A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi ladies,

i've visited my company doctor and he has confirmed my pregnancy. I'm in my 5.5 weeks now.
He has given me a very rough EDD, around early April next year. Thank you ladies for all your kind advise and encouragement. I'm glad i took your advise and pluck up my courage to try a re-test. I wish you all TONS & TONS of BABYDUSTS!!!

Hi Young Bride,

thank you! do keep us posted on your results. at the meantime, you need to act as if you are pregnant and take good take of yourself okie. lots of lots of BABYDUST to you!!!


Don't worry abt it. Just let your gynae know if u are pregnant. Now worry also no use, it's like worrying on a sunny day that the rain will come and wet all your clothes.
my faint line turned out to be a false positive. I am not pregnant, proven by blood test already.

Thanks for your concern.
hi all,

Im new to this thread .. Its encouraging to see ppl here getting a bb soon.. For myself, I have been trying since Jan this year and still no result. sometimes, makes u wonder why ppl get preggie so easily and ppl like me have to try so hard to get one .. Last month, I bot the ovulation kit and was trying based on tt. and now im having my menses, was so affected by it and was driving to fetch my husband from work last nite and almost crashed my car... haiz .. what can we do to jus have a bb of our own ????
sianz ....
Hi everyone,

I am new here... had a faint positive when I tested on my HPT kit on Sunday. Visited the gynae yesterday and he did another preg test for me(apparently the one he used was more sensitive - which will detect HCG). It was a +ve but we couldn't see anything yet during the ultrasound scan. I am supposed to visit him in 1 weeks' time to monitor the situation.

Any comments?
hi gals,

Wow! so many newcomers. welocome to this thread.

dun worry too much. heard stress can affect our chances of conceiving. easier said than done but try lor. i'm also trying to relax n not think of when i can have a bb.

Mashy, Gebbera and GT,
Congrats! Glad to hear ur good news. GT, think it's still too soon to see anything yet.
Hi erin,
Really easier said than done.. I was just wondering what else can i do besides relaying on the Ovulation test kit ... What are the preliminary tests that me and my husband can undergo to make sure alls okie with us??? and anywhere to recommend.. hopefully the prices are not too steep.
My deepest congrats to all the TTC-ers who are successful on their plan !!! Hope one day I will also be like u all ....
And erin,

How long have u been trying and how old are you ??
the chances I think, decreases as we age .. really kinda of worried as the bio clock keeps ticking away ...

Thinking of getting help from chinese doc too ..
morning babes!!

welcome all the newcomers!

Congrat to GT... can see sac from abt week 6 onwards le.. hope it helps

COngrat to Gebbra.. hope both of u had a safe 9 mths

hi jajabings.. its really not easy to conceive from wat we tot always... huz relax and do it when u and hubby wants it ok

born in the year of dragon. guess u can guess my age. hee hee... yah, i'm worried too. this is my 2nd month of trying. just hoping that it'll come soon. guess u can go to kkh or any pte gynae to do fertility check-up to see if there's any prob. just usually u check after 6 mths to 1 yr of ttc-ing.
Hi everyone
I'm new here. Have been ttc since this year feb. Completed four cycle of clomid but still did not strike. My hubby has already gone for his SA's test and result normal. This is my last cycle to be on clomid. If did not conceived this time round, gynae has advised to proceed to the next step that is doing laporscopy. Actually, I've talk to my gynae abt doing HSG test instead first but he commented this test is an old method and not accurate. Can anyone advise me where can I do the HSG test and to book this test (eg must be refered by any doctor or not) Or can I just book the appt for the HSG test. From the forum I saw quite a number of successful rate after the HSG test. Therefore, I would like to try first before procced to do laporscopy....
hi khoo53.. welcome

can i know wats the purposes of u to have a lap?
got PCOS or any other? usually gynae will not ask u to do a lap 1st.. have to monitor and do HSG to see if ur tubes are block then decide..
and who is ur gynae? mind tellin us?

u and me the same age lor .. 2 months is okie .. but when u have unprotected sex for almost 6 months and still did not strike .. starts to get worried and frustrated .. im thinking of using the Ovulation kit to try for another month or so and if still no results will go and visit the doc liao .. haiz .. how old is your hubby? Is he also very stress at work ?? my husband is a biz devlpment manager heading the subsidiary company and work till dawn sometimes .. probably thats the reason why also ... so vexed !

Hi lings,
thanks for the warm welcome and I hope I will have good news to share with you all soon ! How about ureself? R u also trying hard too, like us? Never thought that I will have to try so hard to have a kid ... sigh ..
hi jaja,welcome to the thread!
dun be discourage and never give up. i think it's gd to do a pre-preg assessment, jus to make sure ur hubby n u are alrite. is ur work oso v stress? perhaps u should take time to relax or take up some excerise... u'll feel better. stress will affect fertility.maybe aft dinner u can take a walk wif ur hubby near ur estate, to relax and oso can help to digest..
Hi chensing,

I used the Ovulation kit last month and detected my surge line and I tried on the very night .. cos I saw from somewhere that sperm can live in our body for 72 hrs, depending on the quality of the sperm bu a chinese doc told me that if im acidic and it will kill the sperm too. Im thinking of taking the chinese medicine .. aiya, going out of point. what im trying to say is that even if we do it on the very night, it might not be successful still .. sometimes it jus depends on luck...

hello pekochan,
Im defintely not giving up lor .. will take a walk as you suggest.. my work also very stress, work in cust serv and soemtimes customers are too unreasonable and demanding to please and can u imagine after a stressful day's work and u still gotto try to make time and energy to make love when ovulating. I remembered the last mth when i detect my surgeline, my husband make apoint to come back earlier and its like so robotic and its not an enjoying session and worse, i know he's very tired but he is also trying his best to release his soldiers and the next few days, suupose to try and i din bother him cos i also dun want to stress him too much ...
GT, it is still early..unless your gynae has advance machine and doing vagina scan.
Hope next week u r able to see the sac.

My gynae is Dr Tan Hang Yang frm Gleneagles. I dun think I got PCOS or any other cos my gynae did not mention anything at all. He told me that the purpose of doing lap is to blow up my fallopian tube so that the passage will be cleared. He also mentioned that alot of his patients are doing this lap and after that got pregnant easily. I'm also very surprised that he did not ask me to do HSG test first instead straight proceed to do a lap. Right now I quite confused whether to follow his instruction or just do the HSG test first myself to see whether my tubes are blocked. Pls advise me where I can go for such test without having to be refered by any gynae.
khoo.. ok if thats the case, y dun u seek 2nd opinion?

i know a few babes here went TMC & KKH for HSG, as for the actual procedure i dunno hw.. they will help u tomolo ba
@ the mean time dun think so much ok... relax oso hor.. dun give urself so much stress
chen sing.. dun compare with ur frds as our body is so different... dun think so much abt all that and take care abt urself, eat more healthy fruits and food, rest well..

mei2 quote : JUZ DO IT!! keke AS AND WHEN NEEDED!!
Hi erin,
You only tried for 2 cycles
. Getting pregnant is not as easy as ABC
. The most important is to be relax and enjoy making love

Hi Khoo,
Does your gynae suspect you have endometriosis that's why recommended laparo? Maybe you can seek another opinion regarding using laparo just to clear the tubes.

Hi Chen Sing,
Dun give up hope
. As long as AF is not here, there's still hope
. In my first pregnancy, I did not plan for baby, so plan by calculating the days to avoid. Then ML 5 days before O.. still can strike... I think the most important is to relax and enjoy
Having said that, even if BD on the nite of O or the nite before O, not 100% will get pregnant one

Hi jaja,
Jia you
Has your hubby done a SA test?
Many gals here also like you.. started off thinking it will be easy to get pregnant... I think it's fate
wah! more newcomers ah!

hi khoo,
u need to book HSG test thru a gynae. why dun u get a referral from polyclinic doc to see KKH gynae under subsidised patient, then tell the gynae to arrange HSG test for you?
btw, had u done V-scan? if not, can get gynae to arrange for u if u wan.
ya, hb's work also very stressed. that's why started opk this month. hope to reduce his stress abt ttc-ing but also no use. i tested using fmu which is useless. was worried that i din ovulate but yest, just saw i ovulated on cd 14.

i know liao. it's really not so easy. but it's just that when i saw people around me getting pregnant so easily, i start to worry whether i could be having fertility probs. but we won't know this after 6 months to 1 year of trying rite?

chensing, u r not the only one. i bd that night on the day of ovulation. heard not very high chance cos shd ovulate 6 to 12 hrs before ovulation.

I visited the doctor yesterday & was confirmed not pregnant. However, I kept having symtoms & being hungry very easily, nausea etc. My menses aldo haven't come. The doc said some of these symtoms points to thyroid. He's going to send my blood for testing & will let me know once the results are out.
morning babes

YB, dun be sad ok
try again.. but no stress

all the babes still haven report ah?? keke still holiday mood is it..
Hi gals, anyone taking metformin? My dosage has increased to 1500mg since monday. Feel terrible, got nausea and feel like throwing up. Body feel warm easily too, sweat more than usual. Surprisingly no diarhhoea... got constipation on the first 2 days! Anyone having similar symptoms? Btw, started using the puregon pen to inject FSG on my own yesterday, hubby helped me do it. Not as painful as i thought it will be.

Hi Khoo, i've done my HSG at Gleneagles. The procedure is very fast and not painful if u relax urself. Something like pap-smear but the radiologist will inject a dye through ur vagina all the way into ur womb. If ur tubes are not blocked, the excess dye will pass through the fallopian tubes and out into ur abdominal cavity. The x-ray will be taken when the dye is passed into ur body. Might have to shifted slightly a bit on left and right to take x-ray from difference angles, but they are quite tolerable. Oh, and remember to bring along a pad, cos there will be very very slight bleeding after that. HSG is less complex than laparo, since laparo is actually a minor operation... So, i would suggest u do HSG first.
hi chloe.. me took metformin but only 1 tablet.. but increase myself to 2 tablet.. keke of coz with gynae's consent.. :p got nothing leh.. as usual lor
hi mei2, i took 50 mg of metformin once a day for 1st 3 days, then increase to 100 mg for the next 3 days, thereafter increase to 150mg. Dr din want me to take 150mg all at once... i was ok for 50-100mg, after that hor, when increased to 150mg, wow really feel like throwing up, stomach seems to be quite crampy... will be seeing dr tomm, so will also check with him lor...
hi yb, dun worry. Wait for the dr's diagnosis then decide wat to do ok? dun worry. My friend has thyroid, and when she is under stress during exams or work, her blood pressure will shoot up! She is now a happy mother of 2!
don't worry, i've exactly the same symptoms as u last mth, gynae also sent my blood for thyroid testing, but it came out negative! doc said could be just hormonal imbalance.
Hi Chloe & Sleepy Garfield,

Yah, I guess I can only wait for the test results to come out. I feel hungry very easily & my hands will even tremour when I'm hungry. But I lost 1 kg in a week, despite my increased appetite. My heartbeat is also very fast.

I dun have any swelling on my neck, so hopefully the test results come out negative.

Hi Sleep Garfield,
What symptoms do you have when the doc suspect u have thyroid?

for my case, i can't lose any weight despite my intensive exercising & dieting, and menses go haywire, came at CD19, sometimes don't come, sometimes just lasted 2 days, all these are symptoms of Hypothyroidism.
hi chole, can i check wif u hw much did u pay for HSG?

hi jaja, i agree wif u tt cust srv is very stressful, got to deal wif all kind of pple. wat u can do is dun bring home ur work ie any unhappy or unpleasant things that happened at work just put behind, once u step out of the office 'switch off' and dun think abt it anymore! i noe it's diffcult in the starting, u noe lah we gers always can't take things easily.... little bit of things will spoil our day! last time i oso like tt keep thinking abt those unpleasant incident at work then make myself so stressed up! besides gog for a stroll aft work u can oso go picnic or cycling wif ur hubby lor... this kind spice up ur married life too

hi YB, no point worrying...just wait for the result ok
sometimes our AF delay is due to stress or excitment... izzit something exciting happening
Sleepy Garfield,

My menses have been very regular, but only this mth haven't come...

Doc says my symptoms may being related to Hypothyroidism, but there are some symptoms which he can't explain. Like increase in appetite, lose weight & pain in lower adominal.
increased appetite yet losing weight is actually symptoms of Hyperthyroidism..anyway, no point worrying or guessing now, your results shd be out very soon right? I got mine in 3 days. Keep your fingers crossed. Thyroidism can be cured. Not to worry ya?
Alloo ladies

Nat, Mashy, elmo : i am back from my trip
Quite relaxing cos really 'zuo bo'.. haha. me today CD20 lei, crossing my fingers for this mth end result. C got strike Toto not, hehe

hey mashy : it's a boy. congrats. u in ur 5th mth now, izzit?

Welcome to all newbies, so many now. Good luck to u gals.
Hi Pekochan,

No leh...nothing exciting happen recently leh...I'm also not stress at all...only been going for a couple of interviews (dun think tat's stressful, rite?)

I've been using the patch since June.. maybe that causes my hormone to go haywire??
hi Sleep Garfield,
sorry... was busy on Monday... now then can reply you...
Dun think too much... see if you preggy or not first....
hi YB,
dun be upset... if really have also bo bian... so most impt is to get it checked... and if really have take medication... can cure one... ok?
Me also have hyperthyrodism....I recovered from it... of course there will always be chance that it will come back... try to have a healthy life-style... try not to get too stressed up (i noe very difficult... but must always remind yourself)... that will probably help...
dun worry ok? you will be alright...
Hi Dor

Welcome back! Gd that you've got a relaxing trip
WIsh u good luck! *Baby dust to u*
Thanks for your well wishes! No lah, I'm 15 weeks now.

