancy. Hope it is not. Hope u able to see the sac soon. I think now it is still too early to see the sac..
louie... i have been having some light bleeding since i tested positive on 17 feb. Given some hormone pill and even injection. The bleeding didn't stop but reduce alot. However since yesterday eveningthe bleeding has increase again. So far I didn't encounter cramps or back ache.

Today's ultrascan not able to see any sac. ANd gynae did mention that my utreus lining is thin. I think it could be the cause lor.
Bettle, there is always a chance if menses not come in full flow. Rest more, dun walk so much. Fully bed rest is very important. Are u still taking the hormone pill?
the hormone pill finish on sat already.

my gynae already prescribe iron for me to replenish my blood. It seems like she didn't put much hope also. just don't want to alarm me.
Sometimes I rather they are more direct, istead of let me guess. do you agree?
Hi Char

Hahahha... think every gal all diff symptoms lah... so dun panic over every symptoms u hv or u dun hv... otherwise, really very stressful leh...

Hi Bettle bug

Did the gynae explain why u were having bleeding since 17 Feb? As wat I noe, bleeding is normally the symptoms of miscarriage... and if u already started bleeding... maybe bed rest is impt for u.... even wif those medication given to u...

When is yr AF due anyway? on 17 Feb? Is it too early to see the sac?

Dun think too much, maybe false alarm... hope for the best that the blood test shows positive results...
Hi Bettle bug

Not too sure if u believe in TCM... I remembered reading somewhere in the thread that someone has a similar situation as u and when to TCM, who prescribe her wif some "an tai" medication... and the bb continue to grow after that...
hi yuki..
me kan cheong mah...cos in the process of waiting for the time to come to start testing,got nothing to do mah..so all sort of funny thoughts start to come in....
hey ladies, read in a few websites, books tat it is good to use HPT kit twice. if show BFP, good to test again a few days later

Char- me also will anyhow think... hee hee, but don't be too stressed out ok. U shd be able to test soon, so exciting!!!
wah, u job sound stressful. try to relax when u can lor, dun work too hard not good for body.

my one done by radiologist. 1hr later the result will be out & the radiologist will pass the scan result to my doc to explain. anyway my doc oso din explain anything to me perhaps if anything wrong den she will elaborate more ba...
yes, they hv this Gynae Basic Screening pkg cost $160 includes Physical Examination by Specialist, Body Mass Index, Body Fat Measurement, Body Weight & Height, Blood Pressure, Pap Smear, Urine FEME(in fact my doc said urine test only if we suspect we r preggie den we do it or else no point) & Ultrasound of Pelvis but without blood test. Initially I want to take Preconception pkg den realise without ultrasound but got blood test & the rest i mentioned den my doc told me some test in this pkg not necessary for me to do like Hep B Screening, VDRL Screening, HIV testing, Blooding Grouping/Rhesus Factor & Rubella Antibodies. In the end I do the check up individual which cost me bomb...real ex. the pkg is under Women Wellness Health Screening Programmes dunnoe new one or what...think u c doc 1st he/she will tell u what to do for your preconception

bettle bug,
preggie not easy after pregnant still hv to worry will miscarriage quite scary. meanwhile u take care of your body. hope this can help http://www.suite101.com/discussion.cfm/preconception/94676/latest/7
yuki, my AF suppose to be due on 9 Feb ( 30 day cycle) 17 Feb already Day 38. My last menses was 11 Jan 2006. Very long ago.

I have more blood clots discharge now... looks like a sign of menses coming.
Hi louie...me taking it easy execept that sometimes my mind will just wonder off in dream land,imagining being preggy..hehe... just 'shun qi zi ran'...
Hi Char

I like u also .... hahahaha... remember the last last cycle? the one wif u coming over to pass me the HPT? That cycle, I also super kan cheong... every symptoms I take it as pre-preggy symptoms... ended up very disappointed... so, I told myself to prevent all these funny thought from coming... dun think abt getting preggy after O... although some time hard to control also... hahahha....

Even this cycle... sure no chance of getting preggy coz my hubby was sick... when I felt nausea... the funny thought of maybe miracle happens also come up... but as usual.. no miracle... see miss red too... so... this cycle will try my best to control..

Hey, anyone here took Clomid before? I've been having slight fever and headache this few days... not too sure if it's the effects of Clomid... hopefully, it's not because I'm falling ill... otherwise, no chance to BD again...
char - yup, good for u

amelia - think its a little too late? Usu ur O is 14 days b4 ur next period. So if u period is expected 4-6 march, ur O shd be ard 18-20 feb?
Hi Yuki,
of cos remember u lah!!i think it is the norm to be hyper kan cheong cos all of us here is looking forward to get a BFP on the HPT!!
let's all work towards this goal and flood KKH with all the newborns!!!
Hi Bettlebug

If u get more blood clots now... maybe gotta try again next cycle... Better to prepare for the worst then to keep worrying... Do take sufficient rest and make sure yr body recover for TTC...

Hi Amelia

If yr cycle is regular... u shld O 14 days from yr estimated AF due day... so, if u BD on 27th... think it's abit too late... You shld O around 21th... Assuming u r talking abt 6th (AF due)in March and u BD on 27th in Feb...
yuki - i took clomid before for a few cycle. Somehow it seems to give me some side effect... somehow my cycle prolong from 28 days to 30 days - last cycle was 32 days. SO i decide to give up. who knows after i stop i have thise chemical pregnancy.

Hi all, does anyone knows what should i do after this... need to bu bu my womb or not?
Just now, My Gynae just confirm with me that I have early miscarriage (Only 2 weeks of my pregnancy) base on my blood test results,

So Now i need to ask... what should I do...Do I need to BU BU my womb?

oh alright...i was so hopeful..better timing next month then

Also, this is my first time without protection and I am feeling strange becos I am so afraid of dirtiness and to me this is quite unhygenic.I have obsessive compulsive disorder and it's affecting my life!

Thanks for commenting, really appreciate it.
Hi bettle bug
Sorry to hear abt ur loss...I had chemical pregnancy last dec also...din really drink alot of tonics..I only start taking DOM every nite..drink chicken essence once a wk..i also take bai feng wan after my menses cleared..if you wan..u can also do a mini confinement...
hi bettle bug,
sorry to hear about your loss,do take care...i think u can take some tonics to clear and bu ur womb...so to make it stonger....
Hi Beetle Bug...

So sorrie abt yr case...make sure u take care of yr womb...n rest fm TTC at least a mth...

Lookin at the brite side...at least u can get preg...n the sperm can reach the egg...for many of us...we dun even noe when wil tat happen...so chin up n get ready for the next cycle okie... *hugzzz*
Hi gals,

Wow 2 days nv log in so many msgs. Read until blur.

Quite confused by some msgs - when the CM is sticky mean O day? Every mth sure ve sticky CM?

Yuki, your co has any position for male, just ORD? Its actually for my bro
Good morning....
me just saw some blood stains this morning..dun noe isit spotting or menses..cos its very fresh blood stains..will have to monitor today and see how.
Hi Bettle Bug

Sorry to hear abt it... but be strong and try again....

Hi Char

Is yr AF due to come? if it's yr DPO 7 - 10... maybe it's implantation spotting?

Hi Zenn

Which field is yr bro in? Our off is in Ayer Rajah... wld it be far for yr bro? Not too sure if yr bro interested to do temp? I hv immediate temp vacancy for data entry @ 7 / hr... Let me know..
Hi Galz...

Gd morng...

First tink I c when I opened my mailbox tis morng is the annoucemt by 2 of my close frens bein preg wif their no 2...after 2 yrs...really hv mixed feelin...

Hi Char...

I really cross my fingers for you...

Hi Gals..

Good morning!!

Hi Fizz,

we same same here. When I opened my mailbox just now, one of my friends preg. for 8 weeks already. ya, some mixed feeling in heart.

Nevermind lah, I wil not give up!

Hi Char,

wow.. i also cross fingers for you.. hope to hear good news from you, girl!!
