A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


kekeke, me put in lugguage liao. In fact, hb no need sexy lingerie, cause very fast, he take off everything liao..hehehe..


Welcome!!! Think you have high chance this time round. Good luck!

XMM ~ U also can.. faster have a bb then tell hb that u need good rest. ahahhhaa.. dun stress tell ur hb.. enjoy ML dun be so stresing making baby..
sunflower, jenny, ling & other gals in the West,
u r all welcome to join us in our dinner gathering ....
jus let us know and we'll include u in our planning ....
yah yah agree... very noisy here .... esp wif ling around ...... a lot of laughter .....
u'll not be bored since we're all very bubbly ....
when i saw your postings.... i can't help but burst into laughter ..... hah your HB so "impatient" one hor ...... can't wait to take off your clothes ..... hee hee hee ......
usually you are the one who posted lots of messages and make others eyes pop ma... hahaha.. so, it will be your turn after u return from your trip.. hehehehe... *evil laughter*

Thanks for your invitation. If I'm free then will join u all since I'm also "westerner". :pP

Then good lor, save your effort to seduce.. haha.. but better bring it along just in case he doesn't have the mood to BD.. then u take out your "secret weapon"
me stay at jurong west extesion (opposite city haverst church)..
i m working at jurong for past 5yrs, only now work at beach road...
same as u, tot of changing job.. but cant leh, due to bb plan... sigh...

next gathering maybe arrange at jp... hahaha
sekali no1 turning up, cos location too far liao..

hehehe, sometimes I wear, very fast he take off everything liao, no excitement. When i dun wear, he complain so long din wear...kekeke


ya lor. bring it to seduce him if he got no moon or too tired from all the shopping...hahaha..!!
yah, sometime really dun't understand MEN .... very confusing .... wear gana blame, don't wear also gana blame ....
so not sure to wear or not hor .....
sunflower so bad..
pout pout.... buwee me.....

i think nik sleeping liao. whahahahahaha

loving.. whahah far far far...
Haha.... I where got buwee u.. u ask the gals here to post lesser lor, then your eyes wont pop liao.. or who knows scarli the website down again when u r not around. (Choy!!) kekekeke...
Loving ~ Then our workplace is very near lor. hehhe I stayed opp Gek Poh Shopping Ctr. Blk 748 lor. not that further in lor.. My work place is good .. Boss good, colleague good, workload dun nid to say.. soo fre until log in SB eery min.. hahahahah also mainly becos of bb plan lor. so LUN lor. here salary like shit lar. no choice lor. take it as i take free salary lor..
ling & sneaky,
can i check wif u other than having sore breast & sensitive nipples, do u have discharge too during yr early pregnancy???
Hi Ladies

Thanks for your reply, hopefully will kena this mth....
ya, this thread really veri nosiy n happening but that is gd...reading thru all the posts, I really learn alot of stuffs from here. thanks once again..
classy: kekekeke...i still have tt leh.. never know u might have kena-ed... wei u suppose to be more expert hor.. at least u got a girl girl... i have none... scratch head... when u ask me this leh. whahahhahaa.....
u asking me ah?
ya, my church is at Adam road
the red building

think me no BFP liao
no white discharge n dun feel warm at all :p
hee...good also
cos want to colour my hair
Xmm, not shao nai nai, Is huang lian po.

Ling, talk behind my back again. U also go n nap lah. Of course i tall lah, or else can't close overhead bins in flt.
val: kekeke i was with that church 3 yrs back
wahahah so qiao!!!

nik: ya i studied JIN TAI... come out "jin tai" whahaha ... stupid.. kekek...

how long were you in TTC then?
hehe..want to come back again?

I am in this church since yr 2000 till nw
a very good church
Ling, Go n sleep 1st loh. The UPS can knock on ur door one mah.

Carrie, I'm on no-pay leave. Can extend up to 1.5 years. Told u not tai tai loh. It's huang lian po. kekekeke
Val: in yr 2002... later yr2003 went CHC... find it yucks cos they all talk abt Pastor Sun and always asking ppl to support her.. i was like... haR??? service or promoting singer.... after got to know my hubby never go church.. cos he is a buddhist. dun wan to create problems. anyway, TCC is forever packed!!!

There are 2 persons which i dun wan to see too.. kekek cos i just realised no matter how good u treat tt someone, they still talk bad n speak ill of me.. keke.
cos last time i dun remember i got discharge leh.....my previous symtom were diarreah only leh....whahhahahha furthermore, that time is anyhow do anyhow strike one leh so not very knowledgeable on ttc issue lah......
classy: CD29... kekeke kan chiong hor.. whahahhaha.... to test or not to test... test or not to test.... wahhakakakakakaka....
ya heard alot of ppl commenting abt CHC services,
hee...i hv no comment cos i never been there before

oh u mean got 2 ppl in Trinity u dun like ah?
hmm..slowly lor....i also hv church frens' husbands nt beliver,
still praying they will know God one day

TTC is gng to hv a new building at Paya Lebar to handle packed ppl
val: kekek ya i heard abt the paya lebar one.. kekeke.... not i dun like lor.. but i was like.. ok with them invite them.. at the end, talk behind my back, and ppl come tell me.. whaha.. worse, heard they are into dunno wat committee.. kekeke...

jenny: FIL sleeping, MIL with baby nephew....
Nik ~ wow u are JAL crew ar. wow sooo envy. SO u know japanese language lor. Heard that the japanese cabin crew very dao one hor..
I have a frd's frd also in JAL.. jumped over from Silkair one.. Oni thing bad is when maternity leave have to really rest for 10mths with NO-Pay leave. then really "leong" hor.
oh so u left church becos gt ppl frm TTC hurt u?
u knw TTC gt cells mah..join other cells n u wont see them liao lor....

if nt convenient to tok here,
can PM me
val: dun worry.. kekeke.. i told this couple brother, if one more time, i am sure to confront them.
i still constantly in prayers.. so i wont lose touch with Him.

jenny: kekek if JAL are yaya.. then wat abt SQ... some super papaya leh. whahaha...
Ling ~ u so miserable eyes so tired but cant rest yet.. aiyoooo nevermind later when he arrive,immed after receiving faster go to ur bed & slp until evening lar. kekekeke

wow baby nephew ar?? play with him so u wont feel sleepy now lor. or bb also sleeping ar?
jenny: whahha.. he is now taking afternoon nap... play with him? cannot.. he very noti.. just now fall down got one baluku.. whahahaha
Jenny, I can only speak very little. 'Broken japanese'. We have a no of crews from silkair. Cos these crew wanted to go international route, silkair dun allow. SQ got a rule, 1 time employment only. So, they resigned from silkair, they still can't get into SQ. So come over to jal loh. I'm all right wif the no-pay leave part lah. I'm been working for 7 years already. Time to take a break to recharge. It's very difficult to work for 10years in airline. Very shiong one.
Jap crew also got nice ones. 50-50 lah. Younger jap crew sometimes also very fun to work wif. So super old ones very difficult. I always remember imy 1st flt, my trainer very old, no makeup. I told my buddy tat i think my mum is prettier than her. Hahahahaha

Ya lor. those SQ cabin crew are so proud.. aiyoooo pretty nevermind orrr.. some aiyoo dun say lar.anyway i also not very good also mah. hahaha aiyoo dunno is any of our gang here got any one from SQ one hor. scarli get killed also dunno why died ar.. hahaha
