A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

oh i see...
good continue to pray to God
also read His words(Bible) cos is important, gt Bible hor?
sing christains songs to ur bb if u hv any of those CD too

ling ~ aiyoyoyo how big is the bb?? so noti ar.. aiyo later the daddy & mommy see the baluku also heart pain ar. fall from where ?? i also heart pain..

Nik ~ wow now is ur post senior already? U join JAL in the first place liao har?? I thot Silkair they can have like an interview to jump over to SQ? i rem my frd say dunno take what test or what then can jump over. but when it is her patch econmic crisis lor. 911 lor.. then her chance is gone liao. anyway she just tender her resignation to come outside work lar. she hate working as snr she says. so boring & always write testimonal & those junior are like ah blur ah blur one. all she do when her jnr faced pblm. she dun like to terkan pple maybe that is her weak point then become everyone look for her lor.
Jenny, hahahahaha. Dun worry, if u get killed, all the ladies here will noe why.
Yup, it actually my 1st job after poly. I'm senior now also sama sama. No diff from junior crew's jobs. Got to take care of them some more. But in here is really a very pro-family airline. We allow to go on Maternity Leave. I think 10% of my colleagues are mothers.
I heard in silkair, they go for the interview also useless, silkair got not enough crews, tat's why dun allow them to transfer to SQ. My team girl from silkair told me tat.
Hi, I am new here...
Planning to have baby. Actually, I miscarriage few months ago (1st baby). Menses juz came normally last month. So will work harder for baby next month. Wish me good luck hor...
u're right!!! me kan cheong this time round cos this round got planning one mah...somemore got used the opk to check for +ve leh.....hmmmmmm at which cd u tested +ve???
jenny: abt 9mths... aleady crawling.. whaha he crawl too fast towards his daddy... n fall on his head..kekkee...

hi Chikako: dun give up... there is always hope... but always remember to take care of ur health!

classy: kekekeke.... CD31 or CD33.. cant remember... kekeke... got any signs?
Thanks ling and nik...

Any advices for the food/fruits tat no good??
I like those sour sour stuffs, like tomyam, asam laksa, mango,... Should I stop it? But sometime, I juz can't stop myself.
I dun know what are the causes for my last miscarriage. Is it b'cos I took flight during 1st trimester or I ate too many of those sour sour stuffs.
ling: you used my piggy!!!! never ask permission ah!!!!

classy: early pregnancy i had discharge too...what about your 1st pregnancy?
chikako: maybe u did not have enough rest during ur 1st trim... and have u consult ur gynae before u travel. its always best to stay home till u cross 1st trim then travel. eating too much sour food wont result in miscarriage... but more on the lifestyle u were living at that time. during the 1st trim, we need lots of rest be it in bed or sitting, i sleep most of the time during 1st trim, and got bleeding during 7weeks which my gynae confine me to bed for complete rest... things to avoid when u pregnant will be sharkfin, food containing mercury. try to cut down on Vitamin A... if u see bleeding, make sure u go to the hosp. immediately to get it treated as bb can be still saved.
just relax... u will surely be granted with a lovely bb soon.

sneaky: kekek they say pig mah.. so i display ur FAVOURITE PIG lor.. kekekekeke... u ask classy har,, u can forget it... she like forgotten she given birth before liao.. whahahakaakkakaka....
ling & sneaky,
tis time round i only felt nipples abit sensitive and have discharge...hope it's really a good sign!!!! hmmmm think i will test this weekend if af still no shows up........af shoo shoo far far away.....

i dun think i have discharge during my 1st pregnancy....my previous symtom was i have diarreah only....
val, check with you - any difference between adam road and lavender's sunday service? in terms of the whole atmosphere? is tcc considered a charismatic church? when will the building in paya lebar be ready? tcc has it's own church building in lavender?
Ling, yes mdm. Tat day my hb still order Ice lemon tea. I told him i'm not going to share wif him.
I think sexxy not back yet.
enjoy your trip! Hope you have a make-in-bangkok. kekeke....

I order 100 OPK from the web with 2 of my friends, now still have 25 extra. Anyone want to share? The cost is US$0.85 per strip. But I just ordered today, so may take 2 weeks before I can pass the OPK to you.
Hi hopeful,

Thanks. Hope i will strip this time round with nik and ling's OPK..kekeke

ok, i going off liao.


I will check my bloodtest result and post tomorrow, ok. I try to remember.
Ling u from Jin Tai? I am from Jin Tai too u know haha...No wonder I find u familiar looking

Yippy my exam finally over....finally I completed my advance diploma so now I can concentrate on ttc.
Hi gals,

It's been such a long time since i last log in.

I really miss you all.

Hopeful, pls remove my name from the TTC list.

I am very tired.

No matter what i do and how hard i try, nothing happens.

So i decide to leave it to fate.

Now i am closing this TTC epsisode and moving on with my life.

I have enjoyed my stay here will all of you.

Thanks for all your encouragement; i appreciate it.

It's really nice knowing you all.

i will still attend the gathering if there is any.

Keep in touch,gals.

Hi everyone. Thabks for all of your welcome messages. Really feel warm.

And naturally, xiao mao mao, jenny, carrie, valerie and ling ng, thanks for the console and encourgaement. although the worries will still be back but at least feel more comfort right now.

i think i will try for 3 more cycles before deciding whether to visit the gyn.

btw, what does PCOS and lazy ovary means?
Hi hopeful and all the gals,

I have decided to take a break from tcc like juliann. Now focusing on letting nature take its course......Kindly remove my name from the list. I'm sorry i didn't have much chance to get to know most of you here because of my limited time spent online. Hopefully one day, our paths can cross again. Thank you all for the brief and yet wonderful acquaintance.

May all your tcc dreams turn into reality :)

best regards,
i was kinda sad after knowing your decision to close the TTC chapter ....
u've been around for so long to share and give encouragement ..... u also helped to organise gatherings ......
please don't leave us .....
i hope u'll drop-by to say "hi" and update us on your well being .....
maybe anyhow do anyhow strike will happen on you in the very near future ..... do keep us inform ....

I've also postphoned my TTC plan but I'm still hanging around since I love the gals here .....

Please take care!
I enjoy talking to you ... maybe we can chat over msn ....

I really wanna wish you all the best....
Please take care and let's keep in touch!
Juliann dear,
sure we will keep in touch! Good that u have other things to focus on now, u take good care okie!

Wish u all the best too... hope next time we chat, it'll be in the mummies' threads...
u r around?
i tho i'm alone .....
i also feel very lost since TTC for so long, still no result .....
should I really give up on TTC too?
sorry for the late reply

Trinity serivce at adam n lavendar no diff
it's not really charasmatic,
it's more lively and vibrant kind of worship

ya, lavendar has own builidng

think Paya Lebar will be ready within 2 yrs
if u want to ask more info, PM me ok?
cos here is ttc topic

hee...gd hor?
nw can ttc liao
eat heathly n relax

u still hv pain?

Juliann dear....
dun be depress ok?
there is hope and do continue ur intimacy wif ur hubby
bo chap and ML may let u conceive soon!
since u n ur husband are both healthy

XMM n Jen,
hey u relax also

and never give up ML
i'm kaypo-ing in other threads, heehee... hey, thot u are taking a break too, aren't u?
Wat to do? We just joke and laugh it off lor! Some people try hard, they strike. Some people anyhow do, they also strike. We all have tried to try hard, we have also tried to anyhow do, but still?? haha... zhu4 ding4 one! When the stock comes looking for u, heehee... cannot run away one!
Meanwhile, i shall enjoy my life, sip a cuppa coffee, but of cos still keep a lookout for the stock! Come come, join me for coffee, heehee....
Hi Juliann,

I am kinda of sad too when i saw your post. You have always been so bubbly and cheerful. And have given us a lot of encouragement during ttc journey.

No matter wat, dun give up, we will always be here to support you. Your wish will come true soon. Continue to keep your faith and move on.

Thanks for organising the gathering. It has made us closer.

Hi Jen,

You dun give up also ok, relax and try naturally. Anyhow do and anyhow strike
Hi elmo, naturally,

Do you have any link whereby i can lookout for the instruction to use the OPK strip.

I received from ling liao. But dunno how to use.
1) Collect urine specimen in a clean disposable cup container.
2) Open sealed pouch and remove test
3) Dip the absorbent pad of the strip into urine with the error pointing towards the urine specimen for approx 10 seconds. Be careful not to immerse past the arrow sign
4) Lay strip on a flat, clean, dry, non-absorbent surface and wait for test results to appear.
