A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

HiHi All my dear Net frenz

Hope everyone is doing great~

Sorry have been MIA from this thread quite some time...

Actually, been following this thread now & then but didnt have the chance to post anything ..with the new boss on board 2 months ago, lots of changes in the work processes...Then, I was down with flu for the past week...~sigh~

Finally today, finished one of my projects, then got some eat snake time to come in...hahaaa

Ok, here's lotz of BB Dust to all those who are currently TTCing....

Hope to see more & more on the graduates list very soon, yea?

hi jenifur
Tks for your mail. Juz like to check:
If I purchase 5 kits, i will have to pay S$13.80($11.30 + $0.50 for postage + $2.00 for registered post). Is this amount correct? Hope you could advise.... thanks in advance!
hello lbs,

its so good to see u here again. Missed u man...
hope ur pregnancy is smooth..cant wait to join u and the others in the other thread. am working hard on it!
lbs, how is your pregnancy going on?
going into 2nd tri soon?
thanks for the baby dust....me trying to catch abit at least...hope to graduate soon!
hi dawn
really ah.. me book appointment juz nw liao..
really hope to get preggie but i think its quite hard coz my AF is irregular
Hi Mei Mei

Your bridal studio is Universal, me too. They use my album to do advertisement...

Like you, I tried one month before my wedding too and my AF is very irregular. I went into temperory menopause since April and finally AF returned on 1 Oct. Now don't know it will come again cos I still haven't ovulated.

5 Month is really very long...any idea you would know what's happening???
Hi Mrs Tan/dawn

Dun worry, ur gals turn will be very soon..JIA YOU!!

In fact, I am already turning 22 weeks soon! in the mid of my 2nd trimester liao..

so far, so good...started to balloon up..hehehee

oh, btw, need to inform joice that my EDD has changed to 2 Mar..

joice...u there? thks in advance, yea...
hi lbs,

wahh....thats nice.. time flies hor? so fast 2nd trimester already. i just went for foot reflexology yest and the person said i may have blocked fallopian tubes, dunno how much to believe him. but i was thinking, maybe thats why always no succeed. sigh..dam sian the feeling. everyone is testing positive around me and i feel like its not fated for me to have a baby. somehow...
hi lbs...
it's really so nice to see u here!!!! thanks for the baby dust....gotcha!!!
have a nice and smooth delivery...and do update us....
hi wendypooh,
yah, what matters most to all parents is to have a healthy baby. Xmas baby or not is not important at all. Hmm... you have to start to be more observant about your anmiotic fluid. Is this a signal that your baby will be out any time? have you prepared the stuffs that you will be bringing along to the hospital? if you havent, you ought to now.

Hi hopeformiracle,
it can be frustrating while waiting for the O to come... so try not to think about it... i know it's easier said than done, but the more you think, the more frustrated you will become... so better dont think of it and who knows, it'll will appear the moment you forget about it.

Hv u consider to do a scan to check on ur fallopian tubes? My gynae ever mentioned to me that there is a detailed scan which can check if our fallopian tubes are blocked...the other test is to check on the ovary if i remembered correctly.
<font face="Calisto MT"> <font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: How come like tt? Not very gd to always quarrel leh, quote my HBs phrase like tt how to hv sunshine fer fer? Not sure if its work for you but U wld let HB know in advance tt U r entering fertile period &amp; it wld be best to BD on alt days. Dun hint to him, I wld usually starting kissing/touching HB if hes too engrossed in his game or TV programme. Then I wld stop &amp; return to bedroom when he got reaction; works well for e past few times I tried on him..

<font color="0000ff">Caf</font>: Sorry was busy jus now. Ya tts correct but IMO why dun you purchase more mayb 10 then U dun hv to pay for registered mail? If U strikes next mth then jus sell to e TCCians here lot</font>
Hi Mrs Tan

Why the person said so ler? Is it because when he massage certain parts for you, you feel really painful?

Yups, like what snowball suggested, you may want to do a detail scan to cjeck. Dont be dishearten, yea?

Hi classy
Thks for the best wishes...
Hi Pink blossom,

I also have the same feeling as you, heard ppl around me getting preggie like laying eggs, so easy.

Just tested the OPK, -ve again. so sianz!!

Hi Jenifur,

Thanks, i know liao. But my temp also playing a fool on me, not consistence and I tested -ve. Wait my ovulation occur liao i also know or this month i din ovulate at all. I dun know if I should keep on testing....

During weeken, I have the feeling AF is coming but is only CD18, how can it be, I really dun know wat is happening...
lbs, snowball,

ya lor, there were certain areas when he massaged, it was very painful, so he said, my ovaries/fallopian tubes not that good or blocked. but the thing is, there are certain areas that also painful, but what he commented was not true leh. so thats why dunno how much to believe also.

i know abt the detailed scan for ovaries/tubes, but those are not only expensive, its known to be really painful. and prone to infection after that. thats why i am procrastinating abt it. will check with my gynae during my appt next month, if i really need to go thru it. Scared lah...
Hi Jenifur,

Sometimes when I kiss or touch him while he watch TV, he simply din react and continue to watch until he finish. By that time, I already very tired and feel like sleeping.

And sometimes I hint my fertile period is coming, he din take any action at all. Maybe I am not attractive anymore but he say it is not. He told me he is tired. How to have bb naturally when you dun bb not even to say din DB on fertile period.

I really dun know how to put it, I am very sad, just not like other newly wedd at all...
Thanks for the good words of advise. Will try not to think so such

I understand how you feel. I also have AF like cramp but still no O. Let's wait together and see how.
Jenifur, tks for your suggestion. Ya, may want to buy more OPK from badgirl. Me still awaiting her confirmation.

Mei Jia, how old is your hb? I think he muz b quite young &amp; probably not really ready for bb yet.... dont b upset, i think he does loves u but mayb he is really too tired....for me, i do behave like ur hb if i m too tired &amp; even my hb wanted to BD, i will throw my temper &amp; reject him... But this doesnt mean I dont love him or he is not attractive but juz tat i am too tired after a day's work. Give him sometime &amp; u too try to relax abit...
Hi Jenifur,
the way you described how you seduced your hubby sounded very funny... kekeke... that's a good way to "diao" his appetite... kekeke...

hi lbs,
time really flies... you are in your midst of 2nd trimester liao.... few days ago, i read an article from a magazine saying that if preggie mum ate moderate chocolate daily, you will bring smile to your baby. duno how true it is... just for your information only.

hi mrstan,
my brother-in-law's family used to do foot-reflexology business previously. and he did mentioned that there are experts who will know which part of your body goes wrong if you feel any pain at the particular area where he massaged.
so i'm thinking what the messeur told you might be true... *touchwood* It's better to go for a check-up to verify if this is the problem that has been obstructing you from getting preggie... at the mean time, dont worry too much... it could be a small problem and once resolved, you'll get preggie in no time... *hug hug*
Hi cafe,

Thanks. both me and HB 25. Although he is young, but he told me he phyiscally and mentally is old liao. He always told me so.

And he is not the romantic type so our live is quite routine.

When i am tired, I reject him also. When he is tired, he never reject nor tell me, he just ask me to sleep if I am tired after kissing him and get no response. If he tell me then at least I know.
He say he want a bb, but his action is opposite...i dun know wat he wants

Have already talk to him abt this problem but i am still sad abt it. I think this will continue for sometime....

is it? ya..thats what i heard also. thats why it bothers me. i will have it checked lah. thanks for ur advice. just hope its nothing.
hey my pretty pink blossom,
dun worry too much lah...go and have a check on it and i'm sure u'll be ok...*a big hug to u*
hi Ibs,
Time really flies, u are in mid 2nd trimester now.. So have u kw the gender of ur baby?? Have alrdy updated ur EDD.
Mrs Tan,

I had my HSG done to check on my fallopian tube last yr. It is like an X ray procedure where they inject dye. Not painful juz a little discomfort and the nurse at Mt E is really caring and supportive. Dun worry if u need to do this procedure.
Mrs Tan, remembered u mentioned that ur hubby's sperm quality is low. Can I check with u did u take any action? Like let him take medicine or what? My hubby also faces the same problem, I wonder what can be done to improve his quality?
Classy, Cafe,

thanks dearie for your concern. Will update u all on whats happening on my side ya..


wah u still remember ah? well, i got some multi-vitamins and Vit B complex for my hubby which he has been taking for the past 3 wks so far. Its not medicine, its supplements that I got from gynae. If u are thinking of doing the same, i wuld suggest u just go to the pharmacy to get the vitamins, no need to get from gynae cos its much more costly. Also, get ur hubby to change to boxer shorts instead of the usual underwear. This is for more ventilation and ensures his testicles remain cool and not all wrapped up in the tight underwear. One more thing is, ask him to take cool showers as much as possible, rather than hot baths. So far, these are the changes to my hubby's lifestyle, Hopefully, all our efforts will pay off.
Do try it.

so u did the HSG scan on ur fallopian tube? How was your outcome in the end? Can you advise wat they actually do and how long was the entire procedure? Since u did it at Mt. E, must have costed a bomb?
Morning ladies!

Mrs Tan, thanks for all your advice. Really appreciate it. My hubby has all along took cold showers, except on cold weathers. Will try to do the rest of the stuffs you suggest. And ya, really hope all our efforts will pay off some day.
Hi Mrs Tan,

Had it done in yr 2002. This is how it was carried out:

1. Signed a declaration form certifying dat I m not pregnant.

2. Asked to lie on a surgical like table with the x ray on top.

3. Dr insert the dye thru a cathether into vagina. U will feel menses like cramp but bearable.

4. Ask to slide my buttock up to the centre of the table whcih is juz directly below the X ray machine.

5. Dr will aske u to tilt left and right to take the X ray.

6. He will then proceed to the other room to ensure dat the film is clear. In fact while he was taking the film, he will comment whether is there any irregularities in your tube. So actually, u know the outcome instantly.

7. Nurse remove the cathether once get ok sign from dr.

HSG found my tubes normal and no blockage. However it still took me another yr to conceive. Paid around $250 for the procedure. Let me know if u have any more queries...will try my best to help.
Mrs Tan,

Btw, the whole procedure took less than 15 mins. Can be even faster if I did not dilly dally(cos scared and the nurse counsel me and give me some time to settle down)
hi good morning ladies....
thanks for all your concern!!! me want to wait till tis weekend then test lor!!! actually i have some brown spotting yesterday liao so maybe af is on the way liao!!!arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sian man....af also making fun of me cos so far my longest cycle is 28 days....arghhhhhhhhhhhh

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 26 Oct 04
Karen .......... CD 05
joice .......... CD 05
tidyfairy ...... CD 08
garfield ....... CD 08
kelly .......... CD 09
yasmin ......... CD 10
sneaky ......... CD 10
sugarbun ....... CD 11
caf ........... CD 11
choo ........... CD 12
mayng .......... CD 13
pooh ........... CD 13
gebbera ........ CD 15
miso ........... CD 16
tuffy .......... CD 17
mrstan ......... CD 18
jenifur ........ CD 19
snowball ....... CD 19
emon ........... CD 20
meijia ......... CD 20
nik ............ CD 21
hopeful ........ CD 25
hopeformiracle . CD 26
bookworm ....... CD 26
sandy .......... CD 26
woofy .......... CD 28
yippy .......... CD 31
classy ......... CD 35
happy88 ........ CD 43
JL ............. CD 51
rikku .......... CD 65
Jling .......... CD 75
dawn ........... CD 83
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
choo: kekek.. tks tks tks.... my wedding banquet at Meritus Mandarin, Mandarin Ballroom. hey.. ur CD 12... kekeke.. can start making today.. whahahahaha....
Hi good morning ladies...

Classy, i'm sure u have heard of implantation spotting. U'll have the some brown spotting. It's normal. It's could be some good news.

I'm leaving for states tis thursday. Anyone interested to get the saliva test kit?
Morning gals

Is really cold outside..This morning was even raining heavily
when I was just abt to come to work...so tempted to take 'urgent' leave to zzzz at home...~yawn~

Dear Mrs Tan
Dun worry too much on the test, have a check to get a peace of mind..if really *touchwood*, at least can know earlier &amp; do the necessary treatment...but I am sure you will be ok..

btw, did your husband schedule for another SA? If you recall, my hubby actually went for scanning &amp; found out that he has varicocele...but before he started his medication, i managed to strike liao...

I dont know if I mention this before, after trying for months that time, I was really feeling very down..I actually went to temple &amp; get a lot. The lot said we need to 'fu chu' more than others in order to get our wish comes true..True enough, we really spent a lot for the tests &amp; medication...hahaaa..

Hi Gebbera
Yups, time passes very fast...thks for the tip but hor after pregnant, I dont really like sweet stuffs anymore..I used to be a sweet tooth ler...now I prefer salty &amp; spicy food!

Dear joice
How are you? so long didnt chat with you liao..
Thks for the update...
Yups, know the gender liao after my detail scan two weeks back...BB is a boy-boy...

Hi classy
I noticed you are in your CD35 liao!!!!!!
Oh, as you mentioned, ur longest CD is 28 days...did you know when you ovulated? your DPO?
you sure can 'tong' somemore till weekend..
Actually brown spotting is common during early pregnancy ler...

but not trying to scare you, if you really pregnant &amp; having consistent brown discharge, may be alarming too..I had some spotting that time &amp; was actually given a hormones jab &amp; asked to rest for a week ler...

If you are not ovulating late &amp; is already passed your usual DPO, better go &amp; have a test...

So gancheong for you lar
Classy: Begining of this year I also like you leh. Cycle lasted for 38 days and all along I have symptom here and there. When it finally came I cried and cried and my husband looked at me blurred blurred. My cycle usually quite short one, usually 26 or 27 days only.
Really hope it is only implantation spotting.

thanks so much for sharing ur experience. wah sure sounds rather scary leh, lie on surgical table some more...think if its me, sure freak out man, haha. so the only pain was the menses like cramps lah? did u have any othe problems after the scan? 15 mins sounds ok to me, at least not that long...
good thing ur tubes were not blocked but even then u took a yr to conceive. Did ur doc advise wats the reason that took so long? but this kind of thing hard to say rite? did u and hubby do any other tests?
sigh..perhaps i really shld have mine checked hor?
hi lbs,

yes i remember ur case quite clearly, still feel encouraged whenever i think abt u...
My next appt with gynae is in Nov so I will ask him abt doing the HSG scan as well as whether hubby shld do a 2nd SA test. Sigh...i know wat u mean abt spending tons on medication and tests..can get quite tiring after a while. btw, did ur hubby feel any symptoms of varicosele even before he had the check done?

Classy dear,
like wat Nik said, it could be implantation spotting leh...if i were u, i will chop chop test liao. cannot wait so long. the earlier u find out if preggie or not, the better mah.
Hi Mrs Tan
Glad my case can give you encouragement now &amp; then..

Back to your question, my hubby told me that while doing the checks (ultrasound was done on different day), the doc did ask him if he feel any pain when press on the 'balls'..then the doc looked at the sizes &amp; said everything look normal.
Then doc suggested ultrascan since this will be the best way to be sure if indeed there is anything wrong..

Actually to be honest, I am not sure how well your hubby can accept all the checkings &amp; scannings..it was quite tormented for my hubby..guess is his male ego...hubby was then prescribed some medication to boost his sperm quantity (actually he has enough quantity but since he has only 5% good quality sperms, the more sperms he produced, the better lor).Alternatively, the doc suggested for an operation to 'correct' the varicocele.

Initially my hubby refused to take the medication &amp; we went through a long 'dark week'...luckily I managed to strike after that..

I guess being mentally prepared is very important..sometimes men can be more 'particular' in such cases than women..
Hi Ibs,

Wat is varicocele? How do you find out your hubby have it or the gynae told you.

My hubby say wait till next year after June then see doc if we still din strike. I dun know if I can tahan so long.
hi my dear pink blossom, lbs, emon, nik and all others ladies....
of cos i've heard of the brown spotting implantation before but i always have tis spotting before my af comes for the past cycles liao........anyway, i've been keeping my fingers crossed..hope that tis round is really implantation lor!!!!

i really dun know when i ovulate leh but base on my cycle day...i bd on cd11, cd13, cd15 and cd18 lor!!!
actually my brown spotting started on sunday noon...then monday morning stopped....then tis morning start spotting again...so i thot my af coming liao...quickly went to change my panty liner to pad...but until now....still no af yet, it's still abit of brown reddish discharge so now is like waiting and waiting lor....
hi lbs,

i see..ya the best way perhaps, is just to go thru the scan just to ensure. actually, i know wat u mean abt the male ego matter. my hubby was quite upset when his SA results were not good and he was like blaming himself for it. I did bring up the issue of varicosele and the possibility of having it. And i appreciate that he was very understanding abt it and altho he did express that he feels pai seh to have a male doc check him, he is willing to go thru thru it. I told him, please lah, the gynae already saw my vagina when checking me and doing ultrasound, wat more, u both are men so wat is there to be shy abt? moreover, we are doing this all for the sake of conceiving, its for a purpose.

well, that means to say, ur hubby had a choice of either medication or surgery is that rite? of cos take medication first lah, surgery sounds too scary.
