A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi meijia

Extracted from website on varicocele~
Varicocele is a mass of enlarged veins that develops in the spermatic cord, which leads from the testicles up through a passageway in the lower abdominal wall to the circulatory system. If the valves that regulate bloodflow from these veins become defective, blood does not circulate out of the testicles efficiently, which causes swelling in the veins above and behind the testicles.

Because of the impaired circulation of blood created by a varicocele, the blood does not cool as it does normally. The increased temperature of the blood raises the temperature of the testes, which is believed to contribute to infertility, as heat can damage or destroy sperm. The increased temperature may also impede production of new, healthy sperm.


T put in simply is, if have varicocele, the veins are enlarged & caused the temperature at the testicle to be higher than normal. One of the factors affecting good quality sperms is to having 'over-heated' testicles lor..

To correct this, the doc explained that the enlarged veins need to be cut off & tied back.Just imagine a 'kiu-kiu' string need to be strengthen in a limited space...can visualise??

My hubby went for SA (Sperms Analysis) test & his result came back not good. The quality is only abt 5%. So, my gynae recommend us to see a urologist for further check up.

Hi classy
Do you feel any abdomen pain?
I would suggest you find out earlier the better. The most is you are not pregnant bt I m worried if you are pregnant but having the spotting ler..

Dear Mrs Tan
Actually, is not an option between medication or surgery. Doc said varicocele cannot be corrected via medication. Only way is thru surgery. Having the medication is to boost his sperm count based on the logic that the more the merrier..hahaaa...

Actually, the checks were done by the male doc but when he went for the scanning, it was done by two female sonographers!!

good afternoon ladies

i dun hope much for this cycle cos we only BD once..even though we r suppose to it 3 times.. just leave it to God..

i wish U and hopeformiracle will strike this time..
Hi lbs,

Thanks for the information. So your HB went for SA and find out he has Varicocele?

I am quite worried whether me and HB is ok but he doesn't want to go. He say there is no need as we are young. And he want to wait till next year.

However I notice quite a number of gals here did went for gynae check up which makes me anxious and want to find out if I am ok.

Do you think if it is ok if I go myself and hubby next time??

But I quite shy to let gynae check on me
Hi Bookworm & Sandy

This month isn't going to work for me too. I haven't ovulated till date, though we still try to BD. Bookworm let us know if there's any good news!! Jia You

Let jia you for next month
Hi Meijie

During first visit, it is preferable that you and HB go see Gynae together. Usually Gynae will do a quick analysis by talking and asking questions to you and HB. After that he will probably want you to do bloodtest and HB to do SA.
Hi TTC-Ladies,

i'm a newbie here...

Quite curious to know WHEN do u know u're ready to have a baby n how to u count ur fertile period?
I see quite alot of cycles here, kinda of confusing me......

And also how do we prepare our body for pregnancy, eg, heard pple say have to take alot of folic acid tablets..
Any specific food to avoid?

Do we have to go for pre-pregnancy check ups b4 gettin started?

Thanks for advice!

Jia You to all of u~~~~~
Hi hopeformiracle,

Think have to wait till next year liao if have to go together. Cause we are going to set up a prayer hall in our house next June and HB hope to settle that before we seek gyane's advice.

I too have not ovulate and I have stop using OPK as I think keep on using also no use, seems like I also never ovulate. And dun know how many more kit I am going to waste.

Plus no sign of CF also. Haiz!!! Wat is happening???

Think only Jia you next month.

Same to you too

Hi Baby Star,

Fertile period depends on your CD. If your CD is 28 days then most probably your fertile period starts from CD14. CD1 is the day your AF come.

I did not went for any pre-pregnancy check up. Just try naturally.

If you want, maybe can start to take folic acid everyday. I am taking Royal jelly, folic acid, Vit E and multi-vitamin every morning.

HB taking mutli-vitamin, royal jelly and zinc tablet.

I feel as if we sick or wat, have to pop so many pills every day.
hi lbs,
i dun have any abdominal pain leh....but i have a strong feeling my af coming lor cos having spotting is usual in my monthly cycle. anyway, will wait and see if by tomoro af still not here then will do a check cos my spotting ranges from 1 to 3 days before af really comes!!! me "kan kai le"...if really come then nvm lor, jia u again lah!!! maybe god think it's still not the time for me to have my bb no. 2!!!!
anyway, thank u so much for your concern....really appreciate it
Hi meijia

You are welcome~

Actually, the SA will only reveal the sperms quantity & quality.

If the quality is bad, hubby may be referred to do further checks..like my hubby. Varicocele can only be confirmed after the ultrascan is done. Poor quality can be due to many reasons & varicocele is one of them.

Actually, hubby doesnt need to rush into having the ultrascan first because first time SA results is not conclusive enough. Second test can be done in another 2 months time (i think) to see if results still showing the same...then only to decide if going for more detail check. For us, I told my husband that I rather know earlier than later shld there be any problem, thus we decided to go ahead after getting a poor SA the first time lor.

Actually, the SA test is just to gather sample of the sperms from the guy & they will send to lab to do the analysis.

Well, you can fixed an apptmt with gynae first for your own checkup..usually will be doing the ultrasound on the worm as a first step. I was advised to go for such check ups abt 10 days after my last day of menses. I went for mine (doing papsmear too) on my CD20 & at that point, gynae can see my eggs already..hahaa.. at that point, she can conclude if I have ovulated 'properly' : eggs of normal size, the uterus lining etc...

For SA, I think most hospital provide such service...some hubby can collect sample at home & bring down to the hospital within a time limit (this is done usually in the morning) or some collect at the hospital..

My husband collected his at home & passed the sample to my gynae. She then arranged to send to lab for testing.

Of course, if both couple are young & have only tried for few cycles, gynae may say dont be gancheong & tried few more cycles..For me, I must have looked really gancheong until gynae suggested why not hubby do a SA lor.
hi classy
U r welcome..

Really hope you join the club this cycle...even if not, like what you said, JIA YOU next cycle!


thanks for ur posting...just hope my gynae wont say still early and ask me to try fewmore cycles...i will just die lor...every month just face disappointments after disappointments and wasting time only.
Hi lbs,

Thanks for your advice. Probably I will go have a checkup myself since he dun want to at the moment.

At least make sure I am ok, ovulating properly then try few more cycle.

If really cannot, then will persuade my HB to go see together.
Hi Mrs Tan

my gynae even say we are both very young, hubby 32, me 28 so no need to rush...but I am forever the gancheong type..

If really have problem, I rather know it earlier..
tell you something funny...now my hubby even joke that I conceive soon after we confirmed his condition because he is always at his 5th gear...die die must uphold his male ego..hahaaaa
maybe, this is a form to boost the soldiers to really charge at their ultimate speed!
hi lbs,

hahaha is it? ur hubby so humorous..
actually very young meh? i think its normal leh...if young, its abt 24, 25 like that. we are both the same age then, 28. So is my hubby.
I am like u too, if got problems, i'd rather know abt it and rectify it immediately so i dont have to waste more time in the process of ttc.
nice to see u here since I have 'known'u through following the thread!

yup me also those 'gan cheong'type...I have failed in two cycles hence meeting the male gynae next sat to do a blood test first...I really hope I am ovulating well...this week will try BD alternate days...but sometimes see my hubby so tired I feel bad....
but for the sake of our baby..all is worthwhile...
Hi Mrs Tan

yea lor, I told my gynae where got young..if wait another year, i will be 29 liao..if only by then find out got problem, too late liao..but yet she said I very gancheong lor..
Hi lbs,

I m also the gan cheng type that is why HB dun want to go cause he say we still young. Sometimes he ask me " Do you really think we can't have bb".

In my heart of course I think I should not be so unfortunate. But I need to be ensure so I rather seek advice earlier.

I dun dare to ask my friend as they will say I am too gan cheong and it is unnecessary.

Think will go check after next AF (hopefully won't come) as I can't make it this cycle liao.
Hi Mrs Tan,

I m actually a very timid person espeically when it comes to medical procedures. But the desire of having a child especially after the demise of my FIL, my hubby has yearned to have a child. So die die also muz forced myself to go thru all these interventions. In fact, 2+ yrs of TTC wif 1 miscarriage during sep last yr, is really like a roller coaster journey. Have cried umpteen times. But I believe, wif peserverence u will get preggy!

The procedure is not scary really. Maybe cos the nurse also very nice and it alleviates my fear. Really not much discomfort...there will be a little brown discharge after the procedure. My main problem for not able to conceive are: hubby high no of abnormal sperm, severly inverted womb and anovulation. Do let me know if u need any enquries, will be most glad to help!
hi choo
Oh, you are going for bloodtest ar? I didnt that time cos 'heng-heng' can see the eggs developing normally during my scan lor.

hi meijia
my hubby too..he is always the cool one...but seeing that I so 'desperate' liao, he has no choice but to give in..hehee

apart from lbs, u are my other source of huge encouragement i must say.

yes it must have been utterly traumatising for u to go thru so much hardship and pain to finally get pregnant. I must be strong too and if die die have to go thru it, then just do it lor. anyway, child birth will probably be 10 times worse than the scan hor?? hee hee...
thanks so much for ur advice and all....will certainly consult u whenever i have any problems...thanks girl.
hi joice, lbs and all others....
my af finally came after such a long wait!!!!

thanks for all the daily updating...u've all along done a good job!!! can u kindly remove my name from the ttc list.....cos wanna have a break!!!
Hi Mrs Tan,

Will pray dat u as well as other TTCians will strike very very very soon. U r right, muz be strong and positive...though at times it is not easy. U may pm me too if u want to know more about my experience!
Meijia, the kit can use a thousand times, if no damages. To tell u something, i've got colleagues sharing the kit (very gross, right?). They bought it at a very steep price, though they both got pregnant. My friend asked me to get for her, she also decided to pass it to her sis-in-law after she strike.

I, too haven't go for my checkup. My last pap smear is 3 years ago. Too lazy to make appt. I think it's time for me to buck up already.
Morning ladies,

Its been a while since I chat with all of you here. Been busy with my work and no time to log in this thread.

Seems like there are lots of newcomers here... welcome, welcome.

Joice - Thanks for your faithful updating on our TTC list, can you please remove my name from the list, I am very stress with work as well as ttc now. I need a break now...

Thanks a lot ya...
morning every1,
i am newcomer, jus started to use this site yesterday..also wan to know more abt ttc from all of experience ladies here....:p
Hi meijia, emon n the rest, it's should be less than $50 after conversion n tax. Recently the USdollar drop a little. U must confirm u wan before i buy, or else i'll be struck wif a lot of the kits.

Welcome the newcomer also...

Today is my 4th Rom anniversary. But we still can't decided where to have dinner. Any gd suggestions???
Hi Nik

My 4th Rom anni is coming soon too - 1 Nov. You can go to Esplande or Fullertone Hotel for dinner...after dinner you can go for a walk along the river near the Esplande (where the Merlion is).
HI sandy ,hopeformiracle and the rest..morning,
keeping my finger cross....but think maybe no much chance as well..feeling PMS liao..oh man.
u mean u did an ultra scan hence u know your eggs functioning well?

yup doing the blood test...maybe the gynae would think i am very gan cheong but if I can know what is my problem earlier i dun see why I can't take the blood test rite?at least if I know I am still ovulating normally then I would feel at ease...but wonder would a lot of blood be needed???

you still celebrate ROM ah?tot would be more on AD anniversary instead?

How abt Mortan of Chicago if both of you like steaks?They serve wonderful steaks!!!
Hi nik,

Pls buy it for me. Since it can be re-usable so many time, then it is worth the value.

My cycle too unpredictable so I dun think i want to waste $$ buying many OPK kits.

Congrats on your 4th anniversary!!

I also celebrate based on ROM date.

When ppl ask me how many yrs am i married, I dun know whether to count from ROM or customary. So normally i start from ROM date...

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 27 Oct 04
Karen .......... CD 06
joice .......... CD 06
tidyfairy ...... CD 09
garfield ....... CD 09
kelly .......... CD 10
yasmin ......... CD 11
sneaky ......... CD 11
sugarbun ....... CD 12
caf ........... CD 12
choo ........... CD 13
mayng .......... CD 14
pooh ........... CD 14
gebbera ........ CD 16
miso ........... CD 17
tuffy .......... CD 18
mrstan ......... CD 19
jenifur ........ CD 20
snowball ....... CD 20
emon ........... CD 21
meijia ......... CD 21
nik ............ CD 22
hopeful ........ CD 26
hopeformiracle . CD 27
bookworm ....... CD 27
sandy .......... CD 27
yippy .......... CD 32
happy88 ........ CD 44
JL ............. CD 52
rikku .......... CD 66
Jling .......... CD 76
dawn ........... CD 84
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
morning ladies!

Have alrdy removed ur name from the list. DO let me kw if u wan me to add u in the list again...
