A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Pekochan,
My hands tend to move up & down when I put them up in front of me. Is that tremor?

I don't really sweat much, but nowadays suddenly feel very warm, even in air-con room.

Hi Elmo,
How long did u take to recover from Hyperthyroidism? I manage to get some info from the website. Out of the mentioned symptoms, I have quite a number....

Excessive sweating
Heat intolerance
Increased bowel movements
Tremor (usually fine shaking)
Nervousness; agitation
Rapid heart rate
Weight loss
Decreased concentration
Irregular and scant menstrual flow

hey mashy

thks.. hope i catch the baby dust tis mth. me didnt really monitor lei. just anyhow whack, hope i got the rite timing.

saw the previous threads.. good luck for ur IUI.

Thanks for your encouragement. I will try not to give myself so much pressure.


My gynae never mention that I have endometriosis at all. I told him abt the HSG test before but he commented that this test is an old method and also not accurate. Therefore, he wants me to proceed to do a lapro instead.


I'm ex-patient from kkh dun know still must go thru polyclinic for referral again. I've done blood test and v-scan at kkh in the year 2004. Everything okay but the dr mentioned that I'm not ovulating.


Did you get any referral fm your gynae to do the HSG test.. Or you just book the test with Gleneagles yourself. My gynae wants me to proceed with a lapro instead of the HSG test. Therefore, just wondering whether can book the test myself. Tks.
i'm also suffering from hyperthyroidism but no trembling. just heart palpitations, sweating, insommia and nervousness. my doc says different pple have diff. symptons. just go for a blood test and u'll know. dun worry so much. wait 4 e results 1st. who knows u r ok.

There's no exact cure for it but med can control it. take med for abt 1 to 1 and a half yr can liao.

i was like that this cycle. temp din really rise so was rather worried whether I O or not. but after some days, my temp rise. dun worry. it might take some days later to see the rise.

p.s. anyone knows how's naturally?
hi khoo, my gynae referred me. According to him, u need a referal from a doctor before the hospital will do HSG for u.

hi pekochan, i spent $200 to do HSG. Gleneagle charged me $150, and my gynae charged me $50 for processing fees. u can check with ur gynae cos charges might be different.
i'm here!!

Hee, all that hyperthyroidism talk reminds u of me har?

me too me too, here to add on to the list of hyperthyroids!
Hey, just how fast is your heartbeat?! Mine was always above 90 beats per min, even when i'm at rest... but now i better liao, cos have been taking med for abt 1 mth liao... this is my 2nd time having hyperthyroid, the 1st time was diagnosed in 2003 (but i prob have had it for like forever, heehee, cos i remember from sec school days i was already having all the symptoms like fast heartbeat, excessive perspiration etc!). Anyway just want to let u know, hyperthyroidism is easily treatable, just have to guai guai take your meds and do bloodtests regularly to monitor lor!
so u're here. thot of u not becos of all the talk abt hyperthyroidism. actually wanted 2 ask abt u but tink u might be resting after iui so din ask. everything's fine? how many dpo liao?
yah lor, this morning so busy, now lunch time can sneak in here for a while... hush, dun tell anyone har! heehee!

I didn't quite rest after the IUI, just on that day itself lor, i went straight home after my IUI... had wanted to do some quick shopping, but was ordered to go home by sandy mummy, so bo bian lor... then weekends me and hubby as usual went out, jalan jalan... i think shd be okie ba... if really striked, even if i move abt whole day long, it will still implant itself right??? If never strike, then even if i stay bedridden, also no use mah... so everything is as per normal for me now!

Erin, any updates on your thyroid? Still monitoring har?
still the same. will see doc in late sept unless i get preggie before that.

when will u know the results of iui? how long is ur cycle?
hi YB,
normally after taking medication, your condition should stabilise. After that, there will be a "maintenance" period of about 1-1.5 yrs...
But my encrinology doc told me before that if I get preggy, it will come back esp during 1st tri.
So, got to monitor...
But hyperthyroid will not affect fertility. Only hypo will..... so dun worry too much... see a specialist and get it treated early.
maybe u call up kkh & see if can book appt to see any doc to get referral for HSG or not. i'm under pte patient, so may not be the same. good luck!
Hi Ladies,
If I'm taking medication for thyroid for 1 to 1.5yrs, can I get pregnant in between? Will it affect the baby? I'm thinking of having a "dog" child.

Hi Elmo,
What's the diff between Hypo & Hyper?

Hi Naturally,
I dunno what is my heartbeat, only the doc tell me I have fast heartbeat after checking.
Hi Ladies,

Attached are some info that I managed to get from the web.

It may be harder for hyperthyroid women to become pregnant, and they are more likely to have miscarriages. If a woman with infertility or repeated miscarriages has symptoms of hyperthyroidism, it is important to rule out this condition with thyroid blood tests. It is very important that hyperthyroidism be controlled in pregnant women since the risks of miscarriage or birth defects are much higher without therapy.

1) Fatigue
2) Insomnia
3) Nervousness
4) Irritability

When hypothyroidism is severe, it can reduce a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. Checking thyroid gland function with a simple blood test is an important part of evaluating a woman who has trouble becoming pregnant.

1) Fatigue
2) Depression
3) Easily upset
4) Trouble losing weight
YB, aiyo, u know how to take your pulse?? Dun need a doctor to tell u lah, find a clock with a second hand, u can count your own pulse, over 15 seconds, then multiply by 4 to get estimate heartbeat per min... normal adult is abt 70 when at rest.

When i had hyperthyroid, sometimes i dun even need to press on my wrist to take pulse... i can already feel my heart thumping away, hee!

Hypo means underactive thyroid; hyper means over-active thyroid. Hyper people will lose weight; hypo will gain weight... the rest of the symptoms like trembling hands, excessive sweating etc, shd be the same for both hypo and hyper ba...

And yes, u can be pregnant while on med, but u can only take 1 type of med, called the PTU, the doc will sure prescribe u that if u tell him u are ttc-ing...
I'm currently taking PTU, and i've just done an IUI...
ha, dun go and scare yourself lah... there are ladies who successfully conceived and delivered healthy babies after treating their thyroid... relax dearie, u also dunno wat's the results yet, dun get overly paranoid okie?
Hi Naturally,
Thanks for the info....I feel more assured now (assuming I had hyperthyroidism)

I dun really know how to take my pulse leh...can't feel my heartbeat leh
Jenny Tan,
i did HSG last week at KKH. it cost me $130 (under pte patient). dunno same charges for subsidised patient or not.
Halo everybody.....

Haven't come into this thread for so long. So many newcomers and new mummies....

Me working hard too but still no good news...

Today going for pap smear... then going to ask doc abt TTC. Not sure if there is anything wrong with me......

For all those that are still TTC... good luck.....
Hi all,
I am also told to have PCOS. Been ttc for a year. Doc just tell me to exercise and lose weight. Also my cycle did not come on time. Therefore he gave Sunolut for my missed cycle and Clomiphene.
So still pinning hope for this month. (".)
hi YB,
ya lor... you dun scare yourself!

If hypo, you will need to supplement with hormones pills...cos your hormones will be lower....
but hyper, it's more stress when preggy....cos gets agitated more easily and stuff like that but still can conceive..... and also need to be under close monitoring....

but I think you should get some blood test done... there are many other reasons why you having some of the symptoms... may not be thyroid.... may just be stress...
hi all,

anybody got a good doc to recommend for preliminary tests for couples? If this month I did not strike, shall go and visit doc, dun want to waste time... can someone also tell me what are the different kind of tests avail and are they very ex?

gloomy ...
hi jajabings, if u intend to go kkh, then u can try seeking referral from one of the polyclinics. i think u should be able to enjoy some subsidies if u have the referral. Only thing is the long queue in polyclinics can be quite dreadful... For subsidised patients, i think u may not be able to choose doctor. Can somebody confirm this?
hi gebbera,
do u still rem me? we used to chat before. just heard from wendypooh that u've conceived! congrats dear girl! do take gd care and dont overstrain urself.
morning gals

yesterday my right lower tummy is cramping and i went to test OPK, both lines are equally dark. that means i m O-ing izzit? but didnt BD cos too tired. but now i m still aching on the same spot, so i m still O-ing, izzit
Dor ~ if u miss the BD last nite. then today u also try the chance to BD lor. i duno if it will be too late lar. but just do. hope u anyhow do anyhow strike lar.
aiyo jenny
i thot my peak was during my holis from CD 14 to CD19. shall see la. it takes 2 hands to clap, u noe. keke. thks
Dear gals, i am in d12 today and just came back from the doctor's clinic. Dr said my body is responding well to metformin, 2 follicles (22mm and 19mm) on my left ovary. Had HCG jab just now and going for IUI tomm afternoon. Wish me good luck! Btw, any idea what to avoid after IUI? What kind of food to avoid??
Thanks. Hopeful my test results come back negative. Will be going to c another doc for a 2nd opinion later. Dun really trust the young doc in the 24hr clinic. He even caused swelling & bruises on my arm after drawing blood.
Wish me luck.
Hi Cloe,

thanks so much for your advice. Will visit our family doc and see what he says on this ... But again, I will try doctor-less this month and see what if I can strike .. If still no news next month, will go see doc ... keep u inform !
Hi flora, thanks much. i have failed 6 IUIs before. This time change gynae and medication so hopefully will work. Else hor, everytime is so disappointing. When see red hor, wow like the whole world is going to end...
Hi Chloe,
All the best for your IUI tomorrow! Best of luck to you. Hope you succeed this time round.
For me, I avoid liang stuff, like cabbage, barley, etc. And try to eat healthy and balanced diet, eat more fish and egg.
I've just collected my blood test results. I've been tested positive for hyperthyroidism. Doc told me to go to TTS A&E today cos I'm starting to feel needles & pins in my legs & have weakness in my 4 limbs. Doc said it's better to be extra careful when hyperthyrodism affect the muscles of the body.

I'm now waiting for my husband to come & fetch me, but very worried cos my husband can't accompany me at the A&E cos he has meetings later
Hi Jess,
I'm not sure if my condition is serious. What I gathered from the forum, it seems that hyperthyroidism is very common.

But I dun understand why my doc is so nervous about my condition, even telling me to go the the A&E dept of hospital
dun worry about it.... after taking medication, your condition will stabilise...
I go to Dr Daphne Khoo at General Hospital Specialist clinic, she's quite well-know for thyroid.
Try calling General hospital and see if can get an appt or not.
Hi Elmo,

My doc is sending me to TTSH A&E. He said after checkup, they'll arrange an appt for me at the specialist clinic. Not sure wat's going to happen later @ A&E.

Do u have weakness in limbs or having sensation of needles & pins in legs?
Mine started with eye infection.... a bit of eye potrusion...tremors of hands...agitation....appetite change....heart palpitation... my resting moments was 120 per min. :p.....shivers of leg....I get numbness more easily... not so sure abt pins and needles...oh and I look very tired.
