A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Ling ~ aiyoooo u say until ur mommy soo cute.. then u must tell ur mommy now technology so advance.. can say every visit nid to do u/s mah.. to scan bb inside mah. Tell her oni X-ray no good cos got dunno what dangerous waves lar..

Ladies, Pls do not give up leh.. dun remove from the list lar. who knows next month ur hb wants bb liao. then u also forget which CD u are. WHy not leave it there.no harm. When hopeful post this u dun see lar. cos it will be long post, straighaway scroll down dun look for ur name lor.. dun give up lar.. Afterwards i see u all give up, i also eventually try until TL also give up. hahaaa

when did you detect your O day?
I hope it's a false alarm... cos I read that a one day drop may not signify anything...
Classy dear,

don't be discouraged ok? must try again...just keep trying. Sure can succeed one.
taking a break doesn't mean I stop doing anything .... it just that I'll not time my ML to BD ..... so now as and when HB wan ML then will jus do lor and will not try to time it during "O".... so if strike then strike ... if not leave it to GOD .....

Oh, I'm still very keen to share the OPK wif u .... jus let me know when to meet and how much to pay u ....
oh I'm leaving spore next wed and will be back on 2 may so maybe can only get from u after i come back from this trip
Sneaky & Ling,
I read somewhere before that preggie ladies will have lower immune system, so more prone to catch the virus. That's why got to take more care, rest more and eat well. Drink more water and maybe take some slow walk along the park for light exercise.
Opps... I better stop, else naggy again.... hahaha.... :p

I only play MJ during CNY and when I go chalet leh, so u can imagine how "good" I am. heehee....
classy: kekeke.. 2nd may.. we can open one MJ session
whahahahahahah cha my bb till bb learns to sleep in noisy plc
also impt to take a balance diet. Folic acid not for BU. It's only to prevent Spina Bifida in bb cos folic acid is essential for making DNA and ensure correct development and function of every single cell in our bodies.
hopeful: dun mean play less no good hor.. whahaha.. kns.. who knows u expert.. whahahhhaha

xmm: kaoz..... taking floic means bu.. i bu ur head... u beetter come my house more often.. i make soup.. tt's call bu... aiyo...

my hubby so funny last nite... i disturb him, and he says.. dun disturb unless wan to ML... i was like.... ok.. i tease him.. then he said.. dun wan lah... he dun dare to ML.. scare to hurt me.. i find him so cham....
i tho take vitamin & supplements are called BU lor ....
u know i don't cook .....
ok, u invite i sure go to your house to bai2 chi1 bai2 he1 .....
mai kay kay,.... scarly u damn expert..... my hubby also dun play often but he's quiet good hor... me always ganna scolded for throwing wrong card.... :p he nearly wan to vomit blood teaching me.....so he dun actually let me go outside and play cos he say I sure pay tuition money.....me still have "L" plate. :p
So, now I got to "Jia Jing Lian Xi".... cos I've been playing with my ILs. :p
Haizzz, sian lar.. i think my AF coming. saw brown spot already lar.. sian.. this month also mission failed.. sighzzz.. i wont give up.. try again next month as i will also be visiting gynae next sat..
hey gals, i like MJ too...but not very good lah cos always throw wrong tiles too...hahaha
i dun play too big too cos always lost $$.
morning gals....

wow.. u all good in playing mj..
me dunno even single thing in mj... :p
btw, any gals like to playing bowling??
i used to bowl 2-3 time per wk, but not now cos no kaki play wif me liao... looking for kaki to play wif me...hehehe
hey gals, good morning

got something to ask you all

what is the correct amount of folic acid to take?

and does too much iron makes one tired and sleepy?
ling: maybe you're right, we're prob heaty...

hopeful: i also read about the low immunity too...well, shall heed your advice and start exercising soon...thanks hor...
Morning ladies. See, i'm last one again.

Bbmaking, not too sure abt folic acid, but take too much iron will make u constipate. I think lack of iron will make u tired.
hi ling,
my mum oso told me tat if i preggie, no need always go see gynae lah...she says can even no need see till 7-8mths time. i says siao ah...nowadays not like last time ppl leh. nowadays woman not as strong as last time.
she says gynae always scan n no good for bb lor and gynae always very kan cheong and made the pregnant woman very worried....
then she says...aiya...at least 1st 3 mths no need see gynae lah...after 3mths, then go see lor. wat's the hurry.
guess older generation thinking are all abt the same.
my mum did not even went for checkup when she expecting my younger sis and tat time she oredi 34years old leh. till full term, she experience pain then go str8 to hospital to give birth.
then i says, she very lucky cos my sis is normal, wat if.....then she definitely regret.
maybe you can start doing some light stretching and walking .... I heard that doing stretching helps prevent cramps later part of the pregnancy....
ling ~ u soo bad ar. go disturb ur hb.. aiyoo 1st tri cant ML oni mah rite? 2nd tri can liao rite?? AIyo if ask me restrain from ML for 9mth i also suffer with my hb manzzzz.hahahahhaahha

All pregnant mother here, pls take care of ur diet & health ar.. have a healthy bb is impt also but start from mother body now.. kekekee machiam like doc lidat..

Where is Sexxxy ar?? how is ur checkup everything ar?
i test o on cd16 leh...***sigh*** dun wan to pin too high hopes liao lah...if not sure very disappointed if see red

ling & sneaky,
u both take good care ya.....hope both of u get well soon.....

pregnant women very lucky one leh...play mj sure win one....hahahhahaha

mrs tan,
thanks my dear!! hope so too
ok ok... dun think abt it for now....
i will still hope for the best for you..

ya! I heard that also.... that's why some professional kahki dun wan to play with preggy lady becos of that... kekekeke.....
ling, go and win some "GuNi" money for your bb.... kekekekekeeee.....joking lah.... wait you kok kok my head again. :p
Good morning ladies!!

You are not the last to report today. I am. Hehehe..

Hi! I understand that you strike on your first IUI rite?! May I know who is your gynae huh? And does she/he have a nite clinic? I was thinking of doing IUI too if next 2 cycles with clomid fail again. Thanks!

Sneaky, ling,
Have to take good care of yourself lo. Try not to go to crowded and polluted places since immune system is low.

Me too was kinda sad to read your message. Actually me having the same thoughts as you too, thought of giving up TCC, every month also see red. Haiz.. but on the other hand, I just cant let go, I feel that there is a chance every month and I should not lose that chance. Good luck to you and who noes you may strike very soon after you've decide to "anyhow do".. kekeke..

Thanks for your info. Then how come mine so high ah?! Aiya.. gynae still tell me my result very good. But I see the reference range, the highest is only 89! Kind of worried now.. dunno want to consume clomid for my next cycle anot. Or just take 1 tablets instead of 2
snewaky: ya.. heaty...

nik: she is back... she suppose to see gynae yesterday.. till now no news.. very worried...

classy: wrong.. i played and lost!

babymaking: one folic acid a day is more than enough...

chern: dunno.. nowadays technology too modern...

jenny: u are right.. keke into 2nd trim... whahhaa..too bad he wont wan to.. cos he scare he too fat hurt me.. :p
btw I only know how to play those Mahjong games (SEGA games) :pP and not real mahjong. I'm not sure what are those "flowers" for. And will definitely throw the wrong tiles and lose money if I play the real ones.. hahaha.. :pP
Good Morning ladies!!
back liao, sorry ddn't reply cos came back quite late n when to sleep early.... super tired!

Ling & nik, gynae can see my sac! very clearly! he was so kan cheong when he tested my hcg very high last week cos less than 2000 can see liao but me 3000 man! so he say mayb is twins which i dont think so lah(not so lucky lei) i feel that baby is big.... so going back next week to check.
Sexxy, Good for u. Glad everything is well. Did u talk to bb as i told u?

Ling, *wink* *wink* R u thinking wat i'm thinking now?
Nik, ya keep talking to baby... hubby also keep talking n sa yang him/her! so once i go in i quickly let doc scan n even the nurses inside n outside so worried for me. hubby n me so happy when we saw the sac!!! thxs god!
how do you "prepare" the oysters bought from supermarket? Need to clean or not? or just wash can liao....
I've not cook oysters before leh....
So sexxy, it does work, right? During the my last checkup, my gynae told me tat i may/may not see the heartbeats cos it's still too early. So, i told my bb to show the heartbeats to us. N the bb did!!!
xmm, hah... my hubby wil be the one very proud! he keep saying his sperms very strong... but hor, very siong lei.. everythings double!
think of it tis way "Xin Ku" once only......

I think tat time sneaky shared here bb heartbeat, it's abt 10 weeks or so right? Sneaky shd be able to advice.

Nik: thks for reply. i started taking 0.4mg of iron last week and have been feeling extremely tired since, dun know whether to stop or not. dun know if it's overdose or what.

ling: the folic acid i;m taking is 0.13mg, dun think all folic tablets is the same dosage.

elmo: thks. that means the folic acid i;m taking is not enough. anyone know if one can over dose on folic acid?

my gynae didn;t tell me to take or not to take - i dun know if i overly kan cheong to ask him also. should i ask or not? or should i just quietly take?
