A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Mrs Tan
rem not to let that 'lil inconvience' affect u cos u got big plans ahead one *wink*

Hi Gebbera n tranceaddict
i only took folic after i found out i was preg. as i haven seen a gynae yet, so i juz popped into Guardian n bought their house brand of folic acid. Costs 4.25 for a months supply. think its 5mg per tablet.


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 07 Jul 04
classy ......... CD 05
dawn ........... CD 06
oreo ........... CD 06
tidyfairy ...... CD 08
mrstan ......... CD 12
tuffy .......... CD 19
stupid ......... CD 26
funny .......... CD 27
ENJ ............ CD 29
ribena ......... CD 30
jamci .......... CD 30
joice .......... CD 31
KC ............. CD 32
wennia ......... CD 44
maya ........... CD 45
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
lilac .......... 28/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
seiko .......... 07/03/05
lbs ............ 14/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
hi Seiko,

u can read my thoughts is it? actually, I am rather affected by this stupid infection thingy, cos makes me uncomfy lah. Not much mood to BD also...but then I also know I only have this short few days period so must make the most of it.
stupid infection, stupid infection....grrrrrr.
<font color="0000ff">tranceaddict, gebbera</font>
You can get any brand of folic acid from any pharmacies. However, the cheapest one you can find is at unity pharmacy (NTUC). The recommended intake is abt. 400-500mcg.
If you're planning to have a kid, it's best to consume it a few months before you start TTCing.
Hi Seiko,
yup... i oso saw the Guardian brand on the shelves. but did not buy cos hubby is afraid there might be some side effect on me if taken for too long. Thus, he wants me to check with the experts here first before consuming them.

Hi mrstan,
dun let your "infection" ruin the mood. must make full use to BD since it's your most fertile period now. Dont miss this chance. Go Go Go! Go seduce your hubby tonite! kekeke....
Hi Oreo,
But if i'm only planning to conceive at end of this year, can i start taking the folic acid now?
I'm thinking to "bu" myself first since i'm quite weak in health. Also, i'm afraid that my weak health will cause some "obstruction" for me to be pregnant. am so worry.....
Hi Oreo,
I tested postive yesterday! I thought this cycle no chance as I only BD thrice during ovaluation period. I did not do any charting or temperature taking but only through CM observation. And many thanks to you and Mrs Tan for the valuable tips posted on the CM thing sometime back.
I will see a gynae tomorrow to confirm the status.
In the meantime, BABY DUST>>>>BABY DUST>>>>>BABY DUST>>>>TO ALL TTC.
hi lbs, seiko, and blanche,
thanks for the info and concern....Have make an apptmnt with the gynae, and will pay him a visit tonite...Actually, I m quite worried, cos afraid something might happen to me womb. Today is my 5th day of spotting....slight browish spotting...Sometimes have, sometimes clear....Waste my pad, cos afraid will come, so always put those maxi type...sigh...then somehow, whole day onli one line of very light brown, sometimes a few drop...(sori for sounding so disguisting...:)

Tonite, after gynae, will tell u guys what happen...Hope it is not something serious...Frankly speaking..Very worry deep in my heart....

hi blanche..
thnxs for sharing your experience, but I dun think it is implanation spotting, cos this month not active...Will this spotting drag that long???me very pluzzed....

mrs tan,
dun worry abt the infection lah...will heal in no time...Also , when u use the word "stupid infection" hor, feel like u scold me leh...(hehe...:) )
Just take good care of self, and when body is in healthy condidtion, then the chances of conceive higher mah...
hi KC,
seems like we are having more and more good news this month from this thread......So must take care of ur body now, cos 2 in 1 leh....
<font color="0000ff">gebbera</font>
i started taking folic since last Nov.. so more than 6 months already.. definitely safe to take. It's like a super vitamin lor.
Even when i went for my 1st gynae check, she also prescribed me with folic.

<font color="0000ff">KC</font>
<font color="ff0000"><blink>CONGRATS!!!</blink></font>
Wow! This month a lot of babies yah!!!
Hi KC,
COngrats! another gd news again... wow many graduates tis mth..
In e meantime, do take care of yourself.
okie. will be buying folic acid tablets later after work. cant wait to prepare myself to get pregnant. keke...

CONGRATULATIONS! you must be feeling very excited and happy now. wish i can experience this kind of feeling too.... haiz... but still gotta wait for a few months before hubby and i are ready for a baby.
must take extra care of yourself during this period of time ok. wish you a happy mummy-to-be.
Hi Stupid,
Dont worry too much, your implantation spotting may be a sign of BB coming your way. Check out with your gynae tonite and let us know the outcome. Who knows you will give us good news?

Thank you ALL for your well wishes.
Hi stupid,

dun worry too much.... who knows, maybe you'll have good news for us after your visit tonight.
ohhh.. the thinking of another graduate-to-be really keeps my day bright! Good luck to you!
Hi stupid,
Dun worry too much. Hope everything goes well tonight.. Do update as after ur consultation.. Keeping my finger cross for u!
hi Gebbera,

thanks..i sure will go rape hubby tonite *nyak nyak nyak* btw, u are like me, i am also worried that my health is weak, so have a feeling that will affect chances of conception. Guess we just have to bu our health lor.

hi KC,

wow!! congrats to you! Really happy for you! You are so welcome, think nothing of it, just sharing info thats all. Am glad that it worked for u. Wah so BD just 3 times u hit jackpot ah? so heng man! on which days of ur cycle did u BD?

hi Stupid,

hehe u so funny...no lah, not scolding u but sure sounds like it hor? hahaha. thanks for consoling me...i feel better already.
hi "stupid",
Relax...everything is going to be fine!!!! Sometimes i oso encounter brown spotting and it ever last me a week before i see AF leh....but for yours, maybe it's implantation...keeping my finger cross for u and hope to hear another great pc of news here......Take care ya

Hi mrs tan,
"cheong" "cheong" "cheong" dun miss the chance hor....get ready for the battle but not forgetting must relax relax relax huh!!!

Hi kckc,
A big CONGRATS to u....
So many babies this month.....that's really wonderful...hope to hear more...

Hi lbs,
woooo...congrats congrats huh...feeling so excited for you...can't wait to hear from u it's confirm twins inside u....hooooooo really waiting to hear from you soon.......heeee feeling too happy for you....

all other ttc-ians,
dun lose heart...let's all JIA YOU JIA YOU....soon it will be our turn leh......yeah
Mrs Tan,
U are so funny....raping yr hubby again.
I BD during CD12, 14 and 17 the cycle. So the infor on alternate days BD from CD 10-18 should be quite accurate. I learnt about this from this thread too.

So all those who are interested or planning to TTC, its good to join in this thread as there are many experts to teach, share, console, encourage you.
Thanks Seiko and Oreo for your advise.I almost bought the 800mcg one, kiasu mah, lucky never.Will go get the 400mcg ones.Thanks again.
hi kc

congrats to u. wow this mth really lot of bb news think next feb and mar lot of bb. more will be coming up soon.. bb dust to all on the list.

mrs tan,
jia you, and soon u will be on the list.
as for teh infection not to worry, after eaing mediicne and will be ok. maybe u can try washing your lingeries by adding some hot water, nowaday i mix some hot washing while hand wash my lingeries.

keep us update on your check up okie.
take care. u must be the lucky one wifout ms dun worry
Hi Classy,

ya man, i will Cheong to the END...braharhar....*evil laughter* Will get all my "gear" ready also, all those whips and leather buckles...kinky eh? hahaha.

Hi KC,

I see...well today is my CD 12 leh! so tonite will BD lor...already seeing that my discharge is heavy and egg-white. but dunno if its due to infection or ovulation...

hi Wendypooh,

I want to be on the list!!! dying to in fact!
Cant wait for the day when i can announce to u all that I tested positive and post my PTK also....sigh...dream dream....
thanks for your concern...appreciate
<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
wo ho!!... didn't know you are so violent in

You're already on the list, just need to push you down to the graduates part!!
Mrs tan,
hahaha! so u need candles or not.. *ouch* Rememeber the key word is 'Relax'.. so enjoy ur kinky BD tonight ok?
hi Oreo,

aiyoh u 1st day know me meh?? dont pray pray with me ah...a desperate woman is a violent woman. (derived from the phrase, A hungry man is an angry man) hahaha... Note: Desperate becos want to have baby
eh btw, how did u girls get those cute icons ah? teach me leh...

Hi Joice,

candles? for what? to create romantic ambience is it? hehehe..I have liao loh...all fully equipped. Go to battle must prepare all the necessary equipments in advance mahh.....
ok ok...hopefully tonite wont be too shack to enjoy it. Cos I early sleeper lah, once around 10+ I will feel sleepy and tired liao. kua kua...
CONGRATS &amp; welcome to the graduates list!

Mrs Tan
Dun be affected by the infection, k? Emm...maybe this time, try using the 'doggy style' (if you havent do so before) . It seems to work for me &amp; few other graduates ler...

Hi Stupid
Dun worry too much..hope everything goes on well with your visit tonite...maybe got good news??

hi lbs,

thanks girl. got leh...usually we do doggie style one lor. btw just wanna know, after hubby comes, is he supposed to withdraw immediately? when finish "business", then we just have to lie back, prop buttock up high with pillow for abt 10 mins , then go wash up rite? Just wanna ensure i am doing it corectly.
hi mrs tan,
For my hubby, normally he comes inside me.. then i will jus lay there. Sometimes will sleep immediately, if Im not tired then i will get up n wash up..
hi mrs tan,

u r welcome, we would encourage &amp; motivate each other here. hope tonight will be a successful mission hee... as long u dun give up u will be on the gradute list.
dun let the ms affct u, tink on the bright side maybe it a good sign cos some of us start wif infection the bingo. so far me, lbs and lilac all have infection not long ago
Hi everyone,
I would like to join in the list of TTC oso !
i already hv a girl, now 20 mths and hope to get to boy this time.
Any special advise for me?
thanks in advance
hi Joice,

alamak! *smack forehead piak*
u think i so bian tai mehh...., if i drip candle wax on hubby's precious rou4 bang4, wait kill all his soldiers how? cannot cannot..
<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
ya.. tonite's your nite! You go girl!!

Just now during lunch, got to find out that another colleague's wife is pregnant. She's due in Jan 05.
The other one is due in Nov.
And they all got married later than me!

Sometimes, really wonder, when will be my turn??
i don't know how to describe the feeling... happy for my colleagues, but at the same time feeling like a pressure cooker.. Sigh....

<font color="0000ff">yippy</font>
Welcome!! Wanna join us in our CD Update??
hi wendypooh,

wah so pai seh..now everyone knows wat i'm gonna do tonite. *blush blush* but thanks, hopefully will be able to have a totally relaxed mind and spend some intimate moments with hubby.
hi Oreo,

well...u are not the only one feeling like that. I got few frens who married later than me and now blissfully awaiting to be parents. Its such an envious feeling rite? Btw have u been to ur gynae to discuss this? Any suggestions she/he can give u? Ya..pressure cooker is just the way to describe it. Perfectly understand what u mean. But c'mon, we are all here to support each other, so let's keep working at it ok?
hi mrs tan
dun need pai seh lah. we all here dun need to be pai seh every one is the same lah . hor ladies??
better enjoy now or later bingo then u have no mood alry. ever since i bingo till now 4 mth i only BD once only really pity mu hubby luckily he dun mind.

hi oreo,
dun be so stress remember "relax".. okie very soon will be your turn to annouce to ppl oso. see our bingo rate had increase tremdously here.
I understand ur feelings cos i oso kena tat...
I will feel disappointed upon hearing my friends or relatives getting pregnant. My SIL is giving birth nxt mth. But Im trying not to let all these affect me.. 'ting tian you min' lor..

Mrs tan,
Jus joking lah
. My AF is going to due tmr.. Hope i dun see it for the nxt 9 mths..
hi Wendypooh,

really ah? wah lau BD once in 4 mths, ur hubby is probably very deprived leh...during pregnancy, got no mood to BD one ah? eh but dont lah, hubby poor thing leh. Are u sure he doesnt mind? its gonna be even longer for him after u give birth, cos still must zuo yue and all.
hi Joice,

*clasp hands together tightly and bow head down* Hope Joice's AF will not come, will not come, will not come...pray for a little miracle to be inside of her. Horrible AF shoo shoo! Away you go!
<font color="0000ff">mrstan, wendypooh, joice</font>
Just now, at the newstand, saw wong lilin's pregnant photo on the cover mag. Her pose is similar to Demi Moore, except that she has her clothes on but only her tummy exposed.

Thanks for your comforting words. I was feeling depressed at that point of time after hearing from my colleagues and saw the mag, but i won't give up so easily. Will try and try til i succeed.

<font color="0000ff">joice</font> Pray that AF don't visit you at all!!
hi mrs tan,
our body getting tired and ache easily so no mood to BD. he dun mind at all some time really pity him then i pretend pretend seduce him then he say dun want lor later i tired then maybe will hurt bb. then i happy lor can sleep alry haha...
he say he alry "ren" for 2 yr plus alry so another yr is nothing for him. we rom for 2 year plus b4 customary, during tat period we stay clean haha..
hi oreo,
good to know u getting over it. look on the bright side okie.

even now sometime i oso stress u know. when i knew i pregnant i so happy then news tat my cousin same age as me expecting her no. 2 alry somemore delibery mth same as me and recently heard her bro is getting married in sept and the girl is alry pregnant now. wow my uncle they all is tryign to "shi wei" to my parent alry their kid is fast

baby dust to u
mrs tan... hehe... so u gonna BD tonite... good luck and remember to enjoy rather than stress urself...

hmm... for me oso same as wendy, 4 months... after preg till now only tried once to BD but next day got spotting so scared... till now dun dare to try again... hubby never complain leh... in fact he always say i still dun feel well so dun BD is ok... hehe... think he very ti3 liang4 my suffering...
hi Oreo,

is it? she was featured with her gynae in last week's I-weekly mag. What mag is this that u saw? 8 days ah?

hi Wendypooh,

i see...wah ur hubby is really understanding, must cherish him leh. its very rare for men to be able to control their sex drive one.
hi Jen,

hehe..thanks...will try to put ttc thoughts out of my mind and just enjoy the session thoroughly.
wah if got spotting, ya must take extra care. you also got a great hubby so must treasure him wor...
hi mrs tan

haha ya lor tat why he is my only bf and now hubby. he give in a lot to me lor now even worse ah he so scare of me sometime i face black black he keep quiet dun dare to poke me. sometime i realluy pity him but i cant control my temper
Hi gals,
Thx for the prayers.. really hope AF will shoo far far away..

Hope to catch some of ur baby dust..

btw, did anyone see the show on Wong lilin's pregnancy lifestyle (forgot wat's the title)? I watched e repeat telecast on sun.. not really all on her preganancy. In between they showed other's couple n others things related to pregnancy.
Hi Oreo &amp; others
of coz i would love to join all of u in these forum. my CD as of today is 05 and probably next wk or so i will need to work harder! Hee hee hee!
Lets hope that all of us here will get their dreams come true! Good luck &amp; lets try harder!
hi wendypooh,

tsk tsk aiyoh you ah...must treat hubby better mah. since u know he is good to you. There are ppl out there with hopeless unfaithful hubbies so must learn to appreciate ur hubby. My temper also very bad but somehow, with my hubby, i can control it, cos think i more scared of him altho he seldom loses temper. But if really kena pissed off, I know i have stepped over the line.
Hi Oreo &amp; others
of coz i wld love to share wif all of u here. My CD as of today is 05, probably next wk or so i will need to work hard already, Hee hee hee!
Hope that everyone here will hv their dreams come true! Congrats to those who are just pregnant.
