A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Ladies
Got a brochure from Eu Yan Sang..they opening a new outlet at plaza sing..In case anyone wans to get the bai feng wan..they are selling 3 boxes @ $88 (UP 3 @ $129.90)..tot the preminum bird's nest with rock sugar (2 bottles @ $98, UP 2 @ $139) quite a good buy also...

Promo is on 4th & 5th Mar only @ plaza sing outlet.

Thanks for replying..i am also ttc now and find this thread very helpful. Everyone is towards the same goal...yeah!!!
Hope all will have good news soon.

Hi pengiun8
That's a bit scary hor..luckily ur colleague advised u. For me, my AF shld be here end of this wk. Initially got some symptom, burping n feverish...now is slight cramps..no burping liao...so I tot maybe not so lucky..praying hard. But I am thinking of doing exercise this wk..but scare already preggie liao then too dangerous...how I wish got v v zhun test to test at early stage... hee hee..
Hi louie,
Thanks for sharing!

Mine is always irregular and I just realised it can range from 35-59 days cycle
Anyone has this problem too and can share your experience cos I really don't know how to calculate O day -_-
Hi Louie..
I think should be ok if the strip tuen pink in the front when the urine is 1st absorb...most test behave this way leh...
The control ine that I have is also not as dark as the one in the picture...

Have been away just for one day and there are so many new gals joining in... welcome all!!!
Oh...btw,things don't look good leh...i start to have swollen breast and backache...typical AF coming symptoms...em...mayb didn't strike this round...
bettle_bug, we can only test on the test kit(for more accuracy) only 2 weeks after miss AF? i thok once miss AF can test liao? Can advise me?

1st time I'd spotting, and confirm m/c, go for abortion, actually it's a mis-abortion coz baby no heartbeat leh... cry cry cry also hv to accept fact. 2nd time I also spotting, but lucky everything's fine and gynae prescribe me "an tai yao" which cost $1.20 per tablet, very ex right... but worth it lor since my baby now 15 mos liao.
Now we are planning for 2nd baby, but till now still no news..

i am bloated and feeling "FAT" and I wanted to exercise so much, I miss so much playing badminton with my hb.. but like you, I scare if I preggie liao will be quite dangerous, so I hold back any exercise until if my next AF comes. Now i have pre-AF cramp, probably AF will come these few days, if so, very disappointed leh...

come to think of it, blueblue if we both so lucky strike this time round, then both of us will b having same EDD liao? hahaha..

zhuzhu and ladies, do you thik I can take bai feng wan even ttc-g now? If preggie, can still continue with bai feng wan or not?
Hi Angeline,

Actually we BD on and off.But was telling my hb if we wan to plan, should start to count the days properly.

i started to count the days and then BD after 14 days fm last day of AF, duno did I get the timing right or not leh...

As for the nite, I didn't BF. I only EBM around 6 am and 7 pm everyday. (Twice a day). I had since do away with the night pump (7pm) yesterday and yeah my br are ok, no engorgement. From today onward i will only EBM 1x per day in the morning.

Do you think I have higher chance to conceive if so?
char - if breastaches still persist & ur AF don't come, likely preggie. Tats wat the GP said... most ladies here who are preggie seem have AF symptoms which turn out to be preggie symptoms!! Hee... u still got chance!!

BFP = Big Fat Positive

Blueblue - you can still take walks & go swimming. Most preg bks say can still do leisure sports, but not too much jumping ard lah. hee

penguin - think shd be able to test once miss AF. the test nowadays shd be sensitive. If 1st time -ve, most kits recommend to retest in 5-7 days time.
Zenn - use http://www.fertilityfriend.com to help track ur BBT. U jus need to buy a proper BBT themometer (guardian- $15+) & key in ur temp & cervical mucus each day. It will tell u when Ur "O" day is lah, but of coz u shd start ttc-ing nearer the mid of ur cycle, if not when the chart show when u O day is, wld have "missed" ur fertile day liao. Good luck to u too!!
Louie--oh...still got hope hor...i still telling my hubby this morning to be prepared that my AF will come cos my boobs are feeling so heavy!!

Can only take bai feng wan after ur menses...not during ur ovulation period or the 2WW..once preggie also cannot take...normally i take 1 bottle 2 days after my AF cleared..then another bottle few days later..just b4 the ovulation period
Thanks louie & beautiful!

Pandan me, is BBT themometer the same as normal themometer? Also we should start tracking BBT after our menses?

Did you gals go for pre conception check up b4 TTC?
Hi Zenn,
The BBT thermometer is more accurate as it can measure to 2 decimal place.Normal thermometer is only up to 1 decimal.
how are u..
good news?...

so long no breastfeed night..
fertility shld have cme back...
u got ur mense?...
but some percent of woman has to stop breastfeed to get fertility back...
u got to monitor...
if count proper still no strike then try stop breastfeed...even if sudden change to breastfeed schedule would help too...
Hi Angeline

No lah... AF juz came this Wed... juz started wif Clomid this cycle... see got luck or not lor... thinking of going to TMC too... seems like quite good hor... Will try to convince my hubby to go wif me....

Looks like quite a few new "faces"... Welcome all new TTCs... hope we all get preggy this yr....

Hope we strike together....pray pray..AF dun come hor..ha ha. I oso like to play badminton...yesterday I had bad cramp but really like menses cramp...
Hi Zenn

I've already gone for my pre-conception test already...

Hi Char

Ya lor... juz came back today... very tired... still gotta to look thr' the tons of CVs... even worst...
Hi All

Anyone can teach me how to check cervical position (CP)?

Hi Yuki...

U r bac...

Hi Char...

Gd luck to u tis wkend...I tink I dun hv any chance liow...my breasts hv gone soft...my CM becomes dry...oni hangin on to my last hope...my temp...

Next mth my last hope for 2006 bb...
Hi Char...

Yup...norm...if u r preg...yr CM wil increase...norm creamy...due to the mucus plug...yr CP wil stay high too...

Wah...u hv chance leh...change 3 times a day ah???!!!
hi Zhu Zhu & penguin8,

I am new to this thread; just want to share my experience - i am not able to ovulate after i take the bai feng wan and maybe bcos i got PCOs. last month, i didnt take and my follicle grow to the right & good size and able to do IUI.
Hi Fizz..
hehe..i didn't know the CM plays a part also..my hubby was still asking me isit bcos i am drinking too much water..cos quite thirsty,so everyday drink ard 2-3L of water...
Hee hee...Char...u drink so much ah???!!!...issit norm?...I drink oni abt 1.5L of plain H2O per day...btw hor...some preg woman get thirsty freqtly too leh...;P

Hey Char...do u rec yr BBT on FF???...attach to let me c can?...for mine...I dunno how to convert to jpg file...
I am like a camel,storing up water for emergency ;P normally i will drink ard 2L,but recently more thirsty so drink more lor..moreover,I seldom drink soft drinks,canned drinks(probably 1 can a week), hence my plain water consumption is very high..

Me always the left size of tummy cramp cramp type, duno is it I bloated or what...

i dun have much symptom except for more headache and head giddiness now, same as Fizz, think no hope this month and really want a 2006 baby leh...
Hi fizz..
i don't have BBT chart leh...cos always forget to take the temperature in teh morning..so have sort of given up on it already...just using OPK to track...

is your body temperature maintain high?? my body temperature maintain high since tuesday .. but i know i'm not falling sick or what.. and sometimes got light pain near stomach there..

anyway.. today only CD22 le.. think not so fast can feel the symptoms right?
Char...oic...nevermind...hope for gd news fm u on mon...I wil LL go n get an apptmt for hsg...hopefull the dye wil open up my tubes to give the spermies an easier time to swim next mth... =D
Hi Gladys,
I think my temp is on the higher side cos my hubby keep on thinking that I am having fever cos my palms and neck is very warm...its my CD31..but cos my AF is irregular,so can't really predict when is it coming...the only tell tale sign is the backache and the swollen boobs..i also got light pain on my right tummy...so i think its 50% +ve,50% -ve...hehe...
Fizz...me also hope to bring good news!!hope AF don't come!!!
Hi Zenn

The blood test is $70 plus I think... couldn't remember liao... I went to my gynae... she's Dr Chua from Women's clinic... @ Bt Timah...

Hi Fizz

The dye will not open up yr tubes... the dye only shows that yr tube is block or not blocked...

Hi Char

Looks like quite high chance hor...
hi char,

i checked from some webs saying that it might be egg implan. pain le.. it may cause some light pain after ovulation (5-10 days after ovulation day)... and it will cause high tempt. also .. anyway, if i think too much, may be some normal stomach pain or i'm going to get sick also.. hehhee..

so, i think i will wait for another 1 week and see how... i hope to hear your good news too!! hehe..
all the best ya!!!
Char- if 14 days since ur O, maybe u shd try using HPT liao. Wishing u have good news!!!

Penguin - don't cry, all of us here also want 2006 baby. I want doggie yr one! hee
Hi Gladys..
I still went to see a Dr yest,was given a day of MC for tummy ache...

Hi Louie,
me tested +ve for O on 17th and 18th Feb leh...i think it still a litle early to test leh...mayb wait till early or mid mar dan test??

hi gals,
i m new here n trying to ttc.
i wish to hv a doggie bb too but AF visit me every month...so dissapointed. my next AF wld b on 28 feb but tis morning when i woke up, i got stomach cramp & sore breast. i always hv tis symptom b4 my AF, so i think no chance liao.
