A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi choo

I went for my ultrasound on my CD20, happen to be when I have just ovulated.

So gynae is able to see the eggs..

Yeap, i have friend went for blood test to determine if she ovulated properly because she is having irregular menses cycle. But I am not sure how much blood is required for such test ler.

Hi nick

Hi classy
Who knows when you take your mind off abt this TTCing thingy, you may strike your 2nd?

Take care...

good morning ladies

me too can feel the AF coming liao.. if my AF should come, i will start my 2nd course of clomid on CD 02..

congrats on yr 4th ROM anniversary.. we always love to go to Angus House at Ngee Ann City for steak and their sphagetti.. yummy..
Hi good morning ladies,

I m oso the Kan Cheong type.
I hav visit the gynae last sat, did an ultran scan for the womb (to check whether got any fibroids), pap smear, blood test and urine test. Now waiting for the result. Hubby is supportive, he did a SA test as well. I think is fine for us to do such a checkup, at least we r sure nothing wrong wth our body.

Mei Jia,
If u r going to do a pap smear, u need to make sure u r clear from AF else it may affect the result. I m doing the test on CD8, I m not sure whether i m totally clear.

I oso order the OPK from badgirl, hav u received the kits oreidi? She has acknowledge me on the payment yest.

Today is CD12 for both of us ... Have u started???

When u mentioned severly inverted womb and anovulation, may i know how the gynae exam it and realised that's the result?
Hi sugarbun,

Thanks. May i just go to any gynae to call up for checkup.

As I went to my family doctor before telling him I want to do an womb checkup and he told me i too early to do, no need so gan cheong.

Hi ladies,

Any recommended gynae?? I am staying in the west. Thanks.
Hi Sugarbun

I have not received the kits coz just transferred money to Badgirl yesterday.

May I know how much u pay for your checkup? Which gynae u visit?? I aso tot of doing the checkup w/o hb knowledge... like u, me aso very kancheong.
Hi Choo,

The blood test draw me 3 small tubes of blood, but I hav no idea whether it is for the purpose of checking whether I m ovulating well, still waiting for the result.
Hi Meijia & Cafe,

I hav go to Dr Lisa Chin at Gleneagles as recommended by my colleague. I m shy to see a male gynae so i decided her. She is quite a nice person and advice me not to be too Kan Cheong. She said she dun want me to depend too much on med. Her clinic phone no. is 64742281.

I have spend a total of $315, the first visit will normally cost higher (for consultation). It is $80 for consultation (for both me & hubby), ultra scan $80, and LAB test $140 (blood, urine, hubby's SA test) + $15 (5% GST)

There is a women specialist centre in Bukit batok Central owned by a few doctor. I think 3 or 4 of them are female gynaes. Initially plan to go there to do the checkup because of convenient as I stay in the west too, but too Kan Cheong to book appt wth Dr. Lisa before I can locate where is this Women specialist. Hav no idea abt their service. The phone no. is 65643539. You might want to check with them on the gynae's name.

Hope this will help.
Hi Joice,
today is my CD10, my af come on 18/Oct...

last mth af on 30/sept, but af again on 18/oct.. so sian... dunno how to test for ovulation date

me got go to visit my gynae last mth, his let me having ovulation pill lo... give me 3mth to try n see.. dunno can work it or not...cos me jus do operation to remove cyst on Mar, n then stop menses for 6mths, jus resume last mth then lo...
Hi Sugarbun,

Thanks for the information.

Probably will call the women specialist centre to find out as I am staying at Bt. Batok.

Cannot let HB find out else he say I kan cheong and crazy again..
Hi Sugarbun,
I am currently looking for a gynae as well. Think my hb prefers me to see a female gynae. I can consider Dr Lisa Chin.
Just am curious, how old are you? And how many cycles have you been trying for?
sugarbun, tks for sharing.... its really helpful & me will consider to see the gynae at bt batok central since i m staying around there.

i hv not start BD yet coz i hv not seen EWCM... still dry so i doubt my fertile period has started. anyway, this cycle i will try to use the OPK to test for my ovulation... hope to strike even before seeing the gynae. Good luck to everyone here!! Let'z jia u jia u!!
Hi Cafe,

Think is quite near to me also. I am staying at Blk 385, those new blocks for hillview enbloc.

Me too have not seen much CM, sometimes just a little sometimes none.

How many OPK have you used for far.

I stop after using 4 as there is no sign of CF so I think it is quite wasterful and waiting is torturing.
meijia, ya, quite near to my place.

For me usually i will see the changes in my CM wen approaching fertile period.... but i dunno whether i ovulate or not??? Anyway i will try to use the OPK for this cycle (hope I receive them in time)..... Me first time using. Pray tat I strike in this cycle

Angel, i hv emailed you the OPK info. Check ur email.
Hi Nik,

Congratulations for your anniversary!!

Do you mind to help me to get one saliva test kit. Previously have been using the o kit, but dun seems to get the o date correctly. Giving up on that as its quite ex.

Hi Cafe,

I also dunno if I have ovulate, but for the past kit, it is showing -ve, today already CD21 still no sign of CM yet so I stop using the kit liao.

Will pray for you that you will strike this cycle. Thanks.
hi cafe

will u be ordering some soon? Can i chip in and order 20 pcs? Which type will u be ordering?

Hi Joice
Can u add me to yr list as well? I should be CD24.

Angel sorry, I have already placed order & make payment to Badgirl yesterday. What I order is the OPK. If you want to order, just email Badgirl & you can communicate with her via email with regards to your order
hi cafe

no problem and thanks for emailing me the info.
May I ask what's the difference between the 2 kit? Accuracy of test?
Hi Yasmin,

I m 28 this yr, has been trying for 2 cycles.
But I m those type of Kan Cheong one, like to 'hu si luan xiang', hubby scared I think so much so he say might as well go n do the test at the same time do a medical checkup.

How abt u? How old r u?
Hi Cafe,
How much is ur CM? Is that so obvious?
I m blurr oreidi, from the archive thread, they mentioned it is there only after we BD...
Angel, no problem. One is Pregnancy Kit & the other is Ovulation Test Kit. If u r ttc now, ovulation test kit will be able to tell u wen u ovulate. On the other hand, if u hv missed ur period or hv other sympton of pregnancy, then pregnancy kit will be able to give u the answer whether u strike or not. Hope u hv better understanding now.
Hi sugarbun,
I'm 29 this yr. I've been trying for abt 4 cycles with clomid, but did not stike. This mth am not taking any clomid, giving my body a break. But still BD...and hope to strike the natural way.
sugarbun, for my case, i hv very very waterly CM during my fertile period & i usually put panty liner for these few days. Without the panty liner, i will feel very uncomfortable coz my panty will be wet. Though i experience EWCM but duno i did ovulate or not? Tat's y i decided to buy the OPK to test now.
oic, i hav been using panty liner all along, so i didn't take note of when I having CM. Prob shld take note for this month, try w/o panty liner.
So when u c EWCM, how many days do we still have before we miss the chance? 3 days? or just 1 days?

Ya, hope all of us here will strike naturally and hope to hear good news soon
sugarbun, according to some website, it says tat wen we are having EWCM, we are going to ovulate & so we muz quickly BD during that few days. For me, i noticed tat my EWCM will last probably 3 - 4 days & then my CM will reduce & it will become dry again after that. I guess wen i feel the dryness then my ovulation is over. Hope i have given u the right info.... still learning
hi cafe & sugarbun..
me also very very waterly when during CM although all along got use panty liner...me taking tempurature every morning, but remain same degree lo.. dunno when is my O but me already start BD on monday liao...
Hi Gals,

I just had AD last month and should be ttc for next few months ..... can share with me how to calculate the fertile days? and wat's OPK?
Hi everyone, this is old news indeed but I thought I would share it with you so you would be made awared.

TAMPON ALERT - The Dangers of Tampon-Related Toxic Shock Syndrome


Toxic Shock Syndrome develops when the common bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus produce a toxin which is absorbed into the bloodstream. The toxin rapidly overwhelms the immune system and attacks the major organs, leading to kidney failure, collapse of the lungs and in severe cases, cardiac arrest. Alarmingly, half of all known cases of Toxic Shock are women using TAMPONS.


Always begin AFTER a period starts
Early symptoms may include headache, and/or sore throat
Aching muscles and high temperature
Followed by vomiting, watery diarrhoea
A red rash, confusion and dizziness, and
Very low blood pressure

Only one or two symptoms may occur. They do not necessarily occur all at once and may not persist.


Remove the tampon (save it if possible)
Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention
Inform the doctor that you have been using TAMPONS
Take a TSS information leaflet with you



Survivors of Toxic Shock Syndrome may have been hospitalised for weeks and there is usually a long recovery period. They may have suffered:

Loss of fingers and toes due to gangrene
Permanent kidney and liver damage
Deafness and blindness
Peeling skin, and loss of nails and hair
Continual infections
Short tem memory loss
No energy for months or even years
Psychological and emotional distress


Use the lowest absorbency needed at each stage of your period
Avoid using tampons continuously during a period. Alternate with sanitary towels, particularly at night
Use a towel at the end of your period
Change tampons every 4 to 6 hours
Dont use tampons if youve had any unusual discharge
Wash your hands before and after use and handle the tampon as little as possible
Alert your family and friends to the symptoms and emergency action required
Only use tampons made of organic cotton
Read and keep this information leaflet or the leaflet inside the tampon pack


Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are carried by most people on the skin or in the nose no matter how frequently we wash ourselves. They are usually quite harmless and can naturally migrate into the vagina. Certain strains of the bacteria can produce a toxin known as TSS-T1 when tampons are used. The vagina is a very susceptible place for RAPID absorption of toxin. The toxin gets into the bloodstream and circulates around the body attacking the vital organs, especially the kidneys and lungs. The toxin overwhelms the bodys immune system producing acute organ damage. Younger people are particularly at risk, as their immune system is not fully developed.


The bacteria in the vagina is usually harmless. Although the exact micro-biological reason for toxin production has not been established, it only happens in association with a tampon.

It could be because the tampon introduces oxygen into the vagina, or the tampon provides a surface for the bacteria to colonise.

However, it is known that higher absorbency tampons containing man-made fibre are the highest risk. Also, CONTINUOUS use of tampons during a period increases the risk.



As tampon-related Toxic Shock Syndrome is not a notifiable disease, the official statistics rely on a voluntary notification scheme. These statistics are unreliable. However, from 1990 to 2000 it is believed that 22 deaths have occurred in the UK due to TAMPONS.

Since millions of tampons are used in the UK each month, the disease is considered rare. However, it can strike any woman or girl without warning and can act so rapidly that more fatalities amongst tampon users is inevitable. So remember: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE TAMPONS!

Communication is essential. Health and safety information on leaflets should be red regularly to identify if any new, crucial information is presented. It is also vital that young girls ensure that they discuss with their parent when they decide to use tampons. Somebody else should know when tampons are used so that prompt action can be take if the sufferer is unable to help herself.


Telephone/fax: (+44) 0161 748 3123
hi hope

May I ask which OPK test did you buy? There are so many types. Do they accept credit card payment and which shipping option did u choose? Thanks
Hi Angel

I bought the E-Z ovulation kit (cheaper) and yes they accept credit payment. For international shipment, you don't have to select the shipping option.
Hi Sugarbun,

Dr found out dat my womb is S shape during IUI procedure(a form of assisted reproductive treatment where they inject hubby sperm directly into uterus to increase chances of conception). So very difficult for sperm to swim and meet my egg. Anovulation is found during routine ultrasound scan where the eggs r not growing. I suffer from PCOS. With these complications, plus hubby high abnormal sperm, took me 2+ yrs to conceive naturally(wif Chinese isnseh and gynae's help). Relax..dun kan cheong. I used to think a lot and get very stressed up...but realized dat it may worsen the situation. Do let me know if u ve further enquiries.
Hi Everyone, so long never visit this thread already. Me so bz in work...

AF still havent come yet, same as classy, few days ago have some brownish discharge then stopped again, wondering wat happened???

Keep my finger crossed !!
Good morning ladies...

Very disappointed wif my dinner last nite. We went for buffert in marina sq. Unless u like seafood, or i won't recommend there.

Ok, i'll confirm the orders for meijia, emon, shirlynn peh n sugarbun. I'll try to get as many as i can cos tat time when i buy, they only left 2 on the shelf. I'll be back on next thursday. I'll contact all of u by then.
Hi all!!

It is a wet morning!!

u meant the Paris buffet?just newly opened?

Just got a msg from a good friend this morning 5plus am she has just given birth to a baby boy!!Her EDD was mid Nov so bb was early!!going down to TMC to visit her also check out the wards and nurses!!and it is true she has been upgraded to a 2bedded!
No problem adeline. Just a suggestion - since u r new in ttc, mayb u want to start by monitoring your cervical mucus with the help of the ovulation calculator to check for your ovulation. Me aso start doing this now
