A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


Do I need to buy OPK to check for ovulation? Duno where to start with .........

Many years ago, a chinese sinseh did mentioned tat I might hv a little problem getting pregnant and hence I'm worrying now ... HB refeuse to go for check up leh ...

i m same problem wif u, diff getting preg due to menses not really in regural basic.. but at least my HB say we try for few mth 1st, will go check up together if still no news..

my gynae also ask us to trying by our own 1st, his also suggest us to do 'ren gong shou yun' if me really diff get preg..
Hi ladies,

Good morning!!!

Just to check if anyone taking your temperature daily.

I take my temp immediately I wake up while laying in bed, is that right??

My temp has been 35.9 degree for 4 days, is that normal.

Today CD22 liao but still no sign of CM, dun know when ovulation will happen...haiz!!
Hi Loving,

Is CD= first or last day of menses?
Think we will olso try naturally for next few mths and see whether can strike anot ..... we are anxious to hv kids soon.

Are we most fertile 2 weeks after menses?
Adeline, not necessarily that u hv to use OPK... another way to check your ovulation is monitoring your Cervical Mucus. I hv done tat for 2 cycle but havent strike yet... tats y decide to buy OPK to test whether did I ovulate.

Loving, so far no changes in my CM yet... most likely the changes will take place on this sunday... this time i m using OPK to test it.

Meijia, sorry cant answer ur question regarding temperature as i did not take temperature so far. I prefer to monitor my CM as it is easier....
meijia, i am taking temperature every morning once wake up from bed. so far my degree also never change, remain 36.3 for 4 days.. today is my CD11, but not really got seen the sign lo..

Adeline, CD1=1st of menses, n so on..if normal 28days cycle, will ovulation & fertile on CD14-CD16
Hi CAfe,

It is ok. I try to monitor my CM also. But mine is sometime have, and sometime dun have. Last night I have CM and is a bit brownish in colour.

But I also have light brown discharge when AF is nearer but I should not have AF so early so I dun why like that.

And the past days, my CM is only very little and a bit sticky only.

Have not seen the eggwhite sticky type yet so dun know when will ovulate.

Jia u for you!!!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 28 Oct 04
Karen .......... CD 07
joice .......... CD 07
tidyfairy ...... CD 10
garfield ....... CD 10
kelly .......... CD 11
loving ......... CD 11
yasmin ......... CD 12
sneaky ......... CD 12
sugarbun ....... CD 13
caf ........... CD 13
choo ........... CD 14
mayng .......... CD 15
pooh ........... CD 15
gebbera ........ CD 17
miso ........... CD 18
tuffy .......... CD 19
mrstan ......... CD 20
jenifur ........ CD 21
snowball ....... CD 21
emon ........... CD 22
meijia ......... CD 22
nik ............ CD 23
angel .......... CD 25
hopeful ........ CD 27
hopeformiracle . CD 28
bookworm ....... CD 28
sandy .......... CD 28
yippy .......... CD 33
happy88 ........ CD 45
JL ............. CD 53
rikku .......... CD 67
Jling .......... CD 77
dawn ........... CD 85
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
hi hopeformiracle

oh.. u also a bride from UBS ah.. keke dunno which one is u leh.. :p send me ur pics to me lah.. :p

me kanna diagnose PCOS from my gynae
saw the scan.. i didnt suffer from the symptoms except the irregular menses..juz started medication yday.. metformin,sunolut and clomiphene (taken from day 2)
Hi all can i join? Have been ttc for my second bb since last yr dec but till now still no news. In fact now my mense is late but i have the feeling that my mense is coming so do not want to test yet.

Hope to chat more with you all
Hi Mei Mei,

I have been seeing ppl diagnose with PCOS. May I know wat is that as sometimes my mensed also irregular.

Hi tweetybirdie,

Welcome to the thread!!!
Hi Ladies,
extraction from internet....

What is PCOS?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Stein-Leventhal Syndrome and Hyperandrogenic Anovulation are all terms attempting to label a group of symptoms that appear to be related to one another. The primary symptoms include menstrual irregularities, hirsutism (increased body and facial hair), acne and infertility. PCOS is a very common condition among women, up to 10% of women may be affected with some form of this syndrome. Despite its high incidence, the long-term effects of this syndrome are only now beginning to be understood.

What causes PCOS?
Most women with PCOS have a characteristic appearance to their ovaries, known as polycystic ovaries. These consist of multiple small cysts or follicles less than 1/2 inch in diameter that form in the ovary.

During the normal maturation process of a womans egg (ovum), the egg develops within a cyst inside the ovary. The rupture of the follicle and release of the mature ovum is called ovulation. The multiple small cysts seen in the polycystic ovary are the result of eggs that only partially develop within the ovary. It is thought that a slight elevation of male hormones may inhibit the eggs development. The eggs failure to mature leads to a lack of ovulation (anovulation) in women with PCOS.
hi jasmin...
thank explain on PCOS. i m actually having this PCOS, my gynae do operation on Mar to remove the cyst, my cyst in size abt 2inch in both size of my ovary. after op, his give me one injection to stop menses for 6mths.

my menses jus resume last mth on 30/Sept, but 18days later on 18/Oct menses again.. me also dunno why like that... ya, i m start BD on monday liao, jus need to work hard due to dunno how accurate on my O.. this few day my CM got chance lo..
thanks yasmine
for the info

hi meijia &amp; yasmine
thanks for welcomin me

me nw takin gynae's med to wait for "auntie" to come
MeiJia: We're both on the same CD.
Last time I also try to take temperature but find it too tedious. I usually break the routine when weekends come. So now I use the OPK to check on my ovulation.

Adeline &amp; Loving: Want to seek 2nd opinion on chinese sinseh. I go and see Jurong East chinese sinseh at Blk 202. BTW she also encourage us to use OPK to check on my ovulation. I bought mine for $1.20 each, thought it is quite cheap for an investment.
me also cofy addict!!!used to take 5 cups per day now cut down to 3 cups a day..

last nite went TMC visited my close friend who has given birth to a baby boy!My first time to TMC,quite a small and cosy hospital...may think of delivering at TMC rather than MT E...

Wanted to carry the baby but I have only carried 1 month old baby but not 1day old baby!So dun dare...but really amazing to see my friend carrying the baby...one minute baby was still in womb...now out to see the world...
Hi All

Good morning.

I drink tea everymorning don't know it affect TTC or not.

My sis give birth at TMC too. Near my house so probably I will switch from GlenE to TMC if I conceive.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><font face="Amaze">Morning Gals</font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto Mt"> Spent the whole morning trying to catch up on the thread I missed for the past few days with much diffculty. Did I miss any gd news??

Met up with my Secondary School frenz yesterday evening &amp; sad to say I'm e only one still childless. 2 of them r mummies of 2 beautful Children &amp; e other 5 r all pregnant. Touch all their stomach for baby dust yesterday. Hope to have gd news this cycle.

<font color="0000ff">bookworm/Sandy/hopeformiracle</font>: Will
. Hope e
drives your AF away.</font>
Hi bookworm

No hope for me cos I didn't ovulate and now I don't know when my AF will come. *Sigh*

I wish you and Sandy good luck and keeping my fingers cross for you too.

Hi Jenifur

Thanks for the well wishes, but I really hope my AF will come asap so that I can try again next cycle.

It must be hard for you yesterday to be around 2 mummies and 5 pregnant frenz. Ya, hope you have gd news this cycle after touching their stomach.
Hi Ladies, good morning...

Me too nt coffee lover but will take juz a cup a day in the morning.

Jenifur, me aso like u, most frenz already preggie except me.... I aso touched my fenz stomach for baby dust juz two days ago... hope to strike this cycle
Good morning.. it is Friday

Hi bookworm, jenifur and hopeformiracle
thanks for yr well wishes and crossing fingers.. but i dont hold much hope leh cos can feel the AF cramp liao..

i will keep my fingers crossed for hopeformiracle and bookworm.. and jenifur u too...

Me also a coffee addict.. at least 2 cups a day.. will try to cut down to 1 cup during fertile period..
I just finished the colomid (50mg each) yesterday. But i found that i have a lot of yellowish discharge.

May I know anyone has same symptom as me? I don't know whether is it caused by the clomid or it is normal? Can anyone give some advice?
Hi Karen
I took the clomid 50mg this month too.. but i dont see any yellowish discharge..

Maybe U can tell yr gynae when U go back for yr vaginal scan on yr CD 08 day... hope this help
<font color="0000ff">cafe</font>
Clomid is used to induce ovulation, to correct irregular ovulation, to help increase egg production and to correct luteal phase deficiency.
More info. on clomid can be found in this link.-> Clomid Info
Hi Karen,
Me too have a lot of yellowish discharge mid-cycle when I took the clomid this month. I just ignore it.

Hi gals,
just got to know that a colleague of mine who has been trying to concieve for more than a year is pregnant. On one hand is very happy for her, but on the other quite sad that why I still can't concieve yet?? Haiz.... so sian.... somemore can feel the AF symptons already, so no hope for this cycle again.
dun despair...
cheer up...sometimes when we are still not pregnant we can think this way that our'yuan fen'with our babies is still not here yet...hence do wait for a while...

Don't add unnecessary stress okok?!
Thanks oreo. How r u? Hope u r enjoying your pregnancy.... cheers

Hopeful, can understand ur feeling... i aso experience tat 2 mths ago wen i heard 2 colleagues of mine preggie &amp; announcing to every1 in the office.... stress juz come like tat....
Hi Karen,
I too was on clomid for 4 cycles but did not have unusual discharge. Cos, me always have lots of yellowish discharge all the time. Like hopeful, I ignored it.
Hi Yasmin
I aso like u, having lots of yellowish discharge (for many years) even though I m nt taking clomid....
Hi emon,

Still no sign of CM and I have stop using OPK. Just let nature take it course for this month.

Think no chance for this cycle as I dun whether O has happen or not???

Hi Jenifur,

That is really hard on you but hope the baby dust brings you good luck.

Yesterday my colleague who is married in June also pregnant liao......so sad for myself.

But luckily I still have support from all of you here.
Hi hopeful
dont feel discouraged, ok? we r all here to encourage each other to jia you.. me too also no chance this cycle.. we shall jia you again..
Thanks gals for your encouragement. Just feel sad and very sian, cos try so many months already, but every month, AF still visit without fail... really feel like giving up already. Have that kind of feeling that I'm not so lucky, won't have the chance to feel the joy of seeing the positive sign...
Hi cafe,
This is my 10th cycle trying already. Have done blood test with gynae, and I did ovulate. But I still got a prescription for Clomid and has started it this cycle. My hubby has went for SA test too and his quality is very bad. Sometimes I wonder if the problem lies with him and not me. But I don't know what I should do to let his quality improve.

Hi hopeful

Don't worry, you are not alone. Most of us here face the same problem. Maybe you can ask your hubby to take vits everyday, eat tomatoes, wear boxer and take cold shower.
