A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi yb, i suspect u need to go A&E so that from there they can refer u to a thyroid specialist... If ur hubby cannot accompany u, maybe u can seek help from the rest of ur family or friends? dun stress ok? It is quite common that doctor refer someone to A&E, cos A&E can then refer to the specialist after understanding the conditions better. i think with the referral, u can request for subsidised rates. hey cheer up ok? Things may not be as bad as u think.

Hi helpful, thanks. will take note not to take those cooling food. no appetite for the past few days, sigh, the metformin side effect, i feel like throwing up!

really ah? must go A&E? Sounds frightful, but maybe u have a KS doctor?
At least u'll be sure to receive medical attention asap at the A&E... if refer u to a specialist, u might have to wait a few weeks for a appt leh! So in a way, its good to go A&E, though i know it makes it sound as if very serious like dat, but isn't it better than waiting?

U mind telling us your results for your TSH, T3 and T4 levels? I remember when i was first diagnosed, i had virtually zero TSH, heehee... Dun worry, relax okie!
Wat time u leaving?
Hi everyone,

I'm new here. Can I join in for the discussion? I have been TTC for abt 6mths, but still no news yet.

I need some advise here. I'm using OPK tis mth, for the first 2 days of test, the test band was present but lighter than the control band. But frm the 3rd day onwards, the test band was not present at all, but my temperature is increasing. I'm getting so worried that I'm not ovulating.
Hi Chloe,

thanks for your advice. I will go see my family doc and see whathe suggest to us as in initial stage. And pls do not give up on your BB dream ... i heard my fren's brother married for 11 yrs and then recently got a bb boy .. its hard for them but they finally succeed after 11 yrs.. so long as you are determined and perservere in your bb dream, im sure one day u will realise your dream as well !

Do not overstress yourself. Make sure you have enough rest and do not dwell in it too much .. take it easy and be strong k !!!
i think u prob already O! Since your temp has gone up already... if never O, temp won't rise one... As for why u never test +ve on OPK, there could be a few reasons, like u drank water 2 hours b4 testing?? Or u tested too late (i.e. already O)?? Or did u wait for complete reaction time of the opk as specified in the instructions (some opk must wait 5-10 min)?? Best is to use 2nd urine of the day...

have u left yet? Take care hor!
Hi apple, do u have regular menses. if u hve regular menses every mth i think no pblm to O lor. which CD u started on the OPK?? I monitor my OPK from CD11-CD20 lidat lor.got 1 mth i saw +ve for 2 times leh. CD13 & CD18 lor.
Hi Apple
I also had similar experience. As i have regular menses too, I thought I ovulate most of the months. But only discovered that I didn't O through the scan. If you are worried, can always visit gynae around your O period. they are able to tell if you can ovulate through a simple scan. But anyway, you have only been trying for 6 mth. so not to worry, can still try on your own first....
hi baby breath,

I still have 20 strips left to let go from my incoming order from baby wishes for the OPK.

Interested? PM me okie? I cannot PM you as it isn't enabled.

My first AF is hear now on CD 27 from the date of my D&C.. can count down to the TTC restart date liaoz!
Hi naturally,
My temp is normally 36.2 - 36.3. On 7/8/05(sun) it drops to 36.0 then Mon & Tue (36.4), Wed(36.6), Today(36.7). I hope like wat you say, i O liao. Maybe drank too much water before testing.

Hi Jenny, piggymum,
My menses quite regular (between 35 - 37 days). I started OPK on CD18. I take 2 tests a day (12.30pm & 9.30pm).

Is it too early to visit gynae now?
hi ladies,

i'm back from the gynae.

Hi GT,
my case is the same as yours. the gynae did a abdominal scan on me but we cant see anything. then she suggested to do a vaginal scan too but still cant see anything...
according to the gynae, i should be in my 6 weeks now, thus should be able to see a small sac in my womb. but no matter how she tried, we cant seem to see it. She had rule out the possibility of an Etopic pregnancy in my case. but added that maybe i could still be in my early pregnancy thus cant see the sac yet... i was told to do a blood test cos from the blood test,she will be able to tell if mine was a Etopic pregnancy.... i'm so anxious waiting for her news now.... but the results will only be ready by tomorrow morning. i was sort of in a "lost" when i learnt about this. thinking back, i was so happy about going to the gynae for the check up this morning. but never did i know that it will turn out like this for me. The only thing i hope now was that i would be in the early stage now.... =( i'll be seeing the gynae in another 2 weeks time too....

Hi YB,
dont be sad... i understand how's your feeling like... let's give each other moral support and hopefully things will turn out fine for us... *lotsa hug to you*
hi apple, it is possible hor that u O on Sun... cos ur BBT drops then rise again... if u have intercourse within 5 days from ur O day, then still got chance, cos sperms can stay for max 5 days. Btw, a person with regular menses may not ovulate. For PCOS cases, like mine, i have menses that are very punctual but no ovulation has occurred. Dr will be able to tell by blood test and scan.
Hi WendyPoon and Mrs Tan,

i'm so glad to see both of you in this thread... =) thought we have somehow lost contacts liao... missed both of you so much... and the rest too... like Oreo, Joice, Lilac... how are you both doing? Wendy Poon, if i remembers correctly, you have given birth to a baby gal (or baby boy) last Dec, right? Hmm... your bb must be 8 mths old now... so envy you...

Mrs Tan, what about you? you conceived already? you used to be the "kai xin guo" in this thread... =)

think both of you have read my message above... i'm so worried now... cant believe this actually happened on me.... =(
Wow Apple, u have a beautiful BBT chart there!
U shd have ovulated between sun morning to mon morning (see the jump from 36.0 to 36.4?) If u did a proper OPK test on sat or sun, u shd have seen a very obvious 2nd line!
Hi Ladies,
I waited at the TTSH A&E from 2pm to 6pm!! I was seen by a screening nurse, then later a medical officer. No doctor came to me. Was prescribed 2-wks supply of medicine to control my thyroid & an appt with an endocrinologist at TTSH next fri. However, as I'll be overseas then, I'll try to rescheduled later (since the prescribed med can last that long)

I guess my GP too kiasu. Anyway I dun really trust 24hr clinic doc. By the time I reach TTSH, my legs are fine although both m hands & legs are tremouring fiercely.

When the nurse checked my heartbeat, she said it's normal.

My husband & I were so worried when the GP told us to go A&E. I even pack my toiletries in case I'm warded...so funny....

I think my tremouring are getting more & more serious. Last time I used to tremour only when I'm hungry, but today, I tremour all day!! Can't even type on the keyboard properly.

Luckily, other than the tremouring, I dun have obvious physical signs like eye problem & swelling on the neck.

T3 is 275.5 (normal 80 - 200)
T4 is 4.8 (1.0 - 1.8)
TSH <0.005 (0.27 - 4.20)

I'm now trying to stay positive &amp; even persuaded my hubby to go for holiday next week as planned. It may be a good way to relieve stree.

I was told to stop TTC while I'm on med these 2 weeks, till the specialist see me. So got to use protection cos can't get pregnant now.

Thank you, ladies for being so supportive..***hugs!!***

Hi Gebbera,
Dun worry too much....thought ur gynae already rule of etopic pregnancy? Mayb the test was just to put ur mind @ ease? Pls keep us update on your condition,ok?
Cheer up!!!
hi yb,
i can understand ur anxiety. guess ur doc too ks. mine only asked me to see specialist only when my condition changed from subclinical hypothyrodism to hyperthyroidism.

guess u shd try to relax cos one of the main causes (if i'm not wrong)is stress. Don't worry abt cannot ttc. once u inform the doc abt ur plans to ttc, they will change ur medication.
Hi erin00,

Yes, I'm now trying to be optimistic....although one of the symptoms is thining of hair....

I'm glad that I have an understanding boss and hubby so that I do not have extra stress (in fact, i dun even know y I get this cos I un feel stress at all leh)

Hopefully, my coming holiday will help my condition
hi yb,
i also have thinning of hair. everytime will see a lot of hair on the floor. so sick of it. scared i become botak.

have a great holiday! How i wish i can go for holiday...
I'm now taking vit E...hope it'll help my skin &amp; hair...I'll go pharmacy tomorrow c if I can get more vitamins.

I heard because our metabolism rate is very fast, our the nutrient that we eat are not readily absored by our body...therefore our hair will drop. Tat's y I feel I should take lots of nutrients &amp; vitamins so that our body can absorb..
good morning ladies

YB.. so from nw on must take care of urself le ok

gebbera.. u gettin the blood test result today?? is it BETA Hcg??

apple.. hope u strike
Hi YB, not to worry.... your condition will stabilise very soon once you are on the medication.

Thyroid can be hereditary... in fact most is hereditary..... but not everyone from the same family will ganna.... dunno what exactly triggers it, but somehow stress is related to it...
the other possibility if the development of Graves' disease...basically, your immune system starts to attack your own cells causing it to go haywire... cause of this is normally stress related.

i was called to rush down to the clinic immediately now. the gynae wanted me to do a Xray... i'm so sad... mine would be a Etopic pregnancy...
etopic pregnancy meaning pregnancy outside the womb. am trying very hard to calm down now.... cant stop my whole body from shaking.
hey u are still ard, i was wondering u may hv left liao..

can u take a deep breath...count to five...dun worry, u are still young...see wat ur gynae goin to say...wat time u leaving? is ur hubby accompaning u along?
Hi naturally,
i went for a pap smear test yesterday nite and we told gynae wat happen.

He suggest us using a more reliable OPK (such as Clearblue/Predicator frm guardian). He also mention some women might not O every mth. If we wan to expedite, he can prescribe low dosage of clomid.

When doing the test, he saw the egg. He told us there might be a chance tis mth, so he hold bck e clomid.

Today my temp went up to 36.8.
gebbera.. calm dw ok.. take a deep breathe..
know that its hard to console u rite nw.. but pls do take care of urself.. btw.. hw much is ur HCG level?

Apple.. got chance liao..
Gd morning ladies!
I came into this thread last week and spoke to naturally, jasmine, apple, bbmaking, juju etc...
After heeding your advice and recomendations, i finally went to see Dr Fong Yang. The results were depressing....although I already know it is coming.... I was told by him I am a classic case of PCOS, endometriosis too....that is why I am not ovulating.... N what's worst of all!!!! He said my womb is bigger than normal.....there is risk of miscarriage even if I am able to conceived....

I felt so upset after learning my condition...i cried the whole night....luckily my hubby very caring and supportive...i felt so lousy and also feel so guilty tt i've let him down... sob sob..

jia you!!! i oso ever took clomid 50g and it really help...i managed to conceive...hehe was so happy...must try to do it ya...hv a "siong" one...hehee...enjoy!

hihi...is there other solution for ur bigger womb? wat did Dr Fong Yang said?

will u still ttc? sorry to ask u so directly...

dun worry dear, after a cry for the whole nite...and plus u got such a good hubby ard..u shld be abit better now...?
dont worry about yr womb bigger than normal.. Dr Fong also said the same thing to me when I 1st saw him in Apr..

Now I m 21 weeks pregnant and Dr Fong has been taking good care of me.. during my initial pregnancy period, I have mild spotting and he prescribed me with Progesterone (hormone pill) so that it will help to sustain my little prince inside and till now, everything is FINE and OK..

dont feel upset my dear.. all of us here are to encourage and give support to one another to 'jia you' in realising our bb dream..
hi geberra, be strong ok? i know it is difficult, but let's wait for the diagnosis to be out and not jump to conclusion now. Think of the positive side ok?

hi hui, please dun cry. The journey has just begun. Me also cry many many times, cry until eyes puffy puffy and keep asking why me? i still feel sad occassionally, esp when see red. But i tell myself must keep on trying (and yaks, the meformin i taking hor, makes me feel like puking everyday!) and endure. Hey, brave urself up, i am sure we will be mothers one day!
<font color="0000ff">Hui,</font>
Dun worry &amp; dun be sad. It's very common. I saw Dr Fong Yang in June 05. He also said I've PCOS, endometriosis &amp; adenomyosis. He also said my womb is slightly larger than normal. But did he tell u your womb size? If it's not too enlarged, he said it's still ok. Dun worry ok...it's a common woman's problem. Nothing to worry too much. Relax ok....
<font color="aa00aa">Sandy,</font>
Congrats on your pregnancy! Btw, when u saw Dr Fong Yang in Apr, did he tell u any medicine or treatment to treat the enlarged womb? So envy leh...u pregnant liao. I saw him in June &amp; he advised me to do laparoscopy to clear the endometriosis &amp; adenomyosis. But I scared of surgery &amp; the feeling inside the operation theatre...so I didn't go.
I'm starting to take the pills for hyper thyroid today...but feeling very giddy...my eyesight alse feeling very blur. hope these will all go away soon...sigh..thanks for all the concern ladies, I really appreciate it!!

Hi Geberra
Please dun worry too much dear, having etopic pregnancy is not your fault...you're still young &amp; there's still chances for you to have a healthy pregnancy. Some couples tried for 10 over years and they're still unsuccessful.
same same. When I went to see Dr Fong, he also said the same thing, ie my womb is slightly bigger than normal...but I am not PCOS as he cannot even see any cyst at all...my hormone level must be very very low....so sianz...

Be strong and positive...at least you managed to conceive, and can rule out problems like anovulation, blocked tubes, insufficient hormone etc....
Hi qwer
thanks a lot my dear

He did not prescribed me any medication for my enlarged womb.. He did told me that if I should get pregnant, I should be very careful due to my enlarged womb..

Is it a must to do the laparoscopy? Did he advised U of any alternate methods since U are afraid of surgery?

Jia You!
share something real funny....

My hubby was asking me last nite.... Wat happens if I have contractions and water bag burst and he is at work...

I answered.. best he leave my car at home and take his own car to work, so i can make my way down to hosp myself... lol.. he says, dun joke lahz... contraction n water bag burst can still drive?!?!? i was like... hmmm.. true... but his office is at Pasir Ris and home is cck. He came up with an idea... he says he gng to stop work one week before my due date.. wahhahahahaha Sounds like him giving birth NOT ME! so funny...
Hi ClarisseMummy,
Sounds like yr hubby is very excited and waiting for the day to come.
But the idea is a good one. Stop work for a week before your EDD.
sorry i went for lunch jus now...
jess, juju, sandy, chloe, qwer,piggymum, thanks for all your support! I do feel better today..but i still gets teary eyes when i have to talk about my condition.... what's more, i'm in office!! i can't really let my colleagues know that i'm crying...they will sure ask what's wrong! the more i know people are showing concern to me, it makes me feel so touched and can't stop crying again....

thank u so much, everybody.

i jus saw Dr Fong yesterday, he will be arranging for me to do a HSG to find out if my tubes are blocked... so this is jus the beginning of my nightmare.... meantime, he said will jus have to monitor my womb condition...n hopefully it's not growing in size!!!

i went to Guanyin temple ytd too....the qian i get quite bad too! i feel so demoralised....from the qian, she seemed to tell me that all efforts will be futile....makes me wonder if she is trying to say going to the gynae and do all sorts of treatment also no use! but the qian also said a baby girl will be born...dunno whether it will ever happen or not, but it tells me to have patience and contendment.

my hubby also needed to do a sperm test because of me! i am wondering if anyone of your hubby had done such test at home and bring the semen to the lab for testing? Dr Fong said must send within an hour and keep in body temperature for it to be useful for testing.... anyone has ways to keep in body temperature???

i can imagine ur eyes teary...while typing all this things for us...so sorry..

at least Dr Fong is doing something ya...let him do all the necessary tests la...at least u kn wat thing happen and where goes wrong ya..

Jia you, Jie jie...(u are older than me...=D)
thanks. btw, how come u know i'm older than u? but i think i really quite old already in this thread...saw lots of 20+, me 31 this sept!
<font color="119911">Hallo jcml &amp; Mashy,</font>
My gal &amp; I are fine, thanks. So far no good news from me yet lah....anyway, I sort of leave it to fate liao...but of course I won't stop TTC, keke...juz that not so ON liao. My husband said we hv to be contented liao cos we already hv 1 child. If hv then happy, if dun hv no need to feel sad. I'm learning to 'kan kai'...still learning.

<font color="0000ff">Sandy,</font>
Dr Fong Yang did give me alternative. He said I can also take a type of jab (dunno what is it called). Gotta take the jab once a mth for a few mths to stop the AF from coming. Then after that see him again for detailed scanning to check if the multiple cysts still there or have dried up. But then hor...if after the jabs for few mths, cysts still there, then still have to do laparoscopy. Also back to square one leh....

Initially I heard of this, I also very sad...like <font color="ff6000">Hui</font>...I cried &amp; cried. Later I read &amp; read, realised that it's quite common among women...so sort of 'Ren4 Ming4'. Now I'm on chinese medication to regulate my menses. In fact I conceived 3 yrs ago after taking the chinese medicine. So now juz trying to hope for miracles. 3 yrs ago tried the medicine for 8 mths then strike. Dunno I will be lucky again or not.

<font color="aa00aa">Mashy,</font>
Congrats to you having a prince!!

hi hui,

i also went to see Dr Fong and he also told me my womb is slightly bigger than normal. Did he measure the size of the womb for you? Mine is 64mm, normal person is 60mm

im also goin for my HSG test end of this month and i think i rather do all the tests and see the outcomes. Don't worry, im sure all the tests will also turn out fine

by the way my hb has gone for his SA test and his result is no good....so i think im in a worse position than you rite?

i try to think positively coz if very stressed will tend to make things worse

So, gal, relax.... im sure you are ok, don't worry okie?
