A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ok ok... think i need pple to push me then i will move.. I promise u gals tat i will make an appt with her by tmr.

Mrs tan,
I think tats a good idea.. But think it will be too stressful for those trying for quite a long time..

ya, Im taking folic acid too (although sometimes I may forget)... Its a must for those TTC...

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
To make your bum easier, here's the tel.: 64411600
heehee... no excuse already.

<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
I ever thought abt. it..but think it could be quite stressful leh.. I try 6 cycles already.. if everybody one by one drop down to the graduates list.. i think i'll definitely feel very pressured.
may i know why is joice, oreo &amp; mrs tan gg for gyne check up during cd14??

and all of u hving the same gyne?

it is a normal checkup b4 pregnant or wat?
Heeheehee, I have made appt with Dr Heng liao. Will be on 19/7... Fast right? Mus really thank both of u for pushing me
If not, dunno when my lazy bum will start to move..
hi Yippy,

no leh, I am not going for gynae checkup on my CD 14 what... And I am not going to same gynae as them also. The reason why i going to see gynae is cos I have infection and also might as well at the same time speak to gynae abt my ttc plans. But hey Yippy, its good to go for a checkup before u intend to get pregnant, u know? at least u know u are all healthy.

Hi Joice &amp; Oreo,

stressful ah? hmm....ya lor i thot so also. then never mind lor, forget the idea.
hi joice,

dun loss heart okie keep trying okie. go for check up then wait for the goods news okie. so far those haev go for check up have bingo alry.
so next on the list will be oreo.. then more and more...

bady dust to u.. hope u catch the boat this time round.

mrs tan,
good to know tat u haev BD yest. baby dust to u.

how are u recently? never heard from you for sometime.
<font color="0000ff">yippy</font>
Only lbs, joice and myself have the same gynae.
The checkup is for pap smear and the culture test.
If you go around your fertile period, she will do a u/s for you and check the egg and the ovary area.

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
That's fast!! Unlike you leh!! Well, at least you took the 1st step.. so 2 weeks from now, you've got to move your bum again!!

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
How have u been getting on? Tummy getting bigger already?
aiyo.. i don't even dare to think or dream that i'll be the next one.
But hopefully every one here at TTC will benefit from this thread and graduate from here soon!!
Wow it's really very diffcult to follow this thread leh. All of u tok very fast.

MrsTan : Hope your "overtime" pay off. Really must lie for 10mins huh. I after 5 mins will be running for toilet liao cuz scared will drip &amp; dirty e bed.

Oreo : Will prob try for another 3 more mths then consider taking Clomid. Thanks for your advice. Btw rem u said tt when ovaluating, temp will increase at least by 0.3. Will it be a big increase, say from 36.6 to 36.9 or slowly abit day by day?

Oreo/Joice : e Dr Heng, u ladies toking bout is e one operating clinic @ Sun Plaza huh??
hi all,

I just get married last year Nov, and TTC since March. I have some problem here, hope u all can help.
Last Friday (9days after menses) i whn for regular medical check up, than my gyanea ask me am i planning for baby. I told him yes, so he ask me go for scanning on this Wednesday (14days after my menses) again to find out am i ovulated. After scanning my doc told me that i hv ovulated, but couln't find out whn hv i ovulated. I did told him that the last time i hv a BD with my HB is on (11days after Menses). Than he ask me go for blood test on next tuesday which is only 20days after my menses.
From what my understanding, we only can get knw our pregnancy after our menses is due rite?
So, why my gyanea ask me to go for test so early leh??

Hey Joice
What time is your apptmt?
I am going for my 2nd round scan on 19/7 also ler!! Mine slot given was 640pm i think.
hi oreo,

me still haveing ms on and off and tired easily. tink i am the unluckiy with ms. tummy a bit big but not so abvious still wearing my usual clothing. my appetite still not very good.
dun worry u will soon able to join us and we all can start another thread "previous ttc gradute" then we all can chat all under the sun. i really miss all of u &amp; glad knowing everyone here. sometime too busy wif work to come in to chat wif u all. oso a bit pai seh to come in lor scare make u all so stress.
sighz..dunno what hapen that i saw "red" on monday and tuesday only, not wedness and today.. what could possibly be wrong leh.. i think my "mission" on 20 june failed too.
<font color="0000ff">jenifur</font>
It doesn't need to be a big increase. Some of us has got 0.2 rise or even 0.1 only. The main thing is to see a pattern before O and after O. Your temp. after O should be higher than your pre-O. And when AF comes, your temp will drop. If pregnant, it will remain high.

Dr. Heng operates at Eastern Specialist Centre at Bedok Central.
She's attached to Eastshore Hospital.

<font color="0000ff">sharon</font>
Dunno how to help you leh.. but from your description, you must have O between CD11 - CD14. How come must go for blood test?? Usually, if we're DPO14 and above and AF still not here, can test already. Maybe on your next checkup, you check with your gynae? Mind if i ask who's your gynae?

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
No need to paiseh lah.. You're a TTC alumni now. Once in a while, just pop in and sprinkle babydust on all of us!! We will definitely appreciate it a lot!!!

<font color="0000ff">lina</font>
Is your last AF on 20 June?
my appt time 7.40... actually they have slot on nxt sat(17/7) but 11.20am, I cant make it cos have to come bck office for briefing on tat day. hmmmm then dun think can bump into u? Btw, they close at 8pm right?? dunno am I the last one tat day??

kekekeke... sometimes my determination oso quite strong leh...

no need to pai seh to come in lah... share share ur experience with us so nxt time we r more prepare mah...

muy last menses start 5 June and end 12 june (7 days). My "contact" BD is on 20 june (suppose to be my ovulation date?), so i thought if my menses didn't come on 3 july, then i should be "expecting".

But I think I shd hv my BD on 25 june (Ovulation date suppose to be 14 days after my menses finished ya?). Think i calculate wrongly.

last menses started: 5/June
last mensese ended : 12 june (total 7 days)
(Ovluation date is it 14 days after menses ended ?)
Usual Menses Cycle : 28 - 31 days.
Current menese started: 3/July (brownish discharge)
4/July until today just light spotting, no heavy flow..

i only see red on sunday and monday and tuesday but not wednesday and today..anything wrong ?
hi all,
so sori that I didn't managed to log in, cos really very busy with my work. Only managed to rest now, and thread is running so fast....:)
Thanks for all ur wishes and concern...As long as my body is ok, everything is fine for me...So,even if not preg, just hormone disorder, and not something wrong with virginal, me very happy liao.....Suitation still the same....On and off very light browish spotting...Will continue to observe and see how...Really appreciate all your concern...

hi kc,
i think i will learn from u for my next cycle....(if this cycle my body back to normal..) cos, me same like mrs tan leh...will go toilet straight away after BD and won't lie down...But hor, I dun really feel anything when my hushand's solider comes in ....hehe...mayb his not powerful ...no lai..

seems like ur hubby more Kan Cheong than u ....So with both of u same mo qi, same can succeed this cycle....No Pro! So enjoy, and relax....:)

mayb u are having a short cycle this month? As far as i know, if see red, mean menses...BUT is ur red flow heavy or just spotting ?? See a gynae if u worry..
hi wendypooh,
I think i just O-ed. Temp has gone up. I don't dare to harbour too much hope for this cycle...

how are things with you? u in your 2nd trimester yet?
Gd morning beautiful ladies!

its friday liao! yay!! Lst nite, I BD again with hubby, but this time i never go and wash up until abt 2 hrs later. Fell asleep with my butt propped up with pillow, in that elevated position. Bit uncomfy cos his soldiers were like leaking out a bit. But too shack to care liao lah. Only got up abt 230am with full bladder, then washed up lor. hee hee. Strange thing abt my cycle this round is that, I cannot pinpoint when I have ovulated leh. For the last 2 cycles, usually can see drastic rise in temp ard CD13, but this time round, only like by very little only...so dunno leh.
Hi Lina, Ovulation date is ard 14 days fm the 1st day of menses not 14 days after menses ended. So if yr menses is on 05 june, and yr cycle is ard 28-31 days, ur ovulation period shld be ard 20 june. So hope ur BD on 20 june strikes the jackpot.

Wow, mrs tan, 2 nites in a row ( if i am not wrong ) heehee. Hope u will strike too!

Hi Oreo, thanks!
Morning Ladies

paiseh cant come in as often as id like to cos sch term started already, n work is piling up
halo Yippy,

hehe, u remembered ah? ya 2 nites in a row. Such horny buggers we are...keke.hopefully our hard work will see some good results lor.
Gd morning everyone!

Hi mrs tan,
wow 2 nights in a row ah.. Jia u jia u! Keep it up

Hi tuffy,
How r you? Have not seen you here for quite a while..
Hello Ladies,
The thread runs very fast...i didnt come in yesterday afternnon and there are so many posting already.

Mrs Tan, put a lot of tissue paper under your butt and thigh and whatever area u think it will make a mess before the soldiers leak out. Not all the soldiers will come out...VERY SOON we will hear good news!

Stupid, dont worry too much.. you may have good news.
hi Joice &amp; KC,

hee hee, thanks. But wont pin too much hope on it lah, in case i get disappointed once again. Cos some more this time, dont even know if I ovulated or not, cant see any rise in temp yet. Of cos, hope for the best lah.
hi mrs tan, if nt u can try those ovulation kits wat! i hv bought some but haven't start to use yet
Anyway, hope u do not need them anymore...waiting for yr good news!
hi Yippy,

i always feel very happy when i type ur name (cos like yippee!) hahaha...
I got! i bought ovulation test strips from preggie bliss, only tried few days ago, but not sure how to interpret the lines shown. so faint. then lazy also lah, cos cannot drink and must hold pee for 3 hrs.
Thanks for ur well wishes...but i think quite hard for me to conceive. I just have this feeling that I will take some time lor.
<font color="0000ff">Hey Gals!!</font>
It's <font color="ff0000"><blink>TGIF!!!</blink></font>

<font color="0000ff">lina</font>
Your cycle seems ok to me leh.. This cycle my AF also very short, 2.5 days only and 1 day spotting.
Are you still spotting today??

<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
You're very 'hiong'! Hope you hit jackpot this round!
I also use the OPKs from preggie bliss. If your kit shows 2 lines of equal colour, means positive, and you'll be ovulating in 8-36 hours time lor!

I also share the same sentiments as you... always have this mentality that it will take a very long time for me to conceive... hahaha... that's why my hubby always call me Dr. Doom.
Hi all, am new here..

Can i ask something?? I am trying for 2nd one, ttc for few mths liao..still nothing..getting v. sad. I hv been feeling bloated for the past week..and i can still eat a lot leh..despite the bloated feeling! hahaha...

I saw the earlier post by Straw (i think) on the CM change when u found out u r preggie..anyone can advise this? TIA
hi Oreo,

of cos lah! i hiong hiong one ah! dont pray pray! Sigh, i also hope to hit jackpot lor. Is it...u also feel same as me ah? well. we are on the same boat then. feels good to have company.
aiyoh ur hubby so mean, call u Dr Doom. haha...so how, ur fertile period is this coming few days rite? intend to try anything new this time round?
hi Melody,

welcome! wah trying for 2nd one ah? u must be very experienced since already got 1st child. How old is ur 1st one, if u dont mind me asking? If not wrong, if preggie, u will have heavier discharge, yellow/whitish in colour. er...but then, since u already went thru pregnancy before, then u shld roughly know the changes in CM rite?
Hi Oreo,
Thanks for all your encourangement.
What's preggie bliss? Is it a brand name or shop?
Any other recommended brand of OPK?

haha ... "Dr Doom" is rather extreme. But I feel like one too. After BD the last cycle, I was in a taiwanese hotel for work assignment and I soaked in a hot jaccuzzi every night. My hubby also called me something like an "egg killer" for "cooking the egg &amp; his soldiers".

mrs tan, somehow i kpo abit and get to know that u r still young wat, some more juz married on dec 03!! just relax lah! Fang Qing Song

oreo, same thing for u as well

lets just relax and "enjoy"!! u know wat i mean....Hee hee!
Hi ladies
How's everyone today? TGIF!!

wow Mrs Tan
U very hiong ler..hahahaa...

Hi Oreo
Ready for battle?? hehee
hi Yippy,

i also kpo a bit but too bad, u never put ur age in ur profile, so dont know how old u are. Mana eh young?? married 7 mths ago liao leh...time just zoom by so quickly, gosh. i know, i will relax but then i dont wanna put off childbearing u see...cos the older u get, the tougher the pregnancy and delivery. So i wanna hurry and get it over and done with lor. start young is always good mah.

hi lbs,

so how are u now girl? how are u feeling lately? got appetite? eh btw, got any changes to ur skin or not? like pimple outbreak etc...cos i always hear pregnancy causes hormonal changes.
mrs tan,
dun worry... we will hit jackpot one day.. so continue ur 'hiong hiong' BD during tis fertile period ok?

ya, have u prepare for ur battle?? mus be like mrs tan, prepare CDs, candles etc... enjoy ur BD tis weekend ya... hope u and mrs tan can give us gd news soon...
hi Joice,

thank you dear...for ur well wishes. Still got a looooong wait for me lah, now only CD 14 mah.
I am turning 28 soon...in 8 Aug! lao liao lah...lao liao. *shake head hopelessly*

Ya Oreo,

u must like me, not shy one, just hiong hiong and rape hubby. if got the strength and down there not sore, then one night do twice!! hahaha....kidding lah.
Hi Mrs Tan
This morning my MS was pretty bad...feeling nausea &amp; dizzy...now, okay already but feeling very sleepy.

appetite so-so..yesterday night was okay but today not good...didnt finish my noodles for lunch..

I do notice 3 po-pops came out in my face..but sometimes I get it too during AF/before AF/when i am heaty..so not sure if this is due to pregnancy..
hi mrs tan

wow u got dancer leh can BD twice in a roll. well done mean there mroe chance tat can hit the boat. baby dust to u.

hi oreo
u must like mrs tan go an drape your hubby haha
I haven't start preparing for the battle yet leh..
hubby is sick, got 2 day MC.. hopefully he can recover by Sunday.

<font color="0000ff">tidyfairy</font>
Preggis Bliss is the name of a website (http://www.geocities.com/preggiebliss/index.htm) where we get our HPT and our OPKs.
it's cheaper than buying from the pharmacies here.
You might want to check it out.
hi Ibs,
Think ur MS is starting liao... Do take care of yourself ok? There's tis old wives tale which i found it quite accurate.. They said when u are having a boy, u will have a lot of outbreaks on ur face n nose will become big big but if its a gal, ur skin will become more radiant n look prettier.. so do let us kw whether tis is true or not?

Hi mrs tan,
28 where got old.. still young lah.. Im 25 tis yr but my hubby is 10 yrs my senior leh.. so tats why i keep wanting to have a baby soon cos dun wan baby's age gap to be too far from my hubby... somemore we alrdy married for almost 2 yrs liao.. enough of 'er ren shi jie' liao..wow ur birthday coming soon hor.. hope ur tis yr birthday gift is becoming pregnant...
Yeah, let me start the ball rolling, i am 28 this yr so mrst tan and i are of the same age! Dragon ladies!!!

wat abt others? dun be shy lah ! Anyway, we hv already shared our romantic experiences, wat is there to hide on ages.
I went to see my Dr Ang yesterday &amp; when I told him tt I've been trying to TCC for 2 mths but no result. He immediately offered to put me on clomid. Told him tt my menses is round e corner so will come back to him after menses finish. My fren said Dr Ang is supposed to do some test to determine if I'm ovaluting b4 starting me on clomid. Izzit True?? Ladies on Clomid, can advise.

Mrs Tan: U really very on leh. 2 nights in a row. *Jia You* Hope to hear gd news from u soon.

Oreo: Thanks for the clarification on temperature increase. Good Luck this Sunday.

Well it's weekend so best of luck to all of you!!
hi all ladies...
wow...this thread is really running fast.....have not been in here for 2 days only....luckily manage to read thru all the posting.
dun be disheartened yo...we are here together giving each other support.....so let's JIA YOU and hear good news from one another soon.....
Mrs Tan,
oh oh...u really cheong all the way huh......somemore 2 nites leh.....very hiong hor..hahahaha
hope u're feeling much better now....and pray hard hard for u MS quickly finish lor....
your turn to "cheong cheong cheong" all the way tis weekend ya......
hope everything is well for you too.....thanks for all the baby dust.....
hope the spotting will bring u a big surprise....a bb inside u!!! Take care ya...dun worry too much!!
yippy &amp; melody,
hi welcome to this thread!! me too trying for my 2nd one......let's jia you together
Hi Yippy
I am also a dragon gal!!

Wow joice
You married very young ler..
Huhh? Nose big-big &amp; outbreaks if boy? wow..Tha's scary..

Actually my MS started early this week...but subsided yesterday &amp; I got quite worried &amp; start praying for more MS..Then this morning, I really got more..hahahaha
hi all ladies...
wow...this thread is really running fast.....have not been in here for 2 days only....luckily manage to read thru all the posting.
dun be disheartened yo...we are here together giving each other support.....so let's JIA YOU and hear good news from one another soon.....
Mrs Tan,
oh oh...u really cheong all the way huh......somemore 2 nites leh.....very hiong hor..hahahaha
hope u're feeling much better now....and pray hard hard for u MS quickly finish lor....
your turn to "cheong cheong cheong" all the way tis weekend ya......
hope everything is well for you too.....thanks for all the baby dust.....
hope the spotting will bring u a big surprise....a bb inside u!!! Take care ya...dun worry too much!!
yippy &amp; melody,
hi welcome to this thread!! me too trying for my 2nd one......let's jia you together

Hi Ibs,
think ur baby very 'guai' ah... listen to mummy's words by giving u MS after u prayed for it ya.....
ya lor, Im the first to get married among all my frenz.. at first they thot i 'feng zi cheng hun'
i'm with my HB since 19yrs old..
